zz Hiptos: Sands of Fate (on indefinite hiatus) [ EDIT ]

This game has been retired! That means it's no longer being run.
The time of the god-pharoahs is long past, their once-glorious cities no more than crumbling ruins. Sorcerer-kings build strongholds upon the bones of these ancient cities, gathering power, seeking lost knowledge. Raiders roam the sands, eking out a living by preying on the weak. Warlords lay their own territorial claims - there is plenty of desert to go around. Merchant caravans, led by men brave, desperate, foolish, or all three, pass through here from Qing'lai, in the west, bearing tea, opium, and silk, to push on eastward into the barbaric land of Aksum, home of fearsome, ebon-skinned warriors, to trade in ivory, gold, and diamonds.

This is the land of Hiptos, in the heart of the Haunted Desert. Once a great nation, lost to time and the elements. Beneath the sands, fortune and ruin lie in wait for those fated to claim them.


{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
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