Ninja Encounters [ EDIT ]

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Game Introduction

Princess Akiko ran as fast as her legs would carry following her bushi bodyguard through the forest. The heavy rain obscured her already limited vision in the dark night. One moment she had been demonstrating the intricacies of the tea ceremony for her father and future lord; the next her whole world changed. The attackers had suddenly appeared from thin air inside the inner sanctum of their castle through layers of guards. In moments, many men were dispatched. She had survived by luck and the fact that she was not among their first targets. Now, she ran, hoping for life and maybe later revenge.

The player characters are members of a ninja clan (ryu) and will undertake missions assigned to the group. The player characters are expected to use their abilities, cunning and teamwork to accomplish the mission within the specified time and within the specified parameters. Each mission with occur in a series of 3 to 6 encounters without rest, unless the mission parameters permit it. Neither failure nor excuses is acceptable to their superiors. As suggested by the title of the game, the missions will have a cinematic ninja-based theme to them and can run the list of clandestine activites, some of which can be unsavory. So, be warned! A ninja should display no qualms about accepting such missions, regardless of their personal outlook.

Code of the Ninja:
- Never betray your ryu.
- Accomplish the mission; failure is not an option.
- Always put the clan and the mission before yourself.
- If you are captured, escape.
- If you cannot escape, commit seppuku.
- If you can't commit seppuku, resist.
- If you can't rescue a comrade, take his life. It's better for them to die than to fall into the hands of the enemy.
- Serve your chunin (cell leader) and jonin (clan leader) with total, unquestioning obedience.
- Live in shadow; never reveal your true self.
- If it is not necessary to the mission to kill, don't kill.
- If it is necessary to the mission to kill, don't hesitate.
- Never strike a member of the same ryu.
- To leave the ryu is to die; no nukenin (rogue ninja) may be allowed to live.
- Your master's enemies are your enemies.
- Accept missions only from your chunin.
- Never arrange a contract yourself.
- Never question or refuse a mission.
- Always aid a genin (fellow ninja) from your own ryu.
- Honor the Buddhas.
- Strive for peace, harmony and enlightenment in all things.
- Always keep supplies hidden, away from home, in case you must flee.
- Never use the terms "ninja", "shinobi", or "assassin" when speaking in public. Use code words and metaphors when speaking in public so as not to jeopardize yourself, the mission or the clan.
- Always observe others and know your surroundings.
- You are always being observed. Always.

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{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
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Game Rules

Common Courtesy and Posting:

Common courtesy should rule at all times. This applies to how you deal with the DM as well as fellow players in all matters, including the rules. For that last part, I consider myself reasonable and expect the players to abide by a DM's rulings even when (or perhaps especially when) the DM is me.

Players are expected to participate as much as possible. They should try to post an action that moves the story forward in response to each and every DM post. This should be very possible, because we are going to gloss over some of the more "boring" parts of normal D&D (e.g., thief scouts ahead, checks one corridor, checks another corridor, finds a door, listens at door, returns, describes what he hears, checks for traps, unlocks the door, ties a rope to open it, gets into position, opens door, while everyone else is standing around). The intent is to have everyone be involved all of the time. Yes, it is true that some encounters will be less conducive to posting, but my rule is going to be that only players who advance the action gets full credit for XP, others who post descriptively but can't come up with an action gets one-half credit, and those who do nothing (or simply posts very briefly that they do nothing) will receive no credit. We are going to reduce the game to only encounters, so things should be moving fast and there's no room for lurkers and stragglers.

Character Creation:

Characters are expected to be elite ninja squad?in the vein of popular culture. As such, extreme fighting prowess, spellcasting, etc. are all expected to be prevalent. Nonetheless, players are required to take at least one level in the ninja class (from Complete Adventurer). Being one of the recognizably worst standard classes in D&D3.5e, each level of the ninja class gets players special bonuses. As members of the ninja organization, the more levels of the ninja class one has, the higher his/her rank within the organization. Certain roleplaying perks will apply accordingly. In addition, in any group decision being on voting, each PC will get a number of votes equal to their levels in the ninja class. Finally, it will affect the amount of equipment which the characters can expect to have at the beginning of each mission (see below). Finally, as elite ninjas each character is expected to have some ability to sneak around. A minimum of 5 ranks each in hide and move silently is required.

Characters will otherwise build non-gestalt, 5th level characters with standard PC races on with 32-point buy for attributes. Other races from allowed books must be approved a case-by-case basis. Starting equipment is based on 2,500 gp with no more than 3 magical items. (Consumable equipment is replaced at the end of each mission, but the cost of such equipment is 25 times the stated value.) Up to 20,000 gp of additional personal equipment may be purchased at creation at the cost of 1 point (of the 32-point buy total) in attributes per 2,000 gp of value (for example, one can trade 5 points for 10,000 gp of equipment). Also, clan-owned equipment based on one's ninja class level may be borrowed for each mission. This clan-owned equipment should be kept separate from personal equipment, and maybe traded in between missions. Psionics and psionic equipment are not allowed.

Allowed books include only: PHB, PHB2, DMG, DMG2, selected Completes (Adventurer, Arcane, Divine, Scoundrel, Warrior but NOT Champion, NOT Mage and NOT Psionic), selected Races (of Destiny, Stone and Wild, but NOT of Dragon or of campaign setting), very limited use of Unearthed Arcana (subject to approval), Miniatures Handbook, Cityscape (subject to approval), Frostburn, Sandstorm and Stormwrack. No other books or other sources are permitted.

Dice Rolling and House Rules:

First and foremost, this will be D&D 3.5e game?albeit slightly modified for my tastes.

2d10 game: Instead of rolling a d20 to resolve actions, players will be rolling 2d10. Natural rolls of 20 are considered to be success, natural rolls of 2 are considered failures. No adjustments to the critical threat range of weapons will be made, although natural rolls of 20 will no longer require a critical confirmation roll. The intent is to create a game where attack bonuses, AC and skill ranks matter more because luck is less of a factor. Hopefully, this helps to offset the natural advantages of spellcasting just a little bit.

Barbarian rage: Each use of rage lasts number of barbarian class levels plus CON bonus.

CON bonus: Characters may go negative CON before they die, instead of -10.

Fighters bonus: Fighters receive a bonus feat at each level.

Sorceror spells: Sorcerors take the role of specialty wizards. Sorcerors' daily allowance of spells is set at 1 level higher than the standard table. Sorcerors choose one school of magic and knows three spells of that school at level one and two additional spells of that school at each level thereafter. Sorcerors also learn three spells of 0th spell level from other schools of magic at level one and one spell from other schools of magic at each level. Also, sorcerors are allowed to choose spells with metamagic feats applied to them as corresponding higher level spells without having the metamagic feat.

Specialist wizards: None are allowed.


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