Icewind Dale [ EDIT ]

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Frozen winds blow across the flat strip of tundra north of the Spine of the World, coming in from across the Sea of Moving Ice and freezing everything in their paths, including the hearty barbarians and frontiersmen who call Icewind Dale home.

This is a harsh and unforgiving land of fierce tundra yetis, barbarian tribesmen, roaming giants, and ten small towns of tough people from across the Realms who are dedicated to carving a living from the ice and snow. The barbarian tribes follow herds of reindeer, and the people of Ten Towns fish the clear, frigid waters of their half-frozen lakes while the towering peak of Kalvin?s Cairn keeps watch over all.

The folk of Ten Towns are a hard lot, but they have come together in close-knit communities where neighbors depend on each other for their survival. The towns have attracted their share of rogues, but even these one-time criminals tend to either make themselves a part of the community or face a harsh form of frontier justice?if they aren?t smart enough to just head south.

Adventure awaits in the lakeside town of Easthaven for any heroes willing to answer it's call.

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{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
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We're starting at 3rd level! Use either the Standard Array or Point Buy options for your starting ability scores. Anything from official dnd books is allowed.

All the adventurers in this party have agreed to meet in Easthaven, answering the call for aid issued forth by the mayor. Beyond that, your backstories are whatever you decide.


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