King of Fall - Act I - Game Thread

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Jan 19, 2016 5:14 pm
Maggie glanced up from her cleaning as Anry approached, flashing him a smile. "Sure thing darlin'." She said as she gestured about the room. "Anywhere ya fancy." Her modestly pointed ears and not-quite-exactly-elven features roughly in line with his own.

Her expression changed somewhat when she noticed the lad. The smile slipped just a shade, and was it...hardness, in her eyes? "What about him?" She asked the other half-elf flatly. "He with you?"

There was something unsettling to her, about so many people being here this early. Small warning bells were triggering in the back of her mind, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something significant was about to occur.
Last edited January 19, 2016 5:17 pm
Jan 20, 2016 6:43 am
There are some others rousing or coming into the Inn now. Consider this happening while you are playing this out. Respond when you feel like. This isn't to interrupt dialog between players. Also, you guys are welcome to introduce NPC's, within reason and non-helpful obviously, but if I take over, they are then under my control. I will introduce more story elements soon.
The sun has risen up fully above the horizon now and the town of Stowald is starting to come to life. Inside the King's Gold Inn things carry on as they normally would, but a bit busier than normal. The fire is now going good and the smell of cooking food rests in the air. Sunlight is coming through the stained glass windows by the door, giving the stairs down to the common room an interesting shade of colors.

Some townsfolk have come in and made their way to their usual spots, as people have started to come here for breakfast again over the past couple of months thanks to Maggie and her (quickly becoming locally famous) battercakes. They say it wasn't very good before that, when the "grouchy Oswald" was cooking it. Apparently nothing beat Benn's cooking though, and the locals talk of it fondly when the topic is brought up. They discuss it much quieter in the Inn though, knowing Benn's fate.
Another man comes down from one of the rooms. A heavier set man, with full head of hair and a burly beard. He is well dressed with a bright blue shirt covered by a black jacket and a scarf around his neck. Pants matching the jacket, with knee high black boots. As he sits down he jovially calls out to Maggie, "Your beauty steals my heart Maggie. You got any battercakes this morn? I would love a healthy helping of them dear." As the grabs at his round belly. He is quite taken with you Maggie, but harmless. Oswald and Maggie would know his name is Jordie, he is in town from Myr, and works for the Myr Mining Company.
You hear the main entry open, and two figures come slowly down the stairs. One is a fairly lovely young woman, with golden hair in a pony tail, and a simple blue dress on. On her left side is an older man, with his right arm around the young ladies arm, you can see that he is missing his left arm almost at the shoulder. He has sporadic gray hair on his head, going down in long tendrils from his spotty balding head. He wears an eye patch over one eye. The eye patch is old and tattered, but has symbol or crest painted on it. The young woman patiently and lovingly moves him slowly to a table with his back to the fire. "Morning Mag. His usual." she says with a sweet smile when she sees Maggie next. Oswald and Maggie you would know the woman as Adelin, and the old man is Owyne.
Jan 20, 2016 7:12 am
Friar_Tuk says:

"It's a pleasure to meet you. If you'll sit, and enjoy breakfast with me, perhaps you can tell me of The Myr Mining Company. I've heard your folk know much of digging beneath the earth. Uh...
...I'm here looking for work. Perhaps you can introduce me, or point me to the right people?"
Venger sits down gratefully. He is abashed to be asked about the Myr Mining Company, because he has avoided reporting for duty there, alone of all his clan mates.


It weighs strongly on him, and the tension between the duty of honoring his clan's contract with the Myr Mining Company and the duty of avenging his clan has him in knots...probably why the dreams are growing stronger. Still, he smiles at the young elf (...this one's grandfather was yet to be born when I razed the Fields of Amorath...) for his courtesy and tries to formulate a reply.

"I thank you for your kindness. My...clan has worked with the Myr Mining Company for many years, and I may tell you something of the company, have you questions about how it works. But all the people I know are far away; I have no first-hand experience to share of the miners here. I have not...worked the mines since I've come here to Stowald." He touches his bandaged hand, as if making sure it's still there. "May I recommend the battercakes? Maggie does wonders with them." Venger observes the elf with some longing; searching for the words to have a normal conversation about good, wholesome things like mining and rock.
Jan 21, 2016 5:27 pm
Responding to Maggie
"well, er, yeah." Anry shifts uncomfortably. "The battercakes are for him. I've already eaten breakfast." Then after a short pause, "But if they're as good as I hear, I might just have to try one or three myself," he says smiling wide.

After standing in awkward silence for too long a moment, Anry puts his hand on Earidan's shoulder. "C'mon. Let's go grab a table over there," he says pointing to a table right in the middle of the dining room, excited by the ever-growing bustle.
Jan 21, 2016 5:40 pm
spaceseeker19 says:
"May I recommend the battercakes? Maggie does wonders with them."
Galas gives a small smile, "Yes, I've had some. Quite good. I'm not looking for a permanent position, mostly just scribe work or book keeping. A few coins to get me further on my road." Galas shrugs.

"Do you happen to know the way to their local offices?" Seeing the room begin to fill with people, Galas replaces his misshapen hat. He notices another half-elf, this one with a small urchin in tow. He looks at the dwarf again, noticing his uncomfortable expression. Wanting to put the dwarf at his ease, he attempts to make small talk, "What happened to your hand there? A mining accident? A burn? I hope there is a good healer abouts."
Last edited January 21, 2016 5:41 pm
Jan 22, 2016 5:23 pm
"Huh..." She said, a touch of impatience in her tone. Quite unusual for her, to anyone that noticed. She left the other half-elf and child to seat themselves, and busied herself with getting the new arrivals their breakfasts, then went back to cleaning off a table near Galas and Venger.

She'd have to figure out something, and fast. She wouldn't be able to keep up this cleaning ruse much longer, and she was definitely interested in anything involving the Myr Mining Company. She'd once tried to coax information out of Jordie, but she could tell pretty quick where his intentions were, and she couldn't risk blowing any cover that early on.
Last edited January 22, 2016 5:29 pm
Jan 22, 2016 6:56 pm
Seeing more people gathering downstairs, Oswald begins to feel uncomfortable.

"They probably blame me also. " He thinks to himself. He stares at his almost finished plate of food and loses his appetite. Oswald stabds up from his table and grabs his plate and brings it to the back, keeping his head down as he walk by everyone. He never liked crowds, but disliked them more after the accident.

He places the plate on the counter with the other dishes to be wash. "I will get to those later. I need a cup of Black Gold first."

Oswald grabs a kettle has been cooking by the fire. Pours the aromatic beverage that was common around the mining town. Miners would drink 1-2 cups in the early morning and would have energy until almost afternoon.

He stands in the kitchen takes a sip of it and then lights his unfinshed cigar. Takes a big drag and lets the smoke out with sigh. "Battercakes are great but nothing can beat Black gold and a nice smoke."he thinks... Then eyes the dishes. "I will get to you soon."
Last edited January 22, 2016 6:59 pm
Jan 22, 2016 7:36 pm
"I've seen the healers already. It still bothers me sometimes..." Venger smiles at the fellow. "When you'd mentioned I'd hoped to talk to you about mining. I miss it, you see. But yes, I believe I know where the local office is. I like you; I suppose I could take you by there a little later...after I perform." He looks around. "The crowd is getting large enough that I might try a few steps soon..."
Jan 22, 2016 7:47 pm
spaceseeker19 says:
"The crowd is getting large enough that I might try a few steps soon..."
Perform? Steps? What is this dwarf talking about? He doesn't look like a bard... "Erm, that would be much appreciated. I'm sorry, but did you say 'steps'?"
Jan 25, 2016 4:40 pm
Earidan allows himself to be lead by Anry. The discussion between Earidan and Maggie fascinated him. Why was Anry sad? Why did Maggie react the way he did? What exactly is a battercake? Earidan opens and closes his mouth, on the verge of asking all three questions at the exact same time. Luckily, a voice caught Earidan's attention and he turns to face the speaker.

"Erm, that would be appreciated. I'm sorry, but did you say 'steps'?"

Earidan softly yelps and clutches the hand of Anry, as if he needed him for support. Perhaps the one who said this, the man talking to the dwarf, is just a man, but his cloak brought disturbing memories to the surface. A memory that he could not hide from anyone, because of the terror it has on him.
Jan 25, 2016 4:58 pm
Catching a sudden movement from the corner of his eye, Galas looks back to the half-elf and the young urchin, to find the urchin clutching at the half-elf and staring in terror toward Galas and the Dwarf.

For an instant, Galas feels his stomach tighten. His hand darts to his sword hilt and his head jerks around, ready to strike at the unseen threat behind him...but there's nothing there. He looks back to the boy, who is still staring at him in stark terror.

Something...something is happening here...that I cannot see, he glances at "Maggie", Many secrets...what have I walked in to? An old fear twists Galas's stomach, as he remembers a strange voice in his head, his hand glowing, a young woman's wounds closing as if...

As if by magic.
Last edited January 25, 2016 4:59 pm
Jan 26, 2016 12:42 am
Venger completely misses the boy's role in Galas' reaction, and instead thinks the elf's response is to what Venger has just said. "Yes, dwarves can sometimes dance, too. Though if you'd told me ten years that I'd be dancing to earn my keep in a mere decade, I'd have not believed it. Really, don't look so startled - I promise it's not as bad as all that!" Venger rises to his feet stiffly, checks the wrapping on his bandage, and then announces:

"Lords and Ladies, men and women,
Gentlefolk all!
I hope merely to entertain
But if perchance you should like what you see
Applause and coin are both respected forms of appreciation!"

Venger proceeds to toot on his flute and perform an elaborate courtly dance well-remembered from some previous millennium.
Last edited January 26, 2016 12:42 am


Performance - (1d20+1)

(9) + 1 = 10

Jan 26, 2016 2:27 am
Galas stares wide eyed at Vengar, as the dwarf performs an elaborate Elven court dance more ancient than the trees of the deep forest. Who is this dwarf? How does he know these things?
Spaceseeker: hope that bit of flavor fits in your intent ;)
Jan 26, 2016 3:00 am
I am going keep this roll free right now, so you can decide what you think you character perceives for now.
Some of you may notice that the young lady (Adelin) that came in with the old man, is watching all of you intently, then turning and whispering to the old man who is just nodding his head and staring at his food.

Thalisa and Oswald: You would of see this woman and man on a weekly basis for a while, you would know that she is his daughter. You might notice this more then others because it is odd activity for them to be paying any mind to people in the Inn. They usually eat quietly and leave. She spoke to you both quite a bit when they first started coming, asking you about where you were from and things like that, but they are fairly quiet folk.
Jan 26, 2016 3:14 pm

"Lords and Ladies, men and women,
Gentlefolk all!"
could be heard from outside the kitchen.

"Sounds like Venger is starting early." he thinks to himself. Instead of starting the dishes he makes his way to the door and cracks it open to watch. He facial expression doesnt change. Still looking grim with a cigar clenched between his teeth, however if one looked down they would see his foot every so slightly moving up and down. Almost in rhythm but just a bit off beat.
Jan 26, 2016 7:26 pm
"Bravissimo!" Anry stands quickly and applauds loudly as Vengar's performance draws to a close, while the dwarf is still standing on the very slightly elevated performance area. "What grace! What gentility! I'm not all that well-traveled, but surely that is not a traditional dwarven tune and dance, is it?"

Without waiting for an answer, Anry moves to the where the dwarf is now standing and shifts the conversation a bit. "Do you see my new friend, the young fella that I'm eating with? I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a home, and I want to give him a few moments respite of the stress of that kind of life. Would you be interested in accompanying me?"
Jan 26, 2016 11:20 pm
whipstache says:
Without waiting for an answer, Anry moves to the where the dwarf is now standing and shifts the conversation a bit. "Do you see my new friend, the young fella that I'm eating with? I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a home, and I want to give him a few moments respite of the stress of that kind of life. Would you be interested in accompanying me?"
Earidan clapped happily, but then begins to sweat as soon as Anry singles him out. It takes Earidan a while to compose himself. He never liked being singled out. However, he swallows deep and plays the part. He gives a slight bow to the dwarf (it is more of a bob, really, since Earidan is copying this act from nobles he had watched do the same thing).

"That was splendid! Where did you learn that? How come you are not with a group of people who dance and sing? Earidan says boyishly.
Jan 27, 2016 2:27 am
Venger nods to Anry and opens his mouth to answer, when Earidan chimes in with his question. Venger turns and addresses him with a bow. "Oh, but I am!" He taps his nose and winks. "Or I will be, once you join us. Come here and I'll show you a step or two, while this worthy serenades us." He looks sidelong at Anry again, and asks in a stage whisper: "How's your singing voice? I have some skill with the flute, and my shanks perform as you have seen, but my voice? It is like the love song of a catoblepas!" He makes an exaggerated face and honks like a strangled goose for (hopefully) comic effect.
Jan 27, 2016 3:49 pm
Muttering under her breath, and not looking where she was going, Maggie nearly slammed the kitchen door into Oswald's face as she stormed in. Only his size and bulk kept her from doing so. Patrons she could deal with, but a kid and a pretty-boy were testing her patience.

"Oh!" She exclaimed sharply as she looked up to Oswald, her cheeks flush and her expression annoyed. "D'ya mean to stan' there all day now do ya? I got things t'do."

This ruse wasn't getting her anywhere. She'd been here for months now, and not a hint of anything about Cevin. She doubted this elf or prissy dwarf was going to gain her any new information, and her frustration was beginning to show.
Jan 27, 2016 8:29 pm
Ok, I need perception checks from everyone that is in the common room still. Thalisa and Oswald, you guys are hovering around the door to the kitchen, so if you are going in and back out, then you can state that and make a roll as well.

You can just place the roll alone, or as part of a response to someone else.
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