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Mar 12, 2016 8:25 pm
"I must unfortunately report that your crewman were overcome and impersonated, then. When we got back they were acting oddly, and when confronted they changed form to look like us and attacked."
Mar 12, 2016 9:07 pm
"I think the 'gangers must have gotten them on the beach. There were definitely signs of a struggle when we had returned." Kicsi pauses for a moment before adding, "I'm sorry about the loss of your men..."
Mar 13, 2016 12:54 am
Vikent climbs on board, and frees his swords in his sheathes. "Is that right? Best friends and all? You'd back them in a fight? Let them date your daughter?" He sizes up the crew, and cracks his neck expectantly.
Mar 13, 2016 4:05 am
"I assure you, I have no daughter and if I did, she could date who ever could handle her!" She replies with a wink, "They were good men and they will be missed, but tis the chance we all take. Are we heading back to the city or shall we escort you to the next location marked on the map?"
Mar 14, 2016 7:02 pm
"Let's move on to the next location. No need to go back unless someone needs to resupply?"
Mar 14, 2016 11:53 pm
Taking a quick look at her supply situation Kicsi pipes up in agreement. "Excellent! Next location it is."
Mar 15, 2016 12:00 am
"Then to the frozen waters of Frost Keep we go. I have never been to the island myself, but I hear giants live there!" Replies Marquesta. "Raise the anchor and lose the boredom, we head into dangerous waters!"
Mar 15, 2016 10:16 pm
The ship pulls off the coast and sails north. The wind is getting noticeably colder and more brisk the longer they go. Tersa comes into view as they are keeping closer to the coast line for safety. The sun sets on their second day of sailing.
A bird flies into the boat and the captain grabs it. On it's leg is a tube with a scroll of paper in it. She quickly reads it, and writes something down, then let's the bird go again. It takes flight and heads to the city.
"It looks like the water is ice jammed closer to the island and we might have a long walk to get to the keep. I have furs and warm clothes in the hold if anyone needs them." Maquesta announces to the party.
Mar 15, 2016 10:22 pm
"That would be most helpful, Maquesta. Thank you!" Kicsi responses and then, with a laugh, adds, "Hopefully you have something in my size."
Mar 15, 2016 10:25 pm
"I'm sure we at least have a wolf cloak!" She responds.

You find a cape with clasps that wraps around you and the wolf's head covers over your head like a hat and face mask. The eyes are gone and open and you can look out of them.
Mar 16, 2016 12:12 am
Vikent dances out fierce Kicsi's glare, laughing madly. Later, rubbing his bare arms for warmth, he sorts through the winter gear for anything else that won't drag under his feet.
Mar 16, 2016 2:48 am
Vikent finds a small snow tiger's pelt that fits him and is set up the same as Kicsi's.
Mar 19, 2016 2:27 pm
Cuon will also obtain what furs he can to remain warm. While he has some clothing for the cool plain evenings, he's not equipped for wintry travel.
Mar 19, 2016 9:04 pm
The captain asks, "Tethys, will you be in need of furs or will the bear hide do you?"
Mar 19, 2016 9:06 pm
"I will take a little something, thank you" Tethys says, snapping out of his thoughts.
Mar 19, 2016 9:39 pm
You are sailing north and the air is getting frigid now. The furs you have acquired are very warm indeed and help stave off the air. In the distance you see heavy snow falling over the ocean.

"It appears that we have just a little sailing time left, then we will have to travel on foot." Maquesta says.

The crew start turning some wheels and chains crawl out from their wound positions. The ornamental piece on the front of the ship starts lowering and a gigantic metal piece starts rolling down the bow.

"That would be our ice breaker. It will get us closer, then the ship will come back out to unfrozen water to wait." She says after seeing your interest.
Mar 21, 2016 4:28 pm
Vikent, temporarily forgetting the possibly large number of cannibalistic sailors surrounding them, helps as he can (mostly by lending his strength to strenuous tasks) and otherwise entertains the sailors with his various antics.

As they approach the ice covered shores, he grins at the prospect of seeing this 'icebreaker' in action. "Is it magic or some sort of gnomish contraption?"


Performance - (1d20+3)

(14) + 3 = 17

Mar 21, 2016 9:55 pm
Truly intrigued by the ornamental ice breaker Kicsi listens intently to Maquesta and the crew as they go about there business. Peeking out from her wolf headed cape she asks, "What sort of signal is used when the ship is to be brought back to shore?"
Mar 21, 2016 9:59 pm
Vikent bolsters morale with his performance, and not a one of the crew looks like they are going to eat you, not even the Minotaur that looks dressed to adventure.

"Pure brute strength," says a gnome beside Vikent, "The sheer force of the ship moving along with the angle of the blades make the ship cut right through ice, now if you should stop for too long, the ice would just freeze up around the ship and that would be bad, yep bad, bad, bad, so we wouldn't want to do that, we must keep moving, hence why we would drop you off and head back out to open sea, otherwise we'd have to swim back, which is improbable because no of us could swim that far, maybe if we jump on the minotaur over there and just float on him we'd make it, but I'd have to do some calculations on that, yes indeed..."

The gnome was away doing calculations out loud as he does.
Mar 21, 2016 10:02 pm
Maquesta shakes her head at the gnome, "He never breathes, I swear! Our friend Tosher will accompany you. He wears a necklace that he can use to summon us, if he dies, it will summon us also. I should introduce you, Tosher come here please."

She motions to the minotaur.
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