2 - Distress on Xorrn

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Mar 10, 2017 2:05 am
Security Chief Bellows offers, "Well, I'd be happy to take you on a tour of the facilities. We're hopeful with your experience you can help us figure out what we can do in order to shore up our defenses. This place hasn't made droids in decades though. But maybe there's some in one of the ships up top that could be put back into shape?"

He shrugs from his seat and the gathered folks await further questions.
Mar 10, 2017 4:22 am
Venzo cocked an eyebrow at the mention of Imperials. Finally, the real work begins. "If we need to buy time, that's what we'll do." An obviously satisfied and pleased expression dominated his demeanor. "And we're more than happy to deal with the Empire. Personally, I look forward to it."

He primarily addressed Bellows now as he spoke to the room. "A tour of the facilities is an excellent idea, and I'd like a datapad with a map, blueprints, and important contact information as well. Anything that facilitates a thorough understanding of the situation. We'll start with information, make assessments, and then formulate a strategy, addressing strengths and weakness in relation to what you consider priorities and high value infrastructure. Also, as my associate here mentioned," he looked at Kellin, "we need to know what defensive measures are already in place, every one, leave nothing out, in addition to garrison strength."

Venzo remained silent for a few seconds, allowing those listening to absorb the information, then continued, an eye toward Coorsa. "Right. Hearts and minds. Of course. Your regional allies... it would be best if we knew their value in the upcoming conflict. In simpler terms, who are you looking to enlist aid from? Who would be most beneficial to your cause? That kind of knowledge is essential. With limited time at our disposal, if we have to choose, we need to get rancors on our side in this fight, not womp rats. We should start with the most valuable assets, prioritizing, and build our foundation for defense from there. Another consideration is the political nature of your need: do any of these potential allies owe favors, or are some of them simply more pliable, and likely to come to your aid?"

Venzo cast his eyes around the room, looking for any insight or clue that could help him understand the lay of the land. "All of these are important strategic and political considerations, which need to be coordinated and brought to bear in the most effective and efficient means possible."

Why hang on by a thread, when you can hang your enemy from a rope? Based on what he had heard, he knew that they would need to ride out the Imperial storm, but he'd be damned if he wasn't going to at least try and take it to the imps.
Mar 10, 2017 4:27 am
Chief Bellows nods. "We'll get the tour started as soon as we finish here. With the clock ticking, we don't have a lot of time to do anything other than work -- and any advice you can give us to shore up our defenses is best received now while we have time to do something about it."

Captain Renlow speaks up about the allies, "The sector is brimming with pirates and mercenaries, but it's hard to say who is available, interested, or trustworthy. Let me make some comms. Meet me up on the Seven in a bit."

Coorsa adds, "No one is in our debt. And we don't have much to offer, just what resources and services are available here. The Rebel Alliance have offered a few additional possibilities. We'll get you a list of options and comm them over to your datapads."
Mar 11, 2017 8:07 pm
Zara could see that Venzo was in his element putting his strategic mind to use. Her own strength had always lied in trusting in her intuition, guided by the force. She was thankful for the presence of her friends. As much as she disliked bloodshed, she steeled herself for what lie ahead. This is what it would mean to resist the power of the dark side. She would have to fight, and she would have to inspire others to do the same.

What can you tell us about this Captain Nervi? Do we know what we will be facing?
Mar 14, 2017 2:21 am
A voice emenates from the Rebel Alliance logo, "We're sending you our intelligence profile on him now. The short version is that he's an adept social climber. He maired into the Nervi family and took their name in an effort to jump-start a political career. He's ambitious and paranoid."
Anyone else have questions?
Your datapads beep as data is sent to them, as stated.
[ +- ] Captain Ralchio Nervi
Mar 14, 2017 3:03 am
It didn't take long for Keirso to slip back into "War" mode.

As with the rest of them, it had seemed barely a week or two since they had been in the thick of the Clone Wars. And while their Master had been reticent to commit his problematic charges to regular duty, the Council had ordered their service on more than one occasion. And when that call had been made, Keirso had personally relished the opportunity to prove himself a warrior worthy of acclaim.

"Where are the most important assets to your operation located, and are any of your staff combat trained? Do you have any fighter craft or other defensive capabilities? You said there was an orbital facility - are the Imperials aware of it?" Keirso looked to the Cacique with an air of confidence that belied his relative inexperience. "You need to make a list of expendable assets, because assests will be lost in this conflict. We need to know what we can use as stumbling blocks to throw in the Imperials' way."

He stopped for a moment and took a deep breath, closing his eyes before snapping them back open and continuing, giving the next words the emphasis they required.

"You should also have an evacuation plan in place. If not within forty eight hours, then after the Rebels arrive and drive the Empire back. Surely you understand this - even if we do exactly what you're asking us to do, the Empire won't take a defeat lying down. They'll return. And if the Rebellion could take on the full might of a focused and angry Imperial Fleet... well, then it wouldn't be a rebellion now would it?"

"Frankly, if your operation is going to survive, it won't be on Xorrn. We may be able to buy you time, but not a great amount of it."
Mar 15, 2017 4:07 pm
Venzo looked up from the Captain Nervi profile on his datapad. "Keirso has the right of it. This is, without a doubt, a dire situation. However, if we successfully fend them off, any subsequent efforts would be made by the Empire only if they deemed it worth the effort and resources. Either way, the sure bet would be to relocate, if that is logistically even an option, and maintain secrecy after doing so. Speaking of, that's another question to consider: how, exactly, the Empire got wind of your operation here?"

Speaking to nobody in particular, Venzo thought out loud. "And this Captain Nervi... it says he's 'by the book' and skilled at redeploying his forces with a 'conservative reserve.' Perhaps we could plan a trap of sorts, something explosive. Feign a weakness, channel the imps into it, then let them have it. It's hard to redeploy the dead." He flicked at the datapad screen. "And, if his reserve is so conservative, perhaps an unexpected effort could be made to counterattack, and cut the the head off of the snake? Less coordinated troops tend to be much less effective. And easier to bait into traps."
Mar 16, 2017 1:56 am
Coorsa responds first to Keirso, "This is our home, and the foundry and yard are our livelihoods. Captain Renlow has offered to evacuate the children and some caretakers temporarily, but the rest of us will fight." The Zann Consortium avatar speaks up, "Nervi has not informed his superiors of his discovery. Most of the crews of his assault ships believe they are reporting for an exercise near Ryloth. Only his senior staff know the truth. If you can keep Nervi's forces engaged until your reinforcements arrive, the reinforcements can wipe them out, and Xorrn's significance remains a secret."

Coorsa follows up, "As to our assets -- a tour of the facility would probably make sense. Chief Bellows and Shos can show you around." He looks around and then triggers a comm.

falryx sent a note to fluglichkeiten
The Rebels respond to Venzo's request, "We aren't sure how they got wind of our operation here, as you say. We assume a probe droid sweep just got lucky. Our agent is working on that as we speak."

The Clan Assembly takes in your suggestions on how to address the oncoming attack and some nod, and others look skeptical. All the same, they seem prepared to defer to you as the experts in your field.
Mar 16, 2017 2:39 am
Zara acknowledged Venzo's plan to set a trap, "Good thinking, maybe we can discuss a plan for that while take in the tour and see what we have to work with."

She turned back to address Coorsa, "I'm afraid that I have to agree with Keirso, you need to consider abandoning this place if the Imperials decide to make it a target. It won't be safe."

Responding to the look crossing Coorsa's face she added in a gentler tone, "I know how leaving your home can be difficult, but you must trust in the Force, you can make a new home. Everything you need is inside you."

Back to the table Zara continued asking her questions, "How long do we have before the rebels are expected to arrive?"
Last edited March 16, 2017 3:09 am
Mar 16, 2017 3:39 am
Zara says:
Zara acknowledged Venzo's plan to set a trap, "Good thinking, maybe we can discuss a plan for that while take in the tour and see what we have to work with."
Venzo smiled in anticipation. "I look forward to seeing the potential killing grounds, to be sure, and an effective strategy should minimize losses."

Zara says:
She turned back to address Coorsa, "I'm afraid that I have to agree with Keirso, you need to consider abandoning this place if the Imperials decide to make it a target. It won't be safe."
Venzo was pretty sure he understood what Coorsa was getting at. Sometimes sacrifices have to be made, and some things are worth dying for. Starting over just isn't an option for them, whether it's a problem of logistics, or emotional attachment to their home.

"I don't think they'll leave, Zara. It's their home. Besides, our plan just evolved, so hopefully they won't need to. We're going to make sure Nervi never has the chance to pass the message along to the rest of the Empire. His desire to play the glorious conqueror can be leveraged to our advantage. He's left himself open to having his communications disabled, preventing a call for reinforcements. After that, it's a question of cutting off his escape."

Venzo smiled at Kellin. "Sabotage, it would seem, is in order. If we could get on to Nervi's ship..."

Ideally, it would seem ,we set up the defenses down here, then arrange for our boarding Nervi's ship. Perhaps there's some way to jam the Imperial comms while we sabotage Nervi's ship from the inside.
Last edited March 16, 2017 3:43 am
Mar 16, 2017 4:11 am
Coorsa shakes his head, "We have confidence that our benefactors," he indicates the two avatars around him, "know the lay of the land. If they believe Nervi hasn't gotten word out yet -- then we'll trust in that. They can tell us if that changes, and only then will we reconsider a place to live."

The Rebel avatar responds to Zara's question, "The Rebel Fleet has diverted a squadron of warships with six wings of starfighters. They arrive in fifty-three hours."
Mar 16, 2017 9:51 am
Shos enters the room, giving Coorsa a restrained nod and raising an eyebrow at the unexpectedly august assembly.

"I understand you have some customers for me," Shos says to Coorsa.

He quickly sizes up the group of newcomers standing in the middle of the room, correctly surmising that they must be the "customers",

"Welcome to Xornn. It might look like there's not much here, but you'd be surprised what you can find if you know where to look. Shos Eisan, at your service."
Mar 16, 2017 1:58 pm
Kellin nods at Venzo when he says sabotage. Kellin is not the best fighter of his friends but he is the sneakiest and very good at "breaking things". "If I can get behind there landing area or on a ship I definitely cause some problems. But first lets see what this place has to offer. Can we swing by the hanger and pick up Dav though first, if we find battle droids he may be able to get us an army functioning or at least a defense force." As the tour goes Kellin is going to be looking for anything he can use to make his Saber staff. If they made battle droids here he may be able to find an IG-100 Magnegaurd electro staff, because he remembers those where made with a cortosis weave and would work great.
Kellin is going to be looking for anything he can use to eventually make his Saber Staff, specifically the electrostaff from teh Magnaguards.



2 Success, 2 Advantage

Total: 2 Success, 2 Advantage

Mar 16, 2017 9:39 pm
In the end, we're a stopgap measure. If we can just keep Nervi's comms out of the picture, via sabotage or jamming, we can prolong the Imperials' assault efforts and buy time for the Rebel fleet to show up and finish the job.
Shos says:
"Welcome to Xornn. It might look like there's not much here, but you'd be surprised what you can find if you know where to look. Shos Eisan, at your service."
Venzo gave a knowing hint of a smile. "Oh, it absolutely looks like there's not much here, especially topside, but that's the point, right? Name's Venzo. Well met." He scanned the room, then turned his attention back to Shos. "Well, time's wasting, and in limited supply. By all means, let's take a look around and get to these surprises you speak of."

I'm ready to get to the tour and the various options mentioned by some of the brass.
Mar 19, 2017 12:33 am
As Shos entered the room, Zara immediately felt a positive impression.
Hello, My name is Zara Kesh.
Mar 20, 2017 10:50 pm
So noted, Kellin -- I'll let you know what we come up with. Time for a tour gang? Ok - the clock is officially ticking. 48 hours remain until Imperial assault.
Coorsa looks around and says, "If there are no other questions, then we are adjourned. Chief, perhaps you can join Shos and the others and talk about our defensive options?" Chief Bellows appears amenable to this and nods.

Hardin, who paled visibly throughout the briefing uses the break as an opportunity to engage in another argument with Coorsa.

"I told you to quit it with the kriffing Rebel traffic. This is all your--"

Coorsa cuts off Hardin with his own accusation, "You used to be with the Empire; I bet you've been working with Nervi the entire time! Chief Bellows, pull her comms records immediately!"

"Like hell I have! You slimy little Huttsucking---"

"Chief Bellows, take Patrician Hardin into custody and throw her in a cell!"

"You know I'm right, Coorsa. This is all your fault!"

On his way past the center, Chief Bellows appears bored and he makes no move to arrest Hardin. His hands up in a placating gesture he asks them to calm down and tells Coorsa that he has no intention of arresting Hardin. However, their argument runs roughshod over the poor chief and he eventually gives up and looks pleadingly at you before making his way over.
Mar 21, 2017 2:06 am
"Enough!" Venzo's voice was just loud enough to get their attention, rather than simply shouting. "I have no desire to listen to your continued bickering, or endure your finger pointing." Glowering at Hardin and Coorsa, his patience was already wearing thin, but he recognized that there might be something worthwhile in the bickering.

"Rebel traffic? And a former Imperial?" Venzo gave them both an equally inquisitive glance, then refreshed their memories on exactly what they truly needed to fear. "Let me remind you that Imperial troops will be commencing their assault in 48 hours, and the Rebel fleet arrives in 53. Death is at your doorstep, and we've got five hours of carnage to face on our own, and if you can't work together, there's a better chance you'll die alone. So, let's get this over with. Both of you, explain. Starting with Hardin, simply because she's had less opportunity."

Using Coercion here to bring about some order by reminding them of the true dangers ahead: the upcoming Imperial assault in conjunction with the 5 hours on our own. Adding a boost for the desperation of the situation/Venzo being an agent of the Rebels and 'their only hope', another boost for Sense Emotions Talent, two Force dice for Force Influence: Skills.

Any Force points from Force Influence: Skills not needed to succeed on the check will be used for Advantage.

EDIT: Those rolls look pretty good, so I imagine the 2 Light Side points against Coorsa will end up as 2 Advantage, unless they're needed to succeed.
Last edited March 21, 2017 2:09 am


Coercion vs Hardin

5 Success, 3 Advantage, 3 Black Force Points

Total: 5 Success, 3 Advantage

Coercion vs Coorsa

5 Success, 2 White Force Points, 1 Black Force Point

Total: 5 Success

Mar 21, 2017 11:40 pm
Once the assembly started to get up to begin the tour Zara spoke to her friends so as not to be heard by the others in the room. here's the plan so far as I understand it, we are going to lure the imperial fleet towards an ambush, have Kellin board Nervi's ship and cut off communications before he can request help. All while trying to hold them here for five hours until help can arrive. Is that right? she took a deep sigh,. it would be nice if we knew what exactly the target was going to be. Maybe it might even make sense to stand down with orbital defenses let them think they've got us completely unprepared and then use those same defenses (whatever they might be) to keep them from leaving."
"I don't know exactly how we make a more enticing target but I do wonder if an ambush would make it harder for Kellin to board the vessel. Unless we did something after Kellin was already aboard."
She looked at Kellin, of course I'm not suggesting that Kellin tries boarding alone, this Nervi sounds like a pretty tough customer."
Zara looked at the data pad for a moment and added, You know if his own fleet is in the dark about what they're doing here, and we are talking about cutting off communications from his ship, do you suppose that there is a way that we can prevent an attack before it even begins?
Mar 22, 2017 3:04 am
"Perhaps we could prevent an attack. Also, I was in no way suggesting Kellin go alone." Venzo looked at Kellin. "No offense, but if we go that route, it's simply not a one man job, and you're not that good. At least, not yet. It would be too risky to send you alone." He continued. "My stratagem consists of organizing a stalwart defense, then having us board Nervi's ship as a strike team, via a captured Imperial shuttle. We could take one during the battle. However, no matter what our efforts, sooner or later things would likely get ugly on Nervi's ship. The idea would be to simply minimize conflict during the attempt to cut Nervi's comms, or perhaps simply blow up the ship from within. Whatever is easiest."
Mar 22, 2017 10:39 am
Shos looks the group over in concerned admiration;

"How do I always end up with the crazy ones?" he wonders aloud.

"I've seen these Imperials in action, and they like to use overwhelming force. And the handful of you are going to board a Star Destroyer? Can't happen. Those things are the size of small cities, how are you even going to find this Nervi?"

He scratches his chin in thought,

"Although you guys definitely seem to be onto something with the "enticing target" bit. I've hunted plenty of predators, and when you are going after a pack you better find a way to separate them. If you could lure the initial force to one place and knock out their transports, then lure their reserves somewhere else you might just be able to get on that Destroyer."

"So what do you wanna use as bait? What does this guy want, that's bringing him all the way out here?"
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