2 - Distress on Xorrn

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Apr 26, 2017 10:15 pm
I'm watching along -- and will provide quick little interjections here or there, but Shos should have all the details a tour can provide. Where he makes something up, I'll roll with it unless it destroys something critical. :)

Keirso -- an easy computers check will give you a sense of how hard it'd be to reprogram the skimmers.

On the explosives -- you feel that you could do a thorough job sabotaging the battleground with about 10 hour of labor from 10 people and someone giving them direction (such as one of the patricians or Chief Bellows). Doing this well, without the Empire being able to spot it or work around it seems like a hard task.

Creating a turbolaser emplacement feels like it'd take a similar amount of effort -- with an engineer like Hardin overseeing it. Shos also knows, if asked, that Jessa Korrin -- the woman who oversees the droid pool -- could help. The work doesn't feel too hard -- perhaps Average but there's some uncertainty to it. It could be they'd do all the work and it might not do a good enough job to be an emplacement that can withstand the Imperials

Apr 27, 2017 12:36 am
Kellin says:
If we can make this place look like a death trap, they might not want to keep pouring forces into it."
Venzo replied. "I would rather we made it look much less like a death trap, and more like we're unprepared and don't really know what we're doing. Everything should be obfuscated as much as possible, allowing the Imperials to believe they are superior and the task of taking Xorrn will be a routine Imperial victory. If we make it look like hard work for them, a 'death trap' as you say Kellin, they'll simply come at us harder to begin with, quickly adjusting their tactics. Let them come marching in, believing they have the upper hand."

"The turrets should be concealed within factory bay doors, the sharpshooters should be concealed in the control room until the time is right for them to come out and turn the tide. The assembly area should be primed with explosives, ready to blow if necessary; many Imperial troops could be killed in a single blow. Any cover the Imperials might be able to use in their approach should be cleared away. Potential approaches on the lower levels should be addressed. Let them discover layer after layer of difficulty, one by one."

Venzo surveyed the facility. "Every time the Imperials up the ante to overcome our resistance... we should have a counter, something they won't expect. We don't play the sabacc cards in our hand until absolutely necessary."
Last edited April 27, 2017 12:36 am
Apr 27, 2017 12:53 am
Zara was happy to defer to Venzo's judgement. "I'm impressed Venzo, you sound like you've done this sort of thing before. What role do you see for me in this?

"Shos, what do you know about "The Seven? Renlow mentioned something about meeting him up there at the end of our tour."
Last edited April 27, 2017 12:55 am
Apr 27, 2017 2:48 pm
Falryx, would getting the explosives set up be a leadership check perhaps? Because I'm pretty OK at leadership...
"I agree with Venzo. If it looks like we're prepared, they imperials will simply find a way around whatever obstacles they see and increase the pressure. We're more likely to buy time if we keep them on their toes with unexpected inconveniences. Time is the only thing that matters here."

"Also, Shos, to that end I think we should probably trap the obvious walkways. If I could get ten or so good people to help, I think we could give the Imperials a nasty surprise when they come marching down the lane."


Computers Check

1 Success, 1 Advantage, 1 Failure

Total: 1 Advantage

May 3, 2017 3:05 am
Keirso -- strictly speaking it'd be a mechanical check -- but I'm happy to hear about how Leadership might help the process go better! And then let's see what we see?
falryx sent a note to fluglichkeiten
May 8, 2017 2:28 pm
Shos nods soberly,

"These are desperate times, we must consider all possibilities," he says before going back to answer Zara's question, "The Seven is technically a bulk transport. It's a pretty big vessel and has a crew of about a hundred. Don't let the fact it's a transport fool you, though, I hear Renlow has flown her against Imperials before, and the crew are pretty tough."

He looks off at the great face of rock making up the opposite wall of the cavern, concern etched on his face, before eventually turning back to the group,

"You know, you might be able to give these people claws, but they're still bandooks at heart. Stormtroopers are like a kanvar; unless you get a good blow to the brain stem, each hit will just get it madder and madder. I don't mean to sound like a pessimist, I think Fate has brought you here for a reason, but the best thing a bandook can do is avoid fighting for as long as possible, until the kanvar moves on to another target."

"We can't defeat all of the Imperials, we just need to find a way to delay them until the Rebel Fleet arrives. The best way to do that is to avoid engaging them at all for as long as possible. We go to ground."

"If we move the landing beacons to another location on the planet, preferably in another lava chute, they will waste their time looking for us there. Then they'll need to start a search for the real base, and we can hide some of the turbolasers on the surface as a distraction."

"I happen to know a place where we could put the beacon. It wouldn't fool them from up close, but it would buy us as much time as it takes them to get down to the site and then they would need to begin a search for the real base. There are also a few derelict ships that would be decent cover to put some of our turbolasers in to take pot-shots at the landing party."


Knowledge of the surface, possible decoy sites

1 Success, 3 Advantage

Total: 1 Success, 3 Advantage

May 8, 2017 7:53 pm
What would be really nice is if we could funnel them into a lava shoot and close the door behind them.

So please correct me where I'm wrong, but this is the plan so far as I understand it: The imperials come in, we direct them into the wrong chute, preferably someplace distant enough to buy us a little time once they realize they need to come back here. We arm some derelict ships around the mouth of the chute, and then if and when they discover the true base, we have turrets and sharpshooters defending choke points, hidden explosives set up on walkways and bridges.and some droids standing by with buckets of magma, ready to dispense? Is this all correct so far?

Would it be of benefit to try and funnel the stormrtroopers onto one of these walkways and destroy both ends of the bridge to leave them stranded until the cavalry arrives?
Where are we on this timeline?
Jun 4, 2017 6:23 pm
Doing a quick checkin on the OOC channel.

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