OOC Discussion Megathread

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Jun 10, 2015 1:31 am
Personally I'm assenting but not offering a direction. I'll follow along and bash things for the moment.
Jun 10, 2015 1:44 am
Obviously it was on the home page and announcements, but I should have posted here as well that I was gonna be out a week at Origins. Now that I'm back, I've got a bunch of stuff to sort out for GP, but I'm gonna get back to being active in this game.
Jun 13, 2015 3:40 pm
Ok we're on the ball now. I've decided to run the adventure the way I would run it, which means not staying true to the text. I, as a rule, dislike random encounters for random encounter's sake so I'm foregoing the use of those tables I can't find anyway. Also, you guys JUST created characters, so I don't think it's worth the time to spend doling out new items and equipment (which is the OTHER table I can't find). The loot tables might make more sense with a party that's been growing over time, but with brand new characters you haven't even had time to get used to yourselves! No need to spend precious posting time debating over who gets what new magical trinket the loot table threw your way (and you DEFINITELY don't need gold ;)).

All that is to say, lets rock.
Jun 22, 2015 4:00 pm
Hi all,

I had oped to squeeze one more post into this game before I left, but I'm traveling for a week starting in a couple hours and won't be able to get that post in I wanted to.

Keleth, if you can PM me a link to the main book sometime over the next week I'll be able to download it onto my iPad and travel won't interrupt us again (alas the pdf is still only on my work computer. I'm still not very good at planning ahead :S).
Jun 22, 2015 4:34 pm
I took it down, but I'll throw it back up for you :)
Jun 22, 2015 5:18 pm
Keleth says:
I took it down, but I'll throw it back up for you :)
Yes I know, that's why I asked ;) Let me know when its back up and I'll grab it (then it'll be on my iPad and I won't need it ever again.. Muahahaha!).
Jun 29, 2015 6:49 pm
I'm back from Denmark now. Hopeful thinking about posting was merely hopeful thinking. Post will go up tomorrow!
Jul 14, 2015 3:47 pm
@Candi - I edited my last post with the target of my scrying spell.
Jul 14, 2015 4:24 pm
Ok good, that was the implied target.
Jul 15, 2015 3:45 pm
Ok, I want you to get something useful out of this -- so instead of targeting an individual (because I can't figure out what to tell you about her that will be useful to you right now) tell me a location, event or just give a general sense of what you're looking for. Think of the scrying spell not as a "spy on person!" but as a "crystal ball that does its best to answer question you ask it by showing you images of things happening right now elsewhere in the multiverse"
Jul 16, 2015 5:06 pm
Done, edited my post again with a more appropriate target.
Jul 29, 2015 7:10 pm
I apologize for the lack in a response post. I had a trip that came up suddenly and wasn't able to post an out of town message before I left.
Aug 21, 2015 2:51 pm
Are we waiting on something? Or everyone on vacation?
Aug 21, 2015 4:39 pm
Group decision to be made? I tend not to treat questions as actions and the lsat thing that was happening was a discussion of what to do
Aug 21, 2015 4:57 pm
Good point. Why don't see have a roll call, see who's still active.

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