Nov 15, 2018 9:28 pm
Hello everyone, I am a newcomer to the site, and I thank those of you who take the time to read through my pitch for a game below.
I would like to tell you this — a story of a lifetime.
As a youngster I grew up around tales of fantasy. I have always had a strong love of Chinese Mythology. Tales like Journey to the West, films like the House of Flying Daggers and the Monkey King have always held a special place for me. I consider it an honour and privilege to run this, a game I have wanted to run for a very, very long time.
Not only will there be strong elements of oriental mythology running through this game as a basis for the concept, but I will also weave something a bit more fantastical through it too. Consider this then a mixture of fairytale weaved in throughout the mythology, with my hope being that it will give you a game unlike any other you might have seen before.
My intention for this is that it will be a very deep, intimate and (I hope) thought provoking experience. It is, ultimately, a very character centric, character driven experience and I am looking for strong writers and storytellers to share this with me.
Some of you may not even make it to the other side, such is the dangerous journey you are about to undertake.
Combat will have its place here, but it won’t be for the sake of combat. I feel that the point of combat is lost when you get a situation where a group of characters come across a group of orcs, and you roll dice to resolve the outcome. My idea of combat is "you are sailing down a river on a leaky boat. On either side of the riverbank orcs aim arrows at you as the raft you are on threatens to fall apart. One of them leaps onto the raft and draws a sword. And what’s that in the distance? It’s a waterfall.....". I will frame those sorts of encounters within the 5th edition ruleset.
The game will be set in the Forgotten Realms, within the little explored region of Shou Lung and the Hordelands.
I have a role to play in this story too — that of a young man whose destiny it is to show you the way to the river of your dreams. This unwitting guide will accompany you throughout the majority of your journey. He will be an untrained orphan, and ultimately his fate will be yours to decide.
My intention, whatever happens, is for this to be a tale that will stay with you for a long, long time — I hope you will choose to walk it’s path with me.
Here is the basic outline for my game concept. If it is something that interests you, let me know below and I will arrange to set the forum up and send out the relevant invites. I am looking for about 5-6 of you to join me on this journey.
Behind the walls of an impenetrable mountain range, deep within the Unapproachable East, there lies a kingdom of unimaginable beauty. A kingdom where the walls are set with beautiful rubies, and where the streets are lined with gold and inlaid with glittering gems. There, inside this lost kingdom, the streams run with silver, and the people that live within.....they live lives of idyllic tranquility.
It was not always so.
Once, many hundreds of years ago, there dwelt an evil warlord by the name of Tan Chin. The ruler of a fell realm of demonic oni, the warlord travelled down the Great Silk Road, deep into the mountains of this mysterious realm, and he spied the hidden kingdom of unearthly beauty. Tan Chin, desirous of this kingdom, vowed to conquer it and bring its subjects under his rule. Returning to his realm, he raised an army of demons and hurled them against the kingdom in his obsession.
This hidden kingdom, this Shangri-La of humankind was not defenceless though. Inside its walls, the fiercest monks and martial artists gathered, and with the courage and blessing of the Padhrasattava, stood against the approaching demon army. Standing at their head was the blessed of the gods themselves, Tsenya Garbo, their leader. Tsenya, realising that hundreds of thousands of lives would be lost in the battle, instead challenged the warlord Tan Chin to single combat. If Tan Chin won, he would have Tsenya's realm for himself. If he lost, he would have to take his army and leave, never to return for five hundred years. In his pride, the warlord accepted the terms, so convinced was he that he would win the duel.
The two of them battled with both sword and spell for three days and three nights in a war that seemed that it would never end, so perfectly matched were the two. Yet at the end of their bloody conflict, Tsenya Garbo finally emerged victorious.
Defeated and bloodied, the warlord nevertheless honoured the terms of their battle -- the gods themselves demanded no less. Taking his army, Tan Chin retreated to the empire of Solon, and there he consolidated the grip on his throne. As he did so, he kept his jealous eyes on the beautiful realm he so desired for his own, even as he once more built up his power. And as years rolled into decades rolled into centuries, the warlord remained patient, for the time would come when the terms of their conflict would pass, and the time would come to strike once more.
And as the years passed, Tsenya Garbo grew old and complacent. So certain in his belief that he was protected and beloved by the gods, he became nothing more than a shadow of the man that he once was. And as the armies of Solon gathered their strength once more, and the warlord began to dream his dreams of conquest, his victory seemed all but inevitable......
Five hundred years have passed since that fateful battle, and whilst Tsenya Garbo has forgotten that which came before, the warlord once again turns his gaze eastwards.....
Soon, the Unapproachable East will erupt into the bloodiest and deadliest conflict that Faerun has ever seen. And into the middle of this conquest, a group of adventurers will stumble into the centre of this deadly situation. Lost and alone, they are tasked with averting a war between two kingdoms. Soon however, this mission will become one of deadly import for them.
And thus begins an epic quest set in a mystical and beautiful part of the Realms that has only been seen by the luckiest few. This will be a tale of life, of love and heroism against almost unimaginable odds. This is a tale of beautiful princesses, a tale of fearsome dragons, of demons and the living dead, and of knights in shining armour. It is a tale that will live on, both in this world and the world beyond. It is a tale that you will carry in the deepest parts of your heart and soul for forevermore.
Will our heroes become the destined champions that fate would decree them to be, or will they be lost in the shadow that sweeps over the land?
Come forward my champions -- come be the protector of the weak, and the heroes you were always destined to be.
This is an epic quest the likes of which the Realms has never seen before....and will never see again.
I would like to tell you this — a story of a lifetime.
As a youngster I grew up around tales of fantasy. I have always had a strong love of Chinese Mythology. Tales like Journey to the West, films like the House of Flying Daggers and the Monkey King have always held a special place for me. I consider it an honour and privilege to run this, a game I have wanted to run for a very, very long time.
Not only will there be strong elements of oriental mythology running through this game as a basis for the concept, but I will also weave something a bit more fantastical through it too. Consider this then a mixture of fairytale weaved in throughout the mythology, with my hope being that it will give you a game unlike any other you might have seen before.
My intention for this is that it will be a very deep, intimate and (I hope) thought provoking experience. It is, ultimately, a very character centric, character driven experience and I am looking for strong writers and storytellers to share this with me.
Some of you may not even make it to the other side, such is the dangerous journey you are about to undertake.
Combat will have its place here, but it won’t be for the sake of combat. I feel that the point of combat is lost when you get a situation where a group of characters come across a group of orcs, and you roll dice to resolve the outcome. My idea of combat is "you are sailing down a river on a leaky boat. On either side of the riverbank orcs aim arrows at you as the raft you are on threatens to fall apart. One of them leaps onto the raft and draws a sword. And what’s that in the distance? It’s a waterfall.....". I will frame those sorts of encounters within the 5th edition ruleset.
The game will be set in the Forgotten Realms, within the little explored region of Shou Lung and the Hordelands.
I have a role to play in this story too — that of a young man whose destiny it is to show you the way to the river of your dreams. This unwitting guide will accompany you throughout the majority of your journey. He will be an untrained orphan, and ultimately his fate will be yours to decide.
My intention, whatever happens, is for this to be a tale that will stay with you for a long, long time — I hope you will choose to walk it’s path with me.
Here is the basic outline for my game concept. If it is something that interests you, let me know below and I will arrange to set the forum up and send out the relevant invites. I am looking for about 5-6 of you to join me on this journey.
Behind the walls of an impenetrable mountain range, deep within the Unapproachable East, there lies a kingdom of unimaginable beauty. A kingdom where the walls are set with beautiful rubies, and where the streets are lined with gold and inlaid with glittering gems. There, inside this lost kingdom, the streams run with silver, and the people that live within.....they live lives of idyllic tranquility.
It was not always so.
Once, many hundreds of years ago, there dwelt an evil warlord by the name of Tan Chin. The ruler of a fell realm of demonic oni, the warlord travelled down the Great Silk Road, deep into the mountains of this mysterious realm, and he spied the hidden kingdom of unearthly beauty. Tan Chin, desirous of this kingdom, vowed to conquer it and bring its subjects under his rule. Returning to his realm, he raised an army of demons and hurled them against the kingdom in his obsession.
This hidden kingdom, this Shangri-La of humankind was not defenceless though. Inside its walls, the fiercest monks and martial artists gathered, and with the courage and blessing of the Padhrasattava, stood against the approaching demon army. Standing at their head was the blessed of the gods themselves, Tsenya Garbo, their leader. Tsenya, realising that hundreds of thousands of lives would be lost in the battle, instead challenged the warlord Tan Chin to single combat. If Tan Chin won, he would have Tsenya's realm for himself. If he lost, he would have to take his army and leave, never to return for five hundred years. In his pride, the warlord accepted the terms, so convinced was he that he would win the duel.
The two of them battled with both sword and spell for three days and three nights in a war that seemed that it would never end, so perfectly matched were the two. Yet at the end of their bloody conflict, Tsenya Garbo finally emerged victorious.
Defeated and bloodied, the warlord nevertheless honoured the terms of their battle -- the gods themselves demanded no less. Taking his army, Tan Chin retreated to the empire of Solon, and there he consolidated the grip on his throne. As he did so, he kept his jealous eyes on the beautiful realm he so desired for his own, even as he once more built up his power. And as years rolled into decades rolled into centuries, the warlord remained patient, for the time would come when the terms of their conflict would pass, and the time would come to strike once more.
And as the years passed, Tsenya Garbo grew old and complacent. So certain in his belief that he was protected and beloved by the gods, he became nothing more than a shadow of the man that he once was. And as the armies of Solon gathered their strength once more, and the warlord began to dream his dreams of conquest, his victory seemed all but inevitable......
Five hundred years have passed since that fateful battle, and whilst Tsenya Garbo has forgotten that which came before, the warlord once again turns his gaze eastwards.....
Soon, the Unapproachable East will erupt into the bloodiest and deadliest conflict that Faerun has ever seen. And into the middle of this conquest, a group of adventurers will stumble into the centre of this deadly situation. Lost and alone, they are tasked with averting a war between two kingdoms. Soon however, this mission will become one of deadly import for them.
And thus begins an epic quest set in a mystical and beautiful part of the Realms that has only been seen by the luckiest few. This will be a tale of life, of love and heroism against almost unimaginable odds. This is a tale of beautiful princesses, a tale of fearsome dragons, of demons and the living dead, and of knights in shining armour. It is a tale that will live on, both in this world and the world beyond. It is a tale that you will carry in the deepest parts of your heart and soul for forevermore.
Will our heroes become the destined champions that fate would decree them to be, or will they be lost in the shadow that sweeps over the land?
Come forward my champions -- come be the protector of the weak, and the heroes you were always destined to be.
This is an epic quest the likes of which the Realms has never seen before....and will never see again.
Last edited Nov 15, 2018 9:30 pm