
Nov 29, 2018 5:47 am
When the party is ready, Ras calls deeply on his druidic magic to enact a powerful spell that changes the heroes' bodies to cloudlike forms that can move at the speed of wind, and they all take to the morning sky and leave behind all that remains of the Hand of the Seldarine - a charred stump of stone.

The companions have experienced the gentle flight of an airship and the felt mighty beat of a dragon's wings, but the thrill of this journey is something like they have never known before. Miles of trees and ridges whip past them as they run on the wind itself. The icy mountain wind that once assailed their skin and ears now speeds them swiftly along their way.

As the group travels, Ras cannot help but remember Aeri's parting words...
Nov 29, 2018 5:52 am
Aeri stretches, fingers interlaced far above her head as she yawns. "Well, handsome? It looks like we're parting ways yet again. You have your work to do, and I have mine." Her small fists clench tight, no doubt at the thought of strangling a certain drow. "Best of luck to you and your friends."

She gestures to Oswald's airship docked in the snow. "I suppose this will be here waiting for you if you have need of it again. I doubt anyone will come here to disturb it. It's not very often that anyone comes this way. Might have some chimeras nesting in it, I suppose." The gnome-dragon raises a hand to touch Ras' face with a gentleness that belies the awesome strength crammed into her small form. "Take care."
Nov 29, 2018 6:00 am
After merely a short time one of the cloud-like forms breaks away from the others, two smaller figures tucked close to it, as Halla and the cambion twins make their own journey to Kuldahar and the safety of the Great Oak.

The hours pass as the group continues on. Eventually they leave the peaks of the Spine of the World and continue on above the foothills, and then cross the tundra of Icewind Dale. From their high vantage they can barely make out several of the Ten Towns clustered around the enormous Lac Dinneshere: Caer-Konig, Caer-Dineval, and Easthaven.

In the light of the afternoon sun, they can dimly make out the skeletal remains of an enormous dragon at the bottom of Lac Dinneshere, and they wonder what might have become of Jhonen, the descendant of Aihonen, the slayer of the Heart of Winter, the great white dragon queen Icasaracht. Even Aerihykloarara would have been dwarfed by this wyrm in life.


Off in the distance, farther to the north, stands the towering lone mountain known as Kelvin's Cairn. To the south is another great lake, this one known as Redwaters, with a couple more fishing towns hugging its shores.

As the sun falls toward the horizon, they cannot miss the sight of Bryn Shander, the large town that acts as the center of civilization here in the Ten Towns. And well beyond it, a third lake, the largest of them all. Maer Dualdon.

As the sun begins to set, the heroes approach Targos. The northern side of the town sits on the southern bank of Maer Dualdon, and a thick wooden palisade runs about the entire town aside from the harbor, which is open to the lake.

As they draw closer, they discover that what they had once thought was night's shadow creeping across the tundra is in reality the presence of an army. It looks to be many hundreds strong, perhaps even a thousand, though it is difficult to tell in the fading light. Firelight springs up about the army as the party touches down on the parade grounds just within the eastern gate.
Nov 29, 2018 6:06 am

With Ras' spell almost entirely spent, the heroes reform amidst human soldiers dressed in the rugged attire of Targos militia. The soldiers bustle about, manning the walls, carrying supplies, and outfitting several small catapults.

When the party's presence is noticed, a cry of alarm goes up and soldiers surround them, spears at the ready.
Nov 29, 2018 6:16 am
"Greetings!" Zenithral says, pulling out and brandishing his militia insignia from Bryn Shander. "Zenithral Liadon, Arcane Archer of Bryn Shander. And I believe some of here of you may know our glaive-wielding friend here?" He looks to Alalla questioningly. "At any rate, we're here to help. Where's your captain, commander, or whatever they call your primary officer these days?"
Nov 29, 2018 6:21 am
Al holds up her own insignia. "Take us to Commander Crale." Alalla shouts over the din. "Or tell him that Alalla Cort is asking for him." She searches through the militia men for a face she recognizes.
Last edited November 29, 2018 6:51 am
Nov 29, 2018 7:03 am
"Halla," Al pulls her aside as Ras prepares his spell. She hesitates. "Thanks for looking after Valiance and Harmony. I know Zenithral appreciates it. We didn't think we'd be gone so long."

Al sighs. Its hard to search someone's eyes when you are also trying to avoid seeing yourself in them.

This is your face now. Get over it.

She looks Halla in the eye properly. "We didn't leave things well last we spoke. Are we... okay?"
Nov 30, 2018 4:47 am
Zenithral's declaration and insignia cause the gathered men to relax, though they still seem bewildered. Several of them dash to a nearby barracks.

Alalla recognizes most of the militia before her, though it takes her a moment to realize that they have trouble recognizing her, what with her newest accessory adorning her empty eye socket.

A moment later Shawford Crale, commander of the Targos militia, arrives on the scene. His wheat-blonde hair and beard are neatly trimmed, but his face looks drawn. He has never been one to handle stress well. "Cort?" His blue eyes take in the party, including Zenithral's Bryn Shander insignia. "What's going on here? Where did you come from?"
Nov 30, 2018 5:07 am
Alalla forces the frown off her face- curse Gruumsh to every hell and back- and salutes her commander.

"Sir. We heard that an army was on its way and my friend used magic to get us here." She gestures to Ras, then to each party member as she introduces them. "Ive never seen a group as powerful before. They will be a big help."

Alalla hesitates, her eyepatch and Poquelin's request giving her a terrible idea. "What do you know about the army, Commander? What are its numbers? What race are its soldiers?"
Last edited November 30, 2018 5:09 am
Nov 30, 2018 5:18 am
Crale gives a low whistle. "Showing up to your post just in time to die with the rest of us." His grin is more than a little sardonic, but Alalla knows that's just his way.

"Orcs. Goblins. At least a giant or two, though it's hard to tell with night coming on. Maybe a thousand, all told. Biggest force I've ever seen in the Dale. Good thing the spring melt has slowed them down, or you would have only found a smokestack." Crale grunts. "Like Lonelywood."
Nov 30, 2018 5:33 am
Alalla curses underneath her breath. A mild human curse, in front of her commanding officer. "You need those ranks thinned. Or disorganized. If you let me go out there tonight I might be able to do something about that."
Nov 30, 2018 5:37 am
Crale eyes the palisade, then spits. "Let you? Like I let you into town? It seems like you go about as you please these days." Plumes of smoke from the armyns campfires can be seen darkening the evening sky. "What do you have in mind?"
Nov 30, 2018 5:47 am
Alalla smirks. "I've been in command of my own group these months. Maybe it's gotten to me."

Thats hardly the way to speak to your commanding officer! She clears her throat and straightens her face. Her mounting anxiety at his questions and her plan makes it easy.

"We've come across some orcs like this before. They weren't happy with who they worked for. If I can talk to them I can offer them an alternative. If that doesn't work, I can lean into the discontent. The orcs will be on the edge of a blood frenzy, and angry at being made to camp for the night when the darkness only serves as an advantage to them. It shouldn't be hard to set them off and turn them against each other."
Last edited November 30, 2018 5:49 am
Nov 30, 2018 6:13 am
Giants, hm? We might be able to take care of that...

"You there!" As Alalla speaks with Crale, Zenithral points and approaches a nearby soldier. "Where might I find some arrows? I'm running low." He points to his quiver.
Unless it sparks significant conversation, I'm fine just assuming Zenithral is able to acquire the arrows he needs.
Nov 30, 2018 2:27 pm
Crale shrugs. "Them killing each other is the best outcome we could hope for. Wretched orcs... If only they could wipe themselves from Faerûn. We'd all be better off without them." He nods. "Have words with them as you like. But try not to die."

He turns back to the gathered milita. "What are you all standing around for with enemies at the gates? Back to your posts!"
Nov 30, 2018 2:33 pm
The soldier shoulders his own longbow. "Name's Isherwood, lieutenant of sorts in this frozen hole. We've got hundreds of arrows... but not as many as there are enemies out there. I only hope it's enough." He unfastens his own quiver and tosses it to Zenithral. "But I'd like to see an 'arcane archer' in action."
Nov 30, 2018 2:51 pm
Vincent steps forward next to Zen and sticks his hand out for a quiver too. "Zen, you up for a friendly competition? I'm no Arcane Archer, but I have a certain flair which could keep me competitive."

Pulling out his oddly skinny longsword, it flares with darkness before the slight curve of the sword warps and the whole thing shifts into a longbow.
Last edited November 30, 2018 2:54 pm
Nov 30, 2018 4:27 pm
Isherwood gasps at Vincent's display. "What sorcery!" He takes a step back. "Yes, I will go find more arrows..." The archer scuttles away.

A few minutes later he returns with several quivers, the shock in his eyes replaced with a glint of curiosity. "Deirdre Galloway is going to have a fit when the next requisition order comes in, but a contest between two fantastic archers? I would pay to see that!" The next words come out as a growl. "Especially if the targets are orc scum."
Nov 30, 2018 5:06 pm
Alalla nods. "I'll do my best, sir." Alalla salutes again as the Commander departs, then goes to Ras. She takes him aside, looking around to be sure there aren't any eavesdroppers.

"Ras, can you use the Gem for me? I need to know about the orcs in the army. If I go talk to army tonight, will I have success getting them to join Keggruk and my tribe in the mountains? They can't be unique. But I need to make a significant difference for Targos."
Nov 30, 2018 7:02 pm
its easy to tell most of the soldiers around are frightened and disheartened. As the others discuss battle tactics, Ug heads over to the closest mess hall. He might not be an elegant speaker, but there was more than one way to boost morale.

"which friend is cook?!" Ug calls out as he enters the mess hall.
Last edited November 30, 2018 7:11 pm
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