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Jan 23, 2019 2:20 am
Okay, so everyone who posts in Purple to react to this event gets Special Inspiration. In the meantime, carry on!
[ +- ] Wild Magic Surges
[ +- ] "Special Inspiration" - AKA Hero Point
Jan 23, 2019 2:31 am
Blinking all of his eyes, Vincent looks around and starts laughing. "Ahahaha! This is just like that one time I joined that group of tavern-hopping wizard school graduates. Things got weird. And that was before the necros and bards showed up. Have any of you seen a banshee do kareokee while zombies play freeze tag?"
Last edited January 23, 2019 2:40 am
Jan 23, 2019 2:46 am
Alalla shrieks as two eyes sprout in her forehead just in time for a flash of light to doubly blind her. Alalla draws her sword and sets it alight. "Is everyone okay?!" There are spots dancing across the bright white of her vision. "What's happening?!" Not spots. Butterflies.

Al backs up carefully, sword held defensively in front of her, and backs into someone. "Who's there?!" The shouting covers the fear in her voice, but it unnerves her that she didn't mean to shout. "Stop that music!"

Finally the music and butterflies stop, and normal, two-eyes vision returns. Alalla looks around at the group, making a quick headcount. Everyone is blue.

"I hate magic," She snarls, gripping her flaming sword tightly.
Jan 23, 2019 3:23 am
Shrouded by his cloak, Reòthadh hears voices as his senses begin to adjust to the lack of silence that has been his prison. Muscles sore, his body barely able to move. He hears grunting, from what he can only assume as some sort of predatory beast, panic races in his mind as he contemplates being eaten alive while wearing these faen shackles. Little did he know that was the least of his problems.... Explosions fill the room, lights everywhere, for a moment he swears he had more eyes, but it must just be the rush of blood after being frozen for so long. His hands are free, looking at his wrists he notices everything looks good. His skin a deathly pale blue. It must've all been in his head.

He opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. moments pass and suddenly his voice booms as thunder

"Me head's smartin like a dern bear's been chewing on it.... Bear? BEAR!"

Upon noticing Alalla for the first time, the dwarf panics for a moment, not realizing he is truly free.
Jan 23, 2019 3:50 am
"Peace, dwarf," Alalla grunts, sheathing her sword. "You're free now, and none of us will hurt you. What is your name?"
Jan 23, 2019 5:03 am
"This bear is talking to me now... I really must be hallucinating. HELLO... MY... NAaaa.. Name... My name is Reòthadh."
Jan 23, 2019 5:13 am
Alalla folds her arms. "Well, I've been called worse things than 'bear,' but my name is Alalla Blacksheaf. These are my companions Rastix, Ug, and Vincent." She gestures to each person as she names them. "What were you doing in a block of ice?"
Jan 23, 2019 5:20 am
"Ice? I don’t know... its hazy like a dream...."

Looking around the dwarf has a strange look on his face, like he’s seeing the world for the first time. Mumbling to himself, he is unaware that he is speaking out loud.

"Just smile.... maybe they won’t think yer a crazy dwerf."

The blue dwarf cracks an awkward grimace, perhaps one that could be interpreted as a smile in a dimly lit cavern, and proceeds to walk out the door towards the city, but unwittingly walks into a broom closet.
Last edited January 23, 2019 3:59 pm
Jan 23, 2019 5:36 am
Alalla watches him go. "Well. That was fun." She turns to Maverick. "You were going to tell us about Jhonen?"
Last edited January 23, 2019 5:37 am
Jan 23, 2019 6:00 am
"Hold, dwarf!" Maverick hops up and down excitedly. "I don't believe it can be a coincidence that you were trapped in the same lake where Icasaracht was slain." The svirfneblin lifts a gray finger. "Did you meet the great wyrm? Did she wield any magic strange for a a dragon of her kind?"

Maverick turns toward Alalla and the others. "That dwarf may have answers that will affect the news I have to give you."
Jan 23, 2019 4:21 pm
Realizing that he is not outside, but rather in a musty closet full of filthy rags and dust, the dwarf turns around.

"Hold? Aye.... They said... hold... the dragon."

His eyes look at Maverick, but he appears as if he’s looking into the distance.
Last edited January 23, 2019 4:25 pm
Jan 23, 2019 4:38 pm
Alalla raises an eyebrow. "Hold the dragon? Literally hold the dragon?"
Jan 23, 2019 5:53 pm
"Well, if you would like to hold a dragon, you could always try to court Aeri. Though you might have a little competition on your hands."
Jan 23, 2019 6:10 pm
Shaking his head at Vincent. The dwarf squints and scratches his beard, a blank expression on his face. His manner of speaking is slow and the timbre and cadence of his voice seems forced and unatural.

"Hold... the dragon... Reòthadh, keep her... keep her away from us. If.... If we fail... If we fail... we must stand against her at the lake..."
Jan 23, 2019 6:13 pm
Everything seems to happen so fast, and yet so slow. Ug staggers, his movement sluggish as his friends struggled with Zen, and though he and his friends try, they are no match for the portals magic and Ug watches blearily as Zenni disappears. He is no help if he can’t rest.

Ug sleeps fitfully as he dreams of mother’s, yetis, devils, and worse.
Jan 23, 2019 6:34 pm
again, events happen faster than Ug can keep up with. Mav? Jhonen?! An ice block dwarf? A memory begins to tug in Ugs mind. And then everything goes . . blue?

A blinding light causes Ug to cover his eyes, but somehow he can still see! He tries to cry out but his voice carries more than mama yelling at him for leaving his loincloths around the house. Ug sees his friends reacting in similar ways, as all of their bodies turn blue. Ugs initial reaction is that somehow he was contagious and they would all turn into blue yetis. He was horrified. They didn’t have enough loincloths for that! And then the creatures came, demon creatures on wings. They fluttered about him, enveloping them all with their suffocating barrage of colors. Ug curls up, grasping his horned head in his hands until their vicious onslaught was over.

Last edited January 23, 2019 6:55 pm


Memory recall - (1d20-1)

(16) - 1 = 15

Jan 23, 2019 7:46 pm
Maverick peers at Reòthadh. "He must be speaking of Icasaracht - but thatbwoukd mean that he was frozen in that ice for hundreds of years! Small wonder that he is so confused." The gnome takes his seat at the table once more. "But perhaps talk of last night's events will jog some of his memory."

Maverick clears his throat. "So Jhonen. Our journeys took us all over the North, but last night we had reason to return to Easthaven and Lac Dinneshere. I thought that perhaps reconnecting Jhonen with the spirit of Aihonen might help to draw his soul back." A shadow seems to pass over the deep gnome's face. "I cast the appropriate spells of water breathing and protection from cold, and sent Jhonen down into the waters while I waited on the shore. He did not return for some time, past when some of his magical protections must have expired. So I went to look for him."

Maverick picks at a spot on the table. "When I waded into the dark waters, I immediately felt that great necromancy had been achieved. I swam down to Icasaracht's remains, and it grew very, very cold - much more so than I expected."

He shivers. "In the depths I found Jhonen, waiting with his eyes closed just in front of the dragon's skull. I touched him, and he opened his eyes..." Maverick looks up. "I have worked with dark powers long enough to recognize evil when I see it. What I saw in Jhonen's eyes was not him, or not even the lack that comes from being soulless. There was a soul staring back at me, and it was not Jhonen's. It spoke, then, and said that it was Aihonen, reborn through his descendant to once more defend the land."

Maverick shivers once more. "I could not believe that the spirit of a goodly paladin would possess a body in this way. I attempted to rebuke the spirit, and instead I was the one nearly destroyed. Jhonen, Aihonen, whatever it was departed." Maverick turns to look at Reòthadh. "On my way back to the surface I found this dwarf imprisoned on the bottom of the lake."

He meets the companions' eyes. "I must admit that I have lost Jhonen, and I know not where he has gone."
Jan 24, 2019 2:11 am
"Burning Hells..." Alalla sighs. "That guy can't catch a break." She shakes her head. "And neither can we. Honestly, Maverick, what do you want from us? I'm glad you told us about Jhonen and that we could help your dwarf, but we're kind of on a tight schedule. We're headed to Dorn's Deep as soon as we can this morning. It's important."
Jan 24, 2019 3:46 am
Maverick's eyebrows climb so high as to nearly perch atop his bald, tattooed head. "To Dorn's Deep, you say? I have only heard of the place in... a book once." He coughs to cover his hesitation. "As I have no idea where to look for Jhonen, might I accompany you to this dwarven city?" The svirfneblin shrugs his shoulders as if in apology. "Not that I am not worried about the guy, but I have no way to help him, especially without the rest of you."
Jan 24, 2019 3:49 am
"In a book once?" Alalla asks cooly. "Not unless you're completely honest, Maverick. There's enough mystery and intrigue happening around us. I don't have the time or the patience to put up with any more, not the least because our enemy will exploit it." She gazes down unyieldingly at the gnome.
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