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Jan 6, 2019 1:15 am
Eyes widening, Vincent drops stealth and dashes through the light crowd and just as Gelarith is about to turn a corner, Vincent grabs him by his collar.

"Gelarith! You, I did not expect to see again."

Opening a portal to his room at the Inn, Vincent pushes Gelarith in front of him through the portal and follows him in.

"Care to tell an old friend how it is that you are still alive?"
Jan 6, 2019 3:49 am
Ras sighs and looks at Aeri. He pulls the large cloak a little tighter around himself and then speaks, his voice shaking slightly. "I'm..." he searches for the right words. "I feel lost. This battle, this whole thing," he gestures vaguely around, "we can't win this. No matter what we do, terrible things happen. And we just keep fighting and... and... people die. Good people."

He stops, fighting back the tears burning his eyes. "I keep going, keep healing, keep fighting. I can't just stand by and watch, especially when my friends need help. But am I the one they need to help them? I feel so helpless, so useless. I wish I could do more. Help more. Save more. Maybe then..." He stops again, realizing that he has been rambling. He doesn't like the pity on Aeri's face. She can't understand. How could a dragon even fathom a feeling like weakness? Hopelessness? He pulls the cloak even tighter and stares at the ground.

"How many more have to die?" he whispers quietly.
Jan 6, 2019 4:53 am
Gelarith tumbles through the portal and into Vincent's room. The elf lands on his knees and skitters to one side, eyes darting around the room as though expecting the walls to swallow him suddenly. "Vincent. Vincent! Vince-" He scratches his scalp, then frowns as a handful of hair comes loose in his fingers. "V-v-v... You know as well as I. Debts to the Lady get paid. D-death is no obstacle for her."

The wizard looks about slyly, then stuffs his handful of hair into a component pouch on his belt. "You spent centuries who-knows-where. I th-think you got the better end of the deal, hey?"
Jan 6, 2019 5:24 am
Aeri sighs as she stares into the gnome's eyes. Then she takes him by the hand and pulls him into a walk. "Moving always does me good. And... I have some things to say, too. They might not help, but..." Somehow with her hand to guide him the ice on the street does not seem so formidable. Ras finds that his boots tread on the slick surface as though it were dry and warm. Dragons...

"I've known loss, too, you know. The Hand of the Seldarine, where your Uncle... Anyway. He shares a tomb with hundreds of my friends." She stops her feet for a moment and shoves her nose up against Ras'. "I'm not saying this to belittle your feelings for your Uncle. That's not the point at all." She starts walking again. "It's just... it's just an awful place, you know?"

They pass by a street covered in orc bodies, and Aeri gives his hand a little tug to direct him another direction. "Yeah, maybe not that way..."

She walks in silence for just a moment, then continues. "It's an awful place... but it wasn't always. It was a good place. A great one. But then..." Her hand tightens enough to cause significant discomfort to Ras, but for some reason she is the one who yelps. "Oh, sorry! I... It happened. It's all my fault!" Such sudden anguish fills her voice that it takes Ras a moment to understand that she isn't talking about his hand. Not entirely, perhaps not even mostly.

"It was me, Ras! I mean, I didn't kill them, but it was my fault they died." Her other hand comes up to wipe her eyes as they walk, and she sniffles loudly. "I didn't do my job. Not well enough. I wasn't vigilant. I was supposed to keep an eye on things. I had one job. I failed... and they died. All of them died. And then Fergy died. And your Uncle died. My fault..."

She stops in the street and throws her arms around him. She's surprisingly - or not so surprisingly, all things considered - heavy. "I'm so sorry, Rastix!" There are a few passersby, but they seem too engrossed in their own exhaustion and feelings to pay attention to the two gnomes.
Jan 7, 2019 12:30 am
Looking at him conspiratorially, Vincent replies, "Did, you not pay your debt?!?! What was it? What do you need to do?"

Then mumbling to himself, "I will always be paying mine."
Last edited January 7, 2019 12:31 am
Jan 7, 2019 2:57 am
Alalla steps out of her uncles shop and into the street. She takes a deep breath of the late winter air. It smells different. Is that because Targos is different, or she is?

She taps the book in her pocket while she waits for Erevain to join her, and says another prayer in her mind. It sounds much like her first.

Torm, Alalla begins self-consciously. She glances up at Erevain to make sure that he isn't watching her. He is meditating. Not that it matters. Great Torm, I don't know if I'm doing this right, or if you'd even care anyway, but I need your help. I have a duty to protect these people. All of them. Even the orcs. Belhifet wants to enslave them, and he twists the laws and things that are supposed to protect them into things than drag them down. According to this book, you're supposed to care about those things. She touches the page listing the attributes and domains of Torm. So please help me uphold them. She closes the book quickly.

She shakes off the feeling of foolishness as Erevain arrives. Even that is easier now. One positive thing about his sacrifice.

"Lets see if I can get anywhere with those orcs, hm?" Together they head towards where the prisoners are being kept.
Last edited January 7, 2019 2:58 am
Jan 7, 2019 9:29 pm
Gelarith shudders. "Isn't it always more of the same? She doesn't seem to care how long it takes, so long as it gets done." The wizard's eye begins to twitch. He slaps a hand on it, muttering to himself. "I thought there would be more here, but I'm just on scavenger duty. Pinching for coppers on the street, as it were, now that the Hand is gone."

Gelarith looks Vincent up and down. "You should be doing well for yourself in a party like yours. Plenty to go around with adventurers. Probably snagged lots just with this little war that's going on." His gaze turns hungry for just a moment, but he shakes it away with a toss of his greasy head. "What's next for your group, anyway?"
Jan 7, 2019 10:45 pm
Isherwood greets Alalla and Erevain with a nod of his bandaged head. The militia archer sports several wounds, but his eyes are sharp as he watches over the prisoners.

The orcs are oddly still and quiet. Orcs rarely sit still for long except when lounging, and these prisoners are hardly comfortable in their bindings. With no building large enough to hold them, they sit in the snow along the shore of Maer Dualdon.

"Alright, Alalla? Not sure what we'll do with these fellows. No place to hold them. Can't feed them. I think most people just want them executed." Isherwood shrugs uncomfortably. "Can't say I like the idea, but I haven't got any ideas."
Jan 7, 2019 11:35 pm
"Hey, Isherwood. I've been better, but so have we all." Alalla folds her arms as she looks over the group. "I'm not in love with it either, but they are part of an invading army. Let me have a chat with them, and then we'll see." She claps Isherwood on the shoulder. "Erevain will translate for you, if you like, but keep your distance for a bit." Alalla clears her throat awkwardly, then steps toward the bound orcs.

No coming back from this. Not that I have much space available for backtracking...

"Well," she begins in orcish, "you asked to speak with me? Those that lead you are dead. Who speaks for you now?" Alalla stands with her back straight and tall, pretending that she is talking with her tribe outside of Kuldahar, and not speaking orcish in the middle of a human town while the militia looks on.
Last edited January 7, 2019 11:46 pm
Jan 8, 2019 12:00 am
The orcs are silent for a few moments - an uncanny void that even the Dale's wind has trouble filling. All eyes are on Alalla.

Finally one of the orcs nearby squares his broad shoulders. With dark, wild eyes he sizes her up. "The Daughter of Gruumsh speaks for us. But you are not her. She is taller."
Jan 8, 2019 12:25 am
"Hm." Alalla is surprised again at the feeling of the anger in her stomach. It rises, she acknowledges it, and it fades. The consuming burn she once had to operate over is no more. "Don't remind me. It's been a rough night for everyone.

Now, I'm not really in the mood to prove it to you, but I'm the one you're looking for. I'm almost certainly the only woman in this town who speaks orcish, for one."
Last edited January 8, 2019 12:26 am
Jan 8, 2019 4:06 am
Snorting, Vincent replies, "I wouldn't know about doing well for myself. I only have the little coin I brought with me from the Hand. The only luck I've had is people trying to kill me. Which, is the best kind of luck, because then I can pay the Lady. Care to help me enact a touch of revenge? I already took the soul of one of his guards, so if you need his soul, or just the coin in his purse you are welcome to it. It'll be just like old times, what do you say?"
Jan 8, 2019 4:09 am
Ras, unsure how to comfort the gnome/dragon, simply stands there for a moment, arms around Aeri. Her confession burrows into his brain and down into his heart, pushing past his sadness amd insecurities. She understands. If anything, she makes his grief look small, his reaction like a childish tantrum. Doesn't everyone experience loss? He doesn't have a monopoly on pain.

He hugs her tighter suddenly. How much must her pain weigh on her heart? He wishes he could fix it, could heal her of this pain. No one deserves to carry all that. "It's not your fault," he whispers.

He feels the tears building behind his eyes again, burning and trying to blind him. He needs to let go of this pain. Nessa would not have wanted this. Fergy wouldn't have either. And Oswald... Uncle Oswald would have called him a musty turnip head and told him some long-winded story... Ras hiccups a laugh, thinking about Oswald's stories.

Carefully, he lets go of Aeri and takes her hand again, gently pulling her back toward the tavern."Let me tell you about my Uncle Oswald..."
Jan 8, 2019 5:38 am
The orc's brow furrows as it ponders Alalla's response. Its delayed response does not seem for a lack of understanding, however; this particular orc seems thoughtful. Eventually it gives a low, slow nod. "Daughter of Gruumsh. I am Morrugh. You are the rightful chief. All here would hear what you have to say to us."

While Morrugh does not bear marks of any station that she can find, none of the other orcs I've to contradict him. Their eyes are only on her.
Jan 8, 2019 1:33 pm
Alalla takes a deep breath. Here goes nothing. "Perhaps you didn't hear me when I came to speak with Ghotrag. That is understandable, but this is your last chance to hear what I say.

Gruumsh is a fraud of a god. He created us to be his slaves, not his children. Look at the other races. Look at all they have that the orcs do not. They have it because they build it, and their gods show them how. The orcs do not lack because the other races steal it from us, but because all Gruumsh gives us is bloodlust and rage to bend us to him and further his vendetta.

Look at you!"
Alalla gestures to their bonds. "Weren't you a great army once, with the strength of Gruumsh behind you? His greatness is a myth and his strength an illusion. Leave him behind and make something better for yourselves."

Alalla looks them over once more, then makes a decision. They seem meek enough, for orcs. Hopefully Ulbrec will support her. "I am loyal to this town. It is my home and I care for its people. I do not care for warmongers and murderers. So, this is what I say: Renounce Gruumsh, and try another way. I will be your chieftess and I will be loyal to you and care for you as my people, too. I will speak to the leader of this town and secure your freedom. If you want to remain loyal to your slave master instead, then I will execute justice and send you to meet him, which is what you have earned for your crimes against me and mine."

Alalla rests her hand on her sword hilt. "It is your choice. Gruumsh will likely reward you in Nishrek for staying true to him. But what is his reward worth? So far, I'm not impressed with what he has to offer." She looks out at the small crowd of orcs, making eye contact with as many as she can. "Well? I can come back later if you need time to decide, but I'm a busy woman."

While she waits for her answer, Alalla remains vigilant. Orcs breaking bonds in their fury at her blasphemy is not out of the question, and last time she made a speech like this she died shortly after. The time before that, Gruumsh as his avatar came to silence her. She won't be caught off guard again.
Last edited January 8, 2019 1:39 pm


Intimidation (I'm dead serious) - (1d20+8, 1d20+8)

1d20+8 : (14) + 8 = 22

1d20+8 : (20) + 8 = 28

Jan 9, 2019 2:01 am
Gelarith's eyes widen at the offer - or, at least, one of them does. "O-of course! Let's do that." He picks at a spot on one hand. "What kind of soul is it? Wizard? Warrior? Trickster?"
Jan 9, 2019 2:40 am
Looking pensive, Vincent replies, "Some sort of arcane caster I believe. He used wands and cast several spells. Let's wait here till I recover the magic I used to get us here and then we can go."

Vincent and his new friend chat for a bit and then head out to the Cort house.
Last edited January 9, 2019 2:41 am


Insight - (1d20+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Jan 9, 2019 5:00 pm
The orcs all stare at Alalla in silence for a long minute. Then, as one, they bow. Every one of the eighty prisoners, hulking brutes all, puts their head to the snow in acceptance. Marrugh begins a chant that is quickly taken up by the other orcs: "Thur'Kafaz! Thur'Kafaz! Thur'Kafaz!"

Isherwood takes an uneasy step back as the chant grows louder. His knuckles tighten on his bow as his other hand twitches toward his quiver.

Alalla, however, understands. As she looks out over the scores of orc prisoners, she realizes that they have given her a new title to replace her old one.

Jan 9, 2019 5:25 pm
The two continue to chat while Vincent recovers his expended magic. Gelarith continually mumbles under his breath and digs through his pockets, but Vincent pays the strange wizard's actions no mind - until he feels his mind magically assaulted by a nefarious spell. Even surprised as he is, Vincent manages to fight off the effect.

"Your mind is stronger than before!" Gelarith's lips are pulled back in a hiss. "But if I locked you away once, I can do it again!"
Roll for initiative!

Gelarith's initiative is 19.


Mystery roll - (2d20)

(1610) = 26

Vince wisdom save DC 17 - (1d20+7)

(16) + 7 = 23

Jan 9, 2019 5:46 pm
"Wait, that was you?!"
Last edited January 9, 2019 5:48 pm


Initiative - (1d20+5)

(8) + 5 = 13

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