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Jan 15, 2019 12:59 pm
Erevain shifts uncomfortably. "Alalla, when you go to face that devil, I would be beside you. Unless..." A cloud passes over the elf's face, and Alalla recognizes her husband's thoughts almost as clearly as if the two were still bonded by his sword's magic. After his recent failings, perhaps Alalla does not trust him enough to have him present when confronting Belhifet.
Jan 15, 2019 4:04 pm
Alalla shifts her weight to one foot and crosses her arms. She is about to say something but the movement makes her armour catch on her bandages, and she has to pull on the plate to free the wound on her lower back from the strain and pain. Her reassurance against Erevain's fear dies on her lips.

"I'm more concerned about Lord Ulbrec," she says instead. It isn't a lie. "He has a difficult situation to handle as it is. I don't want to dump eighty orcs into his lap and then run." Grunting slightly, Alalla stands straight again. She looks to Morrugh. "What do you think? Would you follow Lord Ulbrec while I'm gone? He is my chief, and I know he will care for the Cagebreakers properly."
Last edited January 15, 2019 4:04 pm
Jan 15, 2019 4:17 pm
"Keggruk!" Erevain blurts in an uncharacteristic display. "If we can get Keggruk here, I am sure he would keep both the orcs and townspeople safe. And you remember Chaide. She seemed quite wise to me. Surely the two of them together would be able to handle any issues here." The elf seems most desperate to not be left behind.

Morrugh watches, patiently waiting for Alalla's reply.
Jan 15, 2019 4:28 pm
Alalla turns quickly, eyes wide with surprise. "I'm sure they would, but how in Faerun would we get them here? They're days past Kuldahar."
Last edited January 15, 2019 4:29 pm
Jan 15, 2019 8:01 pm
Erevain flounders for just a moment. "I am sure that Halla is capable of the same windwalking that Rastix used to get us here. Perhaps she could send them along... But we would have to find some way to contact her..." He trails off, looking trapped. "There must be some way."
Jan 15, 2019 8:37 pm
Alalka rubs her forehead. "If Aeri is going back to guarding Orrick's tower I guess she could deliver our request to Halla. Otherwise I'm out of ideas."
Jan 15, 2019 9:01 pm
Lord Ulbrec looks between the three of them for a moment, then clears his throat once more. "Well, I'll let you sort out all of the details, just inform me of your plans sometime before you leave. Have you any other business with me?"
Jan 15, 2019 9:37 pm
"Just that shifter," Al replies with a frown. "The number of ways it can sabotage us is staggering. You said I might be able to detect it somehow?"
Jan 15, 2019 11:05 pm
Ulbrec shrugs. "As I said earlier, my father was an accomplished member of the Order. He could sniff out vampires and demons, and more. But I don't know any of the specifics. You will have to figure that out on your own. In the meantime, we must be on our guard as best we can."
Jan 16, 2019 12:50 am
Alalla nods. "Then I'll get to work on that, and not take anymore of your time." She salutes the mayor. "On behalf of the Cagebreakers I thank you for your mercy. You had every reason to withhold it. We will do our best to show you our gratitude, and that you haven't made a mistake." She puts her hand to her heart. "Thank you."
Jan 16, 2019 3:31 am
"It is you, and your brave companions, who have the thanks of Targos. Send that devil back to whichever of the Nine Hells he spawned from." Lord Ulbrec salutes, then turns to limp back up the stairs once more.
Jan 16, 2019 4:48 am
The common room of the inn doesn't hold much appeal with its lack of service and prominent bloodstains, so Ras and Aeri find another tavern with a more hospitable climate. They pass many long hours talking of the people they've lost: friends, family, and more. Gnome and dragon, side by side, each find themselves experiencing a mix of emotions with the telling of each story. Smiles, tears, rueful shakes of the head, and more than a few moments of shared silence pass between them.

Near the end of their conversation, Aeri lets out a sigh - which, though heavy, also visibly relaxes the gnome-dragon, as though she is blowing away a weight that has long been on her shoulders. "This has done me good, Ras. I'm not sure I've been this at ease in centuries. Or enjoyed myself, either." She plays with her cup on the table for a moment. "Silver dragons are pretty social you know? We like to be around people. Like, people people. Not just other dragons, but the other races. We take forms like yours, walk among you, talk and act like you. In many major cities the shop owner down the street or your favorite waitress could actually be a silver dragon in disguise, living a life that they could never get in the solitude that most dragons prefer."

She drains the cup and flips it over, making a tower of sorts on the table. "The Hand of the Seldarine was my home for a long, long time. The elves of the Hand patrolled the North, you see. Their hippogriffs were a sign of hope and help to those who wandered the Spine of the World. I patrolled as well, but I had a different role, one often taken up by silver dragons. I was to watch and protect against a certain threat... for it is the way of drow to strike out against surface elves, to make war and raid and cause all manner of evil."

She stops for a moment, obviously pained. "But when I came up against a certain drow, I didn't snuff him out like I should have. I was young, and curious. I was naive. I was duped." She sniffles, and her eyes shine with silver tears. "And because of my mistake, my lack of vigilance, they all died. All my friends died... or worse, in the awful abomination that place became."

Aeri leans her head on Ras' shoulder, her sobs shaking him. The other patrons in the tavern don't pay the two much heed. There are plenty of tears to go around Targos today.

"I am so... angry. At that drow. At myself. It's been a part of me for so long now that I... I just don't know what to do with myself anymore." Aeri's words are whispered into Ras' shoulder, her hands tight on his arm. "It kills me that my newest friend continues to be hurt by my past failures. I... understand if you never want to speak with me again, Rastix."

She waits in silence, listening for his answer.
Jan 16, 2019 4:52 am
Later in the day, Vincent finds himself approached by Isherwood. After hours spent guarding the orc prisoners the archer looks tired and unnerved, but his tone implies that something else is bothering him. "I'm glad I've found one of you, at least. I overhead some nasty rumors earlier today. There are some townsfolk who aren't happy about the orcs here being treated civilly." He scratches his jaw as though pondering how he himself feels about that. "There's supposed to be some sort of a meeting tonight, at the Galloway Trade Depot. I don't like the sound of it. Might get out of hand. Thought you and your friends should know."
Jan 17, 2019 1:25 am
Vincent is at first startled by someone approaching him, thinking it may be his old buddy tracking him down. However his face quickly fixes itself into a genuine smile.

"BarrelMan! How have you been? That was quite some battle, wasn't it?

Ah, you need some help? Certainly, so long as you can remind me where the BarrelMaker lives."

Jan 17, 2019 1:31 am
Ras sighs and puts his arm around the sobbing gnome. For a while he says nothing, simply holding her. Then he places his cup on top of her tower and turns to look at her. "You aren't alone Aeri. We've all done things that we can't forgive ourselves for. That is why we have to forgive each other." He wipes a tear from her face. "If you need to hear it, I forgive you. But you are exquisite and you have nothing to be ashamed of. You are not responsible for the actions of other people. Or monsters. Especially monsters..." After this, Ras stops, his eyes going slightly wide as he makes the realization that he could really follow his own advice.
Jan 17, 2019 1:34 am
Isherwood blinks. "Some battle? All my friends are dead." He shakes his head as though to banish the thought. "That's just it. The maker of the barrels is Deirdre Galloway. It's in the southern part of town." He points in the direction of the shop.
Jan 17, 2019 2:21 am
As Ras speaks, Aeri's sobs begin to subside, and her grip on his arm softens. Her whispered reply is several long minutes in coming, but its sincerity seems to heal something inside of Ras as well.

"Thank you..."

When she has recovered her composure, Aeri straightens up. Her growling stomach sounds oddly cavernous, a reminder that this small gnome is much more than she seems. "I should probably go hunt something substantial to eat. Like a yeti. Or three." She slips off her set and lands nimbly on her feet. "Ras... you are my best friend. Thanks for cheering me up." She gives his bald head a fond rub and heads for the door.
Jan 17, 2019 2:32 am
"Do you think BarrelMaker will be at the party tonight? What's her favorite color? Have you mentioned me to her? We should go and make sure she is safe!"
Last edited January 17, 2019 2:33 am
Jan 17, 2019 2:33 am
To be clear, this now marks evening of the first day after the battle. So like battle finished early this morning, and now it's evening. Anyone who wishes to be present can be here, and everyone has had a short rest.
Isherwood's warning about the anti-orc sentiment and meeting finds its way to each of the companions' ears, and in the early shadows of evening they make their way to the Galloway Trade Depot - a large warehouse of general goods, supplies, furniture, and more.

The main door to the warehouse has a sizable padlock on it, but the adjoining front office has lamplight shining through the windows.
Jan 17, 2019 2:54 am
Alalla frowns, then knocks politely.
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