Heart of Winter

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Jan 8, 2019 5:20 am
This thread tells a story hundreds of years before the campaign's current timeline. Meant for Reòthadh, but anyone can read.
The sun paints the surrounding ice and snow a blinding white. Such brightness could blind a person, but these days that is the danger for which the people of Icewind Dale least worry.

"Steady! Not yet. Wait until she shows her scaled face." Aihonen stands tall in his plate armor, longsword held tight in one gauntleted fist. "She won't strike until she sees the shard."

The gathered men and women squint down into the glare with no small degree of discomfort, hands clutching at an assortment of weapons and spellcasting implements. Though hard to make out, a single dark speck marks the presence of a lone figure down below.

Aihonen is either too excited to be bothered by the glare, or too proud to admit his own discomfort. He looks over and claps Reòthadh on the shoulder. "What do you think of Nym down there? I never would have believed a drow might risk his life for anyone, but this one's come a long way. Do you think perhaps we're rubbing off on him?"
Jan 8, 2019 4:21 pm
The wind ripples through the dwarf’s wiry alabaster beard as he rubs his chin, contemplating the words of Aihonen.

"Your guess is as good as mine, I suppose. I’ve never known a drow to be forthcoming in their intentions even when a blade may threaten their life."

His right hand anxiously grips the strapping of his axe in preparation for the impending chaos. Amid the harsh cold of the elements, beads of sweat begin to form over the dwarf’s brow. This was happening, today would be the end of the reign of terror known as Icasaracht.
Jan 9, 2019 4:30 am
Aihonen chuckles heartily. "Well, let's hope that Icasaracht trusts in the black hearts of drow more than she does the bonds of friendship, or our theatrics back in Bryn Shander are for nothing." The toe of his boot brushes the edge of the magical window looking down over the Dale. Such extradimensional magic is a relatively simple trick, but an uncommon one. "We may owe that barkeep a new tavern, but that's a small price to pay if we're successful today. The last of the great matriarchs will fall, and the North will be free."
To be clear, you are within the space of a Rope Trick spell created hundreds of feet above the ground (bypassing the usual 60 ft height by simply casting the spell from a higher altitude than from the ground).
Aihonen glances back down through the window just in time to catch a twinkle of light from the figure down so far below. "There's the signal! Spellcasters, begin your first array of defensive spells!"
You have a chance right now to cast 1 spell of your choice to buff yourself up.
Jan 9, 2019 4:30 am
In response to the paladin's command, many of the gathered people throw themselves into chants and murmurs as they call on energies divine and arcane.

One of them, a sea elf by the name of Elisia, draws near to Reòthadh and focuses her spellcasting on him. Her voice floats through the magical space like the gentle lapping of waves onto shore, but her eyes repeatedly flick back toward Aihonen. There is secret love in her green eyes, but the paladin seems not to notice, his eyes glued on the blinding scene below.
Elisia casts Death Ward on Reòthadh, and also grants him a Bardic Inspiration die, 1d10.
Jan 9, 2019 5:41 am
Nodding in thanks to the elf, Reòthadh begins to tap into his ancestral heritage, readying himself for the imminent fight. Lights form around him, as if blessed by the spirits of the North; shimmering lights if blue, yellow, green, and purple weave around his figure like the ribbons of a dancer.

Reòthadh casts Crown of Stars.

"Marthammor Duin, may your lights guide my axe to strike true."
Last edited January 9, 2019 5:46 am
Jan 9, 2019 5:07 pm
As the casters complete their spells and fall silent, Aihonen leans dangerously far out over the window, muttering under his breath. "Where are you, beast? Show yourself! Your prize awaits, as does your doom."

As his fist clenches and releases the sword hilt in his hands, the paladin grunts. "Does anyone see her?"
Perception check, please!
Jan 9, 2019 5:35 pm
The sorcerer sqauts down and focuses his eyes determined to not miss anything.
Last edited January 9, 2019 5:38 pm


The dwarf squints (perception) - (1d20-1)

(19) - 1 = 18

Jan 9, 2019 6:15 pm
The reflection of sun on snow and ice is nearly enough to sear eyes from skull, but whether by virtue of his unique magic or just a stroke of luck, Reòthadh's eyes pick out a minute detail that the rest of the party misses: the slight tumbling of snow on the surrounding hills. Not from wind, but as though the earth below is trembling.

Then, beneath the howling of the wind, the sorcerer hears a sound he knows well - the cracking of ice.

Icasaracht is not in the air or on the ground. She is under it.
Jan 10, 2019 12:34 am
"Look! Below, she’s burrowing through the ice!"
Jan 11, 2019 12:37 am
Gasps ring through the extradimensional space as Reòthadh is proved correct. A thunderous, rolling crack sounds from below.

Aihonen raises his sword. "By Tempus! She's closer than we thought. We have to move now!" The paladin puts a strong hand on Reòthadh's shoulder. "As we planned, you first. Keep her grounded! If she takes wing, we are doomed."

The cracking sound culminates suddenly in an explosion of ice and snow that creates a massive cloud that lingers in the air, blocking view of the lone drow below. A blood-chilling roar, however, indicates that the dragon has indeed surfaced.

Aihonen gives Reòthadh a wink. "We are right behind you, friend."
Assuming Reòthadh jumps, he'll have the chance to cast a spell or two on the way down. Also, he would know that allied spellcasters will keep him from turning to past upon hitting the ground (and/or) dragon.

See the spoiler if you want a hint for what the party expects you to do, or you can do your own thing!
[ +- ] HINT
Jan 11, 2019 1:21 am
Without hesitation the dwarf leaps from his perch preparing for the landing. Muttering a curse under his breath for what he is about to do, the dwarf unleashes his frost giant magic.

Reòthadt casts Armor of Agathys as a fifth level spell

The air whistles loudly in the dwarf's ears. Still falling, he takes a moment to enjoy the fall before he draws upon ancient magic from his ancestral heritage. Immediately, the sorcerer grows to Huge proportions.

Casting Enlarge on himself, Reòthadt uses his feature Rage of Fallen Ostoria, increasing two sizes.
Last edited January 11, 2019 1:31 am
Jan 11, 2019 3:48 am
The moment Reòthadh leaves the protection of the extradimensional space he feels the sting and bite of Icewind Dale's infamous wind. At this altitude, and at such speed, it is truly shocking. Still, this dwarf and his allies are no strangers to the North and it's frigid weather.

As Reòthadh falls and works his magic, he is dimly aware of the companions about him. The sea elf Elisia seems entirely untroubled by the cold - doubtless the waters of the great lakes where her people dwell are colder by far. Her singing voice somehow rings out over the whipping air, slowing the party's fall to a more comfortable glide (Elisia casts Feather Fall).

As Reòthadh's body swells to the size of a giant - by now he is some twenty feet tall - he hits the torrent of ice and snow thrown by Icasaracht's emergence. For a moment, the dwarf sees only white. Blinded by snow and deafened by wind, he nearly loses his sense of direction... And then he passes through the cloud, emerging over a scene painted dim by a blocked sun.

Icasaracht is a dreadful sight - and angry besides. Weighing far more than a hundred tons of muscle, scale, and wintry death, she whips about in a rage, enormous talons digging into the snow and earth to toss aside chunks capable of flattening a small building. The object of her frustration reveals itself first in one place, then another, as Nym dashes, slides, and teleports all about her, one hand wielding a rapier and the other waving about a rectangular prism made of shining crystal.

When Reòthadh comes into view above, Nym gives the falling dwarf a quick salute with his rapier, then dives away from a blast of razor-sharp icicles spewing from Icasaracht's icy maw. Whether the drow avoided the killing breath or not, Reòthadh has other things to worry about as he rapidly draws close to the titanic white dragon.

Once more, the sorcerer hears Elisia's voice carry on the wind, this time unleashing a debilitating hex upon Icasaracht (Elisia casts Hex on Icasaracht, giving the dragon disadvantage on strength checks).

And then huge Reòthadh collides with the ancient draconic matriarch.
You can roll your check (adv from Enlarge) and the dragon's (disadv from Hex). Also, don't forget you have a d10 Bardic Inspiration die!

She gets +8 to her check.
Jan 11, 2019 4:24 am
Without hesitating he wards himself from retaliation with a quick utterance, the suddenly massive dwarf then deftly makes an attempt to pin the dragon down.

Reòthadh casts blade ward using quicken spell and using his action he makes a grapple attack.

Before the dragon can process what is happening, the dwarf locks down his arms over her, wrapping his legs around her form. Holding on tight he gives a whoop of excitement.

Icasaracht is now grappled and Reòthadh has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from weapon attacks.

HP: 156
THP: 30
AC: 15
Size: Huge
Last edited January 11, 2019 6:55 pm


Dwarven Death Hug (Grapple) - (1d20+8)

(18) + 8 = 26

Advantage - (1d20+8)

(4) + 8 = 12

Inspiration - (1d10)

(9) = 9

Icasaracht’s grapple contest (strength with disadvantage) - (1d20+8)

(12) + 8 = 20

Icasaracht’s grapple contest (strength with disadvantage) - (1d20+8)

(4) + 8 = 12

Jan 12, 2019 6:18 pm
Ichasaracht shudders under Reòthadh's impact, and the mighty wyrm immediately bucks to throw the giant sorcerer off. Reòthadh's grip is sure, however, and Elisia's sung curse weakens the dragon's attempts. The sea elf lands nearby on torn ice, hands gesturing as she begins another spell.

"TEMPUS!!!" Aihonen descends next, his sword a reflecting more light than would seem possible beneath the cloud of snow than might seem possible. He strikes a heavy blow against the side of the dragon's head as he descends, the blade of dragonslaying doing its deadly work as Aihonen puts the full weight of his paladin might behind the blow. Icasaracht's hiss sounds like a great geyser as she attempts to shift her bulk away from that nasty weapon and it's wielder, but Reòthadh's iron hold keeps her in place. "Keep her here, dwarf! Everyone, attack!"

Several more of the party descend to the ground, including a heavyset barbarian by the name of Hjollsted, of the Tribe of the Elk. The burly shaman steps forward with ancient magic on his lips and summons ghostly flames that try to envelope Icasaracht - but somehow she rebuffs the spell.

Nym appears suddenly from nowhere, tucking something into a belt pouch - doubtless replacing some magical trinket he used to avoid the dragon thus far - and drives his rapier home twice into the dragon's hindquarters. Though the blade seems too incredibly thin to harm this behemoth of a foe, the dragon shudders in pain.

Icasaracht has not lived long enough to grow so large without facing long centuries of threats, however. She opens her enormous maw wide and whips her head about, unleashing her most devastating weapon. Icicles sharp enough to pierce plate armor, and air cold enough to shatter bone pour between her jaws.

Elisia throws up her hands and completes her spell just as the killing frost falls over the heroes. Her singing voice is lost in the roar of wind, and the magical healing her spell provides feels like a pebble tossed into a raging flood - but it is enough to keep some of the party on their feet. When Icasaracht's breath ends, Elisia stands only with the help of Hjollsted's hand around her. Pieces of Aihonen's fabulous armor lie scattered about, and his exposed skin will certainly bear scars from frostbite, but he raises his sword with determination.

When Icasaracht sees so many of her enemies still standing after her breath, her reptilian eyes widen in fear. The sky is her refuge against these small, insufferable creatures, but there is one large obstacle keeping her from that... Her tail sweeps around to crack against Reòthadh's back. The blow hardly injures the tough dwarf, but it is barely enough to disrupt his concentration (After resistance Reo takes 8 bludgeoning).

Reòthadh begins to shrink, and loses his hold on the great wyrm.

Immediately Icasaracht spins about, giving a powerful flap of her wings to knock away her closest foes. Aihonen is thrown aside with a crunch of ice, and Reòthadh falls to his back beneath the dragon (Reo takes 5 bludgeoning). Roaring with victory, she flaps her wings again and starts to rise into the sky.

Gasping for breath, Aihonen cries out as best he can. "No! Reòthadh, you must keep her grounded! Grab her!"

Elisia runs for Aihonen, concerned hands reaching for his face, but he shakes her off. "No, help Reòthadh!" With tears freezing upon her cheeks, the sea elf graces the dwarf sorcerer with another inspiring refrain.
Reòthadh has another d10 Bardic Inspiration. Elisia has lost her concentration on Hex, so Icasaracht no longer has disadvantage on Strength checks.

Ichasaracht is some 40 feet off the ground, but in range of Reòthadh's grapple IF he can get big again and still make his grapple check in the same turn.

(By the way, I'm totally seeing a giant Antman moment here)


Aihonen vs Icky (2 attacks) - (1d20+11, 1d20+11)

1d20+11 : (13) + 11 = 24

1d20+11 : (5) + 11 = 16

Dmg to icky (slashing, extra slashing, radiant, psychic) - (1d8+6, 3d6, 4d8, 4d6)

1d8+6 : (3) + 6 = 9

3d6 : (514) = 10

4d8 : (2633) = 14

4d6 : (3612) = 12

Nym vs Icasaracht (2 attacks) - (1d20+12, 1d20+12)

1d20+12 : (17) + 12 = 29

1d20+12 : (16) + 12 = 28

Dmg to Icky - (2d8+14, 7d6)

2d8+14 : (61) + 14 = 21

7d6 : (1365642) = 27

Aihonen Con save DC 22 - (1d20+7)

(3) + 7 = 10

Elisia Con save DC 22 - (1d20+5)

(3) + 5 = 8

Nym con Save DC 22 - (1d20+6)

(16) + 6 = 22

Hjollsted Con save DC 22 - (1d20+7)

(15) + 7 = 22

Cold breath damage - (16d8)

(6583838876388615) = 93

Mass cure wounds - (3d8+5)

(656) + 5 = 22

Icasaracht wis save DC 17 - (1d20+7)

(3) + 7 = 10

Icky tail vs Reo - (1d20+14)

(14) + 14 = 28

Dmg to reo - (2d8+8)

(63) + 8 = 17

Reo con save DC 10 - (1d20+14)

(1) + 14 = 15

Aihonen DC 22 Dex save - (1d20+4)

(10) + 4 = 14

Nym DC 22 Dex save - (1d20+15)

(14) + 15 = 29

Reo DC 22 Dex save - (1d20+4)

(14) + 4 = 18

Wing attack dmg - (2d6+8)

(21) + 8 = 11

Ick Dex save DC 17 - (1d20+6)

(3) + 6 = 9

Jan 13, 2019 7:46 am
Cursing as the elements, the chaos, and the stinging of his back from the dragon’s tail distract Reòthadh from his concentration, the sorcerer begins to reduce in size. Determined to fulfill his task he redoubles his efforts to maintain a grip on the dragon, once again growing in size to resume his assault.

"Reòthadh casts Enlarge on himself using quicken spell.

Reaching up as his quarry tries to fly away, he attempts to grab the dragon once more. Like a viper his arms move to strike, grabbing the dragon once more.

HP: 156
THP: 17
Size: Huge
Last edited January 13, 2019 7:51 am


Grapple - (1d20+8)

(4) + 8 = 12

Advantage - (1d20+8)

(2) + 8 = 10

Inspiration - (1d10)

(6) = 6

Icasaracht’s grapple contest (strength) - (1d20+8)

(5) + 8 = 13

Jan 13, 2019 2:33 pm
Reòthadh's mighty pull returns the dragon to the ground. She thrashes her muscled form about, but the giant dwarf refuses to relinquish his grip.

"Well done, Reòthadh! This is our time, friends! Give her everything we have!" Aihonen's voice rings out clearly over the battlefield as he struggles to his feet. In response to his call, the companions redouble their efforts.

Elisia's song weaves enchantment about Ichasaract, inciting the dragon to collapse and give up the fight. The powerful wyrm responds with a thunderous bellow that drowns out Elisia's voice, then whips her tail about to club the woman's side hard enough to break ribs.

Aihonen dives forward to chop at Ichasaract's foreleg, but even his sword of dragonslaying has difficulty puncturing her thick scales. Her great head dips then, and enormous jaws close on the paladin's arm. A powerful twist of her neck has Aihonen off the ground, and then she flings him back to the ground.

In the moment that her head is low, however, a slender dark figure leaps forward to pierce her face with a powerful thrust. As the dragon withdraws her sore face with a pained roar, Nym reaches down to pull Aihonen back to his feet. The battered paladin sways, but moves to charge back into the fray.

Ichasaract has had enough. In an incredible display of strength, she rears up as much as she can with Reòthadh holding her, then slams her massive body back down to the frozen earth, causing the ground to quake tremendously (Reo takes 15 damage). Elisia falls and cracks her head hard upon a frozen boulder, then lies still (Elisia is dying). Nym dances upon the rolling earth in a stunning display of dexterity. Even with the bulk of the wyrm bearing down upon him, Reòthadh somehow manages to keep her in place. Aihonen is thrown to his back once more, and then stomped by a massive claw (Aihonen is also dying).

With two of her annoying foes down, Icasaracht's trumpeting roar carries all the weight of her centuries of evil. Eyes wide, Nym backpedals furiously, then turns and runs as fast as his legs carry him. Reòthadh feels his resolve weaken as fear grabs his heart.

Seeing the group seriously disadvantaged, Hjollsted throws himself into a chant. Icasaracht snarls and turns toward him, but Reòthadh holds her far enough away that even her great limbs cannot reach the shaman. As the chanting grows, Icasaracht lets out an enraged shriek, but finds herself unable to resist the spell. A moment later, with a nose bloodied from the magical strain, Hjollsted succeeds in temporarily banishing the white dragon.


Breath recharge - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Aihonen vs Icky (2 attacks) - (1d20+11, 1d20+11)

1d20+11 : (5) + 11 = 16

1d20+11 : (5) + 11 = 16

Nym vs Icky (2 attacks) - (1d20+12, 1d20+12)

1d20+12 : (13) + 12 = 25

1d20+12 : (12) + 12 = 24

Dmg to Icky - (2d8+14, 7d6)

2d8+14 : (81) + 14 = 23

7d6 : (2151254) = 20

Icky vs Aihonen (adv) - (1d20+14, 1d20+14)

1d20+14 : (17) + 14 = 31

1d20+14 : (3) + 14 = 17

Dmg to Aihonen - (2d10+8, 2d8)

2d10+8 : (19) + 8 = 18

2d8 : (14) = 5

Icky vs Aihonen (adv) - (1d20+14, 1d20+14)

1d20+14 : (6) + 14 = 20

1d20+14 : (7) + 14 = 21

Dmg to Aihonen - (2d6+8)

(51) + 8 = 14

Icky vs Elisia - (1d20+14)

(2) + 14 = 16

Dmg to Elisia - (2d6+8)

(61) + 8 = 15

Aihonen Dex save DC 22 - (1d20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Elisia Dex save DC 22 - (1d20+12)

(14) + 12 = 26

Nym Dex save DC 22 - (1d20+14)

(13) + 14 = 27

Reo Dex save DC 22 - (1d20+4)

(9) + 4 = 13

Wing buffet damage - (2d6+8)

(25) + 8 = 15

Icky vs Elisia - (1d20+14)

(16) + 14 = 30

Dmg to Elisia - (2d8+8)

(28) + 8 = 18

Nym wisdom save DC 16 - (1d20+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Reo wisdom save DC 16 - (1d20)

(15) = 15

Hjollsted Wisdom save DC 16 - (1d20+10)

(8) + 10 = 18

Icky healing - (2d8)

(26) = 8

Icky Wisdom save DC 17 - (1d20+7)

(8) + 7 = 15

Icky Charisma save DC 18 - (1d20+8)

(9) + 8 = 17

Reo concentration save DC 10 - (1d20+10)

(8) + 10 = 18

Jan 13, 2019 11:39 pm
By now the icy fog has cleared somewhat, and the bright sun pierces through to show Reòthadh and Hjollsted standing over Aihonen and Elisia, both fallen heroes on death's door. Nym is nowhere to be seen.

Hjollsted shakes his head. "Aihonen moved too soon. Tempus is a god of war, not fools. We should have focused more on defense first." He staggers with the strain of keeping Icasaracht banished. The magic won't last for long. "Even if I heal them and we continue the fight, we may still lose. We must resort to our backup plan."

The shaman points to the east. "Wounded as she is, we know where she will attempt to flee. I can get us there first, and we will have some time to tend to our injured. Are you still with me, Reòthadh?"
To be clear, you can stay and fight with pretty much just you and Hjollsted, or you can go with Plan B - teleport to the lake where the dragon is headed, hoping to get there perhaps a half hour early to prepare for her arrival. You could possibly net a short rest as you wait/prepare.
Jan 14, 2019 4:38 am
"I can maintain this form for a while yet, but it is wisdom to consider a safer alternative. Within her lair it could be far more dangerous, but that is a risk I am willing to take. If I am unable to rest then I will not be able to return to this form however."

Reo creates a second level spell slot using sorcery points.
Last edited January 14, 2019 5:53 am
Jan 14, 2019 9:44 pm
Hjollsted nods, then looks about with a frown. "I do not know where Nym has gone, but we cannot wait for him. Come close." As the shaman begins his chant (Word of Recall), the air nearby trembles violently, signaling that mighty Icasaracht will soon return. A moment later, Reòthadh feels a disorienting pull on his gut -

And suddenly he finds himself in a spacious stone chamber. Some number of trophies like the walls, each displayed upon a pedestal. An impressive arrangement of statues sits at one end of the hall, two warhorses in full gallop, with an armored figure standing above them with a foot placed upon either saddle. A large, ornate door is set between the two horses.

"A temple dedicated to Tempus," Hjollsted explains. "On the shores of Lac Dinneshere. But we don't have long." He lays Aihonen and Elisia out on the floor. "See that side passage? Take it, and go to the first door on the left. There is a cupboard there that holds a number of healing potions. Bring them here, please!"
Jan 15, 2019 2:24 am
Reòthadh quickly maneuvers through the temple to procure the potions for Hjollsted. Upon returning he presents the potions to his companion.

"Are we mad, or do you think we’ll actually be able to pull this off. I mananged to get through the last fight unscathed l, but it took a heavy toll on our company. If we’re to survive this we will have to respect our adversary’s strength and desperation."

Reo converts a 4th level spell slot into sorcery points.
Jan 15, 2019 2:47 am
Hjollsted offers a heavy shrug. "Remind me to tell you sometime of Jerrod's Stone." He tosses his head toward the door between the horse statues. "It is indeed a tale of sacrifice. I do not believe we should seek out our own deaths, however, if we can avoid it. Though Aihonen seems to think a glorious death is the greatest achievement to be had in life. Ironically. And they call me the barbarian." For all his bluster, Hjollsted looks down at wounded Aihonen with fondness. "You know, the tribes revere Tempus. It is even one of our heroes entombed here. But we did not build this place. We left that to more... enterprising folk."

The shaman sighs and reaches for the healing potions, when suddenly the two are interrupted by a commotion at the front door. The locks are magically undone and the door is thrown wide, revealing a war party of sahuagin. The sharklike humanoids emit warbled growls and move forward with hooked spears. At their back is an ornamented female, already chanting her next spell in the name of Icasaracht.

"Servants of the dragon! I did not expect them here!" Hjollsted reaches for his hammer, then curses and snatches the healing potions instead. "Keep them off me!"

Jan 15, 2019 3:48 am
"Prepare yourselves defilers, you will herald the end of your master when she greets you in the afterlife."

Ribbons of the northern lights wrap around the sahuagin, engulfing the priestess and those near her.

Reòthadh casts Sickening Radiance to cover the majority that is closest to the priestess.
Last edited January 15, 2019 4:12 am


Radiant Sickness (Con Save DC 17) - (4d10)

(53104) = 22

Crown of stars vs Priestess - (1d20+9)

(18) + 9 = 27

Damage - (4d12)

(61194) = 30

Jan 15, 2019 4:14 am
The sahuagin surge forward as Reòthadh begins casting his spell. The sharklike warriors begin by hurling their spears at the lone dwarf, but with his frost giant magical fueling him the blows bother him little.

The priestess finishes her spell just as Reòthadh does, infusing her allies with vitality even as a wash of multicolored lights passes over and around them. Two of the sahuagin fall dead, but the remaining three warriors charge through, shark teeth and webbed claws ready to tear into the sorcerer, though only one manages to get through his fine armor.

Reòthadh's retaliating star blasts a gleaming hole straight through the priestess, and she falls dead to the floor. Still, the three enemies before Reòthadh have caught the scent of his blood now, and with the frenzy of a school of sharks they continue their attack.

Still, they are within the light caused by Reòthadh's spell, and he knowns that soon they, too, will succumb to its power.

Reo takes a total of 18 damage this round. The sahuagin will probably all die this next round from the sickening radiance, but it'll be good to see how well Reo can preserve his hp.



Sahuagin vs Reo (5 attacks) - (5d20+3)

(116151619) + 3 = 70

Dmg to Reo - (4d6+4)

(1413) + 4 = 13

Mass healing word - (1d4+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Sahuagin con saves (5 saves) - (5d20+1)

(68171716) + 1 = 65

Priestess con save - (1d20+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Sahuagin vs Reo (5 attacks) - (5d20+3)

(101210162) + 3 = 53

Dmg to Reo - (1d4+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

(Adv on that second wave of attacks, since reo is injured) - (5d20+3)

(1711107) + 3 = 39

Jan 15, 2019 6:57 pm
HP: 140/142
AC: 15

As the Sahuagin hurl their spears, frigid wind pulses in the air from the sorcerer, knocking all but one of the spears out of the air. Despite their best efforts to claw at the dwarf, the air rebuffs their attempts.

Reòthadh casts shield and takes 4 damage.

Tracing a sigil into the air in the shape of a mace, the symbol of Marthammor Duin, he utters a quick prayer to his patron. Patiently he awaits the glowing foes to pass away from the damaging lights.

Reò casts Blade Ward.
Last edited January 15, 2019 7:31 pm


Get down with the sickness (Con 17 half damage on save) - (4d10)

(8999) = 35

Concentration DC 10 - (1d20+10)

(14) + 10 = 24

Jan 15, 2019 8:02 pm
The sahuagin certainly should have fled with their priestess slain, but with the smell of Reòthadh's blood in the air they are compelled to continue the battle. With vicious savagery they tear into the sorcerer with tooth and claw, but his skin hardens with the blessing of his god, protecting him from the worst of their attacks (After resistance, Reo takes only 15 damage). Meanwhile, the spell of shimmering lights continues, and in just a few moments the three sahuagin are baked dead from the magical rays.


Sahuagin vs Reo (3 attacks, adv) - (2d20+3, 2d20+3, 2d20+3)

2d20+3 : (1510) + 3 = 28

2d20+3 : (1718) + 3 = 38

2d20+3 : (1413) + 3 = 30

More attacks (3, adv) - (2d20+3, 2d20+3, 2d20+3)

2d20+3 : (918) + 3 = 30

2d20+3 : (202) + 3 = 25

2d20+3 : (1714) + 3 = 34

Dmg 1st wave - (3d4+3)

(342) + 3 = 12

Dmg 2nd wave - (3d6+9)

(513) + 9 = 18

Jan 15, 2019 8:38 pm
Behind the dwarf, Aihonen opens his eyes as the first healing potion takes effect. He recoils for a moment as he takes in his new surroundings, and then staggers to his feet with sword in hand. "Where is she? Did we kill her?"

He puts a hand to his head as dizziness sets in. Then he recognizes the temple. "Oh. Backup plan, eh?" He sighs for just a single moment, then his usual enthusiasm sets in as he claps his hands together. "How long do we have?" He glances at the bodies of the sharkmen. "I hope there are not more of them around."

He snatches up a couple more healing potions as he waits for answers, but then cannot help but ask another question. "Where is Nym?"
Jan 15, 2019 8:54 pm
Hjollsted shakes his head once more as he carefully administers a potion to Elisia. "Nym ran, and we now have no idea where he might be, for gen did not come with us here. Your first plan was good, Aihonen. Reòthadh was able to hold the dragon, yes, but we committed too much, too soon." Elisia splutters and comes to, and her eyes immediately seek out Aihonen. As she visibly sighs with relief, Hjollsted continues. "Our odds are decent enough, however. She is wounded, weakened by blade and spell, and she is coming out way once more. And since Reòthadh handled those finheads, hopefully she has no one to warn her of our presence."

The shaman pats Elisia's hand, then holds out a few more options for her. "I would guess we have about a half hour at most before she arrives. I, for one, would appreciate a break until then. And I am sure the rest of you would as well."
Jan 15, 2019 9:13 pm
Thankful for a respite, the dwarf takes a moment to rest his body.

HP: 141/142
AC: 15
Last edited January 15, 2019 9:15 pm


Hit die - (1d6+5)

(4) + 5 = 9

Hit die - (1d6+5)

(2) + 5 = 7

Jan 15, 2019 9:48 pm
After finishing the healing potions, each of the companions prepares for the coming battle in their own way.

Aihonen at first kneels before the statue of Tempus and murmurs a short prayer, then begins piecing together his armor as best he can, making minor repairs to straps and punching out some of the larger dents.

Elisia examines the sahuagin corpses for a few moments, particularly the priestess. When she returns, there is a wrath in her step that was absent before - likely due to the millennia-long conflict between her kind and theirs. She watches Aihonen for a moment, then leaves the temple to wander outside.

Hjollsted moves to a nearby pedestal that supports a pair of heavy gauntlets. He takes the items, then approaches Reòthadh. "A treasure taken from a foe long ago vanquished." With only that short explanation, he hands the gauntlets over to the dwarf, then walks over to the ornate door, muttering to himself.
Reòthadh gets the benefit of a short rest, and also gains some Gauntlets of Ogre Power.
Jan 16, 2019 3:11 am
Eventually Elisia returns, her elven face grim.

::The wind grows colder.
Icasaracht comes::

With determined strides the companions leave the Temple of Tempus.
Jan 16, 2019 3:13 am
There isn't much to this place besides the Temple. There are a couple of small cottages, but they look abandoned. A small wooden pier juts out over Lac Dinneshere, whose surface is almost entirely frozen.

Hjollsted gestures to the lake. "This is where she hopes to escape to. The cold, black waters will hide her while she licks her wounds. With any luck, they will become her tomb instead."
Jan 16, 2019 3:24 am
Aihonen's chuckle forms a white cloud before his face, which is immediately chased off by the relentless wind. "Her tomb will be the pedestal on which we stand triumphant." Despite his recent wounds, the paladin still seems full of energy, an effect that quickly spreads through those nearest to him.

Icasaracht's approach is marked by a blizzard on the horizon, a heraldic curtain of snow and ice that draws closer at an alarming rate. In the midst of it flies the draconic matriarch, every beat of her wings stirring up another flurry of snow. The roar that tears from her scales lips is ample sign that she notices the party, and then she stoops into a dive, jaws wide to blast them with her frozen breath.

"Reòthadh, draw her breath! Your frost giant magic will give you the greatest likelihood of survival. Elisia and Hjollsted, with her magical resistance stripped away, find some way to bring her to the ground."

With that, the paladin frees his hands up for a spell of his own.

"May our deeds be sung through the ages!"
If Reòthadh makes himself a tempting target (using a skill check, or by being a big target), Icasaracht's breath will be focused on him this turn. Since she needs to descend in order to reach him with her breath, she will come into range for Elisia and Hjollsted.
Jan 16, 2019 6:16 pm
Trying to bait the dragon into striking distance, the dwarf once more taps into his ancestral magic, growing in size to meet his adversary.

Reo casts Armor of Agathys at 5th level to gain 30 temporary hit points and uses Rage of Fallen Ostoria.

"Are yeh ready to dance again lizard?"

Hurling a ribbon of light he tries to draw her attention.

HP: 155/156
THP: 30
Size: Large
Last edited January 16, 2019 6:19 pm


Crown of stars vs Icasaracht - (1d20+9)

(14) + 9 = 23

Intimidation - (1d20+4)

(11) + 4 = 15

Damage (radiant) - (4d12)

(101119) = 31

Jan 16, 2019 10:32 pm
Reòthadh's star flies true, smacking hard enough against Icasaracht to knock a large scale free. Hearing the dragon's roar Aihonen finishes his spell - an enchantment that bolsters himself, Elisia, and Reòthadh - then ducks for cover as Icasaracht unleashes winter's fury upon Reòthadh.

Aihonen casts Aid as a 3rd level spell, raising the hp of himself, Elisia, and Reo by 10.

The giant sorcerer takes the frost breath head-on, and though it bites deeply, Reòthadh knows that his companions would have fared far worse (Reo takes 77 cold damage, unless he reduces it somehow).

Hjollsted and Elisia unleash their magic upon the passing dragon, hoping to bind her wings or paralyze her long enough to drop her to the tundra (They cast Hold Monster and Earthbind, but she passed both saves). This wyrm is mighty, however, and even weakened from the earlier battle she manages to shake off the spells.

Icasaracht roars and wheels about in the air. Incredibly, her massive body moves with uncanny grace through the air as she lines up for another pass. Strangely, it looks as though some of her wounds are healing.



Icasaracht str save DC 17 - (1d20+8)

(14) + 8 = 22

Icasaracht wis save DC 17 - (1d20+7)

(11) + 7 = 18

Reòthadh Con save DC 22 - (1d20+10)

(6) + 10 = 16

Icky breath damage - (16d8)

(8425775221784366) = 77

Ichasaract healing - (2d8)

(37) = 10

Jan 17, 2019 12:30 am
HP: 165/166
THP: 11
Size: Large

As he had hoped, the dragon unleashed her full fury upon the sorcerer; prepared for such an attack, Reò traces his fingers in the air and directs his arcane energies to embrace the incoming barrage of ice.

Reo casts Absorb Elements with a first level slot taking 19 cold damage after resistance.

With the dragon closer in range, Reo channels a beam of aurora borealis light towards Icasaracht, as well as hurling another ribbon for good measure.

He casts Sunbeam and uses another star from crown of stars (4 left after this turn)
Last edited January 17, 2019 5:44 am


Con Save Advantage (Inspiration) - (1d20+10)

(4) + 10 = 14

Bardic Inspiration - (1d10)

(6) = 6

Sunbeam (DC 17 Con half damage on save) - (6d8)

(462856) = 31

Crown of stars vs Icasaracht - (1d20+9)

(18) + 9 = 27

Damage (radiant) - (4d12)

(31172) = 23

Jan 17, 2019 1:24 am
Of all the chromatic dragons, it is the whites who are considered the most primal and bestial, as well as the least intelligent. There have been rumors surrounding Ichasaract, however, that this ancient and powerful queen of white dragons is more cunning than typical of her kind - and with a greater knack for spellcasting than any white in history. And a particular interest in necromancy.

As it turns out, the rumors are true.

Aihonen chants another short spell, granting each of the companions a divine blessing to strengthen their resolve and better their aim (Casts Bless as a 2nd level spel, targeting each of the companions). "Spells are all well and good, but this sword of dragonslaying can't reach her all the way up there. Bring her down to me!"

Elisia's voice reaches up to Icasaracht, once more striving to weave an enchantment to ground the dragon, but yet again the spell is rejected. Still, the song sounds pleasant to Reòthadh's ears, and he takes heart from it (Reo gains another d10 bardic inspiration).

Ichasaracht passes over Reòthadh them, but rather than unleash her breath once more, she tries a different tactic. To the dread of each of the gathered heroes, her thunderous voice rides on the northern winds as she casts a spell on her own. Her eyes, normally a glacial blue, darken to sinister black as she gazes down upon Reòthadh. The sorcerer feels his body begin to wither under the necrotic weight of that stare (Icasaracht casts Eyebite, and Reo is sickened: disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. He can make a save at the end of each turn end the effect, DC 17 wisdom).

Then Hjollsted raises his hands high toward the dragon and shouts a single commanding word: "Approach!" Though it is a simple spell, Icasaracht finds herself unable to resist it. She stoops into a dive and lands on the ground just before the shaman (Hjollsted cast Command, so basically she is on the ground this next turn and won't get her action).

Though compelled to land, for now, she rises up to her full height. She speaks with a low, resonant voice that is surprisingly smooth, for all that it is forced through gritted teeth. "A clever trick with the drow. I should have known you would never allow one of his kind to take the Shard. I will freeze your corpses solid, that I may remember your slights in the centuries to come!"

Warbling cries from the lake's shore interrupt as a half-dozen sahuagin pull themselves from the dark waters. "Protect Icasaracht!"




Icasaracht str save DC 17 - (1d20+8)

(20) + 8 = 28

Breath recharge - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Icky wisdom save DC 17 - (1d20+7)

(5) + 7 = 12

Reo wis save DC 17 - (1d20-1)

(12) - 1 = 11

Icasaracht heal - (2d8)

(67) = 13

Icky Con save vs sunbeam - (1d20+14)

(16) + 14 = 30

Jan 17, 2019 6:00 am
Seeing the Sahuagin emerge from the water, the dwarf fears they will overrun his allies while dealing with the dragon. Redirecting his beam, he greets the Sahuagin with his northern lights.

Sunbeam DC 17 con vs Sahuagin 1, 2 and 3.

Drawing upon his wells of magic he once again traces a protective sigil to ward himself from harm.

Reòthadh casts blade ward using quicken spell.


Sunbeam (DC 17 Con half damage on save) - (6d8)

(626752) = 28

Wisdom Save vs Eyebite DC 17 - (1d20-1)

(1) - 1 = 0

Jan 17, 2019 12:58 pm
While Icasaracht stands there, bound by Hjollsted's spell, Aihonen sprints forward to stab twice into her flank with his enchanted sword. Hjollsted joins him, cracking against an enormous leg with his weighty hammer (Between the two, Ichasaract takes 100 damage). Under the barrage of blows it looks as though Icasaracht might lost control of her necromantic spell, but she somehow draws upon a hidden reserve of power to maintain her concentration - and this time her wounds show no sign of healing.

The sahuagin rush forward, determined to protect Icasaracht. With spear, tooth, and claw they attack the companions, and with every drop of blood spilt they give frenzied screeches (After resistance Reo takes 3, Hjollsted takes 5, Elisia takes 9, and aihonen takes 12). As Reòthadh is struck by one of the monsters, his ice magic reacts to shock the creature with a coating of ice that saps away its strength.

Elisia's soothing voice clashes with the sahuagin shrieks as as she works a spell of healing over her companions (All heroes gain 17 hp.). Her own song turns to a cry of pain, however, as one of the sharkmen tears into her. A quick prayer from Hjollsted wraps the sea elf in a shimmering bubble (Hjollsted casts Sanctuary on Elisia) that separates her from the sahuagin warrior, who warbles in frustration - and then keels over dead as Reòthadh blasts it with a concentrated beam of light.

The sorcerer's powerful spell also snuffs out the lives of two more sahuagin, but the priestesses respond with spells of their own. Each of the companions hears watery voices calling for them to simply stop moving and give up the fight, but with Aihonen's lingering blessing the heroes are each able to shake off the enchantments.

The priestesses hiss and attack with floating tridents that they magically fling toward Aihonen, but the paladin easily deflects them even while stabbing away at Icasaracht.

But the mighty dragon begins to recover from Hjollsted's commanding magic. Her wings throw back Aihonen and Hjollsted, battering them and sending them sprawling, and then her massive tail sweeps across to bruise the paladin (Hjollsted takes 12, and Aihonen takes 33). Another flap of her wings takes her into the air and over Lac Dinneshere.




Breath reroll - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Aihonen vs Icky (2 attacks) - (1d20+11, 1d20+11)

1d20+11 : (10) + 11 = 21

1d20+11 : (7) + 11 = 18

Dmg to icky - (1d8+6, 3d6, 4d8)

1d8+6 : (6) + 6 = 12

3d6 : (563) = 14

4d8 : (4375) = 19

Bless! - (1d4)

(3) = 3

More dmg to icky - (1d8+6, 3d6, 4d8)

1d8+6 : (4) + 6 = 10

3d6 : (352) = 10

4d8 : (2566) = 19

Hjollsted vs Ichasaract - (1d20+8)

(17) + 8 = 25

Dmg to Icky - (2d6+3, 1d8)

2d6+3 : (55) + 3 = 13

1d8 : (3) = 3

Mass cure wounds - (3d8+5)

(714) + 5 = 17

Aihonen wis save DC 12 - (1d20+4, 1d4)

1d20+4 : (19) + 4 = 23

1d4 : (1) = 1

Elisia wis save DC 12 - (1d20+2, 1d4)

1d20+2 : (15) + 2 = 17

1d4 : (1) = 1

Hjollsted wis save DC 12 - (1d20+9, 1d4)

1d20+9 : (4) + 9 = 13

1d4 : (4) = 4

Reo wis save DC 12 - (1d20-1, 1d4)

1d20-1 : (17) - 1 = 16

1d4 : (3) = 3

Aihonen Dex save DC 22 - (1d20, 1d4)

1d20 : (10) = 10

1d4 : (4) = 4

Hjollsted Dex save DC 22 - (1d20, 1d4)

1d20 : (17) = 17

1d4 : (1) = 1

Wing buffet dmg - (2d6+8)

(22) + 8 = 12

Priestess 1 vs Aihonen (adv) - (1d20+4, 1d20+4)

1d20+4 : (11) + 4 = 15

1d20+4 : (10) + 4 = 14

Priestess 2 vs Aihonen (adv) - (1d20+4, 1d20+4)

1d20+4 : (14) + 4 = 18

1d20+4 : (10) + 4 = 14

Sahuagin 1 vs Reòthadh (adv) - (1d20+3, 1d20+3)

1d20+3 : (8) + 3 = 11

1d20+3 : (17) + 3 = 20

S 1 vs reo again (adv) - (1d20+3, 1d20+3)

1d20+3 : (15) + 3 = 18

1d20+3 : (10) + 3 = 13

Dmg to Reo - (1d8+1, 1d4+1)

1d8+1 : (2) + 1 = 3

1d4+1 : (3) + 1 = 4

S 2 vs Hjollsted (2 attacks, adv) - (2d20+3, 2d20+3)

2d20+3 : (63) + 3 = 12

2d20+3 : (1819) + 3 = 40

Dmg to Hjollsted - (1d4+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

S 3 vs Elisia (2 attacks, adv) - (2d20+3, 2d20+3)

2d20+3 : (158) + 3 = 26

2d20+3 : (1512) + 3 = 30

Dmg to Elisia - (1d8+1, 1d4+1)

1d8+1 : (5) + 1 = 6

1d4+1 : (2) + 1 = 3

Baron vs Aihonen (3 attacks, adv) - (2d20+7, 2d20+7, 2d20+7)

2d20+7 : (68) + 7 = 21

2d20+7 : (19) + 7 = 17

2d20+7 : (1216) + 7 = 35

Dmg to Aihonen - (2d8+4)

(44) + 4 = 12

Aihonen Con save DC 10 - (1d20+6, 1d4)

1d20+6 : (14) + 6 = 20

1d4 : (2) = 2

Aihonen Con save DC 10 - (1d20+6, 1d4)

1d20+6 : (19) + 6 = 25

1d4 : (4) = 4

I've Con save DC 10 (3 saves) - (3d20+14)

(1511) + 14 = 31

Icky adv on 1st Con save - (1d20+14)

(18) + 14 = 32

Sahauagin Con saves (1, 2, 3) - (1d20+1, 1d20+1, 1d20+1)

1d20+1 : (6) + 1 = 7

1d20+1 : (9) + 1 = 10

1d20+1 : (4) + 1 = 5

Icky tail vs Aihonen - (1d20+14)

(18) + 14 = 32

Dmg to Aihonen - (2d8+8)

(67) + 8 = 21

Aihonen con save DC 10 - (1d20+6, 1d4)

1d20+6 : (19) + 6 = 25

1d4 : (3) = 3

Jan 17, 2019 10:42 pm
HP: 166
THP: 8
Size: Large

Reòthadh continues his efforts to remove the Sahuagin from the fight.

Reo targets the two priestesses with his sunbeam.

Eager to end the fight Reo charges the priestesses and draws his battleaxe, a deep blue glow emanating from the blade as he swings.

Reo casts sword burst using quicken spell.
Last edited January 18, 2019 3:10 am


Concentration DC 10 save 1 - (1d20+10)

(13) + 10 = 23

Bless - (1d4)

(1) = 1

Concentration DC 10 save 2 - (1d20+10)

(9) + 10 = 19

Bless - (1d4)

(3) = 3

Sunbeam (DC 17 Con half damage on save) - (6d8)

(541155) = 21

Sword burst (DC 17 dex save) - (3d6)

(632) = 11

Wisdom Save vs Eyebite DC 17 - (1d20-1)

(19) - 1 = 18

Bless - (1d4)

(4) = 4

Wisdom Save vs Eyebite DC 17 - (1d20-1)

(2) - 1 = 1

Bless - (1d4)

(3) = 3

Jan 18, 2019 3:20 am
Aihonen curses as Icasaracht once more takes wing, then turns and takes his frustration out on the large four-armed sahuagin attacking him. A parry followed by a slice of his powerfully enchanted sword leaves the creature grabbing at its gut with one pair of scaly arms, and then a thrust through the thing's chest leaves its eyes smoking as it endures the full brunt of the paladin's divine wrath (Aihonen takes 7 damage, Baron is dead).

Meanwhile, Reòthadh unleashes another ray of searing light from his hands towards the priestesses, then charges. The two spellcasters respond with their own magic, summoning fiendish spirits to whirl about them. When Reòthadh crashes through the auras, he can feel his life being sapped away... (Reo takes 15 necrotic damage) but he has more life within him than these two can possibly take. The priestesses prove to be remarkably skilled at close-quarters combat, managing to evade his spell-infused weapon even while commanding their magical tridents to attack Hjollsted (Hjollsted takes 9 force damage).

Elisia, still surrounded by Hjollsted's protective spell, moves toward Aihonen and heals some of his wounds with a gentle touch (Aihonen gains 10 hp). The paladin ignores her and wheels about to look up at Ichasaract, expecting to face a blast of that killing ice breath.

Instead, she is casting another spell.

White dragons have an affinity with ice, and to a lesser extent, with water. Icasaracht's surprising knowledge of the arcane, mixed with her terrible nature, manifests this time in a horrendous spell that literally freezes the blood of her foes, creating sharp ice crystals within the bodies of her unfortunate victims. Aihonen and Elisia gasp as every inch of their bodies erupts in agony (Aihonen and Elisia each take 41 necrotic damage, Hjollsted takes only 20).

Hjollsted, however, stands strong and rebukes the spell. "Your foul magics and reign of terror end now, Icasaracht!" With a roar to Tempus, the shaman calls down fire down from the heavens themselves to smite the dragon - but a quick dip in the waters of the lake are all that she needs to avoid the brunt of the spell (Icasaracht takes 12 damage).

Hjollsted throws down his hammer and reaches for a belt pouch, ignoring Aihonen's sudden cries of protest. "Fine then, beast! You wanted this all along. Come and-"


Aihonen vs Baron (2 attacks) - (1d20+11, 1d4, 1d20+11, 1d4)

1d20+11 : (20) + 11 = 31

1d4 : (2) = 2

1d20+11 : (10) + 11 = 21

1d4 : (1) = 1

Dmg to Baron - (2d8+20, 8d8+32)

2d8+20 : (37) + 20 = 30

8d8+32 : (58412863) + 32 = 69

Breath recharge - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Baron vs Aihonen (3 attacks, adv) - (2d20+7, 2d20+7, 2d20+7)

2d20+7 : (48) + 7 = 19

2d20+7 : (1717) + 7 = 41

2d20+7 : (41) + 7 = 12

Dmg to Aihonen - (2d8+4)

(21) + 4 = 7

Priestesses vs Hjollsted (2 attacks, adv) - (2d20+4, 2d20+4)

2d20+4 : (134) + 4 = 21

2d20+4 : (33) + 4 = 10

Dmg to Hjollsted - (2d8+2)

(52) + 2 = 9

Elisia Cure Wounds on Aihonen - (2d8+5)

(23) + 5 = 10

Icasaracht Dex save DC 17 - (1d20+6)

(17) + 6 = 23

Flamestrike dmg - (4d6, 4d6)

4d6 : (4212) = 9

4d6 : (2446) = 16

Reòthadh wisdom save DC 12 (2 saves) - (1d20-1, 1d4, 1d20-1, 1d4)

1d20-1 : (1) - 1 = 0

1d4 : (3) = 3

1d20-1 : (18) - 1 = 17

1d4 : (2) = 2

Necrotic dmg to Reo - (3d8, 3d8)

3d8 : (821) = 11

3d8 : (424) = 10

Aihonen Con save DC 17 - (1d20+6, 1d4)

1d20+6 : (9) + 6 = 15

1d4 : (1) = 1

Elisia Con save DC 17 - (1d20+5, 1d4)

1d20+5 : (3) + 5 = 8

1d4 : (2) = 2

Hjollsted Con save DC 17 - (1d20+7, 1d4)

1d20+7 : (20) + 7 = 27

1d4 : (1) = 1

Necrotic dmg - (12d8)

(671121445325) = 41

Mystery vs Hjollsted (2 attacks, adv) - (2d20+12, 2d20+12)

2d20+12 : (1416) + 12 = 42

2d20+12 : (76) + 12 = 25

Dmg to Hjollsted - (2d8+14, 7d6)

2d8+14 : (31) + 14 = 18

7d6 : (3553642) = 28

Hjollsted con save DC 19 - (1d20+7, 1d4)

1d20+7 : (10) + 7 = 17

1d4 : (1) = 1

Poison dmg to Hjollsted - (12d6)

(426335443246) = 46

Priestess con saves (1 each) - (1d20+1, 1d20+1)

1d20+1 : (18) + 1 = 19

1d20+1 : (7) + 1 = 8

Priestesses Dex saves (1 each) - (1d20+1, 1d20+1)

1d20+1 : (18) + 1 = 19

1d20+1 : (19) + 1 = 20

Jan 18, 2019 9:46 pm
A thin sword explodes from the shaman's chest, then immediately retracts. Incredibly fast, the blade reaches around and whips across Hjollsted's throat. The shaman crumples to the snow, limbs trembling as a vicious poison courses through his body. And behind him stands Nym.

The drow steps gingerly around the twitching barbarian's legs, then bends down to retrieve an object from Hjollsted's grasp - a cylindrical object that shines brightly in the light of the sun. A shard of crystal. Nym holds it up, admiring the play of light on its surface as he casually wipes his bloody rapier on the still-shivering shaman. "So sorry, old chap, but the fake just wasn't doing it for me. I had to have the real thing. Besides, you told me you would never use it. Just helping you to keep honest."

Icasaracht's baleful roar has the drow snapping back to attention. "Oh right."

Just then, another unexpected figure arrives on the scene. A goliath steps up near Reòthadh. What his loincloth fails to cover is made up for by more than his share of muscle, and the enormous axe resting on his shoulder makes an impressive silhouette.
Jan 18, 2019 9:57 pm
Round 5 Player Phase!!!!!
Icasaracht is still over the lake and so difficult to target for many purposes. Something of 60 feet or more could hit her.

Young Ug is in the house! At least... younger than the modern Ug. He can have two turns this round. I recommend fighting the sahuagin priestesses and NOT the dragon or drow, but it's totally up to you. You'll probably take some damage from their auras, but I'll roll that later.

Technically Nym is on the shore and not really near the dragon, but in too lazy to fix that...

Jan 18, 2019 11:30 pm
"Bad fishies!" Ugs swings come in hard and accurate. The first foe takes a number of strikes to fall but ends up decapitated on the floor. The second goes down easily as the young barbarians strength powers through. As the remains of both fishmen ooze on the floor, Ug smiles, "mama always tell Ug to never trust a fishy".

Ug rages and frenzies

hp 35, ac 14
Last edited January 18, 2019 11:51 pm


Ug vs priestess 1 - (1d20+5)

(13) + 5 = 18

Advantage - (1d20+5)

(3) + 5 = 8

Attack 2 - (1d20+5)

(14) + 5 = 19

Attack 2 adv - (1d20+5)

(2) + 5 = 7

Damage 2x - (2d12+10)

(84) + 10 = 22

Attack 3 vs p1 - (1d20+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Advantage - (1d20+5)

(5) + 5 = 10

Attack p2 - (1d20+5)

(8) + 5 = 13

Advantage - (1d20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25

Damage p1 - (1d12+5)

(4) + 5 = 9

Damage p2 crit - (1d12+17)

(7) + 17 = 24

Jan 19, 2019 7:40 am
HP: 159/166
Size: Large

"Hjollsted, no!"

Not knowing if his companion was dead or alive, Reòthadh unleashes his powers toward Nym in retaliation to the betrayal he witnessed.

Reo directs a sunbeam at Nym and launches a star at him.
Last edited January 19, 2019 5:48 pm


Concentration Save DC 10 - (1d20+10)

(11) + 10 = 21

Sunbeam (DC 17 Con half damage on save) - (6d8)

(386585) = 35

Wisdom Save vs Eyebite DC 17 - (1d20-1)

(15) - 1 = 14

Bless - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Crown of stars vs Nym - (1d20+9)

(13) + 9 = 22

Disadvantage - (1d20+9)

(19) + 9 = 28

Bless - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Crown of stars damage - (4d12)

(9671) = 23

Jan 19, 2019 5:56 pm
Aihonen stares in horror at what has happened. Hjollsted, his poisoned shivers ending in the stillness of death. Elisia, in a state almost as bad. He takes up his sword and turns toward Nym, but Elisia catches his arm and whispers in his ear. Tormented, the paladin looks from Nym to Icasaracht. Elisia murmurs something else, and Aihonen grits his teeth and nods, then begins casting a spell.

Ug dives headlong into the necrotic auras of the two priestesses, but the young barbarian easily cuts the sahuagin to pieces (Ug takes 18 necrotic damage, and Reo takes 30).

Meanwhile, Nym flinches as Reòthadh's spells of burning light cross over the ice and snow to punish him - and then the drow blinks as the crystal in his hand consumes the radiance and shines with its own incredible light.... For just a moment. Then a violent hum churns the air and the crystal spews the spells back at Reòthadh, hammering the dwarf with his own magic (Reo takes 57 radiant damage).

For a moment, all the combatants - dragon included - stare at the drow and the shining crystal.

Icasaracht dives for Nym, jaws wide - but her face collides with a wall of conjured stone, as though some giant hand has placed segment of castle wall just before her. She shakes her head to clear away her dizziness, and then finds Aihonen atop the wall, sword held high. He turns to look down at Reòthadh. "You must not let him, or Icasaracht, take the Shard!" The paladin leaps out into the air, and his jump is obviously enhanced by magic as he soars some thirty feet before grabbing hold of one of the dragon's horns and rolling onto the top of her head. She roars and twists about, trying to throw him.


Breath recharge - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Nym vs Reòthadh (4 attacks) - (4d20+10)

(521815) + 10 = 50

Dmg to Reo - (3d4+15)

(243) + 15 = 24

Ug wis save DC 12 (2 saves) - (1d20+2, 1d20+2)

1d20+2 : (2) + 2 = 4

1d20+2 : (20) + 2 = 22

Reo wis save DC 12 (2 saves) - (1d20-1, 1d20-1)

1d20-1 : (7) - 1 = 6

1d20-1 : (8) - 1 = 7

Spirit guardians spells - (3d8, 3d8)

3d8 : (666) = 18

3d8 : (453) = 12

Reo con save DC 17 - (1d20+10)

(1) + 10 = 11

Jan 19, 2019 11:19 pm
Nym stares up at the wall, paladin, and dragon. "Hmm!" He turns back to Reòthadh. "Well, while they're busy..." The drow drops into a roll, and when he springs fluidly back to his feet his rapier has been sheathed and replaced with a dagger. "You were a decent enough ally, Reòthadh, but there was one thing I could just never get past: You're a disgustingly hairy dwarf." He flings one dagger, then another, then two more in an unbelievably fast flurry of blades (Reo takes 25 piercing damage, or Shield to take only 18).

Icasaracht, in her efforts to dislodge Aihonen, stumbles into the fray. As the great wyrm's body writhes about, both Nym and Reòthadh are thrown to the ground (Reo and Nym each take 11 bludgeoning damage, and both are knocked prone). Nym gasps in panic as the Shard falls from his grasp. Ug, thanks to long hours listening to his mama's advice about living in a dangerous world, perfectly evades every dangerous bump.

Apparently maddened by the paladin still attached, Icasaracht rolls to her feet and takes to the air once more. She rises high above Lac Dinneshere, then rolls about and dives straight down, aiming to wash the irritating human off in the frigid waters of the lake - no matter to her that most of the surface is frozen solid.

Nym rolls about in the snow, hands scrabbling, searching. His dark-skinned face turns gleeful when he spots the Shard a short distance away, having been flung out onto the frozen surface of Lac Dinneshere.


Nym Dex save DC 22 - (1d20+10)

(7) + 10 = 17

Reo Dex save DC 22 - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Ug Dex save DC 22 (adv) - (1d20+1, 1d20+1)

1d20+1 : (3) + 1 = 4

1d20+1 : (20) + 1 = 21

Wing buffet damage - (2d6+8)

(12) + 8 = 11

Jan 19, 2019 11:19 pm
Round 6 Player Phase!!!!!!
Ug should be dead, haha! Critting 2 saves! Very nice!

We all know KIND OF how this is supposed to end 😬

But let's see what happens! I'm sure that Ug, standing, is the one who can get to the Shard the fastest. But what will he do with it?
Jan 20, 2019 1:49 am
Ugs smile disappears as the reality of the situation sinks in. He had told mama he would make her proud just a few days ago, but was he ready for THIS? A drow? A mooping dragon? And the heroes themselves showed magic Ug had never seen, especially from the lame gnome priests he despised. Ug was in way over his loincloth on this one. He could tell one thing though, that piece of ice thing was obviously very powerful, and protected the drow from harm, and everyone seemed to want it so badly. Ug makes up his mind and runs across the frozen lake. Reaching the strange object first he mimics throwing it farther away, but then stows it securely under his loincloth.


Sneaky sneaky - (1d20+4)

(19) + 4 = 23

Jan 20, 2019 1:59 am
THP: 5

"You talk too much Nym. Maybe you should rest for a while."

Reo uses his action to cast Hold Person using heighten spell, Nym has disadvantage on his first saving throw (DC 17 Wisdom).

"And it’s called a beard, but I wouldn’t expect a hairless spider like you to understand.

Reo fires another ribbon at Icasaracht, but can’t hit the moving target.
Last edited January 20, 2019 2:33 am


Crown of stars vs Icasaracht - (1d20+9)

(6) + 9 = 15

Disadvantage - (1d29+9)

(18) + 9 = 27

Bless - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Eyebite Save - (1d20-1)

(11) - 1 = 10

Bless - (1d4)

(4) = 4

Jan 20, 2019 2:54 am
No one notices Ug's deception.

"NO!" Nym scrambles to his feet and moves to chase the goliath out onto the lake and reclaim his prize, but then hears Reòthadh begin chanting a spell. "That's enough from you!" He skids over to the fallen dwarf, rapier out in a flash, and hastily stabs him in the chest, then turns away and whips out a wand. As he runs forward, he takes careful aim at the goliath and speaks a quick arcane word, causing a stream of webbing to fly out and wrap about Ug, knocking him to the ice.

Nym slows down and stands there, wand outstretched... and finds himself stuck as well, held fast by a spell of overpowering strength. For that rapier never made contact with Reòthadh, but was blocked by a quick spell, and the sorcerer was able to finish his enchantment of paralysis (Nym's movement takes him 30 feet away from Reo before the paralysis takes hold).

And so Nym is forced to watch as Icasaracht plunges through the ice at a terrible speed, sending a titanic shockwave across the surface of the lake. Ug, wrapped tight in magical webs, feels the ice shatter beneath him and plummets into the depths of the dark waters.

And the Shard?

Not far off, Elisia kneels in the snow and watches, tears frozen to her cheeks. For she knows what is to happen to her beloved. This day had been agreed upon for a reason, and now she watches Aihonen fulfill his destiny (Elisia uses Portent, substituting a natural 20 for Aihonen's next attack roll).

A light shines up from the still-roiling waters of Lac Dinneshere, and in that flash the waters are dark no more. There, in the bowels of the frigid lake, Aihonen strikes his final blow, driving his blade into Icasaracht's heart with all of his paladin might, even as her teeth and claws dig deep into his flesh.

Icasaracht deals 60 damage to Aihonen, killing him. And he deals 118 damage to her, killing her.


Icasaracht breath recharge - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Nym wis save (disadv) - (1d20+7, 1d20+7)

1d20+7 : (5) + 7 = 12

1d20+7 : (1) + 7 = 8

Nym vs Reo (adv) - (1d20+12, 1d20+12)

1d20+12 : (4) + 12 = 16

1d20+12 : (1) + 12 = 13

Ug Dex save DC 15 (adv) - (1d20+2, 1d20+2)

1d20+2 : (2) + 2 = 4

1d20+2 : (9) + 2 = 11

Dmg to Reo - (1d8+7, 7d6)

1d8+7 : (4) + 7 = 11

7d6 : (3434314) = 22

Dmg to Icasaracht - (1d10+18, 3d6+18, 6d8+48)

1d10+18 : (9) + 18 = 27

3d6+18 : (122) + 18 = 23

6d8+48 : (711122) + 48 = 62

Icasaracht vs Aihonen (6 attacks) - (6d20+14)

(3107347) + 14 = 48

Dmg to Aihonen - (2d10+8, 2d8, 2d6+8, 2d8+8)

2d10+8 : (59) + 8 = 22

2d8 : (83) = 11

2d6+8 : (36) + 8 = 17

2d8+8 : (11) + 8 = 10

More damage to icky - (2d6+12)

(53) + 12 = 20

Jan 20, 2019 7:17 am
Round 7 Player Phase!!!!!!!
Ug is restrained and sinking down to the bottom - with the Shard tucked safely away. We'll come back to him, so no need to post his turn.

Thanks to Nym's rogue movement bonuses, he ends 30 feet away from Reo. But Reo is still large... and no longer under the Eyebite spell.
Jan 20, 2019 7:54 am
THP: 5

Standing up, Reòthadh moves towards Nym, not sure what to do with his traitorous companion. Staggering from the injuries sustained and the exertion of fighting the matriarchal dragon, Reòthadh clumsily approaches nearly falling down in the snowy drifts. The air crackles along his hands as he reaches out towards the drow.

"I’m feeling a bit tired, why don’t you come a little closer."

Reo casts lightning lure at 15 feet away from Nym, pulling him 10 feet closer.

"That’s better."

Tears well up in the dwarf’s eyes as his brow furrows, his breath heavy and voice strained.

"We made a great team, you and I.... I thought of you as a brother. Such wasted potential, thrown away for a trinket of power."

Raising his axe, the dwarf starts weeping as he moves to strike the drow, the blade glowing a soft red, green and blue.

Reo casts greenflame blade as a bonus action with quicken spell.

Ignoring the incorrect +4 on greenflame blade, Nym takes 65 damage of mixed damage types.
Last edited January 20, 2019 8:00 am


Lightning Lure - (3d8)

(835) = 16

Greenflame auto crit? - (4d8+4)

(1615) + 4 = 17

battleaxe damage - (2d10+9)

(710) + 9 = 26

Frost brand ice damage - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Jan 20, 2019 2:45 pm
Nym is unable to defend himself as the dwarf's axe cuts across his fine leather armor. Though the drow exhibits no signs of pain, no wince or even gasp, Reòthadh knows that he is feeling every scrape of the weapon over his ribs. And the fear...

A crack rings out from the middle of the lake as a new coating of ice begins to form, much more quickly than it should.

A sudden, ragged scream tears from Nym's throat, and he stumbles away from the dwarf, obviously having trouble standing.. "You... I..." He reaches for his weapons and whirls about. "I am going to make you repay that debt of pain, dwarf."
Nym uses Legendary Resistance to turn that fail into a success. He always had the trait, but I was hoping he'd be able to do it on his own. On we go!
HP: 28
AC: 20


Nym wis save - (1d20+7)

(7) + 7 = 14

Jan 20, 2019 5:59 pm
HP: 47
THP: 25
Size: Large

Reo casts Armor of Agathys at 4th level and converts a level three slot into sorcery points.

The dwarf silently watches. No longer willing to speak to the drow.
Last edited January 20, 2019 6:07 pm
Jan 20, 2019 6:17 pm
Nym eyes the frost surrounding Reòthadh's oversized body warily, then bursts into a flurry of motion. Two daggers fly out at the dwarf, digging painfully into his shoulder and arm. They are only a distraction, however, as next Nym flips out another wand and activates it.
[ +- ] Tasha's Hideous Laughter
Reòthadh feels his sense of reality slip away as Nym stalks closer. Is the drow becoming larger? When did he learn such magic? Or is Reòthadh shrinking... It is hard to tell for certain, and the dwarf finds himself chuckling at the thought. The chuckle turns into a full-bellied laugh, and then turns darker, out of control.

Sides aching from the force of his mirth, the dwarf falls deeper and deeper into himself. He barely feels his arms brought behind his back, and the *snick* of manacles sends him into yet worse hysterics.
[ +- ] Dimensional Shackles
"...death by poison would be too quick for you, dwarf. Too merciful... These are probably too expensive ron waste on the likes of you, but... well... humor me..."

White snow. Red snow. White snow. Is he being dragged?

"...you cost me that Shard! I'm going to find it, someday... come back and search..."

The going is easier now. Is that his reflection on the ground? Funny. Not snow. Ice.

"...and you... maybe I'll carve your sorry hide out. Maybe you won't be worth the effort. We'll just have to see..."

The cracking of ice.

"...by Lolth's swollen arse, you're a heavy one. Well, best of luck to you down there. I don't expect you'll last too long, with that curse of hysteria. But Icasaracht's death seems to be freezing the lake up rather quickly. Who knows, maybe I'll carve your corpse out some day. In the meantime, I have some plans for your home. So much treasure, so much profit to be made... Ah yes. Well. Goodbye, Reòthadh..."






Nym vs Reo (2 thrown dagger attacks) - (1d20+10, 1d20+10)

1d20+10 : (11) + 10 = 21

1d20+10 : (8) + 10 = 18

Dmg to Reo - (2d4+10)

(34) + 10 = 17

Reo wis save - (1d20-1)

(8) - 1 = 7

Jan 20, 2019 7:51 pm
And thus the last great white dragon matriarch, Icasaracht, the Heart of Winter, was slain at the hand of Aihonen, who also met his end.

Several factors kept Reòthadh from joining them in death, such as his unique connection to frost giant magic, his indomitable fortitude, and a lingering spell cast by Elisia earlier that day. As his body froze, his innate magic rose in response, welcoming the cold and making it his own. Bound as he was by the enchanted shackles, and frozen through with ice, he remained in a sort of stasis for hundreds of years as time passed in the world above.

Nym continued on his way, seeking profit at the expense of everyone he came in contact with. Several times over the centuries he returned to Lac Dinneshere in search of the mysterious Shard, and in spite of his greatest efforts never found it.

And what became of the Shard? Tucked away from the light of day at the bottom of a dark lake, within an even darker loincloth, its powers quieted and dimmed. In its hibernated state, it shared only the most basic of its many properties with the frozen mountainborn goliath, keeping Ug the barbarian barely alive as the centuries passed, until the day that it tired of its rest and pulsed once more, awakening Ug from a very long sleep.

And when Ug finally crawled out of the lake on a day in Easthaven, what happened to that Shard? It is possible - even likely, given the nature of the Shard - that to this day Ug himself has absolutely no idea. Given the extent of the ordeal, he may not remember the battle at Lac Dinneshere at all, or even realize that hundreds of years passed while he was sleeping.
Jan 20, 2019 7:56 pm
WOW. So much stuff happened here that I didn't expect, and that just makes the whole story richer!

I'm sure we will find some loose ends, like "Why didn't Ug and Nym recognize each other in the tunnels beneath the Temple of the Forgotten God?" Well... Ug possibly thinks it was all a dream, or doesn't remember at all. He and Nym certainly didn't get a good look at each other in this story.

When Ug meets Reòthadh in the main timeline, perhaps he'll start to get his memory back.

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