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Apr 5, 2019 2:53 pm
"If there's anyone to blame for that, it's me," Zenithral says as Alalla gives them the staredown. "But for everyone's safety, you shan't mention them any further. Is that clear? Now, where is Halla?"


Persuasion - (1d20+7)

(14) + 7 = 21

Advantage from Help? - (1d20+7)

(10) + 7 = 17

Apr 5, 2019 4:54 pm
Mirek frowns at Alalla, wrinkling his nose. "They aren't if they've blood on their hands." He turns his head to one side and sneezes almost violently. When he turns back his eyes are somewhat bloodshot. "Not innocent. Not children."

The men with him begin fidgeting as Zenithral speaks. "Hard not to mention them. Hard not to notice the damage been done." He gestures to the Great Oak's blackened scar.

He rubs at his nose with one sleeve, revealing the glint of metal armor beneath his cloak. "Just as well, though. They've gone missing. We searched the archdruid's house and they aren't there, though the place stinks like... like..." He sneezes again, then growls in frustration. "The whole town reeks of fiend. But we'll fix that. If the druid won't protect us and our families, we'll protect ourselves." He grimaces. "As for the witch herself, she's in and out of town. You might find her near the scar, wallowing in her mistakes, or maybe she's not yet learned her lesson and is consorting with evil somewhere outside of town. Speaking of, we better get back to our search." The other men begin sniffing the air, appearing more like a pack of wolves than villagers.
Apr 5, 2019 5:17 pm
Zenithral's eyes widen. "Oh dear..." Zenithral nods his thanks to Mirek and turns to the others. "'Not children anymore'...They must have grown even more...Rebellious teenagers, perhaps," He starts to grin but it ends out an awkward grimace. He continues quietly. "'The whole town reeks of fiend'...'Search'...but if the twins have gone...Oh snapple gobs...are there disguised fiends here?" Almost in reflex, he whispers a prayer and opens his senses to the otherworldy. (Casts Detect Evil and Good. Lasts 10 minutes)

When Ug speaks up, Zenithral shoots him an exasperated look. "You knew? Ugh...Better late than never, I suppose..."

Zenithral turns to Fluphy. Please. Fly up and see if you can spot Halla anywhere from above.

"Let's try her home, perhaps...?" Zenithral suggests. He closes his eyes trying to deduce where Halla is most likely to be found.
Last edited April 5, 2019 5:22 pm


Investigation - (1d20+8)

(8) + 8 = 16

Apr 5, 2019 5:29 pm
The aged sorcerer glowers at the implication that the children are at fault, the statement seems to be affecting the dwarf personally. Although his countenance is a pale blue, his face begins to flush into a deep blue.

"Only a fool would blame children. If one wants a champion when times become ever dangerous, one should take the time to care and train those with dangerous heritages, lest they resent the people that raised them."


Persuasion (a dwerf speaks from experience) - (1d20+9)

(8) + 9 = 17

Help can be nice when you’re heated - (1d20+9)

(9) + 9 = 18

Apr 5, 2019 5:33 pm
"There is no Kuldahar without your Archdruid, don't you forget," Alalla snaps. "And that's before she took up Arundel's mantle." She waves a hand. "Leave them be, Reothadh. Their noses are too full of blood. I've seen it before." She voices her most guttural orcish curse in derision, letting them hear her heritage. "Get back to your hunting, then. But it takes more than potions and weapons to be a protector."

Growling more curses, Al turns back to the party. Sharing dark rituals with half the town? Hiding fiends? She could strangle Ug. But... not in front of his mother.

Alalla snaps off her cursing and gets to work. "Brother Gus, why don't you settle everyone in the chapel. I know a lot of you still need healing and rest. Ug, everyone could use a good meal. Ras, why don't you see what Aeri knows? I think she's still around here. And Vincent, those blood hunters could use an eye on them. Let me know if they're going to get into trouble." She nods to Reothadh, Zenithral, and Erevain. "Let's find Halla. I'd like to hear the story from someone more reliable."

She walks off in search according to Zenithral's suggestion, white cloak flaring out behind her, in her haste. She mutters to Erevain in Orcish as they go. "I wondered if Zenithral ought to have listened to his father about those twins. I wondered if I should follow through myself when he presented them to us. I left the choice to Zenithral. I pray I was right. Great Torm, let me not have been wrong." As she prays she breathes deeply, trying to smell what Mirek had spoken of.

Al uses Divine sense
Last edited April 5, 2019 6:06 pm
Apr 5, 2019 10:04 pm
One of the men behind Mirek grumbles something, and Mirek nods grimly. "You wouldn't think them so blameless if you saw the Father's body. They killed the old dwarf, one of the kindest souls our town has ever seen." He spits, then hefts his sword. "And we'll do the same to them when we find them."

The blood hunters head off to the outskirts of town, but as they pass the party one of them lingers for a moment, sniffing. His gaze passes over Alalla and his eyes narrow, but Mirek grabs his arm and the group leaves.
Apr 5, 2019 10:31 pm
The group breaks to follow Alalla's orders, and then the remaining four make their way to Halla's house. The door is broken off of its hinges, and much of the inside is trashed. Plants and dirt are scattered across the floor, and the walls are marked with fire and blade marks. Perhaps the blood hunters 'searched' the place too enthusiastically.

Thinking about where the druid herself might be, Zenithral wonders if Halla might be hiding in the wilderness, resorting to her basic instincts to escape from civilization and judgment. The more he thinks, however, the more he believes that she has grown past such things. The Archdruid of Kuldahar is not the same woman he rescued outside of Easthaven. She would not abandon Kuldahar or the Great Oak. She will almost certainly be found tending the tree's nasty wound.
Apr 5, 2019 11:00 pm
A chill runs up Zenithral's spine. He closes his eyes and trembles, then sets his jaw and heads towards the Great Oak. "Let's check the Oak." He waits if anyone objects.
Apr 5, 2019 11:05 pm
"Halla? Halla!" Alalla tries to shake the sour mood. A feeling of victory indeed. "Halla, I have a present for you!"
Apr 5, 2019 11:11 pm
The group makes their way through Kuldahar, passing cottages nestled between the roots enormous roots and walking beneath the great boughs far above. They find Halla sitting cross-legged at the trunk's base, leaning back against the sturdy bark and hands covering her face.

The woman looks up at Alalla's call and her hands drop to her lap. She blinks red eyes, then gets to her feet. She stands there, hesitating, and then meets Zenithral's gaze. "I..." She scrubs at the tear stains on her face. "I lost them, Zenithral. Mona and Lance are gone!"
Apr 5, 2019 11:20 pm
Zenithral couldn't help but feel pained seeing Halla this way. She knew she would have tried her very best. Whatever happened would not have been her fault.

He calmly walks up to her and tries to embrace her. "It's alright," he tell her. "It's going to be alright." He steps back and grasps her arms, looking her in the eyes. "I heard you protected them when someone came to try and take them away. Sit back down. Tell us what's happened."


Persuasion - (1d20+7)

(3) + 7 = 10

Apr 5, 2019 11:51 pm
Alalla sucks in her breath quickly. Someone...? She holds it as she waits for Halla's response.
Last edited April 6, 2019 12:08 am
Apr 5, 2019 11:52 pm
For a moment Halla melts into Zenithral's arms. A sob wracks her, and she clings to him. Then, when he moves her away, she stiffens.

"'Someone'. Zenithral, that was your mother." She searches his eyes. "And you knew." Anger simmers through her tears as she folds her arms in front of her. "Do I not deserve better than your lies?"
Apr 6, 2019 12:10 am
"Wait, you think I'm trying to lie to you just now?! I said the word 'someone' for semantics sake! How could either of us not know it was my mother?" Zenithral says, exasperated. He looks down at his feet and glowers for a moment. "Cursed tongue...It seems you believe my past mistakes still deserve your skepticism and scorn---and I can't argue against that. If you'd rather me leave or just keep my mouth shut, then I can't argue against that either."

And Alalla used to think she was bad with people...
Last edited April 6, 2019 12:18 am


Persuasion (Recovery?) - (1d20+7)

(15) + 7 = 22

Apr 6, 2019 12:47 am
"Semantics?! I - " Halla takes a deep breath. She lowers her hands to her sides, but her fists still clench tightly. "I..."

She steps forward then and lightly touches his face, and much of her anger seems to drain away. "I need more from you, Zenithral. You saved my life. Your father murdered mine. I tried to raise your chi- your siblings. Your mother tried to kill me. And for all of that, you just... I need..."

Her eyes flick to Alalla, and then she straightens up firmly. One arm reaches up to snake around his neck, and then she lifts onto the tips of her toes, pressing her mouth against his in a sudden kiss.

She pulls back after the briefest of a timeless moment. "Well?"
Apr 6, 2019 1:06 am
Upon seeing the awkward interactions between the two, Reòthadh mumbles just barely loud enough for those around him to hear.

"Of all the things a dwerf has seen, this has brought a tear o’ beauty to his eye. If only a dwerf could be young again to experience such embarrassing bliss."
Apr 6, 2019 1:36 am
"Their actions weren't my fault!" Zenithral begins to protest as she approaches, "I---" His eyes widen as she kisses him.

As he pulls back and waits for a response, Zenithral blinks, staring past her and furiously blushing. "I...err...well..." He glances at Alalla and Reòthadh, then back at Halla, mind totally blank.

'Well' what?! 'Well' what?! You can't just kiss a man and ask 'Well?'! he shouts inside. He wished he had the ioun stone from his mother's wedding ring circling his head so he could think halfway straight. His mother's wedding ring...Mother of Ug...!

"...well...you...have had a lot of responsibility...and hardships...and you would like...someone..." He cringes, still looking past her. He looks down into her eyes. Her beautiful eyes. Oh, come on, you dear man! "...someone you can count on to be there for you...and to care for you. To share the joy...and the pain." By Ilmater's name, I hope this is right...

"Will you...er...Halla of Kuldahar..." He takes his mother's wedding ring from his finger, bends onto one knee, and holds it out. "...marry me?"
Apr 6, 2019 1:50 am
Why do they keep looking at me?

Her mouth drops open as Zenithral bends on one knee. "Is this the time?!" She cries, Orcish accent slipping into her Common in shock. She claps a hand over her mouth. "I mean-" She shoots Erevain a glance that says, "What is happening?" then stares at her feet, furiously scratching her horn buds and twisting her glaive as she waits for her reply.

Calm down you airhead! It's not like you proposed!
Last edited April 6, 2019 2:38 am
Apr 6, 2019 4:42 am
Halla's eyes bulge and her mouth drops open. "Marriage? 'Tis a custom I had not ever thought to..." Her eyes fall on the ring, then with only the barest moment of hesitation she takes it and places it on her finger. "But I accept. Yes."

She holds her palms out above the ground, and vines grow on either side of her and Zenithral, twisting up and over them to connect in an arch above their heads. In a moment white flowers blossom along the vines, wreathing the arch in a blanket of white.

She plucks several blossoms from the arch and tucks them into her hair, and then adds a few to Zenithral's for good measure while she speaks. "I do not know how these things are normally done, but Alalla and Erevain exchanged vows during their ceremony." She places the last flower just behind his ear, then takes Zenithral's hand in hers with a grip that feels like a hawk squeezing a mouse. She looks up at him expectantly.
Apr 6, 2019 5:28 am
Wait...you didn't want me to ask you to marry me? Then what in the bursting arrow's blue blazes were you getting at, woman?! And what have I just gotten myself into? Oh, she accepted...she accepted?! Wait, NOW?! He shrugs mentally. Well, why not, I suppose. We are at war and the Father is...well---Oh, she's beautiful.

"Vows...ceremony...oh yes! Well, typically, there's a priest of some kind involved...Shall we get Brother Gus? Or...I suppose Allala is somewhat of a divine servant now, too, I believe...Unless you'd rather not, of course...! We are on a tight schedule after all..." Zenithral continues to stumble over his words.
Last edited April 6, 2019 11:16 pm
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