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Apr 6, 2019 7:09 am
The dwarf beams at the moment unfolding in front of him. Subtly manipulating his northern magic, he causes small ribbons of light to dance around, setting a softer ambiance.

"Tis such a sweet moment.... When should a dwerf mention our plans to murder yer mother Zen?"
Apr 6, 2019 10:19 am
Alalla punches the dwarf in the arm, wincing as it becomes much harder than she intends. "Not, now."

She steps towards the couple. "Um, Halla-" Her voice cracks and she clears her throat. "Halla. If you wait until tomorrow, I think I could perform the ceremony. I'm afraid right now I'm unprepared." She makes the last pointed at Zenithral, then turns to look at him so that Halla can't see her face. "What?" Al mouths at him sharply. She's flustered and off-balance- though, not nearly so much as he- but Zenithral can see in her eyes that there is happiness and excitement for him there too.

"It would also give you some time to think about and discuss your vows," Alalla continues solemnly. "They are important. They should not be made hastily."

Stars above, now you're sounding like a servant of the divine.

"Of course, Brother Gus could probably do it today. What do you think?"
Last edited April 6, 2019 10:20 am
Apr 6, 2019 12:57 pm
Halla cranes her neck around Zenithral's shoulder to fix Alalla with a stare so venomous that the warrior is sure that druidic shapeshifting is involved. Her expression seems to say, Do nothing to delay this moment! I finally have him here, and this is going to happen before he disappears again or changes his mind. The words that come out of Halla's mouth are mostly calm and reasonable, however. "'Twas an old dwarf who spouted fancy words at your wedding, Alalla. I see no reason why Reòthadh cannot do the same." The woman gestures to the Great Oak behind her, still holding tightly to Zenithral's hand. "If we need a god's witness, what better one than this?"

With one hand she removes one of the oak leaf pendants from her neck, and a small vine trails off from the arch to wind about the pendant's binding and become a cord. She puts it around Zenithral's neck, hand lingering much more lightly than the other one squeezing his fingers numb. "I have only one vow I wish to speak."
Apr 6, 2019 12:59 pm
Alalla feels a soft touch on her shoulder as Erevain leans in. "Sharuhk, at the risk of this moment turning into a class on the history and culture of frontier customs, I should point out that many cultures recognize weddings that are not officiated by a religious figure. Sometimes the leader or guardian of a town need only give their approval - and the Archdruid appears rather adamant that this has her approval - and in some places the couple need only petition an elder member of the community." He inclines his head toward Reòthadh. "I believe our dwarf friend here is older even than I."
Apr 6, 2019 7:32 pm
Alalla backs up quickly under Halla's stare. "As you like," she says. "I don't care for custom one way or another. I just thought Zenithral was asking..."
Apr 6, 2019 8:19 pm
His arm smarting slightly from the swift blow, the dwarf winces as Halla makes her request. The dwarf falls silent for a brief moment as he ruminates on his response. By the northern lights, can a dwerf speak as eloquent as his hands can work stone? reverently he nods in affirmation that he would be willing to speak a few words when the time comes.

"A dwerf knows the northern ways, and elderly he is. Shall a dwerf begin or would you have close friends gathered up?"
Apr 6, 2019 11:07 pm
Zenithral looks at the northern lights formed by Reothadh's magic, then looks at Alalla and gives a hint of a shrug. He's trying to remain calm, but in his eyes, she can see a kind of shocked confusion combined with dazed elation.

Only one vow? Must be a big one...What am I going to vow?

"Close friends...? Oh yes; If Ug, Ras, and Vincent can be fetched quickly, that would be splendid," he says looking at Reothadh. He looks at Halla "If that's alright with you, of course...?"
Last edited April 6, 2019 11:14 pm
Apr 6, 2019 11:32 pm
Alalla laughs slightly and winks at Zenithral. A familiar expression. Was that how she looked? No. He and Halla are a better match. He can't possibly be as anxious as she was. He is always more sure of himself than she is, anyway.

"Is that alright with you, Halla?" she asks, prepared to dart away. A raised eyebrow and smirk says, he can't get away that quickly. "I'll chase 'em down for you," she adds aloud for both paths of thought.
Last edited April 6, 2019 11:32 pm
Apr 7, 2019 12:28 am
Halla opens her mouth - perhaps to insist that things be taken care of immediately - but then looks at Zenithral and agrees. "Yes. Please fetch them quickly, Alalla. Zenithral and I will wait here."
Apr 7, 2019 1:16 am
Alalla leaves her glaive with Erevain and runs to retrieve the rest of the party. "Wedding!" she gasps. "Quickly! Zenithral has caught Halla in a forgiving mood and Halla finally has Zenithral cornered. Hurry, before Zenithral is frightened away by the responsibility or she takes offense to something he says and changes her mind!"
Last edited April 7, 2019 1:30 am
Apr 7, 2019 10:27 pm
As the chaos settles down and everyone is gathered, silens falls on the small company as they take a moment to appreciate the small things. The dwarf gives a subtle clearing of his throat and for a moment his companions think he could be muttering one of his musings under his breath, however, with a wave of his hands and pinch of phosphorus a curtain of green, blue, and yellow light appears behind the couple creating a shimmering backdrop. The dwarf has groomed himself in the short time that has passed, his beard less scraggly and mistletoe adorning his hair behind his ears. Gesturing to his friends he welcomes them.

A dwerf knows o’ the ancient northern ways, b’fore the gods took an interest here. Back when civilization was yet just a dew drop on the face of this world. By those rites a dwerf brings these two together. By the light o’ the north an the chill o’ winter may yeh pledge yerselves now."
Last edited April 7, 2019 10:28 pm
Apr 8, 2019 1:34 pm
Halla opens her mouth to speak, but then closes it and takes a deep breath. She looks at Zenithral expectantly, and he finds himself realizing that she has brought up Alalla and Erevain's wedding several times, and in that ceremony the groom made his vows first. The hand on his has softened its grip, but the look in her eyes is no less determined.
Apr 8, 2019 2:29 pm
Zenithral's eyes look as bright as they do whenever he manifests his angelic wings. "Wait...do...do I go first? Or would you like to...?" Zenithral asks Halla awkwardly. Seeing her look, he continues. "Never mind, I'll go first..." He clears his throat, then looks her in the eyes, relieved that she softened her unnaturally strong grasp.

Alrighty...here we go.

"Halla of Kuldahar...I vow that as long as the winds of the Icewind Dale blow and as long as the air of this world fills my breath, I shall think of thee above all else. Though trouble, turmoil, and betrayal befall us both, we shan't suffer it alone. I vow to do all I can to protect this our home, to restore warmth and light where cold and darkness hath invaded. Such cold and darkness shan't enter my heart again, for the warmth and light between us shall prevail. Even if death taketh my soul, I shall remember this love...for I now know that it is love that endureth. This I vow in the name of He That Endures." He smiles, then gives her a wink at the mention of the deity.

Goodness...was that too much? I didn't mean to use so much antiquated speech...I didn't know I had that in me...but no...it is likely just enough...she has done so much for me. He nods. Yes. I meant every word of it.
Last edited April 8, 2019 2:35 pm
Apr 8, 2019 9:26 pm
Halla blinks at Zenithral's prose, but from the flush in her cheeks she is not disappointed by his flowery speech.

She takes another deep breath, then reaches up to take Zenithral's face gently in both of her hands. Staring deeply into his eyes, she makes her vow. "I swear to be mated to you as a wolf, and not as a spider."

A peculiar pronouncement. But then, this is an peculiar woman. It takes Zenithral only a moment to understand that for her, this is a vow of complete fidelity, as well as an assurance that in their relationship she will be supportive, rather than selfish.

She raises her voice to address Reòthadh, but keeps her eyes on Zenithral. "'Tis all I have to say. Proceed, dwarf."
Apr 9, 2019 2:03 am
Alalla threads her arm around Erevain's waist and pulls him close. She rests her head against his and looks at the scar in the Great Oak's bark as Zenithral speaks his vows. An ugly mark, and though it may never look the same again, Alalla is sure that Halla will be able to heal it with time. One day the oak will be as strong as it ever was. Maybe stronger.

Zenithral's words bring a smile to her lips. So sweet and flowery. It must be the elf blood, since Erevain's had been the same.

Now his vows are scarred like the tree. They both are, from his mistakes. But Zenithral and Halla are starting something new beneath the Kuldahar tree. It wasn't long ago at all that she and Erevain had done the same, but there was nothing stopping them from starting again. The scar can heal, and they will be strong again.

Al brushes her lips against her husband's pointed ear and whispers. "I forgive you."

Halla voices her vow and Alalla grins. A woman after her own heart. Perhaps together they will be able to figure out what to do with these refined men. But look at her, cradling Zenithral's face in her hands!

Who's mooning, now Halla? she laughs, heart warm.
Apr 9, 2019 5:18 am
"This one hears your words. A dwerf stands before you to witness to the Spine that your lives now are one. Like the winter thawing into spring, may yer love bring forth a budding season of fruit an’ bounty.

The elder dwarf brings the couples hands together, gesturing for everyone else that he has finished. Small tears burgeon in the corner of his eyes, but quickly freeze and fall to the ground like snowfall.
Apr 9, 2019 12:40 pm
Erevain stands with one hand around Alalla's waist, holding her close. His eyes remain on the ceremony before them, but at Alalla's words he suddenly relaxes, as if a tension that has been there for a long time has suddenly left him free to breathe. His arm pulls her closer still.
Apr 9, 2019 4:56 pm
When Reothadh finishes Alalla whistles, then howls. Her strange new magic turns the sounds into a chorus of birdsong from the branches of the Oak and howling of wolves in the distance. Then, the tiniest whisper comes just inside Zenithral's ear.

"This is the part where you kiss your wife."
Last edited April 9, 2019 5:17 pm
Apr 9, 2019 5:52 pm
"Oh, that's it, then?" Zenithral asks turning towards Reòthadh. As Alalla whispers, Zenithral shoos her away. "Ah, yes, I know! I distinctly remember one more part to typical weddings..." And with that, Zenithral embraces Halla and kisses her.

After their moment, Zenithral sighs and smiles, continuing to gaze into her eyes for a moment. "As much as I would love to continue here, I do believe we have my siblings to find." He takes her hands and steps to the side. "Alalla? Perhaps it'd be best if you lead this discussion." Zenithral says this respectfully, trying to acknowledge his weakness for words with sensitive matters.
Last edited April 9, 2019 5:53 pm
Apr 9, 2019 7:18 pm
Alalla scoffs. "Would it?" She sighs. "This is really not a conversation I want to have right now, but war and all that." She frowns, taking in the happy couple one last time, then begins her recitation. She tells Halla all about their experiences at Dorns Deep, leaving out only what Zenithral said about his meeting with his mother when they were first reunited- including his doubts about continuing and his then agreement to leave the North- and the second meeting they were present for. She gestures to Zenithral to continue the story.

After Zenithral finishes, Alalla crosses her arms. "So. The ultimate goal is Belhifet dead to this plane and back in Avernus. I doubt we can do that without handling his general first? How will we do that? And what if the twins? If we can't find them, we have to assume they are with Belhifet. Are they willing, or captives?" Her voice becomes quieter. "Did they really kill Father Tulfgyr?"
Last edited April 10, 2019 1:03 am
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