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Apr 21, 2019 1:56 am
Halla's expression shows she is not amused, but then she covers it up with a too-wide smile. Still, Zenithral finds her toe digging painfully into his shin before she answers. "Why yes, 'tis a wonderful idea, I am sure, to throw a party celebrating Kuldahar's most popular archdruid. The townsfolk will just love to drop their torches and pitchforks and other tools of civilized existence and support the people responsible for bringing so much happiness and warmth to their fair town and its perfectly healthy Great Oak."

She looks about to say more, but then takes another long drink from her waterskin. Then, in the most demure voice she can muster: "Yes, dear."

Saki just beams.
Apr 21, 2019 1:59 am
Keggruk says nothing, but stands and follows Alalla, Chaide close behind.
Apr 21, 2019 2:07 am
"The snow now covers this region when before it did not. Know you not what this means? A dwerf sees a land that despite the hardships and dangers it has faced, the scars it has bourne, still remains in all her beauty. This snowfall marks a new chapter in the resilience and determination of this land."

Upon entering the shed the sorcerer is indeed greeted by the foulness in the air, but the smell of death is not foreign to the elder dwarf.

"Father, a dwerf has come to light up the truth l."

Using the skills he learned as a young dwarf in the wilderness he attempts to identify what might have killed the dwarf.
Last edited April 21, 2019 2:07 am


Arcana - (1d20+4)

(20) + 4 = 24

Apr 21, 2019 2:24 am
Alalla takes up her glaive and calls out to the orcs. "Tribesmen." She makes the word echo and rumble to catch their attention. "I am Alalla Blacksheaf, Chieftess Cagebreaker of the Cagebreaker tribe. Much has happened to me since I defeated Gruumsh's avatar, and he marked me as his own." Al gestures to the eye she had lost.

"I have not been here to lead you directly, because I am fighting another who seeks to subjugate the orc people, and all the races of the North. I have suffered at his hand, and lost much, including things that marked me as one of the orcish people.

In fighting the devil Belhifet, known as Poquelin, I turned to the god Torm for aid, and he gave it. I swore myself as a paladin in his service, and he gave me power to protect and refuge for my soul. I have broken free of the One-Eyed God. I have half-earned my title."

Al gestures to Keggruk. "I have not been here for you directly, but this one has followed my example and carried out my wishes, and done more good than I dreamed. Now he wishes to follow me further."

Help me not mess this up, Al prays quickly.

She turns to the orog and unsheathes her sword. "Kneel, Chief Keggruk." When he does, she places her sword tip down in the snow in front of him, so he can look into the flat of it like a mirror, just like Torm had done for her. "You were the first to follow me, but it was you who convinced me to lead. Every orc of the Cagebreaker tribe is one because of you.

Once you served Gruumsh with your whole self. Now you choose to serve Torm, and I know you will be an even better servant to him. Here is how you will serve:

Be the champion of the weak and the defenseless.
Be stern, unyielding and unswerving in your battles with evil.
Obey your masters with alert judgment and anticipation.
Serve the common good and the rule of law established by honorable rulers.
Seek prowess and skill in all endeavors.
Stand ever alert against corruption.
Be ever mindful, and enact justice swiftly.

In this way you will serve Torm, but in his service you will serve our people, and all the peoples of the North. Do you swear to uphold these tenets?"
Last edited April 21, 2019 3:38 pm
Apr 21, 2019 4:55 am
Zenithral raises an eyebrow. "You know, it's probably a good thing we're both such terrible liars."

He turns to Saki. "I'm sorry. I know you'd love to have a grand celebration, but now simply doesn't seem the time. I think we'll celebrate privately for now." He looks to Halla with a genuine smile. "Perhaps when we're through with this war, we'll have a more proper 'hurrah'."

He turns back to Saki and gives her a warm hug. "Thank you so much for coming. The townspeople can definitely use your warmth around here. I think Arannis may need your consolement. Our discussion brought up painful memories for him..."
Apr 21, 2019 1:46 pm
Reòthadh's initial investigation of Father Tulfgyr's body reveals little of how he might have died. There are no obvious wounds or signs of injury. But this dwarf is *old*. His many tattoos lie faded and wrinkled over his thin skin.

As Reòthadh turns to his magical senses for help, he discovers a bare thread of spirit left tethered to the Father. It begins to vibrate in response to the sorcerer's presence, and a moment later a spirit stands in the room.

Unlike other ghosts Reòthadh has encountered, such as Norlinor, this one is not shadowed or decrepit at all, but outlined in gold and shining like a sunrise. Father Tulfgyr's features appear as they did in his prime, and his face stretches in a wide, satisfied smile.
Apr 21, 2019 1:50 pm
"Greetings, stonebrother!" The Dwarvish rolls off of the spirit's tongue like a happy avalanche. "Your search for truth has fruit to bare."

He points a glowing finger to his own corpse on the ground. "You see that old dwarf? He had a good run, but it should have ended long ago. It was only by Lathander's blessing that I lived long enough to help out where I could. Redeem myself for the mistakes I made in my youth." He raises his spectral hands and looks upward. "And I am so grateful for that! Lathander called me home, and I rest with him in a place happier than I could have imagined."

He meets Reòthadh's eyes and smiles warmly. "I wasn't struck down by any foul blow of weapon or magic, my body simply knew it was time and ousted my spirit with a heart attack. As I lay dying, I asked little Mona to perform some last rites for me. She serves Ilmater, that one, and is a worthy substitute for any of my own faith."

Father Tulfgyr looks around at his surroundings. "But what I don't know is what happened next? I assume Halla sent that Ilmadia woman packing. That druid is as tough as any dwarf!"
Apr 21, 2019 3:19 pm
Orcs and hunters gather around as Alalla begins her speech. Guttural whispers surround her and Keggruk as the orog kneels. He bows his head and stares at his hands. He clears his throat, then looks up to meet Alalla's eyes.

"For all of our people, for freedom from tyranny and slavery, I swear!"
Apr 21, 2019 3:36 pm
"I accept your oaths, and name you a knight in the Order of the Cagebreakers." Alalla sheaths her sword, then bends to take Keggruk's hand and lift him to his feet. She unclips the holy symbol of Torm from her belt and presents it to Keggruk.

"Perhaps one day you will become a fellow paladin in this order. We will steal our motto from our sister order, The Most Holy Order of the Radiant Heart, who say, 'The courage of one can change the destiny of many.' Yours has already. Together under Torm we will earn the second half of our title, and find ways to break the cages of all our brothers and sisters, should they follow him or not."
Last edited April 21, 2019 3:36 pm
Apr 21, 2019 3:45 pm
Nothing ostentatious happens as Alalla pulls Keggruk to his feet, only more whispers as the crowd looks on. Then Alalla feels a deep sense of rightness. Of acceptance and truth.

Keggruk takes the symbol, then looks down at it in his right hand. Then, driven by some urge, he holds it up high. Superimposed over his right hand appears the shining image of a white gauntlet. He stares at it in awe, until a moment later it vanishes in a flash of light.

There is stunned silence from the crowd as Torm's first knight of the orcish race stands before Alalla. Then Chaide lets out a triumphant howl, soon echoed by the rest of the orcs.

Mirek and the hunters stare around in confusion, trying to understand what has just happened.
Apr 21, 2019 4:24 pm
Alalla howls with her people, then laughs behind a hand and claps Keggruk on the shoulder. "Torm approves."

She approaches the hunters and addresses them quietly in common. "As a paladin of Torm, I have accepted Keggruk's oaths to follow Torm and his precepts, and knighted Keggruk into my order. I only just swore the paladin oaths myself, so I'm glad for such an obvious sign from Torm that I did the right thing."

Al looks over her shoulder at the orcish knight. "He was a member of the army that attacked Kuldahar, once. Keggruk, was, I mean. I took him as a prisoner so that I could learn about our enemies. I was terrified that having him near would strengthen Gruumsh's hold on me, but instead I loosened his hold on Keggruk. He begged for me to show our people how to escape our slaver god and find happiness, even as he waited patiently for death at my hand.

I should have killed him,"
she murmurs. "Everything in me told me to kill him while I still had him bound. I thank Torm I did not."

Leaning casually on her glaive, Alalla looks around the camp. The task ahead of her is still enormous and long. Life-long, even with her dragon heart. But now, instead of drowning in it, she feels like it is possible. It is already happening.

"What do you think of my tribe?" she asks Mirek, looking into his eyes. "What do you think of what you've seen?"
Last edited April 22, 2019 4:27 am
Apr 21, 2019 6:38 pm
Mirek and the hunters are drawn close together against the flickering shadows and monstrous forms howling into the night. If any of them harbor thoughts of revenge on Keggruk for the harm inflicted on Kuldahar, they show no desire to follow up on it now. "It's... something. They haven't tried to eat us so far, so that must be a good thing. Are they... happy?"
Apr 21, 2019 7:15 pm
Alalla tries to look at their surroundings with a human's- a true human's- eyes. Orcs truly are intimidating, and in the dark no less. What must it be like to be blind at night?

"It is something, isn't it?" She chuckles. "They're celebrating. The orcs named me Thur'Kafaz- Cagebreaker, but then it was just a hope. I just told them that by swearing myself to Torm, I've freed my soul from Gruumsh. Keggruk just did the same. Now I really am Thur'Kafaz.

There's a lot ahead of us before we are all free. A lot to learn before the orcs are a credit to the North. But now we know it's possible."
She closes her eyes takes a deep breath of the cold night air, soaking in the sound of howls and guttural roars. She adds her voice to the group in another howl. It still feels natural, despite her changed form.

Al turns back to Mirek with a relaxed smile, her slit-pupiled eyes shining red in the firelight. "I can't tell you what a relief that is."
Last edited April 22, 2019 4:32 am
Apr 22, 2019 5:13 am
Mirek shakes his head in disbelief. "You think they'll change their nature, just like that? It would do the world some good, sure, but is it possible? It's like welcoming a wildfire into your town, just because someone says it doesn't want to burn you."
Apr 22, 2019 2:49 pm
"Just like that?" Alalla scoffs. "Hardly. The bloodlust Gruumsh uses to control us is... insistent. It's like a worm in your brain, whispering that there's something better you could be doing. That any problem should be solved permanently. It's a thrill when you touch your weapon. A hunger that food or drink can't quite seem to sate. A cloud over your mind that sleep doesn't clear."

She pinches the bridge of her nose, clearing her mind of the remembrance. "Only death and blood bring relief, but you always need more to feel as good as last time. It's torture, even for those that embrace it." Al glances at Mirek and the hunters from the corner of her eye. "But I suppose you can't know what that's like."

She gestures out at the orcs around them. "They are taught from birth to indulge. It will be a long road to learn how to make decisions without relying on their hunger. But they want freedom. Relief. Safety. I know from experience it is possible. They know what it will cost, or they will learn soon. For what it's worth, the orcs are also taught complete obedience to their chief, upon penalty of death. I am their chief, and I keep that law."

Turning to the fire crackling before them, Al raises an eyebrow at Mirek. "All fire is wild, Mirek, and we bring it into our homes every day. The benefit outweighs the risk. This is worth the risk. For all people."
Last edited April 22, 2019 2:50 pm
Apr 22, 2019 8:36 pm
Halla pats Zenithral's arm as a quiet and deeply felt 'thank you', and Saki nods in understanding. Relieved, Halla excuses herself and walks out the door.

Is that a mischievous twinkle in his grandmother's eye?

Then Saki leans forward, eyes intent on his. "Arannis feels his pain deeply, as most elves do. But Zenithral, tell me about these visions you've been having."
Apr 22, 2019 9:31 pm
"Sometimes they're very clear signs of action, such as the need to be in Easthaven. Sometimes they are vague, unrelated images, a montage up to interpretation. Sometimes they are a conversation with a heraldic servant of Ilmater, Mylandra, she is called."

Zenithral draws out his journal and skims over his record of the visions, recounting them to Saki as he does.

"I...have actually had them since my childhood, but I ignored them until they went away. Only after losing my comrades and title as part of the Bryn Shander's militia did they start happening again. I can't say why I heeded them this time...I suppose I was so low that I was willing to do anything to keep myself distracted or to get me away from there...the looks and shame..."

He looks Saki in the eyes. "I've tried to follow them since the one that led me to Easthaven, and to rescue Halla. I can only hope I've been making the right decisions...But I've continued to gain power from Ilmater and follow what you taught me," he says. As he speaks, his eyes begin to glow white and spectral wings briefly fade in and out of existence. He holds out his hand, turning and examining it as it glows as well. "Power to heal, power to take on other's pain, and power to defend. So I suppose I must be doing something right."
Last edited April 22, 2019 9:34 pm
Apr 23, 2019 2:48 am
Saki's bright eyes trace every line of Zenithral's face as he speaks. She does show signs of age, but her wit and spirit are as vibrant as ever. Her brow raises slightly at the mention of Myllandra.

She reaches out to take his glowing hand in her own, and Zenithral notes the prominent blue veins showing through her skin. "Of course you are doing something right. Many things. We raised you up that way." Her other hand absently traces a pattern on the table's top. A prayer to Ilmater? "Visions from The Broken God are not to be taken lightly." She stares over his shoulder for a long moment, then clears her throat and continues. "His guidance is only ever to make us tools in his hands, to accomplish something... good. Something wonderful. But he will not force us to act; he allows us to choose."

That last word hangs in the air for a moment as Saki searches Zenithral's eyes. Then Saki chuckles. "But you do not need me to preach to you. Not tonight." She pulls her hand back from his and rests her chin in it. "What do you think the visions are telling you to do?" The wrinkles around her eyes draw slightly tighter as she watches her grandson.
Apr 23, 2019 2:52 am
Mirek's brow wrinkles deeply at Alalla's words, and the flames burn in his eyes. He says nothing more, and gives only a curt nod to indicate that he is thinking on her words.
Apr 23, 2019 4:41 am
Al nods in return. That's all she can ask for. She leaves Mirek to his thinking and walks back over to Keggruk and Chaide.

"I need to be heading back to Kuldahar. I plan to be there for the next few days at least, so camp here for now. Make a list of anything you need, and I'll be back to take care of more business tomorrow." She clasps hands with Keggruk and Chaide, then waves to any onlookers before returning to the humans.

"Thanks for putting up with all of that. Let's get back to Kuldahar and see if Reothadh has found anything out. I haven't know him long at all, so I don't know how much of an investigator he is, but I've seen him speak to ghosts before. Hopefully he's learned something useful."
Last edited April 24, 2019 1:13 am
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