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Apr 16, 2019 2:43 am
"Aye a dwerf's bones be achin' to be out o' the city. An the winter air will keep this dwerf's head cool."
Apr 16, 2019 2:50 am
Alalla nods crisply. "Excellent. A dwarf of your experience can teach these men a thing or two." She smiles at Kaleel. "Lead the way. And how is your wife, by the way? Have you two been recovering well?" She opens the door of the shop for him.
Last edited April 16, 2019 3:39 am
Apr 16, 2019 12:10 pm
Kaleel opens his mouth to argue, but then thinks better of it. "Of course, Al. We all know what you've done for Kuldahar. But just remember that we've been protecting it while you've been gone. I'm not the helpless man you found locked away underground." Indeed, his eyes flash with a promise of violence. But toward who, or what, Alalla isn't certain. Perhaps even he does not know.

He rubs his nose irritably, then nods to Reòthadh and leads the two of them out the door of the shop and to the outskirts of town. "Maegan is scared. And why shouldn't she be, after all that's happened in the last months? But I'll keep her safe. I'll make the world safe."
Apr 16, 2019 12:13 pm
Just outside of town they find Mirek and his blood hunters - about a dozen of them. Mirek looks up as they approach. "Going to join in on the fun?" In spite of his choice of words, the hardened and hungry look in his eyes proves that he is being driven by more than a sense of 'fun'.

He points north. "They'll be just up that way, about two miles. They'll learn after today not to come so close to our town." The other hunters nod determinedly, and Alalla can't help but remember her time in the Targos militia. Aside from the supernatural wrath burning in their eyes, these men show the same dedication that her old comrades did.

Reòthadh certainly recognizes the expression of men working hard to protect their home.
Apr 16, 2019 4:27 pm
Zenithral pulls Halla close to comfort her. "We'll find them," he assures her. "Perhaps Natalie or Jermsy know a thing or two about what happened. Shall we go speak with them? Or would you like to tend to the Oak?"
Apr 16, 2019 4:50 pm
Halla looks up at the enormous tree. "'Tis a grave wound, and I have done all that I can for today." She sighs. "I suppose we should find Natalie and inform her that she will no longer be my apprentice. Perhaps Ras will continue to teach her. He is much more patient than I. If I know her - and I do, rather better than I would like - she will be looking after Jermsy. Find one, and we shall find the other."

She taps her chin for a moment, thinking. "They are almost certainly at the Evening Shade Inn. She's been helping to run the place, in addition to all the other tasks she takes upon herself."
Apr 16, 2019 5:01 pm
Zenithral and Halla do, indeed find Natalie and Jermsy in the inn's common room. The young woman sweeps the floor with a broom, keeping one eye always on the younger boy while he wipes tables. For his own part, Jermsy appears bored out of his mind, not even registering Zenithral and Halla's arrival.

Natalie looks up, eyes weary, but smiles at the sight of them. "Zenithral! You're back!" Her smile turns slightly mischievous at the sight of the two of them together. "That must put Halla in a good mood. She's rather irritable while you're gone, you know. I mean, more than -" She cuts off at Halla's glare. "I just mean to say we're glad you're back, is all!"

Her humor quickly evaporates, a sign of the last few days' ordeals. "I'm sorry about Mona and Lance..."

Jermsy continues to clean tables, head down.
Apr 16, 2019 5:35 pm
"Indeed I am," Zenithral says to Natalie with a nod and smile. "Halla? Irritable? Never..." His jiving grin freezes then fades as Halla seems to gives him the same glare.

He clears his throat. "Anyway...yes, that's what we're here to ask about. We were hoping you or Jermsy might know more about what happened. Where were you during the attack? When Father Tulfgyr was killed, specifically. They were with him when it happened, but disappeared shortly afterward."
Apr 16, 2019 7:28 pm
Natalie sets the broom aside and wipes her hands. A small vine-like plant creeps up over her shoulder and almost seems to look about curiously. She pokes it back down again. "That night... With all the fighting was hurting bystanders, so I was trying to help them. Looking for Jermsy, mostly." She shoots the boy a glare, which he doesn't bother to return. "I've told him to come find me if there's ever trouble, but he seems to think he doesn't need looking after."

The young woman looks out a nearby window, where the evening's shadows begin to gather. "I heard about Father Tulfgyr. He was such a kind dwarf. He helped me look after Jermsy sometimes. But I don't know what happened. Mirek and the men didn't let anyone close to look. I'm afraid I've come under some suspicion, too, since I apprenticed myself to Halla."
Apr 16, 2019 7:31 pm
"'Tis just as welll I have news for you then. Come here, child..." Halla takes Natalie to the corner and they both sit, discussing recent events. Judging from their heated tones, Natalie is not taking the news well.

Jermsy continues wiping his cloth over a nearby table. But there's something strange about the boy... Zenithral realizes that the table has not gotten any cleaner in the minutes since he entered the inn.
Apr 16, 2019 7:40 pm
Zenithral casts prestidigitation to clean the table. "Oh, look it's all clean! Jermsy?" Fergy's 'training'? No... Zenithral thinks, preparing himself for disbelief. He casts mage hand and taps Jermsy on the shoulder with the spectral hand.
Last edited April 16, 2019 7:40 pm


Investigation (Illusion?) - (1d20+7)

(5) + 7 = 12

Apr 16, 2019 8:09 pm
Alalla looks at Kaleel with concern in her dark eyes. "Then why is it some in this town feel less safe for having you here?"


"I'm sure they will," Al says with a frown. "But no, I haven't come to join. I'm taking command. I believe these orcs are my tribe, and I'll not have arrows put into my hard work." She looks the group over and sighs inwardly. She is bristling against the hate and prejudice in their eyes, but it is not unwarranted. Though it feels like a milennia to her, the orog attack was not long ago for these people. "By either side," she adds gently, reminding them of her efforts to keep them safe.

"Whoever these orcs are, we'll make sure they give Kuldahar a wide berth, if that's what you'd like. Still, I'd prefer this to be a non-violent confrontation. I've had my fill of blood lately. Haven't you?" She fixes an image of Lord Ulbrec in her mind and stands as he would. Strong, self-assured, expecting to be obeyed because, after all, who else would they listen to?
Last edited April 16, 2019 8:47 pm


Intimidation (I've got seniority, upstarts) - (1d20+8)

(15) + 8 = 23

Apr 16, 2019 10:23 pm
Even expecting the boy to be fake, Zenithral finds himself impressed by the illusion as the mage hand fuzzes through 'Jermsy'.

Behind Zenithral is the sudden sound of a chair hitting the floor as Natalie immediately stands up. A surprisingly vile curse leaves her lips as she approaches and waves her own hand through the illusion. "I'm going to strangle whoever it was that taught the boy magic! Now where has he gone?!"
Apr 16, 2019 10:31 pm
Mirek wrinkles his nose, then nods slowly. "Whatever you say, Al. So long as they don't stick around here they can go wherever they like. We'll come with you and help to keep an eye, in case they try anything."

He motions to the hunters and they all set off, faces grim.
Apr 16, 2019 11:20 pm
They continue on for a mile or so, hunters sniffing and sneezing the whole way, before Al gestures for them to stop with a sigh.

"This isn't what I'd call the ideal time to fill you in, but I planned to tell my tribe and I'd rather not surprise you."
Jumpy as you are. "And frankly, I feel bad. The smell is awful, isn't it? It gives me a headache." Alalla shoots Reòthadh a look that says, "get ready."

"The battle in Targos last week didn't go well for me." She sticks her glaive into the snow and lowers her white hood. "I fell into the devil's hands." She parts her hair to show them her nubbish horns. They've grown a fair bit, despite the charring she gave them. "I don't know exactly what I am now, but I think it's like what Zenithral is- except touched by a devil instead of a god. I've got fiend in my blood."
Last edited April 17, 2019 9:09 am
Apr 17, 2019 1:46 am
"A dwerf stands ready"

Shifting his weight he makes sure to check his armor and weapons in case things go sour. The dwarf gives a stern look at the hunters.

"A dwerf has lived the life o' the hunter since he was a wee lad. There is much one could pass on to those who would learn. Should trouble arise fall back and take cover in the woods, a dwerf will provide the cover of the north to protect us."
Last edited April 17, 2019 5:42 am
Apr 17, 2019 4:20 am
The men mutter darkly and take a step back from Alalla, hands going to weapons. They look to Mirek, who sniffs the air tentatively. Eyes wide, the former cobbler shakes his head in disbelief. "That devil marked you. Is he your master, then? And now do you plan to bring orcs down on our heads? Just like Zenithral's father, who murdered Arundel!"

Several of the hunters are breathing heavily, faces contorted with hungry rage. Others appear horrified. Capable warriors they may have become, but most are not so hardened as they pretend. The thought of Alalla as a traitor strikes them to the core.

Mirek speaks to Reòthadh, but keeps his gaze on Alalla. "If you are one of the goodly folk, dwarf, then help us!"
Apr 17, 2019 4:43 am
"That was his plan, more or less, but he found me harder to sway than he expected." Alalla ties her hair back into place, apparently unconcerned by their hostility. She and Reòthadh can handle them.

"What I plan is to free the orcs from Gruumsh and any other master who would bind them with bloodlust. I had hoped the people of Kuldahar could help me show them the way of civilization, but..." She trails off, making eye contact with the hungriest looking men. "I'll send them on."

Al replaces her hood and retrieves her glaive. "Make no mistake, Belhifet will die for what he's done to the North. He has taken my orcish heritage and my husband's soul hostage, but I will die before I do his bidding. I've done it twice already. I'm not afraid to do it again."
Last edited April 18, 2019 2:26 pm
Apr 17, 2019 5:25 pm
"You're a bit too late for that, my dear" Zenithral tells Natalie. "Fergy already got himself disintegrated."

He waves the hand at the illusion's feet, expecting to find a certain magical hand mirror on the floor.
Either he's going to be trouble, or he already is...
Last edited April 17, 2019 5:26 pm
Apr 18, 2019 12:04 am
"She may be marked by foul powers, but many here have chosen to take upon themselves dark powers. When times are as dangerous as these, be not so quick to spoil friendships and allies with crude insinuations. Even a dwerf bears the mark o’ the frost giant, one that has cost him much to bear. Does the source matter if it is wielded in defense o’ our land an people. Let not the blindness o’ rage guide you, a true hunter follows the humanity o’ the heart."
Last edited April 18, 2019 12:05 am


Persuasion (a dwerf speaks from experience) - (1d20+9)

(3) + 9 = 12

Alalla does a good hype (help) - (1d20+9)

(19) + 9 = 28

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