Somewhere uncomfortably warm...

Jan 26, 2019 4:03 pm
For the second time in likely as many days, Zenithral wakes to find himself in a luxurious bed.

There are other similarities to the last time as well, such as other fine furnishings, bookshelves, desks. But the dimensions of the room are different than Malavon's demiplane. It has windows, for one, though little light passes through. For another, while the bedsheets are cool, the air in the place is awfully warm.

Then he notices the tall, vertical lamps in the corners, each glowing a molten red. No... not lamps. Those are streams of lava running down the sides of the room, lighting the place dimly.

The figure in the room is so still that for a time Zenithral does not notice it. It leans against one black wall over by a hallway, a cowl pulled far over its face, so far that he wonders if the person - whoever, or whatever it is - can even see him. Its focus seems to be on him, however.

It says nothing, but just waits with arms folded before it.
Jan 26, 2019 5:19 pm
Zenithral sighs internally. Well, I might as well get on with it... Zenithral changes his breathing to indicate he was awake, then blinks several times, fully opening his eyes.

"To whom do I owe the pleasure?" he asks groggily.
Jan 26, 2019 6:22 pm
The figure rolls its shoulders to move away from the wall and stand upright, unfolds its arms, and then walks down the hallway. There is a grinding of stone, and then a curtain of lava falls over the entrance to the hallway, closing it off.

Zenithral is left alone.
Jan 26, 2019 9:29 pm
It's probably going to tell the owner of the place that I've awoken, Zenithral reasons. He sits up and investigates the room for useful books or other indications of where he is and if there's anything that could help him. "He's sure eccentric..." He starts to approach the curtain of lava to see if he can feel the intense heat that tends to emanate from molten rock. "Volcano? Underground? I suppose if it were underground, it would be magma, now wouldn't it?" He says to no one in particular.

With a start, he realizes Fluphy was left in Malavon's domain. He tries summoning the flumph.


Investigation - (1d20+7)

(7) + 7 = 14

Jan 27, 2019 12:43 am
The cascading wall of lava certainly gives off terrible heat. It is difficult to say how thick it might be.

Fluphy proves difficult to summon. Most likely the flumph was killed or banished by an angry Malavon. But there is a small table nearby with incense and a brazier, and soon Fluphy is tooting about the room of black metal and molten rock.

The incense causes an itch in Zenithral's mind... For a moment he fears it to have released some kind of poison into the air, but when nothing else happens he dismisses that notion. No, this is something else. The scent of the incense is familiar to him, somehow..
Jan 27, 2019 1:26 am
"I'm sorry to keep dragging you into these kinds of situations...I hope you know I don't mean to..."

"Hm...this smell..." Zenithral says, breathing in. "My second thought is this reminds me of Poquelin when he was with us a short time...which is not a comforting thought. Fluphy, could you help me remember?"
Jan 27, 2019 3:34 am
Fluphy is curiously inspecting some of the lava flow when Zenithral calls him. The flumph toots over and reaches out a tendril to touch his cheek.

A stream of smoke... a fragrant smell...

Cherry wood. Amber resin. Just like the incense his mother would use, both for relaxation and for summoning small creatures of her own to show off for a younger Zenithral...
Jan 28, 2019 6:37 pm
"Ooh, Zenithral, come here!" Ilmadia, Zenithral's mother, said as she conjured a psudodragon before his eyes. "Hurrah!"

Young Zenithral set down the arrow shaft and carving knife and stepped over the brass brazier his mother had set out. The powerful incense filled his nostrils and he began coughing.

It was a beautiful creature. Stark black streaks trailed through its vibrant, red scales. It hovered unrealistically in the air, flapping occasionally to hold itself aloft.

"Is that...?" Zenithral began, eyes curious. He glanced back to see if his grandfather Arannis was around, worried he might start scolding the two of them.

"A familiar! Yes. Like the one your grandfather has, though much more...obedient." Ilmadia smiled, staring at it. She pointed upwards and with a large flap, the pseudodragon soared upwards, then spiraled down in neat circles, following the trail of her gaze. It nearly slammed into the ground, but pulled up just in time...then back into the air to repeat the process.

Zenithral gasped. "Stop it! You'll hurt it!"

"Oh, nonsense! It'll be fine..."

Zenithral closed his eyes and looked away as it spiraled back to the ground.

*THUD* A whimper.

"Oh, you useless thing!" Ilmadia scolded. "Perhaps I should try an imp next..."

Zenithral ran over to his arrow shaft and knife and scooped up his things.

"Zenithral dear! Where are you off to?" she asked.

"I...I just remembered that Saki wanted me to get from fruit from the marketplace for her. I...I'll be back!"

"Oh...alright. I'll be here!" she said cheerfully.
Jan 31, 2019 4:39 am
The memory sits in Zenithral's mind as clearly as if the events therein had only just occurred a moment ago. Fluphy warbles, and a wave of colors passes over its tentacles body. Once again the flumph's mental meal is flavored with negative emotions.

The flumph goes back to tooting around the ceiling, leaving Zenithral to his thoughts.
Jan 31, 2019 4:41 am
A short time passes here, but you can start your next post with some sort of check or action if you want Zenithral to have continued his investigations in the meantime.
Sometime later Zenithral receives an unexpected visitor. There is a splash from the curtain of lava covering the doorway as a small, winged creature passes through and falls to the black metal floor. It gets to its feet, and then small bits of molten rock scatter all around as it shakes itself dry of the lava that covers it - revealing a rather scruffy-looking raven.

The bird cocks its head to once side, regarding Zenithral with beady black eyes. It doesn't seem to have been harmed by the lava at all.
Feb 1, 2019 9:22 pm
"Well hello there," Zenithral says, turning to the stranger. Immune to lava..fiend, perhaps? Please don't tell me Nym sold me off to Poquelin...
Last edited February 1, 2019 9:24 pm


Investigation (Anything to indicate where I am?) - (1d20+7)

(7) + 7 = 14

Feb 2, 2019 12:02 am
While waiting in the room, Zenithral finds a number of interesting books on the shelves. They seem to be written in a variety of languages: Giant, Elvish, Sylvan, Undercommon, Infernal, Primordial... One shelf is entirely covered in Dwarvish tomes, with the exception of one slim book written in Elvish. As he examines the small journal, Zenithral recognizes the handwriting of Evayne, Larrel's daughter.
[ +- ] Journal of Evayne
The other Dwarvish books are are full of sketches and diagrams, but beyond that he cannot understand the language.
Feb 2, 2019 12:12 am
The raven flaps over to land on Zenithral's shoulder. "Well hello there."
Feb 2, 2019 2:41 am
Zenithral returns the book to the shelf and looks at the bird. expectantly.

"Do you have a message for me?"
Last edited February 2, 2019 2:41 am
Feb 2, 2019 4:23 am
"Do you have a message for me?" The raven's tone of voice is certainly mocking. It meets Zenithral's expectant stare, then sighs in a very un-birdlike manner. "Bene telemara." What language is that?

"Fine. I just have some questions for you." The head bobs back, then forward, almost as though it's listening - but not to Zenithral. "When did you eat last? Is it too warm in here? Do you need anything?"

The raven sticks its tongue out at him.
Feb 2, 2019 5:06 pm
"I can't tell if you're being serious or not...but it won't hurt to tell you anyway," he says. "I don't know when I ate last, but I'm definitely famished, now that you mention it...I have some dried meat in my pack..." Zenithral looks around to make sure he has his pack. "It is most certainly too warm in here, but lava---or is it magma...?--- tends to do that. I would like to know where I am, however, and who"
Feb 2, 2019 5:31 pm
Zenithral's pack rests beside the bed. His weapons are missing, however.

The raven jerks as though slapped, and then seems to roll its eyes. "Fine, you'll have some food. Something nicer than that dried stuff."

The bird flaps its wings to resettle itself on his shoulder. "In the meantime, there isn't much I can say about this place." It cocks its head. "You could guess though! Where do you think you are?"

The conversation is interrupted as the lava curtain covering the doorway parts. A tray floats into the room with a cooked meal of spiced plants and some kind of meat. The tray floats to a rest on a nearby table.

The lava curtain begins to close.
Feb 2, 2019 7:09 pm
Zenithral glances at the closing curtain of lava. Dare I? No...this place has a curtain of lava than can open and close on demand. I doubt I stand a chance against whatever else is here...There will be other opportunities...hopefully...

"Dorn's Deep?" Zenithral throws out. "That would be both awfully convenient and inconvenient, all at the same time. Regardless, I thank you for your hospitality," he says looking into the raven's eyes, though not addressing the raven. He sits at the table cross-legged and closes his eyes in meditation. He opens one eye and raises an eyebrow at the bird. "Are you just going to stay here, or will I have some privacy? Or at least the illusion of it?"
Feb 2, 2019 7:20 pm
The raven chuckles darkly. "He's a clever one!"

The lava curtain closes.

It flies to a perch above one of the bookshelves. It looks as though the small loft there has been specifically built for this bird. It settles down and fluffs its feathers. "Don't mind me at all. Just keep doing your... what are you doing? Praying? To Ilmater, no doubt!" Its cackle floats down to Zenithral's ears. "Now that's entertaining."

The raven squawks in pain, suddenly, and then settles down with only another muttered "Bene telemara!"

It remains silent, but continues to watch Zenithral with an attention that is far too unwavering.
Feb 2, 2019 7:27 pm
Zenithral removes his metal-chain necklace and places it around his head, the warm metal on his forehead. It was usually cool, but this room...He casts prestidigitation to cool the chain and closes his eyes once more, allowing his surroundings to melt away. Entertaining? Bird must be bored out of his mind here...
Zenithral prepares Detect Evil and Good, as well as Detect Poison and Disease and continues to meditate.
During his meditation, Fluphy probably toots around. Stares at the raven with or both eyes. Pokes it curiously with tentacles.
After the chain on Zenithral's forehead returns to room temperature, an hour later, he allows his eyes to drift open. He casts detect poison and disease on the tray of food as a ritual. "Never hurts to be cautious," he mumbles aloud for the bird to hear before it makes an annoying remark if it's still there.
Last edited February 2, 2019 7:33 pm
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