Dorn's Deep

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Feb 15, 2019 5:51 pm
Alalla's words claw at Zenithral's heart and her eyes pierce his soul. His eyes fill with tears.

"I suppose you're right. Perhaps it's best I go then..." he says with total sincerity. "I'll help find Nancy. After that...we'll see."

He turns to begin retrieving arrows from the battleground then turns his head back to answer her last question. "Myself."
Last edited February 15, 2019 5:52 pm
Feb 15, 2019 5:56 pm
HP: 115/142
Last edited February 15, 2019 5:58 pm


Hit dice 6-11 - (6d6+30)

(421111) + 30 = 40

Hit dice 12 - 14 - (3d6+15)

(612) + 15 = 24

Feb 15, 2019 6:07 pm
Alalla watches him, face expressionless. "What's so wrong with that?" Her voice is hard. "If I were honest, I wouldn't be here either. I'd be in Silverymoon or someplace with Erevain. Or, if I were honest sooner, a regular Targosian militiawoman dead in the mud like the rest. But if we're being really honest, I'd have had Ghotrag's place as warchief, and been fighting you from the beginning. Ras says we couldn't have gotten here without me, so I suppose the lies were worth it."

She curses under her breath at her tone, then continues more softly. "I have to take Ras' word for that, but I know we wouldn't be here if not for you. I stand at the head and take the heat, but it's you that guides us. It's you that motivates us before every fight. It's you that made me believe we could actually make a difference."
Last edited February 15, 2019 6:09 pm
Feb 15, 2019 7:04 pm
"Honesty," Arannis began. "Is the cornerstone of trust. It is the foundation of cooperation. It is the Weave of friendship."

Zenithral listened, attentively, sitting straight at the empty dining table across from his grandfather.

"Without it, you cannot lead. You cannot watch. You cannot protect. You are like a bow that has been left strung overnight."

"But what if I need to lie?" young Zenithral blurted out. "If there is someone I need to deceive?"

Arannis leaned forward over the table. "Tell me. Would you rather shoot on a day with a constant wind or in an erratic storm?"

"A constant wind is easier," he replied. "You never know when the wind will change in a storm"

Arannis nods. "Your words are like the wind. If they are not consistent, how can you aim yourself?"

Zenithral listened to those words to varying degrees, but recently, he had started to live by them.

"...I will try," he had told Myllandra.

But would trying really be enough?

They were coming.

The undead. Bryn Shander wasn't built for this kind of attack.

"Fall back!" Commander Ketrall's voice bellowed. Three horns. Two short, one long. The main gate was being overrun. Zenithral's squad of militiamen were running out of arrows, but the horrifying creatures wouldn't die as they climbed up the town's fortifications.

We can do this! We must! Zenithral thought, mind racing. He could see the battleground like a diorama in his mind. The creatures came in semi-organized waves. If they could eliminate this next one, the spearmen who just cleared the east wall could arrive. Otherwise, the creatures would be inside the walls; they would take massive losses.

"Get down!" the commander's voice came again. He said something else, but Zenithral was no longer listening.

"We mustn't retreat! Stand your ground!" Zenithral ordered, firing an arrow glowing with sparkling, purple light. "Just a little longer!" In a blast of purple sparks, several undead fell from the wall as their bulky companion who was boosting them up suddenly vanished. "Shoot!"

His men glanced at each other uncertainly but continued to fight, trusting in their skilled captain. A zombie reached the top onto to receive a shot in the head and a kick to the face from one of the men.

"We're doing it! One more volley! Shoo---" Then it hit him. A boulder hurled by a zombified ogre.

Pain. Snarls. Screams.



Everything hurt. Zenithral's eyes flickered open to see a blurry figure. He coughed and the figure turned.

"You're awake," came Commander Ketrall's voice.

"Did---*cough*---did we win?" Zenithral croaked. "My men?"

"Yes and no, soldier. The town held...but...your men are dead."

"No...!" Zenithral moans, shocked. "No..." His voice is a whisper now.

The commander shakes his head solemnly. "I'm sorry, son...Doc says you'll be bedridden for weeks, but you'll recover. Knowing you, though, I bet you'll be up in a few days...When you've recovered, report to Captain Debough. Rest well, son."


How could Alalla have so much faith in him?

"Every step you make is a step forward. Every heroic deed, and every word of kindness and hope you share with the world makes it better. The people you meet. Your friends. You are leaving your mark on the world, and it is one worth making!" Mylandra had said.

Ilmater picked the wrong half-elf. his mind had told him.

"...I will try."

"I will help find Nancy," Zenithral tells Alalla again. "Then we will see."
Last edited February 15, 2019 7:06 pm
Feb 15, 2019 7:27 pm
"Everyone makes bad calls, Zenithral. Trust me, I doubt every decision I've ever made every day. But you can't change them. You can only use the past to educate your future." Alalla sighs. "I can respect a well-reasoned retreat. But please. Please." Her voice cracks. "Please don't give up on us. I threw my lot in with the gods because of you. Torm works closely with Ilmater, you see. I... I was counting on your help navigating this new nonsense."
Feb 15, 2019 8:27 pm
Zenithral is silent for a minute, wiping his eyes and processing everything. Finally, he nods. "I know hardly any more than you do...but I will try. I'm not sure how inspirational I can be right now, but if the gods really are with us as they have been, we may have a chance."

He turns to continue collecting arrows.

As the group rests and recuperates, a feeling of peace comes over the group, the hot air like a cozy blanket.
Everyone gains 16 temporary hit points.


1 - Al knows about zombie attack, 2 Al doesn't know - (1d2)

(1) = 1

Feb 15, 2019 9:05 pm
Alalla looks the half-elf over. She once assumed he was old; ancient and wise like his elf kin. But she has since learned that elvish blood does not equal wisdom, and age doesn't either. Besides, he can't be older than her uncle if she can read his elven features right. How long ago was he a soldier in Bryn Shander? She recognizes the look in his eyes, now.

"Soldiers die, Zenithral. On good orders and bad ones. It's our job. It's not fair, but that's just the way it is. But soldiers die so that the people left behind can continue and move on. It's only a waste if those left behind lag behind. Make amends with the dead by living in a way that makes their sacrifice worth it." Alalla rubs her eyes.

No one wants to hear you preach, Al. And in butchered Elvish at that.

"If leaving the North and Ilmater is what it takes to help you, I understand." Does it count as a lie if she wants it to be true? "I really am glad you're back." She turns and leaves him to his arrows.
Last edited February 15, 2019 10:23 pm
Feb 16, 2019 2:09 am
Vincent looks through the nearby rooms. He sees no lurking enemies, but under a large stone table he finds a small person - a skinny gnome girl, with dusky skin and hair hacked short.

She cowers away from Vincent, grimy rags rubbing against a table leg.
Feb 16, 2019 3:03 am
Vincent looks at the little girl curiously.

"Have you seen my pet ghost little girl? I let him wander around all by itself and now I'm afraid something has killed it. Did you kill it? You look very ferocious. It's ok if you did, I didn't like it very much. I have some nice friends over here who helped me get rid of the annoying Drow. Here is a sandwich for you. The dragon I spoke to with my mind didn't want it."

Vincent awkwardly hands the little girl the sandwich and turns to go back to the group.

"Do you want to be my friend? I didn't have friends for a long time, but now I do and it's nice."
Last edited February 16, 2019 3:04 am
Feb 16, 2019 3:29 am
The girl snatches the sandwich. From her appearance, she might be twelve years of age.

As she takes a hungry bite of the sandwich, Vincent notices that her tongue is only a fleshy stub. It has been removed, cut away by some sharp instrument.

She doesn't move to follow.
Feb 16, 2019 3:35 am
Thinking into the girl's head, Vincent continues.

"One of my friends can fix your tongue for you. Follow me and I'll introduce you to him. He's a gnome like yourself. If you think your words at me I will hear them."
Feb 16, 2019 3:55 am
After resting, Ras feels quite a bit better. He stretches and does his usual round of making sure everyone is fine. He notices, however, that Ug does not seem like himself. It doesn't take a mindreader to know what is bothering him.

Ras has an idea of how to help, but he doesn't want to bother anyone about it yet. While the others talk, he takes himself to a secluded corner and pulls out the Heartstone Gem. Readying everything for the ritual, he prays to Silvanus.

"Lord of Nature, I come to ask another question for our quest. We seek to rescue a friend in need. My question is this: where in Dorn's Deep is the gnome Nancy, foster mother of Ug?"

He sits back, waiting patiently for the answer.

Ras uses the Gem to cast Divination. The Gem has 5 more charges.
Feb 16, 2019 4:10 am
The girl's response is a wash of thoughts and emotions. Hunger. Fear. Curiosity. Intelligence. She is quite bright, this child. Her mind moves almost too quickly to be understood.

It takes a moment for the stream to solidify into coherent words.

mindspeaker??? Talktalktalkicantalk
Feb 16, 2019 12:06 pm
Ug collapses in a tired heap next to Ras, too tired to notice what his small friend was really doing. Ug just wanted to say thank you but couldn’t find the words. He could hear his other companions talking, but he couldn’t find the courage to open his own mouth. Instead he lay there, sweat, blood, and silent tears frozen across his exhausted body. But he knew he was next a friend, and hopefully Ras could sense the same feeling. Ugs sleep was difficult though, after a few tries he gave up and just laid there. Could it be possible to be so worn out you couldn’t even rest?
Feb 16, 2019 3:40 pm
Alalla looks down at the exhausted Ug. "You look how I feel." She considers him again. "Nevermind. You look much worse."

Such inspiring words, great leader.

She curses suddenly and digs in her pack. After a moment she offers him two silver acorns. "Halla said to give these to you. If you cook them before you eat them, they'll help you feel less tired."
Last edited February 16, 2019 6:11 pm
Feb 16, 2019 8:48 pm
Cooking? That got Ugs attention. His curiosity overcoming his tiredness, Ug accepts the acorns with a puzzled nod. His culinary instincts take over and Ug starts creates a small concoction of spices. He pulls out a flask of his last backup supply of mamas mead and lumbers over to the lava pit. From the rising steam Ug sautés an acorn. In a few minutes a small but satisfying scent ascends the warm air.

Ug shrugs his shoulders and pops the small kernel into his mouth. The effect was immediate. A rush of memories accompanied the taste. Nancy knitting him a loincloth when he outgrew his original, a dinner food fight of toast and syrup, teaching him his first swear word when she almost wrecked their mule cart on the way to the priests chapel, letting him sit on her lap no matter how big he got. Ug leapt to his feet and pumped flexed fists against his massive chest, Ug was back!

Running back to his team Ug shouts to his surprised companions "Hurry, all friends!" he shouted with glee "we must hurry fast! To save the mother of me!"
Feb 17, 2019 1:11 am
Zenithral looks quickly up from where he sat carving an arrow. He has a puzzled look on his face that slowly turns from confusion, into wonder, from wonder into awe, and then from awe, into a small grin.

"I haven't seen that goliath in ages!" Zenithral remarks. The sight combined with the delicious scent brought back memories of Easthaven. Even he couldn't refuse to be jovial at that marvelous feast and new friends.

That's right.

This is why they fought together. When one couldn't keep the group up and going, another would. Ug didn't know how he would save his mother. All he needed to know was that he would do his best, and that was enough.

And Zenithral could do the same.
Feb 17, 2019 1:19 am
Eyebrows raised and blinking quickly to clear his head, Vincent replies. "This way, and please slow down your words, it is difficult to understand you."

And with that Vincent leads the girl to Ras and Ug.

"Ug, I think this girl might need some really good food. And Ras, she's missing most of her tongue and can't speak."
Feb 17, 2019 1:36 am
In this chamber with the bridge and chasm of lava one could be forgiven for thinking that it is far from the presence and influence of Silvanus, The Oak Father. But any place of raw, untamed earthly power, such as the surrounding stone and the heated lava, are still part of his domain.

Ras feels the the Heartstone Gem vibrate in his hands and send a *thrum* through the stone below. The pulse spreads outward from the druid in a ripple, seeking every connection of rock - solid or molten. A full minute passes, and then the pulse returns, traveling through the floor and back up to Ras and the Gem. It begins to shine with that familiar crimson light, and an image appears in its depths.

Nancy, Ug's mother, is in a cage along with a dozen other gnomes. They all appear dirty, ragged, and sweating. The gnomes all stumble about as if the floor shakes beneath them. A moment later the shaking stops and the cage door opens.

As Nancy leaves the cage, Ras sees that it is mounted upon a cart, and behind cart and cage is a great forge, lit red by molten stone.

A large crack splits the floor before Ras, spiderwebbing out into the shape of a rough map. As best Ras can tell, Nancy is currently within the heart of Dorn's Deep, at the main forge that heats the rest of the minor forges. It looks to be an hour's travel away through the underground city.
Feb 17, 2019 1:38 am
As Zenithral smells the spices of Ug's meal, he remembers the food brought to him in his mother's room. He is sure that the hands that cooked his meal are the same who taught Ug to prepare such delicious food.
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