Dorn's Deep

Jan 26, 2019 11:09 pm
When the companions are ready, they gather together in front of Arundel's cottage, and Ras enacts his spell of wind walking. The heroes take on cloudlike forms and race the winds even further to the north and east toward Dorn's Deep.

Ras casts Wind Walk with his 6th level slot.

The hours pass as quickly as the peaks below, until at last they come to one mountain that towers above the rest. Reòthadh surely recognizes the location as the entrance to Dorn's Deep, and guides the party towards the mouth of a large cave leading into the bowels of the mountain.

As the group draws closer, Ug feels the surfacing of memories that - to him - are of not so long ago. They are underlined by feelings of trepidation, however, for Ug did not leave the dwarven stronghold under the best of conditions. Not to mention the fact that his mother is supposedly being held captive here. And beyond it all, he has this strange feeling that while he was gone something must have gone terribly wrong in this place he once called home.

As the companions land in front of the cave mouth and retake their normal forms, they can't help but think about Belhifet and his schemes. The Heartstone Gem has led them here, and so here it must be that Poquelin - the archfiend Belhifet - has set up to be his base of operations. Whatever the dwarven citadel once was, what will it have become now?
And here it begins, the long-awaited delve into Dorn's Deep! Beware, as a party of high-level characters there will be some tough challenges ahead of you (and probably also some easy ones - cuz you're 14th level!) so be on your guard!
Jan 26, 2019 11:24 pm
Full of apprehension and grief, the dwarf sorrowfully looks at the once mighty ruins that lay in disrepair.

"What ill has befell’n ye? Me great homeland lay in shambles."
Jan 26, 2019 11:31 pm
"So, when are you all going to take me somewhere nice? Maybe a warm beach, good food, better drinks, and perhaps some pretty girls who need saving from some easy to kill pirates?"
Last edited January 26, 2019 11:32 pm
Jan 27, 2019 12:03 am
Looking at the mountain entrance, the Reòthadh notes the worn signs that once a great people dwelt here.

There are toppled statues on either side of the cave. One is of a dwarf. The other might have once been an elf, but most of the features have been broken away. There are deep gouges in its side, and Reòthadh makes out the Dwarvish rune for 'betrayers' written over and over again.
Reòthadh remembers that the dwarves of Dorn's Deep and the elves of the Hand of the Seldarine had been making progress towards becoming partners in trade, craft, and culture. He may even have met Evayne - the daughter of Larrel the archmage, who worked tirelessly to unite the two races.

If the companions have filled him in on what happened at the Hand and told him about Evayne's journal, Reòthadh understands that the two races became terribly embittered towards each other at some point. But this is proof before his own eyes that things indeed went bad.
There are steps cut into the mountain that lead downward into the cave. Where once the stairway was grand and clean-cut, now it is worn, broken, and home to vegetation. Indeed, large mushrooms and other fungi associated with deep caves now run rampant across the stone - something that the dwarves would never have allowed in the time of Reòthadh.
Jan 27, 2019 12:12 am
Erevain chuckles at Vincent's comment. The elf seems to be in much brighter spirits with Targos left behind. "You did not think the drow woman in the demiplane was pretty enough to be worth saving? Perhaps that is why Zenithral 'gets the girls'." He smiles and nudges Alalla. Then, remembering Zenithral's predicament, the elf says loudly, "If anyone can survive being trapped in an extraplanar dimension with a beautiful woman, it is Zenithral."

He moves to inspect the mushrooms on the stairs. "This kind of mushroom does not normally grow so close to the upper reaches of caves like these. They are meant for deeper tunnels. It is strange to see them here."


Survival - (1d20+7)

(16) + 7 = 23

Jan 27, 2019 12:19 am
"Hah, I don't know about you Erevain, but I've lived too long to put up with women who play hard-to-get. You did right in choosing Al. She doesn't seem like a woman who plays games. She's about as subtle as an...we I was going to say Orc, but that's a bit on the nose now isn't it?

And, yes, that Archer will turn anyone he doesn't like into a porcupine. In fact he might just shoot himself in the foot and banish himself out of there. I'm certain he'll find a way out. Speaking of which."

Vincent pulls out his sword and forms it into a bow.

"I'll take Zen's spot down there."
Last edited January 27, 2019 12:26 am
Jan 27, 2019 12:26 am
Erevain stands and nods Vincent's way. "And when he does, hopefully he'll make his way here. He's resourceful enough. Like his father, but a better man."

The elf eyes the stairs thoughtfully. "Shall we all go down as one, or should we send one or two ahead to scout the way?"
Also, with such big changes in the party makeup, we should probably decide a marching order.
Jan 27, 2019 1:48 am
Alalla takes in the conversation with her usual emotionless face. Despite this and everything weighing on her, something about the way she carries herself seems more truly relaxed than the party has seen before. "The shortest lived race in Faerun has little time for subtlety or games. Or hope. But I've recently had my lifespan extended considerably, so perhaps I should learn."

She spins her glaive through the air once as though to test her muscles, then nods towards the entrance. "Lets all go together." Noting Ug's quietness, Al turns to Reòthadh. "Lead the way. I'll be right behind."
Jan 27, 2019 4:51 am
The party falls into formation and moves forward. Reòthadh leads the way, with Alalla beside him. Erevain and Ras come next, with Vincent and Ug taking the rear.

The stairway is some forty feet wide. Once it was a grand entrance but now it has been claimed by mushrooms and plants - and something else.

As the sunlight dims behind them, they find that the darkness is still lit by dimly glowing fungus on the walls and floor. Reds, greens, blues, purples... it is a kaleidoscope of color, with swathes of darkness between.

After a half hour trek downwards, the floor levels out and the stairs come to an end. A large cavern opens up before the party, with giant mushrooms that tower dozens of feet above the floor, each one sporting glowing lichen on its trunk and dome.

As the group begins to move into the chamber, Erevain stops Reòthadh with a tap on the shoulder. His voice is a bare whisper as he points to some moderately-sized mushrooms nearby. "Those mushrooms there, with the spiked tops - they are called shriekers. Their presence here certainly means that someone, or something, has set up a perimeter. We should be very careful."
Jan 27, 2019 6:29 am
"Aye they have, but what would ye have a dwerf do about it?"
Jan 27, 2019 6:52 pm
"We'd have you be careful," Alalla reiterates. She puts a hand on Erevain's shoulder. "Can you keep them from shrieking?"
Jan 27, 2019 7:18 pm
Erevain nods. "The shriekers will likely still sense us, but their alarm will not be heard."

His brow furrows as he considers his spell. "Our best chance will be to hug the right wall as closely as we can. Keep your eyes sharp, for there are sure to be other threats here besides the shriekers."
[ +- ] Silence
The elf gestures and whispers a phrase. Nothing seems to happen until the party moves forward. One by one they step into the area affected by the magical silence. The mushrooms quiver noticeably, but, of course, no sound is heard.

The absolute quiet is disorienting, especially combined with the multicolored glowing fungus all about.

Eventually the heroes pass again out of the silence. This cavern is large, however, and they still cannot yet make out the far wall, where Reòthadh knows the gate will be.
Jan 28, 2019 1:28 am
"There are people that are being held as slaves here," Alalla near-mouths to Reòthadh. "We need to get to them first. Take us to where servants or slaves would live. Prisons are a good bet too."
Jan 28, 2019 4:27 am
"Dorn's deep was not known for it's dungeons, but great forges. If yer looking for slaves, then tha's where yer giants be holdin' them."
Jan 28, 2019 6:46 pm
The companions move forward, wary as they pass between enormous mushrooms dimly painted with colorful fungus.

Until the mushrooms and fungus ahead begin to move. What once looked like mushroom trunks become legs, and the wide domes above become twisted, hunched torsos. Two enormous figures rise above the party and turn to look at them with hideous, malformed faces.

Of the horrors the party has witnessed up until this point, these two giants are by far the ugliest - supernaturally so, for these creatures are formorians, fey monstrosities guilty of such greed and cruelty that they were cursed with awful disfigurements and banished to this plane to eke out whatever miserable existence they can. The gazes they bring to bear against the party are full of menace and eager for violence.

What's more, some of the larger mounds of glowing lichen around the party begin to writhe. In moments they form bloated bodies and armlike limbs, and begin to shamble towards the companions.
Jan 28, 2019 6:49 pm
Round 1 Player Phase!
The two formorians are further back and with big space between them. The four shambling fungus mounds are closer to each other and to the party. The mounds are large-sized.
Jan 28, 2019 6:54 pm
Alalla gets to work on the closest mound, but it's strange form leaves her confused. She picks her targets poorly and instead of wounding the beast only shaved off chunks of lichen. Finally with a little extra effort she is able to land a solid hit, and she throws her weight into it in an attempt to knock the mound over.

Shambling mound 1 takes 19 slashing and 11 fire damage and must make a strength save or be knocked prone.

HP: 144/144
AC: 20
Last edited January 29, 2019 4:08 pm


Attack 1 v SM1 - (1d20+10)

(3) + 10 = 13

Attack 2 v SM1 - (1d20+10)

(4) + 10 = 14

Attack 3 v SM1 - (1d20+10)

(4) + 10 = 14

Strain - (1d100)

(6) = 6

Damage - (2d10+5, 2d6)

2d10+5 : (25) + 5 = 12

2d6 : (61) = 7

Damage reroll - (1d10+10, 1d6+6)

1d10+10 : (9) + 10 = 19

1d6+6 : (5) + 6 = 11

Jan 28, 2019 7:02 pm
Picking a Shambling Mound at random, Vincent, with a thought, gathers a ball of his shadow armor and hits the mound in the face. Now with it cursed, Vincent follows up the curse with two arrows as well. Vincent's fingers slip on the first shot and the arrow goes wide, but on the second, it connects solidly.

SM1 is cursed and takes 18 damage.

Last edited January 28, 2019 7:09 pm


Which Shambling Mound? - (1d4)

(1) = 1

Longbow vs SM1 - (1d20+10, 1d20+10)

1d20+10 : (2) + 10 = 12

1d20+10 : (18) + 10 = 28

Arrow damage - (1d8+10, 1d6)

1d8+10 : (2) + 10 = 12

1d6 : (6) = 6

Jan 28, 2019 7:31 pm
Upon seeing the fomorians, the dwarf curses under his breath in a language few of the small folk know, Giant. For some reason he seems noticeable irritated by the presence of the twisted figures, with a quick flick of his axe, he hurls an icy ray towards one of the fomorians. Chanting in Giant he summons an ice storm around them, rebuking their presence with freezing fog, hail, and ice.

Reòthadh casts ray of frost at Fomorian 1 and then casts Sleet Storm with quicken spell, attempting to slow them down and obscure their vision and knock them prone. Dex Save DC 17.

As he casts his spell, Alalla feels a looming presence next to her; the dwarf has doubled in size.

Reo uses his Rage of Fallen Ostoria.

HP: 156
THP: 5
AC: 16
Size: Large
Last edited January 28, 2019 7:35 pm


Ray of Frost vs Fomorian 1 - (1d20+9)

(10) + 9 = 19

Ray of frost damage - (3d8)

(284) = 14

Jan 29, 2019 5:35 pm
Ras feels out of his depth here. Glancing at his friends, he decides to go with what he knows.

Ras casts Erupting Earth at the shambling mounds


Damage - (3d12)

(1122) = 15

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