Dorn's Deep

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Feb 17, 2019 2:08 am
"I believe your mother is a cook here, Ug," Zenithral remarks. "I had a meal while here and it certainly matches your style. I wonder where we might find the kitchen...Certainly not too far from other holding cells..." Zenithral asks to inspect the map Alalla and Reo have put together and tries to piece his own knowledge of the layout into the picture.


Investigation - (1d20+7)

(7) + 7 = 14

Feb 17, 2019 3:50 am
"Oh thank Silvanus!" Ras whispers to himself, looking at the map. He waves to catch Al's attention and beckons her, Zen, and Reo over to the map. Smiling tiredly, he points it out.

"I know where Nancy is!" he whispers carefully, watching Ug prance around the cavern. "It is likely to be well guarded, but it is not too far. And there are other prisoners with her."
Feb 17, 2019 5:16 pm
Alalla smiles down at Ra's. "Great work, Ras. That's very helpful." She taps her glaive gently as she frowns over the rough map. "Ras, can you do your thing and see how Halla and Kuldahar are doing? With Ilmadia distracted with her children there, I think it is going to influence how things are going to go here." She turns to Reòthadh. "How are things since you were last here, Reòthadh? Do you know of any side ways to get us where we need?"
Feb 17, 2019 9:07 pm
"Mayhaps there be an ancient way forgotten by time and the usurpers. I will need to ruminate to see if I can remember such a way.


History - (1d20-1)

(1) - 1 = 0

Feb 18, 2019 12:43 am
Yesyesyes... my name is Maralie. The gnome seems a little impatient, as though annoyed that Vincent can't keep up with her thoughts.

They come to Ras and the others as they inspect the series of cracks in the stone floor caused by the Heartstone Gem. Maralie glances at it and seems to immediately understand that it is a map.

Then her ears perk up as she hears a name spoken by the group. Nancy?Nancy! Nancyisafriend.... Nancy is a friend, a mother to all of the slaves! And yes, she is a good cook - the best!
Feb 18, 2019 1:18 am
Reòthadh casts his mind back through the centuries of frozen imprisonment, attempting to reach the far side of an ocean of maddening solitude and access his finer memories of his homeland.

As he does so, he experiences fully the weight of that seclusion, and the true implications of the fact that time has continued to pass without him. His home in ruins. What friends and family he had gone - most likely slaughtered by the orcs that swarmed this place.

Reòthadh tries to push the thoughts aside, but there is something there. Something that caused all of this.

A suppressed memory rises to the top of Reòthadh's mind. A memory of a creature. A person. A drow!
Reòthadh must make a saving throw against madness! Wisdom save DC 12. If he fails, roll 1d100 for Short-Term Madness and 1d10 for duration in minutes.
Feb 18, 2019 1:39 am
Ras nods at Al, still keeping an eye on prancing Ug. He sits down again, holding the Gem on his lap.

"Silvanus, thank you for your amazing wisdom. We will use it to the best of our ability. We have one more question to ask. We wish to know of our friend Halla and the city of Kuldahar. How are they doing?"

He notices Vince walking up with a filthy gnome girl, but he ignores them, focusing on his spell.

Ras uses the Gem to cast Divination again. Gem has 1 charge left.
Feb 18, 2019 3:12 am
As the dwarf falls into a stupor, his companions look at him with concern. A blank look on his face, he stands in silence.

Reòthadh is paralyzed for 7 minutes
Last edited February 18, 2019 4:03 am


Madness - (1d20)

(3) = 3

Inspiration - (1d20)

(1) = 1

The dwarf’s gone mad. - (1d100)

(17) = 17

How long? - (1d10)

(7) = 7

Feb 18, 2019 5:54 am
The Heartstone Gem flares with renewed light, and a second vision follows.

This time, Ras sees the Great Oak of Kuldahar. At its roots sit the druidic circle of standing stones, and within the circle is Halla. The woman stands with feet in a wide stance, Arundel's staff held in both hands. Before her is a woman of elvish blood with white hair, clad in extremely fine black armor. Ilmadia. Standing well back from the two women are dozens of gathered townsfolk.

Zenithral's mother holds out one imperious gloved hand, but Halla stands resolutely against whatever demand is made, her eyes glowing a feral yellow. Ilmadia draws her sword, which bursts into flames that ripple black, red, and green. Halla raises the staff, and the scene immediately darkens as storm clouds roil above. Wind whips about the druid woman, causing her clothes and hair to rise. A moment later lightning from on high strikes the ground between Halla and Ilmadia, a warning.

Ilmadia lifts something strapped to her arm - a mirror? A shield. She steps forward into the storm, hair lying perfectly still as if in simple denial of nature's wrath. The sword crackles with energy, and Ilmadia launches herself at Halla, blade first...

And suddenly Halla is a giant spider with serrated legs. She blocks the magical sword with a leg of hardened chitin, and barrels forward with fangs bared...

The scene freezes mid-motion and changes. Ras finds a connection between Halla and the circle, and the enormous roots all about. To Ras' eyes, the druid appears full to the brim with nature's magic. Ras finds himself remember his own time acting as a conduit of Kuldahar, on the night that the orogs attacked.

Then, deep within, he feels a confirmation from Silvanus himself that Halla is acting with the full might of an archdruid. As things are, it is highly unlikely that Ilmadia will win a battle against her in this seat of druidic power.

The vision ends.
Feb 18, 2019 3:34 pm
Ras stands up and then nods to Al. He flags down Ug and makes sure everyone in their group can see and hear him. Then, face burning and hands shaking, he tells all he has seen.

"I have asked Silvanus for information about Nancy and about Kaldahar." He looks right at Ug. "We know where Nancy is and how to get there. We don't know how well she is guarded, but it will probably require a lot of work." He turns to look at Al and Zen. "Silvanus has shown me that Halla is steadily holding back Ilmadia and using her powers, even the full powers of an archdruid, to keep the city safe." He looks around at the faces of his friends. "I believe we should go after Nancy."

With that, he steps back, allowing the group to process the new information.
Feb 18, 2019 6:54 pm
Ug bounces up and down on the malls of his feet with anticipation. They new where Nancy was! But then he sees how tired his friends are. Especially Ras. Ras, who had saved him how many times over, the little gnome who who’s calm heroics keep the team together. Ug wouldn’t be there without him, or the others. And most likely would not make it to mother without them. And there were only so many magical acorns of dissaoearung tiredness left.

Ug calms his heart rate and pats the small gnome on the shoulder, thank you friend Ras he says with a smile. Ug then begins gathering ingredients for a meal for his friends. Nancy wouldn’t want them to save her on an empty stomach.
Feb 19, 2019 2:50 am
Party gets a long rest!
As the party hunkers down for a longer rest, Maralie stuffs the rest of the sandwich into her mouth and scampers off, obviously not wanting to be late back to wherever it was she came from. After only a moment she returns, however.

Whatever the companions are planning, Nancy is a fellow slave. Freedom for her could mean freedom for all.

The longer she is around, the more she stares at Ug, eyes growing wider and rounder with each passing minute. Her nose wiggles as she sniffs the food he prepares, and apparently she comes to a similar realization to Zenithral's.

She reaches up to tug slightly on Ug's loincloth to get his attention, then from her own rags produces a silver key and shoves it into his hand.
Feb 19, 2019 3:37 am


Heartstone Gem recharge - (1d6+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Staff of Healing recharge - (1d6+4)

(4) + 4 = 8

Feb 19, 2019 3:31 pm
As the group quickly prepares in the morning, Zenithral prays over the morning meal Ug prepares to help invigorate the group.
Everyone still has 16 temp HP
As the rest of the group gets ready, he remembers and examines the ornate box Ilmadia gave to him.

Afterwards, he straps on his old bow and Alalla's quiver and looks determined and ready to go. "Let's be off, shall we? We have a mother to save!"
Last edited February 19, 2019 5:57 pm


Arcana? - (1d20+7)

(13) + 7 = 20

Feb 19, 2019 3:50 pm
Alalla finishes helping Erevain with his armour, adjusts her sword belt, and summons her glaive to her hand. She looks at Zenithral and his change in attitude with a slight smile of relief before her responsibility settles on her shoulders and she returns her face to calm blankness.

"Lead the way with me, Ras? Come help us navigate if you're well enough, Reòthadh." She waves a hand and the party marches out.
Feb 19, 2019 6:20 pm
Embarrassed by his senior moment earlier, the dwarf keeps his eyes low as his company gets ready to head out to rescue the slaves. The dwarf behavior seems slightly agitated, perhaps from embarrassment or something on his mind. Mostly composed regardless, the dwarf attempts to assist in navigating the halls, but his silence brings a somber mood to those around him.

T’was a drow... Traitor...

Reòthadh is helping with navigation through his knowledge of the halls. (Survival or History maybe?)
Last edited February 19, 2019 6:21 pm
Feb 20, 2019 5:03 am
Within the box, Zenithral finds an item he has only seen on rare occasions: his mother's wedding ring, given to her by Erestor. Much to his surprise, Zenithral finds that not only can he channel his spells through the ring's gemstone, but that with a little effort the stone can be removed from the band, an act that sends the stone floating about his head and granting him increased speed of thought.
[ +- ] Ilmadia's Wedding Ring
The party sets out into the passages and caverns of Dorn's Deep with renewed determination. Between Reòthadh's ancient memories, Zenithral's more recent ones, and Ras' divination from the previous evening, the companions move quickly through the halls and chambers.

Though Ug lived here long ago, his mother's gnomish clan was never allowed into the deepest bowels of the dwarven citadel. As the group passes ruined statues and cracked floors, Ug begins to remember things that he never understood as a younger child...

The dwarves who lived here were industrious folk, but mistrusting of the other races. As relations soured with their greatest allies, the elves of the Hand of the Seldarine, the dwarves began to crack down much more harshly on the immigrants who lived within the city - including Ug's family. As Ug himself was an outsider to the gnome clan, it no wonder to him now that the gnome elders wanted the too-large and too-prominent goliath boy gone.

Looking around at the ruins now, Ug cannot help but wonder what might have happened if he had stayed...
Feb 20, 2019 5:03 am
The group passes into a chamber familiar to Zenithral - the immense cavern that holds the artisan's district and market, the place he where he fled Malavon and the umber hulks. But now, though, it seems that a group of humans are gathered here.

As the party approaches, passing between and around crumbling stone walls of shops and houses, the people turn to watch with blank expressions. All those companions who spent time in Kuldahar before the trip to the Severed Hand recognize one of the men - Brother Gus. His clothes are dirty and disheveled, his eyes unfocused.

From the apparel and symbols adorning the other men and women, Zenithral can tell that every one of these people is an adherent of Ilmater. But there is something very wrong with the lot of them. Many of them bear wounds on their hands and arms, and the floor about them is spattered with blood.
Feb 20, 2019 5:06 am
On a raised platform in the middle of the gathering stands a man dressed in Ilmatari robes. His face is scarred and pocked, and some of the injuries appear fresh. He raises a hand to greet the party.

"Welcome to our humble church, disciples of suffering. I am Brother Perdiem, servant of Ilmater." Despite his welcoming words and clear tone of voice, there is no sign of warmth in his scabbed face. "What brings you here today? Do you seek ecstasy at the hands of Ilmater's servants?" He gestures at the gathered Ilmatari, who begin murmuring incoherently.

The companions have the uneasy impression that the injuries marring these people are self-inflicted.

Beside Brother Perdiem is an altar that was not present when Zenithral last passed through this chamber. There is some sort of object atop it, but it is currently covered by a white cloth with dark red stains.
Feb 20, 2019 5:42 am
"We are no strangers to suffering, but I wouldn't call us disciples." Alalla gently taps the metal symbol of Torm on her sword belt as she looks about sharply. How was it that she had sensed evil before? "Just when I thought I'd seen it all," she mutters to Zenithral in Elvish. "No wonder Ilmater sent you this way."

Al uses Divine Sense.
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