New player here looking for a game

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Jan 28, 2019 8:43 am
I did join four groups on here, but I'm still waiting. Looking to play Dungeons & Dragons 5e Pathfinder Call of Cthulhu or Dresden Files. I am experienced Dungeons & Dragons player playing with a group every Sunday in person. I've done Call of Cthulhu once.
Jan 28, 2019 2:59 pm
Welcome, Lwunder!

It helps to PM the GM of a game you're trying to join. The notifications of new players aren't always super obvious, and just because a game has open spots doesn't necessarily mean the GM is currently looking to add new players.

There are lots of 5E and CoC games that pop up, and probably plenty already in existence that would be interested in a new player, but I can almost guarantee you you'll have more success in finding a game to join if you reach out to the GMs before you just smash the Join Game button.

I have a list of a few members who are interested in CoC, and I told them I would reach out when I'm starting a new game. I'd be happy to add you to my list and reach out when the time comes.
Last edited Jan 28, 2019 2:59 pm
Jan 28, 2019 4:27 pm
Thank you I will try that and i didnt even know that work like that
Jan 28, 2019 6:31 pm
Someone needs players to fill slots in their Pathfinder games. See here.

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