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Mar 8, 2019 9:33 pm
Hello everybody,

Im looking for 2-4 more players to fill a Fast paced, active game of Call of Cthulhu 7e.

We will be starting the campaign with the beginner scenario "The Haunting", but with several modifications and alterations to make it a bit more expansive. This campaign will be long running, and hopefully we will be able to explore some of the greater psychological horror of H.P. Lovecraft and similar authors works.


The premise of the game revolves around the group of characters, as aspiring members of the Midnight Society, a group of paranormal and occult enthusiasts and investigators, who meet to discuss strange occurences, theorize, and postulate upon theories so outlandish that if spoke in public, would result in discreditation, loss of social standing, or worse.

Youre investigators will know eachother, maybe not familiarly, but at least somewhat familiar throught the society. You know you can trust eachother, and you know that word of your investigation would be seen by the outside as "Whimsical, or Lunacy".

When drumming up your characters, i would also like you to describe to me the member of the Midnight Society who sponsored you. just a quick sentence with their name, what they look like, and a character trait.

Link to the game:

Hopefully some of you will find interest in this, and we can get a game going within the week.
Mar 8, 2019 9:55 pm
Just out of curiosity...would I need to be familiar with the game? I am not. I am a little familiar with the mythos in very general terms...but not at all with the system.
Mar 8, 2019 10:01 pm
Not at all, the start of this campaign is going to consist of the beginner adventure with some flavor changes to fit a grander scheme.

Im open to players of all levels of experience, and the beginning will walk you through the mechanics of the system.

And as for having limited exposure to the mythos, id almost say that makes it better, as your brain will fill in the spooks with whatever you find most horrifying.

heres the link to the quick start rules, just dont read the adventure at the end. i dont want you to spoil your first real foray into the world of CoC
Last edited Mar 8, 2019 10:05 pm
Mar 8, 2019 10:09 pm
I doubt it'll happen, but if there's spaces open after a while, I'll jump in. I'll gladly cede my place to anyone else who wants in so I don't hog all the games :)
Mar 8, 2019 10:21 pm
Naatkinson, if youd like to join theres space available. I can always add new spots for more characters. The way i look at it, id like to hit 4 or 5, then start the campaign, then as people join i can bring them into the group.

If youd like to play just apply to the game :D
Mar 9, 2019 12:35 am
Sounds very tempting, Robb!
Mar 9, 2019 1:42 am
I would love to play. Iplay a few games on here, Cthulhu but I am a beginner still.
Mar 9, 2019 2:48 am
OK. I am busy for the next 24 hours. But if that is OK I am in.
I will apply on the game oage
Mar 9, 2019 5:45 am
Lwunder says:
I would love to play. Iplay a few games on here, Cthulhu but I am a beginner still.
If you are interested, the quick start pdf is linked, and covers most everything you will need to know for now. I have one more empty slot, and if you are interested it is all yours. just apply to the games page!

We will most likely be starting early next week to give people time to discuss character ideas, create the characters, and get all prepared before we start.
Mar 9, 2019 12:07 pm
RobbOgden93 says:
Lwunder says:
I would love to play. Iplay a few games on here, Cthulhu but I am a beginner still.
If you are interested, the quick start pdf is linked, and covers most everything you will need to know for now. I have one more empty slot, and if you are interested it is all yours. just apply to the games page!

We will most likely be starting early next week to give people time to discuss character ideas, create the characters, and get all prepared before we start.
Great thanks I just applied :)
Mar 9, 2019 2:02 pm
Yay for more Cthulhu! Good luck with it!

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