Interest Check - Mage: The Awakening

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Mar 9, 2019 4:48 pm
In another thread, which I refuse to hijack, a few people spoke of their interest in MtA (nWoD).

Is anyone up for a mage game? I'd prefer 3, maybe 4 dedicated players able to handle posting every other day or so, rather than a larger number of casual players who burn out after a quick beginning.

At its core, MtA seems best suited for supernatural mysteries. I'm thinking that the PCs will be part of a magical community when internal schism occurs, as someone accuses another of a plot. The PCs will then need to search for the truth, choose sides, and then repair the breach in the community. This scenario will work best if either the accuser or the accused are mentors of the PCs, so that there is real motivation to find the truth.

While I have begun to flesh out a setting and campaign, is still early days so I would like the players to be able to steer some of the big picture stuff. I love exotic settings that we call all learn about as we go, rather than genetic American city, but that's not a requirement.

Deep immersion into the setting will be optional, but as a storyteller, I tend to focus more on ambiance and enabling player choice and less on hand-holding or railroading. This style requires players willing to improvise with what they're given, rather than just react to that with which they are presented.

I've had a few ideas for running a chronicle in this great setting, but I haven't ran it before. I've run Mage: The Ascension (the prior game from the 'classic' or 'old' World of Darkness) and Changeling: The Lost in nWoD, in which I used Mages as minor NPCs. I've also run a metric shit ton of Vampire: The Masquerade.
Mar 9, 2019 5:14 pm
ooh. I made a mage ages ago and never got to play. Stop tempting me!
Mar 9, 2019 5:39 pm
Yasssssssssss please super, super yes. I'm very, very interested.
Mar 9, 2019 5:41 pm
Lux001 says:
Yasssssssssss please super, super yes. I'm very, very interested.
Haha, well that's the response every GM wants!

Got any interests that we can work in? Even base tropes?
Mar 9, 2019 5:55 pm
I’m in so many games already, but I would definitely have to join this one.
Mar 9, 2019 8:08 pm
I would love to join! I so rarely get the chance to play WoD, I am normally the DM. I would love to join! I so rarely get the chance to play WoD, I am normally the DM. I thoroughly enjoy playing both Moros and Thyrus mages and I would be more than happy to help with the world-building aspects. If you want something a bit exotic, I once ran a game that took some queues from Stargate, where the Stargates were basically Atlantean relics that let them jump around the world to start with and then as they ramped up in power, other dimensions. It was very Indiana Jones with a lot of inspiration taken Secrets of the Ruined Temple.
Last edited Mar 9, 2019 8:15 pm
Mar 9, 2019 9:00 pm
Mage is on the very top of my games-wishlist. Definitely interested.
I have Ascension core rulebook and Mage Awakening as PDF's
Mage in Victorian time is a book that is on its way and I'm looking forward to. That would be a setting/era I have never played in
Mar 9, 2019 9:24 pm
I have a heap of social science, daily life in the time of XXX books if a historical setting is interesting to people. They are very in depth and would go a long way to lending a sense of authenticity.
Mar 9, 2019 9:41 pm
We'll that looks like four solid interests. Why don't I open up a game, invite Lux, King, Whistler and Rune and we can discuss setting details inside.
Mar 9, 2019 9:41 pm
Qralloq says:
Lux001 says:
Yasssssssssss please super, super yes. I'm very, very interested.
Haha, well that's the response every GM wants!

Got any interests that we can work in? Even base tropes?
I'm familiar only with Mage: The Ascension of the mage product line, and while I have glossed over M:TAwk(I know that pride is a really big deal, right? Hubris?), my experience lies more with the other game. That said, I do have potential access to Awakening 2e, and even then I am pretty sure I can get the 1st edition if that's what we're playing.

As for eras, I do prefer contemporaneity- But like, I said the same thing in Whistler's Changeling game and we ended up playing on contemporary nights when I think everyone else may have been kind of leaning to the victorian thingie. So, just to clarify, I'm okay playing in whatever era! I'm not a huge history nerd but I'm more than happy to read more about it if needed.

I like the idea of the game being around the community. Having recurrent NPCs, a place that our characters feel attached to, all of that really helps me, personally, immerse myself.

And while I dig the typical American city because of the many things we can bring to the table(All the social norms that tend to be constantly challenged in the west, especially nowadays, and how our characters as mages fit into this ever-evolving society), I am also super okay with playing in whatever else. Here are a few ideas that I, personally, find appealing:

- Game set at some point in the Soviet Union, diverse cast of mages either accommodating to the USSR or actively resisting it(or in a limbo where backstabbing and alliance making ensues)
- Game set in Taiwan after the Chinese Civil War, with our characters as part of the Republican Chinese Mage faction that is now starting to organize Taiwan as their new home.
- A What If scenario in a nearby future in the EU where concepts like nationality, ethnicity, and etc are very, very muddled. A cast of young mages trying to find and establish themselves in this world is adviced.
- A cast of characters who in the actuality have zero credibility in the mage community for reasons but in the future everyone faces this catastrophic event that is really really bad and they managed to time trip to this specific point(either consciously or physically) and now they have to try to stop it despite everyone considering them scrubs. For whatever reason, they need to gain the community's support to try to avoid the future.
- Any apocalypse-like scenarios are actually cool to me, either happening before or after, being a surprise or not. The Armageddon from Ascension comes to mind: I'm not sure if Awakening has something like that? And really, this apocalypse staple can be applied on top of any of the other suggestions as well!
Last edited Mar 9, 2019 9:42 pm
Mar 9, 2019 9:50 pm
Invites sent, and Lux's post quoted within to continue the discussion.
Mar 10, 2019 1:13 am
room for one .more? I can totally swing another game. If not that's cool too
Mar 10, 2019 3:11 am
I think we're at five which is higher than I wanted all ready.
Mar 10, 2019 6:26 am
I dont think I got an invite, sorry.
Mar 10, 2019 8:45 am
Whistler says:
I dont think I got an invite, sorry.
You did. Click on the have link and you can click accept.

Mage game
Last edited Mar 10, 2019 8:46 am

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