Mar 9, 2019 4:48 pm
In another thread, which I refuse to hijack, a few people spoke of their interest in MtA (nWoD).
Is anyone up for a mage game? I'd prefer 3, maybe 4 dedicated players able to handle posting every other day or so, rather than a larger number of casual players who burn out after a quick beginning.
At its core, MtA seems best suited for supernatural mysteries. I'm thinking that the PCs will be part of a magical community when internal schism occurs, as someone accuses another of a plot. The PCs will then need to search for the truth, choose sides, and then repair the breach in the community. This scenario will work best if either the accuser or the accused are mentors of the PCs, so that there is real motivation to find the truth.
While I have begun to flesh out a setting and campaign, is still early days so I would like the players to be able to steer some of the big picture stuff. I love exotic settings that we call all learn about as we go, rather than genetic American city, but that's not a requirement.
Deep immersion into the setting will be optional, but as a storyteller, I tend to focus more on ambiance and enabling player choice and less on hand-holding or railroading. This style requires players willing to improvise with what they're given, rather than just react to that with which they are presented.
I've had a few ideas for running a chronicle in this great setting, but I haven't ran it before. I've run Mage: The Ascension (the prior game from the 'classic' or 'old' World of Darkness) and Changeling: The Lost in nWoD, in which I used Mages as minor NPCs. I've also run a metric shit ton of Vampire: The Masquerade.
Is anyone up for a mage game? I'd prefer 3, maybe 4 dedicated players able to handle posting every other day or so, rather than a larger number of casual players who burn out after a quick beginning.
At its core, MtA seems best suited for supernatural mysteries. I'm thinking that the PCs will be part of a magical community when internal schism occurs, as someone accuses another of a plot. The PCs will then need to search for the truth, choose sides, and then repair the breach in the community. This scenario will work best if either the accuser or the accused are mentors of the PCs, so that there is real motivation to find the truth.
While I have begun to flesh out a setting and campaign, is still early days so I would like the players to be able to steer some of the big picture stuff. I love exotic settings that we call all learn about as we go, rather than genetic American city, but that's not a requirement.
Deep immersion into the setting will be optional, but as a storyteller, I tend to focus more on ambiance and enabling player choice and less on hand-holding or railroading. This style requires players willing to improvise with what they're given, rather than just react to that with which they are presented.
I've had a few ideas for running a chronicle in this great setting, but I haven't ran it before. I've run Mage: The Ascension (the prior game from the 'classic' or 'old' World of Darkness) and Changeling: The Lost in nWoD, in which I used Mages as minor NPCs. I've also run a metric shit ton of Vampire: The Masquerade.