Chapter 1: Departure (Day 1)

Mar 17, 2019 9:43 pm
Chapter 1: Departure

(The Courtyard of the Main Hall, School of Seven Stones)

For most of you, the experience of being summoned to the School of Seven Stones is not unusual. Always a bit disconcerting, certainly, but there is often a perfectly good reason. After all, you spent a number of years in and out and through the gates. At times, it's been a home, a burden on your shoulders, a source of joy, and a thorn in your side.

For some, the School is a home, but one that makes you yearn to be free of the petty squabbles between the overeducated, the constant reminder that this was meant to be a temporary arrangement, one that the War of the Mage Kings turned into shackles with no key in sight. One more meeting is just a normal part of your day, no matter how much you'd like it to be otherwise.

For some others, this is a first, the opportunity to set foot inside its famous walls, maybe an opportunity to change a fate many years in the making. That feeling of nerves and excitement and fear all wrapped up in your stomach might go away someday, if such summons prove to be commonplace, but for now, uncertainty is all you have to go on.


The summons came to each of you two days ago by courier, an acolyte of your school, if you have one, bringing you the written message. For the town girl Ember, the summons came from a human boy who couldn't be a day over 10, dressed in the formal white robes of Whitestone College.
The Masters of the School of Seven Stones request your presence two days hence, at the tolling of the second bell. Present this message at the gates of the Main Hall and you will be escorted to the proper location. You need bring nothing other than yourself. Your timely arrival at the Main Hall is important. Do not be late.
Questioning the courier as to the nature of the request was futile. The wide-eyed acolytes knew nothing of the summons, other than that they were instructed to deliver it without delay and without fail. You got the distinct feeling there was a thinly veiled threat offered to the youngsters as well, given the fear in their eyes. The summons was authentic; the Seal of the Masters glowed from the bottom of the page, and no one would dare use it without permission.

Entering the School of Seven Stones isn't hard -- the gates are open, and many people flow in and out of the campus without issue. Arriving at the Main Hall, it's a slightly different story. The gates may be open, but the Shining Guard of Meriava is posted there and checking each person as they pass. For those familiar with the School, you know that this restricted access is a newer policy put in to place just in the last few months. Showing your sealed invitation gets you a personal escort inside the Main Hall building, where you are shown to a room on the first floor. It has tall ceilings, dark wood-paneled walls, and is comfortably appointed, with several comfortable chairs placed about, all facing one another in a rough circle. Floor to ceiling windows in the east wall look out onto the Courtyard of the Main Hall; the business of the School seems to be going on like it does every other day.
Go ahead and post in whatever order you come in. No one is here when the first person arrives, and after that, the PCs that have posted so far will be present.

Since it's not always easy to see the details of the full picture, when I make a post with pictures, I'll include the full size image in a spoiler tag. I just like the look of having the text wrap around the picture...
[ +- ] Courtyard of the Main Hall, School of Seven Stones
Mar 17, 2019 10:09 pm
If it makes sense for someone else to arrive first, I can edit and shuffle.
For once in her life, Ember makes it a point to arrive early. The random summons from the stiffest of the Seven Schools reeked of subtext. Still, she smiled at the boy from two days ago, laughing when he arrived.

"Maybe this is why I haven't been accepted yet - I'm too old!"

Joking aside, now that she's in the halls, she is on edge. This is her first time in the inner sanctum, and she's still not totally convinced she's welcome, even with the pompous seal on the letter in her hand. She crammed everything she could into her belt pouches. She knows she's not the only one summoned, which is hopeful. Because if an Elliad is summoned alone, it's usually a bad sign.

But I don't have to be an Elliad here.

She smiles, a glimmer in her mismatched eyes. This place really is magnificent. And even an unknown task is more exciting than working at the tavern, right? Maybe things are looking up!
Last edited March 17, 2019 10:31 pm
Mar 17, 2019 10:28 pm
Given that it has been two days since they received the summon, I figure Yelnar and Ember have probably spoken about it (I assume Ember would not have been able to not talk about it).

Yelnar would purposefully wait to give Ember a little freakout time before presenting himself and joining her, giving his usual non verbal and small wave by way of greeting, but he can't help have a big smile on his face - he knows Ember has been dreaming of this moment for some time.
Mar 17, 2019 10:33 pm
That makes sense! I edited.
She's startled by Yelnar's presence, but tackle-hugs him when she realizes it's him.

My favorite statue! I was starting to think you weren't coming! What's the news?
Mar 17, 2019 10:43 pm
Oh, we're definitely in trouble, what did you do?

Yelnar manages to keep a straight face
Last edited March 17, 2019 10:43 pm


Bluff - (1d20-2)

(19) - 2 = 17

Mar 17, 2019 10:47 pm
She rolls her eyes.

Pssssh. Just like these old bags. Always trying to blame the naturally talented. I didn't do anything!

She already got him in trouble, and the day is this young? That's hardly fair. Though she'd never let her guard down around someone she didn't know as well, her face falters.

In the last five years. On purpose. What did they tell you?
Last edited March 17, 2019 10:49 pm


Sense Motive +2 - (1d20+2)

(10) + 2 = 12

Mar 17, 2019 10:54 pm
Krav confidently strides through the courtyard, entirely unfazed, as if the grandeur of it all is wasted upon him. He has never really enjoyed being in the clean and polished areas of the school, and this part of the grounds always made him feel patronized. He couldn't wait to get out of here.

After being escorted to the main hall, a small rodent pops his head out of Krav's robes and peeks around a bit. The relative seclusion of this area seems to have made Shiloh more comfortable. Krav surveys the room and sits as far away from the other two as possible. He does not make eye contact with either of them, but instead pulls a small bit of food out of his pocket and begins feeding it to Shiloh. He then whispers something to the rat and strokes him gently while he waits.
Mar 17, 2019 11:23 pm
Yelnar goes from jovial to stone as soon as Krav enters the room. He is somewhat relieved, as he knows he would not be able to keep up his charade with Ember for long, and honestly has no idea what might be behind the summons.

He does give Krav a small head nod of acknowledgement though.
Last edited March 17, 2019 11:23 pm
Mar 17, 2019 11:27 pm
When Elora first received the summons her head was swimming with worry. The Masters? Did I do something wrong? Am I being expunged? And similar questions stuck in her mind for the part of the day. Realizing if she was being kicked out it wouldn't necessitate being personally summoned, her concerns next lied in what exactly the situation is. For two nights she speculated, never quite satisfied with her answers.

As the day arrived she promptly made her way to the Main hall, not wanting to disrespect the very Masters. She wore her hat tilted forward just over her eyes in an effort to hide her face, feeling her peers bore into her as if she was embarrassed they knew some secret regarding the summon. After what felt like entirely too long she finally arrived. Pushing her hat back up she even recognized some of the people already gathered, feeling a bit more at ease. Wordlessly she positioned herself right behind Yelnar and Ember, not wanting to interrupt their conversation.
Mar 17, 2019 11:52 pm
As soon as Ember notices the newcomer, she goes silent, relieved that she doesn't have to continue the conversation. She melts into her usual charming smile.

Elora, is it? I remember you from the tavern. This is turning out to be an interesting group!

Her younger side breaks through when she sees Krav, though, and she darts over to him.

Stars, you're Krav! I didn't know you were a caster!

She attempts to mimic one of his classic take-down shots on an imaginary opponent.

And apparently falls flat on her face with an impressive "thunk".
Dang it anyway haha. I literally just thought "now you don't want to risk a crit fail!" What's the damage, 78? XD
Last edited March 17, 2019 11:54 pm


Athletics - (1d20-2)

(1) - 2 = -1

Mar 17, 2019 11:55 pm
Ember is actually only along for comic relief... ;)
Mar 18, 2019 1:00 am
Krav nods at Ember and chuckles slightly at her form. "Those days are behind me though. Shiloh here has taught me my true calling. Are you a fan of Meriavan street fighting?"

Krav is slightly embarrassed to be recognized. He never really considered himself a great fighter, it was just all he knew. Until now. He likes Ember already though. He gets the feeling she is genuine.
Mar 18, 2019 1:26 am
Ember rubs her nose , hoping she looks more wounded and less like she's blushing.


Yeah! I've snuck out to watch it more often than "the man" wants to admit. I was actually thinking of getting on the circuit myself, but well...

She gestures to herself as if she's referring to her clumsiness and physical stature. Then she grins with a glint in her eye.

...They don't let natural casters in. We'd have it too easy.

Don't freak out, there are plenty of minor celebrities in town. Just, not all of them could pile drive an orc into the ground....

So Shiloh's your familiar? He's cute!
Mar 18, 2019 1:36 am
"Yes, Shiloh is my familiar. Although most days it feels like vice versa. I’m not quite certain where I’d be today without him."

Krav is not too comfortable talking about himself so he turns the tables, "You’re a caster? Of what nature?"
Mar 18, 2019 1:49 am
lavtodd says:
As soon as Ember notices the newcomer, she goes silent, relieved that she doesn't have to continue the conversation. She melts into her usual charming smile.

Elora, is it? I remember you from the tavern. This is turning out to be an interesting group!

Her younger side breaks through when she sees Krav, though, and she darts over to him.
Yelnar turns to Elora along with Ember and nods.

After Ember rushes off, he has a bemused look on his face, looks at Elora and shrugs.
Mar 18, 2019 2:18 am
kona says:
"You’re a caster? Of what nature?"
Ember grins. She does like being the center of attention. Especially when she's not in trouble.

The best kind.

With a short vocalization, she snaps both fingers and flicks her hands palms-down. Marionettes of bent light - a little man and a little dragon - fall from her fingertips. The images are basic, like twigs cobbled together, but she acts out a tiny fight scene before catching them back into her hands.

Not saying other casters aren't good, of course! There are plenty of things I can't do. But if you ask me? Sorcerers have the most fun.
Last edited March 18, 2019 2:22 am
Mar 18, 2019 2:49 am
"I-um...would like to point out that there are any number of reasons you weren't admitted, natural caster or not their rules are rather rigid..." Elora clarifies, barely speaking loud enough to be heard by Yelner, let alone the fleeing Ember.

"Oh...Hi Yelner." At least she can talk to him.
Mar 18, 2019 3:49 am
Ephwrath slowly shuffles into the room following his escort who appears to be mildly annoyed with him. The old dwarf has his nose buried so deep in a large tome that his face is barely visible. Nevertheless, he somehow successfully navigates his way to the nearest chair, hops up onto it, and continues reading.
Mar 18, 2019 5:16 am
Viani takes a deep breath outside the room she was told to wait in. She has no idea why she has been summoned here and hearing Ember from the tavern and that strange druid talk about being invited as well only adds more mystery to the situation. Finally, she gathers the courage to enter and looks around. There appears to be a full group of people gathered here. She has seen all of them before. A strange group.
She looks from one person to the next and says, trying to sound confident and to hide her nervousness: "Hello, everybody"
She then walks over to Elora and sits down next to her. She gives her a nervous smile and asks whispering: "Do you have any idea what this might be about?"
Last edited March 18, 2019 8:46 am
Mar 18, 2019 6:52 am
Verrian walks, unhurried, toward the gate leading out of the Meriavan Kinship compound. Her ability to feel the kinship's presence has already begun to fade, and she knows that between the tenth and eleventh step beyond the gate, she will cease to sense it at all. In the early days after the wards went up - really, that whole first year - she would feel almost a sense of panic when the connection faded to nothing. Nowadays, she accepts it, along with the knowledge that it will be there again when she returns.

Each bit of knowledge brings her pain of a different kind. She could have let both pains go long ago. She chooses to keep feeling them.

Leaving the kinship feels much like stepping out of a warm bath into a vacuum, a nothingness. The air of the city is noisy with the voices of the unjoined, but there is no sense of connectedness between them. Verrian spent a great deal of time living among the unjoined, both as a student of the School of Seven Stones and then as a Naucan diplomat. It had always been an uncomfortable but worthwhile sacrifice for her country, and she'd often comforted herself with the prospect of the next trip home, back to her kinship.

The wards had put an end to that comfort. Now, no one knows what actually lies outside of Meriava's wards. In the kinship, a frequent source of debate and controversy is a movement to accept the loss of Nauca as permanent and have an official renaming ceremony. She would wake up Verrian of Cyr and go to bed Verrian of Meriava. The kinship is just shy of evenly divided on the idea, which is why it hasn't yet been implemented.

As she walks at a calm, measured pace to the School, she is greeted by various city residents. She smiles and returns their greetings and pleasantries with genuine pleasure. She feels no contempt for the unjoined, and certainly no pity. They are living according to their nature. If they are aware that they lack a rich dimension of connection and sharing that Naucans have, they can't begin to appreciate the depth of what they're missing, so they are not really suffering for it. She likes the people of Meriava. As far as she can tell, most of them also like her.

She wishes she could leave.

Verrian presents her summons at the Main Gate and receives her escort to the meeting room. She steps inside and surveys the scene. She recognizes everyone in the room; some she knows better than others. As she walks toward the one remaining open seat in the circle, she smiles at those she makes eye contact with, giving a specially warm one to her young friend Ember. Carefully, she keeps her internal misgivings out of her facial expression. Whatever they've been called here for, she's not at all certain that a teenager like Ember should be part of it.

"Apologies if I am late," she says, amiably, to the room.
Mar 18, 2019 11:01 am
Seeing that is appears everyone is here, Yelnar figures whatever it is will start soon. He takes up a post standing against a wall where he can see all of the others and the exits. He is appears to be at ease, but his stance is ramrod straight.
Mar 18, 2019 12:22 pm
Ember is pleased to see so many familiar faces, but she does notice seven of them, and she's the only one not tied to the school.

She leans on a wall juxtaposed to Yelnar's stance and chuckles.

Is this an intervention? I don't need six of you to babysit me.
Mar 18, 2019 4:18 pm

There's always that moment in any conversation when suddenly there's a lull. Especially among a number of people who don't all know one another very well. Into the middle of that uncomfortable silence, the door opens once again. A woman enters, who at first glance you would consider to be old considering her white hair and lined face, and makes her way toward your little circle of visitors. Her posture is straight, and her movements are sharp and sure, the vigor of a woman much younger. She walks with a tall spear in her hand doubling as a walking stick.

"Ah, you're all here already," she says in a warm, alto voice, and in the distance you can hear the second bell ring the mid-morning hour. "I knew a number of you would heed the summons with the gravity it deserved," she continues, looking to Krav, Verrian and Viani in turn, then at the rest. "Others I was merely hopeful. Bodes well for the future, I say."

She takes one of the open chairs, and indicates for all of you to sit. "For those of you who do not know me, I am Athisa Veras of Veridium College. Those of you who do know me," she says, giving a wry but friendly smile to Krav, "would be advised to speak kindly of me. And Ephwrath? Put that book under your chair, as I know you'd be otherwise distracted by it."

Those who have spent significant time at the school know Athisa as a reknowned scholar and teacher in Veridium College, a stern but fair taskmaster in her classes, self-deprecating, encouraging and supportive of her students. Until they screw up. Her mere disappointment is as terrifying as many other scholars' ranting and raving.

"I know that you are all wondering what you have been summoned for, so I will not waste any more of our time together. The time has come to begin allowing people through the wards. You seven have been chosen by the School to comprise a team that will venture out from the Shining City to take stock of the aftermath of the War. Make no mistake, the world outside has changed more than you can likely imagine -- we know that much from what we have been able to divine from behind the wards. The unrivaled power that allowed us to transform the world through the Great Advancement may have also proven our downfall. Your charge will be to set forth from Meriava and learn what you can about the devastation: what has survived, what has changed, and what can be rebuilt."

She continues on, explaining what little the School knows of the world beyond. Communication and trade with nations outside the city has been cut off for months, if not years. Parts of the landscape have apparently changed completely. Great feats of magic, such as the Floating Towers of Ardraven, seem to have either failed completely or have mutated in unknown ways that make them undetectable.

"It is asking a great deal, to send the seven of you out into this new wilderness. Be assured, you are not the only team we are sending, and we do not expect you to explore every corner of the earth and solve all the world's problems," she says with a sad, if kindly, smile. "Explore what you can. Learn what you can. Report back to us when you can."

She takes a whitestone disk from a pocket and hands it to Elora. "If this works properly outside the wards, it should allow you to send us your findings when you feel there is something important we should know. We will provide you with the equipment and provisions you need to start your journey, but you should not expect our direct intervention once you leave the walls of the city. It may not be possible to provide that aid, and even if we can..." She shakes her head, looking to the floor for a moment before addressing you all again. "You should not expect our direct intervention. We will leave it at that."

"I am sure you will have many questions. Please, ask them, and I will answer to the best of my ability."
[ +- ] Athisa Veras, Scholar of Veridium College
Mar 18, 2019 4:57 pm
Viani raises her hand and waits for her same to be called out.
"Professor, I am more than thankful to have been chosen for this mission. Exploring the world outside has been my dreams for years. But I have to ask. Why have I been chosen? I look around this room and I see some obvious choices and some... less obvious ones, myself included. I am just a student. I haven't even been at this school for long."
She looks as if she wants to say more but decides to stop talking. She looks around the room, her eyes resting on Ember longer than on anyone else.
While the reason for Viani's own being here might be the one most interesting to her, the one for Ember was even more mysterious.
Mar 18, 2019 5:05 pm
Ember shakes her head, not waiting to be called on.

Yeah. Now that the greetings are done, what does the College really want?
Mar 18, 2019 5:06 pm
Athisa chuckles dryly. "The question I expected first. Well done, Viani," she says. Leaning on her spear, she stands up and begins to pace. This is a familiar sight for those of you who have sat in her classes. She rarely stays in one spot for long. "As I said, you are not the only team we are sending. There is plenty of room for all degrees of experience and know-how in this endeavor."

She stops her pacing, wrapping both of her hands around her 'walking stick', and suddenly looks very old indeed. "Each College has put forth a number of names of individuals to send on these missions. You were each chosen because someone here saw something in you that led them to believe you had the potential to succeed. I will understand if that gives you pause, rather than pride."

Athisa turns to Ember then. "The School of Seven Stones wishes you to become part of the force that will rebuild our world. A small part? A large part? That depends entirely on factors that none of us can possibly predict."
Mar 18, 2019 5:21 pm
Verrian feels herself bristle at what she sees as the blatant manipulation of a young girl of no privilege. Anyone who knows Ember knows that what she craves more than anything is to matter. She stands up, just as she walked here, with unhurried purpose. She knows that her self-control is such that no trace of her anger is visible on her person or in her voice.

"Scholar, my question is, why now? What has changed to persuade the Masters that it is suddenly time to start sending out explorers?"
Mar 18, 2019 5:26 pm
Krav does not raise his hand, but speaks freely. He has known Ms. Veras for some time so it would not be a surprise to her that social niceties are not his strong suit, and she would be aware of this.

"So, do we not have a particular objective then, other than exploration and reporting? Re-establishing contact with Alcave for example?"
Mar 18, 2019 5:29 pm
Athisa draws in a long, deep breath and releases it with a quiet sigh. "Ah, child... if I could predict or discern the minds of the Masters, I would likely be one of them." Her wry frown leaves open the question of whether that would be a good thing or bad. "But," she continues, a bit more sternly, "as you well know, my dear, there are reasons within reasons within reasons. The best answer I can give is that the Masters have deemed it safe enough to chance the risks of what might lie beyond the walls. The tide of magic that swept over the world seems to have receded. It may surge again, true, but like a tidal wave, we believe that it will not surge so high or so destructively any time soon."

A fond smile peeks over Athisa's face as Krav speaks up. She walks over to stand near him, extending a hand toward Shiloh to allow the creature to sniff at her. "I was going to cover that once you'd had a chance to ask your questions, but now is as good a time as any. My recommendation would be to begin in Alcave," she says, glancing toward the stoic Yelnar. "One of your party has contacts there, should he wish to pursue them. It is a short journey over the lake and through Alcave, but... remember, where we used to be able to send people hundreds of miles simply through a wave of our hand, those days appear to be gone. You will have a great deal of overland travel ahead of you. You will be provided with the means to make that happen."
Mar 18, 2019 5:44 pm
Rebuilding the world?

She still wasn't convinced that this was done without further meaning, but something lit a fire in her. She knew that Yelnar, at the very least, would be able to see it in her eyes.


Bluff - stay cool and aloof - (1d20+8)

(8) + 8 = 16

Mar 18, 2019 5:51 pm
Elora has no particular opinion on Ms. Veras, as she's never had to face her disappointment just yet. This proposal however intrigues her, and the whitestone disk in her grasp only feeds these feelings. It also sounds monumental, without certainty of what they could possibly find.

Raising her hand she meekly asks "Do you suspect we will face danger?"
Mar 18, 2019 7:42 pm
Yelnar’s face lights up when he hears he will be travelling beyond the walls, where he will be free from his family’s scorn and able to make his own way.

He is a bit crestfallen when Athien suggests using his contacts, but becomes stoic and gives the teacher a nod.
Mar 18, 2019 7:44 pm
somebox says:
Elora has no particular opinion on Ms. Veras, as she's never had to face her disappointment just yet. This proposal however intrigues her, and the whitestone disk in her grasp only feeds these feelings. It also sounds monumental, without certainty of what they could possibly find.

Raising her hand she meekly asks "Do you suspect we will face danger?"
At this question, those of you close you Yelnar might hear him mutter to himself "I doubt I’d have been chosen otherwise"
Mar 18, 2019 8:51 pm
Athisa inclines her head to Elora. "You will. I feel comfortable in stating this unequivocally. What dangers those will be, again, we have no answer. This event -- this war -- is unprecedented in history. What its effects have been and will continue to be are beyond any of our knowledge. Which is where our explorations come in, and why they are so important. Were I younger -- a lot younger -- I would beg to join you, danger or no. But if any of you wish to refuse this request, you can do so without fear of reprisal. This is an immense responsibility we are placing on your collective shoulders."
Mar 18, 2019 9:01 pm
Viani will raise her hand again. She notices that everybody else is just speaking up without waiting for permission but she still has too much of a first year student in her to do that in such an important gathering.

When she is called out to speak, she stands up from her chair and looks throughout the gathered group. "Umm, I was just thinking... If we are going to travel together, maybe we should introduce ourselves. I think I've seen all of you before but I only know half of you by name. And of even less of you do I know what you can do."
All eyes in the room are on Viani when she finishes speaking. She stays awkwardly silent for a few seconds, then she clears her throat and adds: "Just an idea."
Mar 18, 2019 10:00 pm
Ember waits for Viani to introduce herself, which she apparently doesn't? And then stands up, clapping her hands. She's very short.

Well! I'm Ember. Self-taught. Most of you know me as the plucky sorcerer at the Jocular Marmoset.
Last edited March 18, 2019 10:00 pm
Mar 19, 2019 2:11 am
When no one else speaks for a strangely protracted amount of time, Verrian rises. "I'm Verrian of Cyr, formerly a Naucan diplomat. Since the wards went up, I've been a scholar in the Jade College." She sits down without discussing her skill set further.
Mar 19, 2019 3:09 am
Krav does not stand, and only makes momentary eye contact with any who are looking his way without raising his head. Although he is a human of fairly fit build, it does not appear he cares about his appearance otherwise. His long hair hangs in knots about his head and is entirely unkempt. His beard is long and he obviously hasn't shaved for months. His hide clothing is tattered and torn in places, but still remains wholly functional nonetheless, and those who sit near him notice he smells faintly of freshly turned soil.

"Krav Thorne, Veridium College."

Although he is a man of few words, you don't get the sense that he's all that disagreeable of a person. It is possible some of you may have met him via his recently acquired work as an herbalist at the Perturbed Herb, or, as Ember has noted so emphatically, you may have heard of him from his younger days fighting on the streets for scraps. He appears to be in his late 20's, but it is likely that his beard is betraying him and he is actually younger than that.
Last edited March 19, 2019 3:10 am
Mar 19, 2019 3:37 am
In response to Athisa's request, Ephwrath pulls a long braid out of his beard, lays it between the open pages, and carefully closes the large book on his lap. He raises his head and appears to suddenly realize that he's in a room surrounded by several people. His large bushy eyebrows dance ever-so-briefly like a pair of playful squirrels.

He listens intently to his fellow scholar's speech, with hands folded atop the great tome. However, as soon as she reveals the whitestone disk, he quickly reaches inside his robes and produces a quill and parchment and begins furiously taking notes. Those close enough can hear him muttering to himself "...fascinating!... curious... curious, indeed!"
Last edited March 19, 2019 3:39 am
Mar 19, 2019 3:52 am
Ephwrath, did you want to also introduce yourself, or should we assume that you're too distracted?

Incidentally, I love the playful squirrel analogy. :)
Mar 19, 2019 3:59 am
78RPMLife says:
Ephwrath, did you want to also introduce yourself, or should we assume that you're too distracted?

Incidentally, I love the playful squirrel analogy. :)
Yeah, I was actually going for the too distracted thing. :)
Mar 19, 2019 4:38 am
At Ephwrath's response, Athisa briefly puts a hand over her face, her shoulders shaking slightly in a quiet chuckle. "Ephwrath is a scholar, as you might have guessed," she says. "Dawnstone College, and possesses other talents besides a love of books and curiosities. He'll have to explain them to you at a later date, it seems."

She looks to the others for their input on this grand cycle of introductions.
Mar 19, 2019 4:56 am
When another moment of silence occurs, Viani decides to introduce herself. She didn't want to start in case nobody else was going to do it afterwards.
"My name is Viani Yelven. I am a second year student at Opal college. As for relevant skills to our journey, I've taken some courses towards becoming an official Inquisitor of the school, but I haven't finished my degree yet."
Last edited March 19, 2019 4:56 am
Mar 19, 2019 5:08 am
Elora stands up when Viani is finished, looking over the group hesitantly as she quietly get the words out. "Elora Ladinas, pupil of Whitestone College. I specialize in the study of arcane arts, and can utilize magic in armed conflict." She promptly sits back down, looking visibly uncomfortable with all this attention as she feels her heart quicken.
Mar 19, 2019 5:46 pm
Your host looks to each of you in turn. "I realize that this is short notice, but we ask that you be ready to depart tomorrow morning, again at second bell. The wards will not be lowered for long, only enough to let you and the other groups cross the lake to your destination, so you must be ready at that time."

As she speaks, she begins pacing again. As she passes each of you, she offers another letter with the seal of the Masters imprinted on it. "These letters of credit will allow you to acquire whatever equipment you feel will be necessary for the journey. They direct whatever merchant you visit to request reimbursement from the School. You should not get any argument, but if you do, you may contact the Shining Guard at any of their outposts. They have been instructed to provide aid. The School will provide you with food and water for your journey; the rest will be up to you."

Letters delivered, she stops her pacing and faces the group. "We ask that you arrive at South Gate in advance of the second bell with the supplies you intend to take with you. If you have anyone you wish to speak to before you go, this would be an opportune time. I will remain here for a bit to answer any other questions you might have, but until I see you off tomorrow... fate's favor be with all of you."
Feel free to take some time to do whatever side RP you'd like, whether that's with each other, with merchants, with NPCs that you'd like to communicate with, what have you. If you need me to play NPCs, just let me know. I'll plan to begin the next phase of the plot tomorrow sometime unless we're ready to go sooner. You're welcome to open a new thread to start a new scene. I'd like to keep this one from getting too scattered, but if you want to stay to talk with Athisa, this would be a perfectly fine place to do it.
Mar 19, 2019 5:58 pm
Ember turns to Yelnar.

See you at the tavern later?

She waits to step up to Athisa until there's an opening, and comes forward with a humble smile.

I'm honored by this opportunity. Thank you. I've never seen the inside of the College. It's amazing. I really hope there's a chance we can get the rest of the world back to a fraction of this light once more. Please, if you are allowed to tell me. Does this mean the Seven Stones have good faith in the Elliad line again?
Really, she's trying to lull Athisa into a false sense of security, with the hope that Athisa will tell her why she was really chosen.


Bluff +8 - (1d20+8)

(11) + 8 = 19

Mar 19, 2019 6:38 pm
Viani will stay in her seat. In her head, she goes through all the possible things she could need for the travels but every time, she arrives at a perfect set of travel gear, she realizes that it is far too much to actually carry on a long journey and she will have to start again.
The others can see her just counting on her fingers with a more and more frustrated expression on her face every time she starts over.
Mar 19, 2019 6:40 pm
Verrian goes to Viani and lays a hand on her shoulder. "If you'd like, we can go shopping together. It's easier for two people to think of everything they'll need."
Mar 19, 2019 6:42 pm
Viani looks up at her. Her expression is defeated.
"That sounds like a good idea. I've never travelled beyong this city. There is just so much to consider..."
Moon, please don't cripple this character as well
Mar 19, 2019 6:43 pm
Athisa looks the girl up and down, the faintest of smiles deepening the lines around her eyes and mouth. "I would tell you if I knew, child. Your name was put forth by Master Rothenend of Whitestone College himself. Whether that indicates faith or a willingness to allow you to prove yourself or one of a thousand other things, it seems only Master Rothenend himself knows."

She holds up a hand to forestall what she sees as the obvious followup. "And before you ask, he's very busy and likely wouldn't tell you his thoughts even if you could get in to see him. Trying to pull anything out of that man's head has broken the spirit of much cleverer individuals than you and I."

Her hand extends to rest lightly, kindly, on Ember's shoulder. "Whatever the true reason, dear... it is an opportunity for you. A dangerous one, yes, but the strongest blades are forged in fire. You have enthusiasm. Cherish it, use it to your benefit."
Mar 19, 2019 6:51 pm
Ember doesn't do much to hide her burns, but she feels self-conscious about them.

Yeah. Thank you.

She changes her tune and runs over to Yelnar before he leaves, leaping onto his back.

So! Now what?
Edit: This is gonna be a loooooooong game if I roll crits 50% of the time.........
Last edited March 19, 2019 6:52 pm


Acrobatics +2 - (1d20+2)

(20) + 2 = 22

Mar 19, 2019 6:55 pm
You don't have to roll every time, you know. You can roleplay how you want to leap on his back. :)
Mar 19, 2019 6:57 pm
bowlofspinach says:
Viani looks up at her. Her expression is defeated.
"That sounds like a good idea. I've never travelled beyong this city. There is just so much to consider..."
Moon, please don't cripple this character as well
I can leave you alone, if you prefer. Otherwise, I can make no guarantees.
Mar 19, 2019 8:01 pm
78RPMLife says:
You don't have to roll every time, you know. You can roleplay how you want to leap on his back. :)
Meh. The bad vibes from that faceplant are gone now. I am at peace.
Mar 19, 2019 8:05 pm
Krav gets up wordlessly and nods to those in the room who acknowledge him. He spends and extra moment and makes sure to make eye contact with Ms. Veras.

"See you at the South Gate then," he says and works his way out of the room.

Although he has managed to remain stoic on the outside, he is elated on the inside. Shiloh seems to sense this and is acting quite animated himself. Finally, after all these years, he will get to leave the confinement of The Shining City and see what he can make of himself. He has always felt confined and helpless in such a crowded place. The anticipation of this relative freedom is exhilarating, regardless of what possible dangers lie ahead.

When Krav leaves the School of the Seven Stones, he immediately heads to the Perturbed Herb and informs Angel Caraway, his halfling mentor at the establishment, of the news. After picking up a few small items at the local shops, he then heads to the lean-to shack behind the apothecary, where he sleeps, and deliberates whether he should tell his father.

Dov was barely a man in Krav’s eyes. Ever since Krav’s mother passed, Dov spent his days in the gutter begging for coin, and his nights in the gutter drinking it away. Krav grew up mostly stealing or fighting for what he needed to survive, and providing for his father as well. It really was the opposite of the way things should be. Rather than go and say a heartfelt goodbye that would surely be one-sided, Krav decided instead to make his father a bundle of all the food and coin he could spare and pay a local child to drop it in his father’s lap. Even though he had grown callous to his father’s way over the years, he still didn’t want to put his emotions on the line by saying goodbye in person. He had been disappointed one too many times.

After resting for the night, Krav wakes up early and performs his daily meditation. Shiloh disappears for a while, presumably to find some food, and returns a bit later. He knows the routine. Once everything is in order, Krav heads to the South Gate long before second bell.
Mar 19, 2019 8:18 pm
Viani looks over Verrian for a moment, her eyes resting on the strange patterns on the woman's skin.
"You're not from here, right? You have been outside of the city before?" She stops speaking, her eyes widening for a moment as thoughts seem to be racing through her head. "That was not a rude thing to ask, was it? I'm sure there's Naucans that were born here. I just meant, I think I've heard you aren't from here, right?"
She blushes slightly. Way to make a good impression on her travelling companions for the mission of her life
Mar 19, 2019 9:36 pm
Suddenly, after several minutes of scribbling on his parchment, Ephwrath stows his quill and hops off his chair. In a much more spry manner than one might expect from him, he lopes over to Athisa, clearly excited. He begins showing her what he's drawn, pointing and whispering enthusiastically. Athisa nods and gives him a broad smile, at which point Ephwrath pulls up his robes and sprints from the room. Athisa chuckles again, and glancing down, notices one of his sandals laying on the floor.
Mar 20, 2019 12:44 am
"T-thank you for this opportunity!" Elora bows low, takes her envelope, and quietly walks out. On the inside she is practically jumping with joy, hurriedly writing the details of the meeting in her journal. What do I need to survive the wilderness?... And so she spends the rest of the day compiling a list, writing letters explaining her leave of absence to the College and her parents. They never spoke much, but it's the polite thing to do.

With voucher in hand she makes her way through the shops with haste, making sure not to "overdo it" with any unnecessary items to avoid the scorn of the clerks and the Seven's generosity. The night passes peacefully, Elora even manages to fall asleep despite her nervous excitement. By the morning she tidies up her room, not entirely sure she will ever return. After a quick breakfast she adorns her armor, weapons, and gathers her backpack full of supplies. Flicking through her spell book she decides everything is as orderly as it can possibly be, so she moves toward to the south gate.
If anyone wants to do a little RP between Elora's actions that's fine with me.
Mar 20, 2019 12:46 am
bowlofspinach says:
Viani looks over Verrian for a moment, her eyes resting on the strange patterns on the woman's skin.
"You're not from here, right? You have been outside of the city before?" She stops speaking, her eyes widening for a moment as thoughts seem to be racing through her head. "That was not a rude thing to ask, was it? I'm sure there's Naucans that were born here. I just meant, I think I've heard you aren't from here, right?"
She blushes slightly. Way to make a good impression on her travelling companions for the mission of her life
Verrian smiles and touches the girl's shoulder before she even thinks about it. Funny, she hasn't forgotten to stop and check for signs that touch would be welcome in a long time. In Nauca, consent was sought and given through telepathy so ingrained and complete that it was almost like breathing. But with the unjoined, it is impossible to know without verbally confirming or reading complex intuitive signs. She ends the touch quickly so as not to make the girl more uncomfortable.

"It's not rude at all to ask, Viani, and yes, I was born in Nauca. I worked as a diplomat, so I traveled to a lot of different nations through the years."

She glances quickly at the line that has formed to speak with Athisa. She catches the scholar's eye and makes a subtle gesture to indicate a desire to speak with her in private.
Mar 20, 2019 1:23 am
Athisa stoops to pick up Ephwrath’s poor neglected sandal, shaking her head in quiet disbelief. "There has to be a reason..." she muses, watching the dwarf retreat with amusement in her eyes. That’s when she spots Verrian, and acknowledges the gesture with a nod of her head.
Let me know when you’d like to have that conversation, Moon. Only one we haven’t heard from yet is Yelnar, but I think he’s on Australia time.
Mar 20, 2019 5:31 am
"That is great. Then you should know all that we need. I'm thinking we need tents, bedrolls, food, water, torches, climbing gear, weapons, something to make fire, equipment for hunting or fishing, extra clothes..."
She keeps going, counting each item on her fingers, slowly getting quieter before she stops eventually, again with a defeated look on her face. "Where do we even start with such a big trip ahead of us? I wish I had taken a class on this."
Mar 20, 2019 5:57 am
bowlofspinach says:
"That is great. Then you should know all that we need. I'm thinking we need tents, bedrolls, food, water, torches, climbing gear, weapons, something to make fire, equipment for hunting or fishing, extra clothes..."
She keeps going, counting each item on her fingers, slowly getting quieter before she stops eventually, again with a defeated look on her face. "Where do we even start with such a big trip ahead of us? I wish I had taken a class on this."
Verrian laughs. "We'll have a crash course on it as we buy our supplies. That list you just rattled off is a good start, though. Write it down. Meet me this afternoon at the Jocular Marmoset and we'll take Ember along on our shopping trip, if she hasn't made arrangements with someone else. And now, if you'll excuse me, I need to have a word with Athisa."

Verrian, smiling, leaves Viani and approaches the scholar, who has moved to a more private spot for their conversation. "Athisa, what is going on?" she asks urgently in a low voice, her smile now gone. "Most of these people are children. And they think this is a grand adventure, when you and I both know it's a one-way mission. I don't mind being drafted for a suicide run - I'm dying to get outside these walls - but I certainly object to children with stars in their eyes being misled and sacrificed."
Mar 20, 2019 6:13 am
Viani pulls out some parchment and a feather from her bag and starts writing down the list she has thought up. She is glad to have someone who can help her with the shopping.
Mar 20, 2019 6:28 am
Yep, apologies for being a bit later than I’d like, didn’t really get a chance to post at work today.
When it comes his time to introduce himself, Yelnar simply says quietly "I am Yelnar, from Granite College. It’s my job to protect and help people."

He hears Viani ask about where to start and says "I used to live on the shores of the lake in Alcave, and I figured since they talked about me having contacts, they want us to start there." Ever an open book, Yelnar seems nervous, anticipatory and fearful all at the same time.

Ember notices Yelnar is a bit distracted when she jumps on his back, but reflexively manages to catch her anyways. He says to her "I think I might want a stronger drink than normal when we get back, I’m going to have to ask Father what message he wants to send to Mother if she’s still there...."
Mar 20, 2019 11:38 am
Ember nods.

Well, Tace gave me the day off. I should tell him what's what, but I've got your back the whole way!

She chuckles at her own pun.
Mar 20, 2019 1:59 pm
Should we open a new thread for when we're meeting at the Jocular Marmoset? For everyone who'll want to join the shopping spree
Mar 20, 2019 4:30 pm
bowlofspinach says:
Should we open a new thread for when we're meeting at the Jocular Marmoset? For everyone who'll want to join the shopping spree
If you do, preface the thread name with 'Chapter 1 Side RP' just for my organizational needs, please. You're very welcome to make a new thread!
Mar 20, 2019 4:37 pm
Waiting for whether the others want to actually rp that or just skip over it
Mar 20, 2019 4:38 pm
I'll RP with y'all. Not sure when Ember and Yelnar are getting back, but she's got to tell her boss eventually anyway.
Mar 20, 2019 4:40 pm
At first, I was all like, sure, let's do it. But then I thought about how these things tend to balloon, and maybe we don't want to end up with a 100-post thread about shopping. However, it would give us all a chance to RP and get a feel for how our characters relate to one another, so that could be beneficial to getting the campaign off to a less awkward interpersonal start.

TL;DR: Count me as a firm maybe. :D
Mar 20, 2019 4:42 pm
Even if we skip the shopping, but meet up for dinner. I like getting a little bit of a feel for each other before stuff hits the fan.
Mar 20, 2019 4:48 pm
I already skipped it! Krav doesn't have many friends yet, so this traveling with this group is going to be a whole new experience for him haha.
Mar 20, 2019 4:53 pm
lavtodd says:
Even if we skip the shopping, but meet up for dinner. I like getting a little bit of a feel for each other before stuff hits the fan.
That would be a compromise. We can just meet up at Ember's and then skip over the shopping afterwards
Last edited March 20, 2019 4:53 pm
Mar 20, 2019 4:57 pm
Moonbeam says:
Verrian, smiling, leaves Viani and approaches the scholar, who has moved to a more private spot for their conversation. "Athisa, what is going on?" she asks urgently in a low voice, her smile now gone. "Most of these people are children. And they think this is a grand adventure, when you and I both know it's a one-way mission. I don't mind being drafted for a suicide run - I'm dying to get outside these walls - but I certainly object to children with stars in their eyes being misled and sacrificed."
Athisa takes a long, neutral look at the Naucan woman, as if cataloging an entire litany of responses, weighing them, keeping some, discarding others. Her lips purse, first in thought, but in time, it becomes clear she is suppressing a smile. Finally, a response finally rises to the top of her internal assessment.

"You make me feel old, Verrian," she says, not unkindly. "I look at you, and I see a child as well." She raises a hand to forestall any immediate objections to that characterization. "In my head, I know you're not. I've seen your work. I know some of what you've gone through. And those are valuable lessons that you will be able to draw on as you journey forth."

She becomes more serious then, and with a gentle touch to Verrian's shoulder, draws her a bit farther away from the group. "But you don't know everything. It's a hard and painful lesson to learn. By the Stones, I've had to learn it more times than I care to admit. Everyone here has the ability to succeed -- to thrive -- in this venture, or we wouldn't have chosen them." She pauses, looks directly into Verrian's eyes, and says firmly, "This is not a sacrificial altar we are sending you to. We are not all monsters, Verrian. I hope you realize that."
Mar 20, 2019 5:30 pm
After finishing her list, Viani folds it carefully and puts it back into her bag. She walks up to Verrian and Athisa, stops, stands awkwardly to the side and waits for an opening in the conversation while trying not to look like she's listening in. When she spots an opportunity, she quickly steps in and says: "Thank you again for this opportunity, professor! I will do my best to make this mission a full success." Then turning to Verrian, she adds: "I have to go now. Big news to give to my parents. I will meet you later, okay?"
Last edited March 20, 2019 5:30 pm
Mar 20, 2019 7:24 pm
Yelnar wanders into the Granite College Training Yard to speak to the Master of Arms, Daebulus. He gives him the names of the people going on the expedition, and asks "I assume they have been in here for at least some weapons training. Could you let me know what their preferred weapons were? I’d like to make sure everyone has at least one they’re somewhat capable with. Do you have any good training exercises I could use in the field to help them train? Also, who would be the best weapon smith to go and see?"
Mar 20, 2019 9:41 pm

The halfling Daebulus is perhaps an unusual individual to be the Master of Arms for a prestigious institution like the School of Seven Stones, but if you're looking for someone that knows his weapons, their strengths, their weaknesses, their unusual uses in a pinch, and a couple dozen other surprising bits of trivia, he's your man.

As Yelnar approaches, he turns with the usual sardonic smile and penetrating blue-eyed gaze he is known for. "Heard you were on one of the exploration teams," he says in greeting. "Glad to see you 'fore you go, lad." Thinking over the names Yelnar provides, Daebulus rubs a hand over his close-cropped beard. "Sure. Know some of these folk, worked with some of them. Wait... Ephwrath? The dwarf? Never seen him use a weapon. Can't help you there. The others, well..."

He describes in clear detail the strengths and weaknesses of each of the team members affiliated with the school when it comes to feats of arms. Where their holes are, where they're best used tactically. "Don't know what they'll tell you their preferred weapons are, but here are a few suggestions if they're lacking inspiration," he says, listing off a few weapons of interest. "Go talk to Flint, on Cobbler's Street, down near the Grainmarket Square. He does fine work, and he's a friend of mine, and I'm sure he'll have what you need."

He takes a step back, looking up the much taller Yelnar. "And you, lad? What do you need for the journey?" From the knowing look he gives, it's clear he doesn't just mean weapons and training exercises.
[ +- ] Daebulus, Master of Arms
Mar 20, 2019 10:11 pm
78RPMLife says:
Athisa takes a long, neutral look at the Naucan woman, as if cataloging an entire litany of responses, weighing them, keeping some, discarding others. Her lips purse, first in thought, but in time, it becomes clear she is suppressing a smile. Finally, a response finally rises to the top of her internal assessment.

"You make me feel old, Verrian," she says, not unkindly. "I look at you, and I see a child as well." She raises a hand to forestall any immediate objections to that characterization. "In my head, I know you're not. I've seen your work. I know some of what you've gone through. And those are valuable lessons that you will be able to draw on as you journey forth."

She becomes more serious then, and with a gentle touch to Verrian's shoulder, draws her a bit farther away from the group. "But you don't know everything. It's a hard and painful lesson to learn. By the Stones, I've had to learn it more times than I care to admit. Everyone here has the ability to succeed -- to thrive -- in this venture, or we wouldn't have chosen them." She pauses, looks directly into Verrian's eyes, and says firmly, "This is not a sacrificial altar we are sending you to. We are not all monsters, Verrian. I hope you realize that."
Verrian holds Athisa's gaze. She doesn't doubt the scholar's sincerity or her integrity. She knows that she believes what she is saying, that this is not a guaranteed suicide endeavor. Verrian just doesn't know whether she believes that.

"I know that you're not all monsters," she tells Athisa, smiling slightly. "I'm just hoping that the monsters outside these walls are the only ones this party needs to fear."
Mar 20, 2019 10:23 pm
Athisa greets that gaze with a knowing half-smile. "Caution is generally warranted, dear. Just remember you aren't alone," she says. Whether that means Verrian specifically or the group in general is left to the imagination.

"Can I answer any more of your questions?"
Mar 20, 2019 10:36 pm
Ephwrath wanders up to the South Gate shortly after First Bell. Nose down into a large open book as usual. However, he now has a leather travel belt with many small pouches on it, and from a strap hangs an ornate warhammer of exceptional craftsmanship. He also carries a satchel on his back with an equally well crafted buckler and crossbow strapped to it. To those who are more observant, it would be obvious that he's wearing some kind of armor underneath his robes as well.

As he approaches the gate, he notices the disheveled looking man from Athisa's gathering standing nearby with a rat on his shoulder. He glances at the man, nods, and then sits on a nearby bench.

As he waits, he casually reaches into his large beard and produces a small oilcloth parcel containing a few pieces of bread and cheese. He sits quietly eating, head slightly cocked, studying the magical wards that obscure the world beyond.
Mar 21, 2019 1:43 am
[ +- ] Daedulus conversation
"I hope to find a place for myself beyond what my father would have for me, and help as many as I can." he pauses, and for a moment there is a crack in the facade. "I'm hoping my Mum is alive and well." He thanks Daedulus for his help and for his tutelage over the years, and heads off to Flint's Smithy.

Following Daebulus' advice, Yelnar makes sure he has one weapon for each of his companions according to the Halflings recommendations, figuring it won't be a bad thing if there is a backup weapon to their own. For himself, he grabs a Bardiche for a Polearm, a Greatsword, a Longsword, and a Heavy Wooden Shield. For Ember, he decides on a Light Crossbow and a Light Mace. He asks if Flint could have them delivered to the appropriate place tomorrow.

After he has carried out the tasks at hand, he slowly makes his way towards his families' residence in the city. He slowly ascends the stairs to his Fathers study, knocks on the door, and waits to be asked to enter before going in.

"Hello Father, I assume you will have heard I am to be a part of expedition?"
He pauses, waiting for an acknowledgement before seeing his fathers usual expression of impatience. "It appears we will be heading straight for the area near the Summer Estates, do you have any messages you would like me to pass on to Mother if she is still there?"
[ +- ] OOC
Last edited March 21, 2019 10:10 am
Mar 21, 2019 1:57 am
78RPMLife says:
Athisa greets that gaze with a knowing half-smile. "Caution is generally warranted, dear. Just remember you aren't alone," she says. Whether that means Verrian specifically or the group in general is left to the imagination.

"Can I answer any more of your questions?"
"I really have just one remaining question," Verrian says. She leans in closer and lowers her voice. "Was sending me on this quest his idea?"
Mar 21, 2019 4:22 am
Athisa's lips twist in a wry smile. "I will tell you that there was controversy when Scholar Silverhelm put forth your name. In my college, our choices were made by consensus and discussion." She pauses for effect. "A lot of discussion."

"How other colleges determined theirs, I can't say. But I think you and I both know that your college has plans within plans within plans. You could certainly ask him, or Karok, or any of your colleagues. But which answer you choose to trust..."

She trails off and shrugs. "I sound like I'm of the Jade myself. I've been among the Masters too long. Been in this city too long. We're all fraying around the edges."
Mar 21, 2019 4:57 am
Verrian nods, feeling strangely old herself. "This confinement has been like fertilizer for petty conflicts. And for not-so-petty ones. It certainly would be a great thing if we find that it's possible for people to leave..." Verrian sighs. "But that's getting too far ahead of things."

She reaches out to grasp Athisa's arm lightly. "Thank you for your candor. You've always been very kind, and - more importantly to me - honest with me. I hope that we'll meet again someday."
Mar 21, 2019 5:21 am
"As do I, child. As do I," she says, inclining her head in acknowledgement of Verrian's gratitude. "Now, this old woman has some plants to attend to. I will see you come morning."

There is a little less spring in her step as she walks from the room. The weight of what transpired in the room seems to have settled uncomfortably on her shoulders.
Next story scene will come some time tomorrow. Side RP can certainly continue while the main thread meanders on.
Mar 21, 2019 1:31 pm
AugustAsh says:
Ephwrath wanders up to the South Gate shortly after First Bell. Nose down into a large open book as usual. However, he now has a leather travel belt with many small pouches on it, and from a strap hangs an ornate warhammer of exceptional craftsmanship. He also carries a satchel on his back with an equally well crafted buckler and crossbow strapped to it. To those who are more observant, it would be obvious that he's wearing some kind of armor underneath his robes as well.

As he approaches the gate, he notices the disheveled looking man from Athisa's gathering standing nearby with a rat on his shoulder. He glances at the man, nods, and then sits on a nearby bench.

As he waits, he casually reaches into his large beard and produces a small oilcloth parcel containing a few pieces of bread and cheese. He sits quietly eating, head slightly cocked, studying the magical wards that obscure the world beyond.
Krav nods back at Ephwrath when he approaches. After a moment, Shiloh pops his head out of Krav's cloak and sniffs at the air. He surveys the area briefly and then scuttles down Krav and over to Ephwrath. Propping himself up on Ephrwrath's knee, he sits up on his hindquarters and sniffs at the air again.

"It seems Shiloh has taken a liking to you...Ephwrath was it? It's unusual for him to show himself in such a wide open area. He must sense something in you."

Krav has learned to trust Shiloh over the years. They were both raised in survival mode, but Shiloh's life was filled with even more danger than Krav's. He did not put himself at risk unnecessarily, except maybe when it came to food. Their empathic link gives him the feeling that Shiloh trusts this man, and so Krav is assured he can do the same.

"Tell me, Ephwrath. What is it you are reading? As a child I did not have the luxury of an education, before I came to Veridium that is, but I have always wished I had."

Krav moves closer and tries to look over his shoulder.
Mar 21, 2019 2:19 pm
Ephwrath looks down and smiles at Shiloh. "Why, hello there! Aren’t you a friendly one." He carefully breaks off a small piece of cheese and offers it to the rat. "Shiloh, is it? Well now, did you pick that name, or did your big friend here give that to you?" He watches the rat eat as if waiting for the animal to speak. The Dwarf gives Shiloh a large piece of bread and turns his head to Krav grinning. "He’s hungry!"

Gesturing to the book, "Oh, this? This is a compendium of various plants and herbs that are... I suppose I should say were, native to the surrounding area. We were cut off from so much after the war, and I hope to find living specimens and seeds to send back to the College for study and cultivation. I’m just taking note of some of the more interesting species that may be useful for medicinal purposes." He scoots over on the bench to make room for Krav, being careful not to disturb Shiloh. "Be my guest."
Last edited March 21, 2019 2:20 pm
Mar 21, 2019 3:40 pm
"Yes, he's always hungry," Krav says with a grin.

Sidling up alongside Ephwrath he glances at the book, "The same thought crossed my mind last night! Who knows what all we will encounter out there, but the potential for a huge variety of life intrigues me the most. I also dabble in herbalism and alchemy, and even apprentice at the Perturbed Herb. I would love to compare notes as we go."

This is entirely unexpected for Krav. He did not expect to have much in common with anyone in this group, but the jovial friendliness of Ember and now the common interests of Ephwrath have given him a new outlook on this adventure they are about to undertake. Maybe he's not so alone after all.

"Oh and I gave Shiloh his name in a sense, but he also gave it to himself. His actual name would be unintelligible to those who speak in the common tongue, but when I proposed a few of our names to him, Shiloh is what he decided upon."
Mar 21, 2019 5:53 pm
Arriving at the south gate Elora is somewhat surprised she isn't the first one waiting. She stands close by, just enough to quietly eavesdrop without feeling like shes intruding on their conversation.

Dropping her backpack she double-checks her supplies, ensuring nothing was left-behind in her room. Satisfied she pulls out her journal, wanting to express her initial thoughts now that the big day is upon them. In truth she doesn't know how to feel, the bubbling mixture of emotions resulting in the complete inability to form a cohesive thought, even on paper. In the end she decides to write later, perhaps after some traveling she can form a proper consensus on the matter. Afterwards it's replaced with her spellbook, some last minute studying wouldn't hurt, after all who knows what they will face.
Mar 21, 2019 11:35 pm
Ephwrath offers Shiloh the last crumb of cheese, and gently strokes the top of his head with a thick stubby finger. "I'd like that very much. Very much indeed!", he says, looking up at Krav. "I hope to also collect insects and various mineral samples to study the affects of the outside world on them. I look forward to discussing our observations and comparing notes."

Thread locked