Chapter 1: Departure (Day 1)

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Mar 19, 2019 3:59 am
78RPMLife says:
Ephwrath, did you want to also introduce yourself, or should we assume that you're too distracted?

Incidentally, I love the playful squirrel analogy. :)
Yeah, I was actually going for the too distracted thing. :)
Mar 19, 2019 4:38 am
At Ephwrath's response, Athisa briefly puts a hand over her face, her shoulders shaking slightly in a quiet chuckle. "Ephwrath is a scholar, as you might have guessed," she says. "Dawnstone College, and possesses other talents besides a love of books and curiosities. He'll have to explain them to you at a later date, it seems."

She looks to the others for their input on this grand cycle of introductions.
Mar 19, 2019 4:56 am
When another moment of silence occurs, Viani decides to introduce herself. She didn't want to start in case nobody else was going to do it afterwards.
"My name is Viani Yelven. I am a second year student at Opal college. As for relevant skills to our journey, I've taken some courses towards becoming an official Inquisitor of the school, but I haven't finished my degree yet."
Last edited March 19, 2019 4:56 am
Mar 19, 2019 5:08 am
Elora stands up when Viani is finished, looking over the group hesitantly as she quietly get the words out. "Elora Ladinas, pupil of Whitestone College. I specialize in the study of arcane arts, and can utilize magic in armed conflict." She promptly sits back down, looking visibly uncomfortable with all this attention as she feels her heart quicken.
Mar 19, 2019 5:46 pm
Your host looks to each of you in turn. "I realize that this is short notice, but we ask that you be ready to depart tomorrow morning, again at second bell. The wards will not be lowered for long, only enough to let you and the other groups cross the lake to your destination, so you must be ready at that time."

As she speaks, she begins pacing again. As she passes each of you, she offers another letter with the seal of the Masters imprinted on it. "These letters of credit will allow you to acquire whatever equipment you feel will be necessary for the journey. They direct whatever merchant you visit to request reimbursement from the School. You should not get any argument, but if you do, you may contact the Shining Guard at any of their outposts. They have been instructed to provide aid. The School will provide you with food and water for your journey; the rest will be up to you."

Letters delivered, she stops her pacing and faces the group. "We ask that you arrive at South Gate in advance of the second bell with the supplies you intend to take with you. If you have anyone you wish to speak to before you go, this would be an opportune time. I will remain here for a bit to answer any other questions you might have, but until I see you off tomorrow... fate's favor be with all of you."
Feel free to take some time to do whatever side RP you'd like, whether that's with each other, with merchants, with NPCs that you'd like to communicate with, what have you. If you need me to play NPCs, just let me know. I'll plan to begin the next phase of the plot tomorrow sometime unless we're ready to go sooner. You're welcome to open a new thread to start a new scene. I'd like to keep this one from getting too scattered, but if you want to stay to talk with Athisa, this would be a perfectly fine place to do it.
Mar 19, 2019 5:58 pm
Ember turns to Yelnar.

See you at the tavern later?

She waits to step up to Athisa until there's an opening, and comes forward with a humble smile.

I'm honored by this opportunity. Thank you. I've never seen the inside of the College. It's amazing. I really hope there's a chance we can get the rest of the world back to a fraction of this light once more. Please, if you are allowed to tell me. Does this mean the Seven Stones have good faith in the Elliad line again?
Really, she's trying to lull Athisa into a false sense of security, with the hope that Athisa will tell her why she was really chosen.


Bluff +8 - (1d20+8)

(11) + 8 = 19

Mar 19, 2019 6:38 pm
Viani will stay in her seat. In her head, she goes through all the possible things she could need for the travels but every time, she arrives at a perfect set of travel gear, she realizes that it is far too much to actually carry on a long journey and she will have to start again.
The others can see her just counting on her fingers with a more and more frustrated expression on her face every time she starts over.
Mar 19, 2019 6:40 pm
Verrian goes to Viani and lays a hand on her shoulder. "If you'd like, we can go shopping together. It's easier for two people to think of everything they'll need."
Mar 19, 2019 6:42 pm
Viani looks up at her. Her expression is defeated.
"That sounds like a good idea. I've never travelled beyong this city. There is just so much to consider..."
Moon, please don't cripple this character as well
Mar 19, 2019 6:43 pm
Athisa looks the girl up and down, the faintest of smiles deepening the lines around her eyes and mouth. "I would tell you if I knew, child. Your name was put forth by Master Rothenend of Whitestone College himself. Whether that indicates faith or a willingness to allow you to prove yourself or one of a thousand other things, it seems only Master Rothenend himself knows."

She holds up a hand to forestall what she sees as the obvious followup. "And before you ask, he's very busy and likely wouldn't tell you his thoughts even if you could get in to see him. Trying to pull anything out of that man's head has broken the spirit of much cleverer individuals than you and I."

Her hand extends to rest lightly, kindly, on Ember's shoulder. "Whatever the true reason, dear... it is an opportunity for you. A dangerous one, yes, but the strongest blades are forged in fire. You have enthusiasm. Cherish it, use it to your benefit."
Mar 19, 2019 6:51 pm
Ember doesn't do much to hide her burns, but she feels self-conscious about them.

Yeah. Thank you.

She changes her tune and runs over to Yelnar before he leaves, leaping onto his back.

So! Now what?
Edit: This is gonna be a loooooooong game if I roll crits 50% of the time.........
Last edited March 19, 2019 6:52 pm


Acrobatics +2 - (1d20+2)

(20) + 2 = 22

Mar 19, 2019 6:55 pm
You don't have to roll every time, you know. You can roleplay how you want to leap on his back. :)
Mar 19, 2019 6:57 pm
bowlofspinach says:
Viani looks up at her. Her expression is defeated.
"That sounds like a good idea. I've never travelled beyong this city. There is just so much to consider..."
Moon, please don't cripple this character as well
I can leave you alone, if you prefer. Otherwise, I can make no guarantees.
Mar 19, 2019 8:01 pm
78RPMLife says:
You don't have to roll every time, you know. You can roleplay how you want to leap on his back. :)
Meh. The bad vibes from that faceplant are gone now. I am at peace.
Mar 19, 2019 8:05 pm
Krav gets up wordlessly and nods to those in the room who acknowledge him. He spends and extra moment and makes sure to make eye contact with Ms. Veras.

"See you at the South Gate then," he says and works his way out of the room.

Although he has managed to remain stoic on the outside, he is elated on the inside. Shiloh seems to sense this and is acting quite animated himself. Finally, after all these years, he will get to leave the confinement of The Shining City and see what he can make of himself. He has always felt confined and helpless in such a crowded place. The anticipation of this relative freedom is exhilarating, regardless of what possible dangers lie ahead.

When Krav leaves the School of the Seven Stones, he immediately heads to the Perturbed Herb and informs Angel Caraway, his halfling mentor at the establishment, of the news. After picking up a few small items at the local shops, he then heads to the lean-to shack behind the apothecary, where he sleeps, and deliberates whether he should tell his father.

Dov was barely a man in Krav’s eyes. Ever since Krav’s mother passed, Dov spent his days in the gutter begging for coin, and his nights in the gutter drinking it away. Krav grew up mostly stealing or fighting for what he needed to survive, and providing for his father as well. It really was the opposite of the way things should be. Rather than go and say a heartfelt goodbye that would surely be one-sided, Krav decided instead to make his father a bundle of all the food and coin he could spare and pay a local child to drop it in his father’s lap. Even though he had grown callous to his father’s way over the years, he still didn’t want to put his emotions on the line by saying goodbye in person. He had been disappointed one too many times.

After resting for the night, Krav wakes up early and performs his daily meditation. Shiloh disappears for a while, presumably to find some food, and returns a bit later. He knows the routine. Once everything is in order, Krav heads to the South Gate long before second bell.
Mar 19, 2019 8:18 pm
Viani looks over Verrian for a moment, her eyes resting on the strange patterns on the woman's skin.
"You're not from here, right? You have been outside of the city before?" She stops speaking, her eyes widening for a moment as thoughts seem to be racing through her head. "That was not a rude thing to ask, was it? I'm sure there's Naucans that were born here. I just meant, I think I've heard you aren't from here, right?"
She blushes slightly. Way to make a good impression on her travelling companions for the mission of her life
Mar 19, 2019 9:36 pm
Suddenly, after several minutes of scribbling on his parchment, Ephwrath stows his quill and hops off his chair. In a much more spry manner than one might expect from him, he lopes over to Athisa, clearly excited. He begins showing her what he's drawn, pointing and whispering enthusiastically. Athisa nods and gives him a broad smile, at which point Ephwrath pulls up his robes and sprints from the room. Athisa chuckles again, and glancing down, notices one of his sandals laying on the floor.
Mar 20, 2019 12:44 am
"T-thank you for this opportunity!" Elora bows low, takes her envelope, and quietly walks out. On the inside she is practically jumping with joy, hurriedly writing the details of the meeting in her journal. What do I need to survive the wilderness?... And so she spends the rest of the day compiling a list, writing letters explaining her leave of absence to the College and her parents. They never spoke much, but it's the polite thing to do.

With voucher in hand she makes her way through the shops with haste, making sure not to "overdo it" with any unnecessary items to avoid the scorn of the clerks and the Seven's generosity. The night passes peacefully, Elora even manages to fall asleep despite her nervous excitement. By the morning she tidies up her room, not entirely sure she will ever return. After a quick breakfast she adorns her armor, weapons, and gathers her backpack full of supplies. Flicking through her spell book she decides everything is as orderly as it can possibly be, so she moves toward to the south gate.
If anyone wants to do a little RP between Elora's actions that's fine with me.
Mar 20, 2019 12:46 am
bowlofspinach says:
Viani looks over Verrian for a moment, her eyes resting on the strange patterns on the woman's skin.
"You're not from here, right? You have been outside of the city before?" She stops speaking, her eyes widening for a moment as thoughts seem to be racing through her head. "That was not a rude thing to ask, was it? I'm sure there's Naucans that were born here. I just meant, I think I've heard you aren't from here, right?"
She blushes slightly. Way to make a good impression on her travelling companions for the mission of her life
Verrian smiles and touches the girl's shoulder before she even thinks about it. Funny, she hasn't forgotten to stop and check for signs that touch would be welcome in a long time. In Nauca, consent was sought and given through telepathy so ingrained and complete that it was almost like breathing. But with the unjoined, it is impossible to know without verbally confirming or reading complex intuitive signs. She ends the touch quickly so as not to make the girl more uncomfortable.

"It's not rude at all to ask, Viani, and yes, I was born in Nauca. I worked as a diplomat, so I traveled to a lot of different nations through the years."

She glances quickly at the line that has formed to speak with Athisa. She catches the scholar's eye and makes a subtle gesture to indicate a desire to speak with her in private.
Mar 20, 2019 1:23 am
Athisa stoops to pick up Ephwrath’s poor neglected sandal, shaking her head in quiet disbelief. "There has to be a reason..." she muses, watching the dwarf retreat with amusement in her eyes. That’s when she spots Verrian, and acknowledges the gesture with a nod of her head.
Let me know when you’d like to have that conversation, Moon. Only one we haven’t heard from yet is Yelnar, but I think he’s on Australia time.
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