Chapter 1: Departure (Day 1)

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Mar 18, 2019 11:01 am
Seeing that is appears everyone is here, Yelnar figures whatever it is will start soon. He takes up a post standing against a wall where he can see all of the others and the exits. He is appears to be at ease, but his stance is ramrod straight.
Mar 18, 2019 12:22 pm
Ember is pleased to see so many familiar faces, but she does notice seven of them, and she's the only one not tied to the school.

She leans on a wall juxtaposed to Yelnar's stance and chuckles.

Is this an intervention? I don't need six of you to babysit me.
Mar 18, 2019 4:18 pm

There's always that moment in any conversation when suddenly there's a lull. Especially among a number of people who don't all know one another very well. Into the middle of that uncomfortable silence, the door opens once again. A woman enters, who at first glance you would consider to be old considering her white hair and lined face, and makes her way toward your little circle of visitors. Her posture is straight, and her movements are sharp and sure, the vigor of a woman much younger. She walks with a tall spear in her hand doubling as a walking stick.

"Ah, you're all here already," she says in a warm, alto voice, and in the distance you can hear the second bell ring the mid-morning hour. "I knew a number of you would heed the summons with the gravity it deserved," she continues, looking to Krav, Verrian and Viani in turn, then at the rest. "Others I was merely hopeful. Bodes well for the future, I say."

She takes one of the open chairs, and indicates for all of you to sit. "For those of you who do not know me, I am Athisa Veras of Veridium College. Those of you who do know me," she says, giving a wry but friendly smile to Krav, "would be advised to speak kindly of me. And Ephwrath? Put that book under your chair, as I know you'd be otherwise distracted by it."

Those who have spent significant time at the school know Athisa as a reknowned scholar and teacher in Veridium College, a stern but fair taskmaster in her classes, self-deprecating, encouraging and supportive of her students. Until they screw up. Her mere disappointment is as terrifying as many other scholars' ranting and raving.

"I know that you are all wondering what you have been summoned for, so I will not waste any more of our time together. The time has come to begin allowing people through the wards. You seven have been chosen by the School to comprise a team that will venture out from the Shining City to take stock of the aftermath of the War. Make no mistake, the world outside has changed more than you can likely imagine -- we know that much from what we have been able to divine from behind the wards. The unrivaled power that allowed us to transform the world through the Great Advancement may have also proven our downfall. Your charge will be to set forth from Meriava and learn what you can about the devastation: what has survived, what has changed, and what can be rebuilt."

She continues on, explaining what little the School knows of the world beyond. Communication and trade with nations outside the city has been cut off for months, if not years. Parts of the landscape have apparently changed completely. Great feats of magic, such as the Floating Towers of Ardraven, seem to have either failed completely or have mutated in unknown ways that make them undetectable.

"It is asking a great deal, to send the seven of you out into this new wilderness. Be assured, you are not the only team we are sending, and we do not expect you to explore every corner of the earth and solve all the world's problems," she says with a sad, if kindly, smile. "Explore what you can. Learn what you can. Report back to us when you can."

She takes a whitestone disk from a pocket and hands it to Elora. "If this works properly outside the wards, it should allow you to send us your findings when you feel there is something important we should know. We will provide you with the equipment and provisions you need to start your journey, but you should not expect our direct intervention once you leave the walls of the city. It may not be possible to provide that aid, and even if we can..." She shakes her head, looking to the floor for a moment before addressing you all again. "You should not expect our direct intervention. We will leave it at that."

"I am sure you will have many questions. Please, ask them, and I will answer to the best of my ability."
[ +- ] Athisa Veras, Scholar of Veridium College
Mar 18, 2019 4:57 pm
Viani raises her hand and waits for her same to be called out.
"Professor, I am more than thankful to have been chosen for this mission. Exploring the world outside has been my dreams for years. But I have to ask. Why have I been chosen? I look around this room and I see some obvious choices and some... less obvious ones, myself included. I am just a student. I haven't even been at this school for long."
She looks as if she wants to say more but decides to stop talking. She looks around the room, her eyes resting on Ember longer than on anyone else.
While the reason for Viani's own being here might be the one most interesting to her, the one for Ember was even more mysterious.
Mar 18, 2019 5:05 pm
Ember shakes her head, not waiting to be called on.

Yeah. Now that the greetings are done, what does the College really want?
Mar 18, 2019 5:06 pm
Athisa chuckles dryly. "The question I expected first. Well done, Viani," she says. Leaning on her spear, she stands up and begins to pace. This is a familiar sight for those of you who have sat in her classes. She rarely stays in one spot for long. "As I said, you are not the only team we are sending. There is plenty of room for all degrees of experience and know-how in this endeavor."

She stops her pacing, wrapping both of her hands around her 'walking stick', and suddenly looks very old indeed. "Each College has put forth a number of names of individuals to send on these missions. You were each chosen because someone here saw something in you that led them to believe you had the potential to succeed. I will understand if that gives you pause, rather than pride."

Athisa turns to Ember then. "The School of Seven Stones wishes you to become part of the force that will rebuild our world. A small part? A large part? That depends entirely on factors that none of us can possibly predict."
Mar 18, 2019 5:21 pm
Verrian feels herself bristle at what she sees as the blatant manipulation of a young girl of no privilege. Anyone who knows Ember knows that what she craves more than anything is to matter. She stands up, just as she walked here, with unhurried purpose. She knows that her self-control is such that no trace of her anger is visible on her person or in her voice.

"Scholar, my question is, why now? What has changed to persuade the Masters that it is suddenly time to start sending out explorers?"
Mar 18, 2019 5:26 pm
Krav does not raise his hand, but speaks freely. He has known Ms. Veras for some time so it would not be a surprise to her that social niceties are not his strong suit, and she would be aware of this.

"So, do we not have a particular objective then, other than exploration and reporting? Re-establishing contact with Alcave for example?"
Mar 18, 2019 5:29 pm
Athisa draws in a long, deep breath and releases it with a quiet sigh. "Ah, child... if I could predict or discern the minds of the Masters, I would likely be one of them." Her wry frown leaves open the question of whether that would be a good thing or bad. "But," she continues, a bit more sternly, "as you well know, my dear, there are reasons within reasons within reasons. The best answer I can give is that the Masters have deemed it safe enough to chance the risks of what might lie beyond the walls. The tide of magic that swept over the world seems to have receded. It may surge again, true, but like a tidal wave, we believe that it will not surge so high or so destructively any time soon."

A fond smile peeks over Athisa's face as Krav speaks up. She walks over to stand near him, extending a hand toward Shiloh to allow the creature to sniff at her. "I was going to cover that once you'd had a chance to ask your questions, but now is as good a time as any. My recommendation would be to begin in Alcave," she says, glancing toward the stoic Yelnar. "One of your party has contacts there, should he wish to pursue them. It is a short journey over the lake and through Alcave, but... remember, where we used to be able to send people hundreds of miles simply through a wave of our hand, those days appear to be gone. You will have a great deal of overland travel ahead of you. You will be provided with the means to make that happen."
Mar 18, 2019 5:44 pm
Rebuilding the world?

She still wasn't convinced that this was done without further meaning, but something lit a fire in her. She knew that Yelnar, at the very least, would be able to see it in her eyes.


Bluff - stay cool and aloof - (1d20+8)

(8) + 8 = 16

Mar 18, 2019 5:51 pm
Elora has no particular opinion on Ms. Veras, as she's never had to face her disappointment just yet. This proposal however intrigues her, and the whitestone disk in her grasp only feeds these feelings. It also sounds monumental, without certainty of what they could possibly find.

Raising her hand she meekly asks "Do you suspect we will face danger?"
Mar 18, 2019 7:42 pm
Yelnar’s face lights up when he hears he will be travelling beyond the walls, where he will be free from his family’s scorn and able to make his own way.

He is a bit crestfallen when Athien suggests using his contacts, but becomes stoic and gives the teacher a nod.
Mar 18, 2019 7:44 pm
somebox says:
Elora has no particular opinion on Ms. Veras, as she's never had to face her disappointment just yet. This proposal however intrigues her, and the whitestone disk in her grasp only feeds these feelings. It also sounds monumental, without certainty of what they could possibly find.

Raising her hand she meekly asks "Do you suspect we will face danger?"
At this question, those of you close you Yelnar might hear him mutter to himself "I doubt I’d have been chosen otherwise"
Mar 18, 2019 8:51 pm
Athisa inclines her head to Elora. "You will. I feel comfortable in stating this unequivocally. What dangers those will be, again, we have no answer. This event -- this war -- is unprecedented in history. What its effects have been and will continue to be are beyond any of our knowledge. Which is where our explorations come in, and why they are so important. Were I younger -- a lot younger -- I would beg to join you, danger or no. But if any of you wish to refuse this request, you can do so without fear of reprisal. This is an immense responsibility we are placing on your collective shoulders."
Mar 18, 2019 9:01 pm
Viani will raise her hand again. She notices that everybody else is just speaking up without waiting for permission but she still has too much of a first year student in her to do that in such an important gathering.

When she is called out to speak, she stands up from her chair and looks throughout the gathered group. "Umm, I was just thinking... If we are going to travel together, maybe we should introduce ourselves. I think I've seen all of you before but I only know half of you by name. And of even less of you do I know what you can do."
All eyes in the room are on Viani when she finishes speaking. She stays awkwardly silent for a few seconds, then she clears her throat and adds: "Just an idea."
Mar 18, 2019 10:00 pm
Ember waits for Viani to introduce herself, which she apparently doesn't? And then stands up, clapping her hands. She's very short.

Well! I'm Ember. Self-taught. Most of you know me as the plucky sorcerer at the Jocular Marmoset.
Last edited March 18, 2019 10:00 pm
Mar 19, 2019 2:11 am
When no one else speaks for a strangely protracted amount of time, Verrian rises. "I'm Verrian of Cyr, formerly a Naucan diplomat. Since the wards went up, I've been a scholar in the Jade College." She sits down without discussing her skill set further.
Mar 19, 2019 3:09 am
Krav does not stand, and only makes momentary eye contact with any who are looking his way without raising his head. Although he is a human of fairly fit build, it does not appear he cares about his appearance otherwise. His long hair hangs in knots about his head and is entirely unkempt. His beard is long and he obviously hasn't shaved for months. His hide clothing is tattered and torn in places, but still remains wholly functional nonetheless, and those who sit near him notice he smells faintly of freshly turned soil.

"Krav Thorne, Veridium College."

Although he is a man of few words, you don't get the sense that he's all that disagreeable of a person. It is possible some of you may have met him via his recently acquired work as an herbalist at the Perturbed Herb, or, as Ember has noted so emphatically, you may have heard of him from his younger days fighting on the streets for scraps. He appears to be in his late 20's, but it is likely that his beard is betraying him and he is actually younger than that.
Last edited March 19, 2019 3:10 am
Mar 19, 2019 3:37 am
In response to Athisa's request, Ephwrath pulls a long braid out of his beard, lays it between the open pages, and carefully closes the large book on his lap. He raises his head and appears to suddenly realize that he's in a room surrounded by several people. His large bushy eyebrows dance ever-so-briefly like a pair of playful squirrels.

He listens intently to his fellow scholar's speech, with hands folded atop the great tome. However, as soon as she reveals the whitestone disk, he quickly reaches inside his robes and produces a quill and parchment and begins furiously taking notes. Those close enough can hear him muttering to himself "...fascinating!... curious... curious, indeed!"
Last edited March 19, 2019 3:39 am
Mar 19, 2019 3:52 am
Ephwrath, did you want to also introduce yourself, or should we assume that you're too distracted?

Incidentally, I love the playful squirrel analogy. :)
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