Shadows and Dreams

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Apr 4, 2019 3:08 pm
The City
Bellingham Washington, a city settled between the ocean and a lake, with the high mountains behind it. The city is situated on Bellingham Bay which is protected by Lummi Island, Portage Island, and the Lummi Peninsula, and opens onto the Strait of Georgia. It lies west of Mount Baker and Lake Whatcom and north of the Chuckanut Mountains and the Skagit Valley. Whatcom Creek runs through the center of the city. Bellingham is 18 miles south of the US-Canada border and 50 miles southeast of Vancouver.
It is also a place of powerful magic, a place where four Ley Lines meet, two crossing over water, and two crossing over land. This place has a history of magic, with it dating back to the First Peoples, the Lummi, who lived here, to the encroachment of other magics from other lands. As it is, there is a loosely kept peace between the various factions who live in the city. Mortals, Fea, Wyrd, and Damned have all seemed to claim territory and managed to keep the peace, sharing the power of the location.
Bellingham's neighborhoods include Birchwood, Columbia, Lettered Streets, Barkley, Fairhaven, and Downtown.

This is a World of Darkness game I am hosting that will focus on character stories and character growth. We will ask for one post a day and for you to have a character concept in mind before you start generating it on a sheet. If you are interested: Shadows and Dreams
Apr 5, 2019 7:32 am
I am very interested in a coming-into-power story. An awakening of a mage
Apr 5, 2019 2:59 pm
This would be the place to play it. I want the focus to be on the characters and I want them to be the driving force in the story. For this reason I may seem to be critical or really focused on the characters and the backgrounds they have.
Apr 5, 2019 3:32 pm
I have always wanted to try vampire the masquerade. Is this the same world or have I just crossed streams here?
Apr 5, 2019 4:00 pm
This is the same world, there will be more than vampires though.
Apr 5, 2019 6:16 pm
I have 3 games going right now - I think I would be spread too thin to produce quality posts for 4 games. Quality over Quantity you know :)
Apr 6, 2019 10:26 am
That works for me. What book are you using?
Apr 6, 2019 5:51 pm
We are using the World of Darkness books, so anything in that universe. If you want to know what sort of character you should play, think about series like Supernatural or the Originals or the Magicians.
Apr 8, 2019 10:26 am
runekyndig says:
I have 3 games going right now - I think I would be spread too thin to produce quality posts for 4 games. Quality over Quantity you know :)
I have reconsitered and reapplyed for the game
Apr 8, 2019 1:26 pm
I have added you
Apr 10, 2019 4:16 pm
I'm also the same as runekyndig, as I'm also in 3 games. But this type of setting also sounds interesting, and I have just thought of an interesting character to play. So I'll be joining in as well.
Apr 10, 2019 5:12 pm
Well, welcome to the freak show, we will be sure to have loads of fun. We are gathering quite an interesting cast of characters.
Apr 11, 2019 7:06 am
BTW, I'm new to World of Darkness, but I have a kind of idea what the setting is like. I try to look up rules of the character creation, but I can't find anything about distributing the points for attributes. Do you have a limit for that?
Apr 11, 2019 1:56 pm
The traditional rule is 7/5/3 for attribute points
Apr 11, 2019 2:46 pm
Are the skills 11/7/4? Do they start at 0? What does -3 unskilled mean?
(btw I found someone on another site says that attributes are 5/4/3/, but I'll be happy to take your version.)
Last edited Apr 11, 2019 2:59 pm
Apr 11, 2019 3:18 pm
rentiger1 says:
The traditional rule is 7/5/3 for attribute points
RoAries says:
Are the skills 11/7/4? Do they start at 0? What does -3 unskilled mean?
(btw I found someone on another site says that attributes are 5/4/3/, but I'll be happy to take your version.)
So...this seems to be a case of Version Disparity...

There is a version of the game that was called The New World of Darkness that had games like Changeling: the Lost, Vampire: the Requiem, Werewolf: the Forsaken, Mage: the Awakening. Whitewolf has gone through some changes.

In older (and newest) versions of the game, 7/5/3 was the way it goes. In the New World of Darkness settings, 5/4/3 was the way. And the World of Darkness character sheet here on Gamers Plane is based on the New World of Darkness settings.

Skills are different as well I think. In the NWoD sheet here, they do all start at 0. The -1 or -3 at the top of each section means you take that penalty to the skill roll if you have no dots in it. So if you don't have any dots in Computers, but your Intelligence is a only roll 1d10 (Int-3) when trying to hack the bank to steal a million dollars. Or if you are in a high speed chase and need a Dex+Drive roll but have no dots in Drive, you roll Dex-1d10 to see if you make it.

I built my character using the Changeling: the Lost NWod rules so I am short on some of the Attribute points if 7/5/3 is the way to do it. And skills if they are different.
Apr 11, 2019 3:19 pm
Unless it is stated someplace you start all attributes with one dot, and you get 7/5/3 to spend on the attribute groups as you rank them. But this is a discussion better suited to the game threads.

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