Apr 11, 2019 1:56 am
Hey guys,
I want to GM for my first time. The game, Atomic Highway. The only thing i'm wondering about is character sheets. Do i leave it up to the players is there a way to add them to the site? will i have to link them to my players? how does this all work??? Any insight and advice is helpful. Btw, names Chris. Please help, play by post sounds like what my busy like needs to itch the rpg bug.
I want to GM for my first time. The game, Atomic Highway. The only thing i'm wondering about is character sheets. Do i leave it up to the players is there a way to add them to the site? will i have to link them to my players? how does this all work??? Any insight and advice is helpful. Btw, names Chris. Please help, play by post sounds like what my busy like needs to itch the rpg bug.