So many options

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Apr 15, 2019 2:39 pm
Hey there folks.

I've been on the forums now a couple of days catching up on things and seeing how things operate. I want to run something but I have several ideas and want to focus on one at a time to give them the time they deserve. Of the ideas I have listed below I would like to know which of them garners the most interest and keen to play. All of the 3 games I'll list will be looking for around 4 - 5 players.

Idea 1 - Shadowrun 4th Edition.

The first part of this game will focus on the 1st year in the shadows for our team. My intention is to have players create street level characters and run through the formative jobs of the team, with a large karma boost between each job and some downtime. 3 or 4 big jobs in that first year which will establish the team in the harsh Seattle backdrop. And after that the game will open up in to more of a sandbox as you'll have more latitude to accept and decline jobs with the reputations you'll earn. It'll use the Karma generation system and will start with around 400-450 and gaining around 50-60 per job in the first year. The concepts in play at first will be how you fell into the shadows, why you can't return to a normal life anymore and your journey in becoming runners.

Idea 2 - The Witcher RPG.

I only recently happened across this system but I have enjoyed reading it so far. I know some of the lore of the setting but I am no expert so the first part of the game will likely be kept simple and contained in one of the regions while I read up on it more. My intention is to lean quite heavily on the dark fantasy aspect of the setting and have the group encounter horrifying and dangerous monsters in the midst of regional tensions / war. The play is to provide situations that will make the group rich / famous / powerful - if they are willing to risk everything to get it. The start will be standard character creation including rolling through the lifepath system, cause who doesn't love random rolls, :)

Idea 3 - Marvel.

Marvel is probably my most successful game in tabletop and is a setting I am very comfortable in. The game I have in mind is for some young mutants who are attending the Xavier Institute for Gifted Children and all the drama involved in that. The team will all be mutants and relatively new to that whole world. This is intended to be quite a bit more light hearted than the ideas above and will focus on the relationships that form in and around the group. You'll learn about your powers, juggle ordinary school classes with the more extraordinary ones as well, you'll go on school trips and encounter weird and wacky situations and even fight some bad guys and possible even join the masked crusader / vigilante community that is Marvel's New York. The system will likely be the Marvel Universe system as the sheets here support it, once I work out how to handle the bid and reveal style the system normally utilises in tabletop play.
Apr 15, 2019 4:55 pm
I'm playing a shadowrun 5e game, so idear #1 is not going to be my first choice.
I don't know the Witcher game, but I love the lore/books/game. I am very willing to find the game rules and play with you
Apr 15, 2019 5:02 pm
I've been a fan of The Witcher for a while. I've read the books and played the games. I'd definitely play in a game for that system.
Apr 15, 2019 6:04 pm
Witcher sounds interesting, only played the game a bit but sounds like an interesting world.
Apr 15, 2019 6:39 pm
I'd be interrested in a good shadowrun game. It's been a long time since I played 4th ed. Good memories !!
Apr 15, 2019 7:17 pm
I'm somewhat familiar with the Witcher RPG and its setting. I did consider running it with some friends, but we ended up going back to Dragon Age. I'd be up for giving it a shot in PbP format though.
Apr 15, 2019 11:48 pm
Well it seems like The Witcher is the front runner so far so I think I'm going to put some work in an prepare a game forum for it and get the ball rolling. I am still a little unsure how recruiting for games generally goes on GP as my experiences from other pbp sites is very different. I'll catch up with y'all once I've got the basics of the game forum down. Thanks for the speedy replies folks.
Apr 16, 2019 1:21 am
I applied to the game. I have the core book so I'll start working on character ideas.
Apr 16, 2019 1:26 am
Approved for forum entry squadfather44, see you in there, :)

Anyone else wishing to join feel free to mention here as well, maximising chances I'll see it quickly.

Edit - Here's a link to the Game Details page.
Last edited Apr 16, 2019 1:40 am
Apr 16, 2019 3:43 am
I've been wanting to play Shadowrun 4e for awhile now, so I'll throw my hat in for that!
Apr 16, 2019 5:02 am
I'm also interested to try Shadowrun, though I see that you'll start with The Witcher. I'll just put this here as a show of interest.
Apr 16, 2019 1:38 pm
Given the interest, Shadowrun will be the next one I run, :) For now though I'm gonna focus on The Witcher until it has momentum and direction.

I've also brought on 6 players now so that'll be it for now on The Witcher unless anyone needs to drop out.

Thanks for the interest folks.
Jun 1, 2019 4:53 am
@bellerophon so the witcher trpg is closed then? You're breaking my heart!
Jun 1, 2019 5:15 am
I'm disappointed as well

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