Chapter 2: Out of the Frying Pan

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Apr 18, 2019 10:55 pm
Froak lets out a reluctant ribbit as he pulls the knife out from his hat.
Holds the knife up to her and keeps his blowgun out of sight as best he can.


Stealth to keep the blowgun hidden from the badmen - (1d20+12)

(13) + 12 = 25

Apr 18, 2019 11:07 pm
Verrian accepts the knife from Froak, turns toward the leader of the ruffian pack, and tosses it with an easy underhanded throw to land at his feet. "There you go. I'd call that our business concluded."
Apr 19, 2019 4:47 pm
Krav sheathes his sword but keeps his shield in hand, hoping that things will truly be resolved this easily. Still, he watches the group with a wary eye, looking for signs of deception.


Sense Motive - (1d20+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Apr 19, 2019 5:02 pm
Squeaky darts forward to snatch up the knife, clutching it to his chest as though it were his long-lost child. "Lucky I don't slit your blasted throat with it, ye lizardy bastard," he says, apparently unable to keep a whine from his voice even when he's trying to be intimidating.

The leader lets out a quiet snort. "Amphibian, Squeaky. Lizards are..." He trails off, shakes his head. "Never mind. You wouldn't understand," he says dryly.

He puts a booted foot up on a small pile of broken stones, resting his arms on his knee. "Guess it depends, Red. This band of yours seems to have muscle and brains, and The One-Eyed Crows are always hiring. So your choice," he says, looking around to each of the party in turn, making it clear that he's speaking to each of you. "You all either disappear by morning, or you come to the Citadel," he says, nodding his head back toward the tall building you saw on the edge of town as you sailed in. "And sign a contract. Doesn't have to be all of you, either. Who knows, maybe some of you're looking for a change of employment. Show up at the gates, tell them you're here to see Ildemu, and they'll take care of you."
Apr 19, 2019 5:24 pm
"The One-Eyed Crows?" Verrian raises an eyebrow. "What's that, exactly? And what kind of looting operation makes you sign a contract?"
Apr 19, 2019 8:04 pm
Viani lowers her guard a bit. These people are definitely assholes but they don't seem interested in attacking. She's already standing close to Verrian but she steps a bit closer and asks her quietly "Why are we even talking about this? We're not going to join them anyway so we should just get going!"
Apr 19, 2019 8:12 pm
Verrian outwardly appears to ignore Viani entirely, but her sharing voice is calm and patient - a teacher's voice. Because I'd like to get any information from them that we can. We don't know much of anything about the current situation or social structures outside of Meriava. This organization he's mentioned might be important, dangerous, or useful to our mission.
Last edited April 19, 2019 8:30 pm
Apr 19, 2019 8:28 pm
"Right, sorry...", Viani replies and moves back to her original position. She looks at Froak and gives him an encouraging smile. She wants to give him a thumbs up but stops herself before she does.
Apr 19, 2019 10:48 pm
Froak sees viani smile at him, and waves shyly towards her, seemingly forgetting all about the gang of badmen staring us down. The one named squeaky really upsets Froak.

Frog bastard? Lizard? I oughtta teach him a lesson! he thinks to himself.

What comes out when he actually opens his mouth, is a noise between chew toy and rubber chicken.

He very quickly clasps his hhand over his mouth and shrinks down even further behind Verrian
Last edited April 20, 2019 1:52 am
Apr 19, 2019 11:24 pm
"Looting operation? Who said we were a looting operation?" Ildemu, the leader, laughs. "They jump to conclusions, don’t they, Squeaky? Maybe I overestimated the amount of brains.". He wears an easy, confident smile, as Squeaky brays out a laugh.

"I think I’m a little hurt, Red. You’ve never heard of the One-Eyed Crows?" he asks, and he puts on a disappointed pout. "Brick, you suppose they need education, or should we give them a pass this time around? On the one hand, they seem genuine in their lack of knowledge," he says to the big guy next to him. He pauses, expression turning cool. "On the other hand, I do hate to be disrespected."
Apr 19, 2019 11:50 pm
Verrian puts up both hands in a gesture of surrender, offering a conciliatory smile. "Wait, there's no need to take offense over our ignorance. No disrespect intended, Ildemu. You've stated a very fair offer, and if anyone in our group wants to take you up on it, they'll be at the Citadel first thing in the morning. All we really want to do right now is find a nice spot outside of town to make camp and call it a day. Like I said, we're not looking for any trouble." She cocks her head in a winsome fashion and lowers her arms to turn up her palms. "What do you say?"


Diplomacy check - (1d20+6)

(17) + 6 = 23

Apr 20, 2019 2:48 am
Ildemu stares back at Verrian for a long while, until the silence starts to get distinctly tense.

And then he throws his head back and laughs. "Red, I think I like you! You’ve got brass.". He reaches out and slaps Squeaky on the shoulder. "Doesn’t she?"

Squeaky looks up at Ildemu with an uncertain expression, then he too laughs. It’s hesitant, and he looks back and forth between Ildemu and this new, strange arrival, torn between being menacing and being friendly. "Yeah, boss. Heh heh. Brass!"

Ildemu grabs Squeaky by the shoulder and steers him back up the street. Brick and the angry woman follow, though the woman gives you all a singularly hostile look as she departs. As they depart, Ildemu turns, walking backward a few steps. "Hope to see a few of you in the morning.". He touches his first two fingertips to his forehead, swipes them across and points them skyward. It has the look of a salute. Then he turns back and saunters away, still chuckling.

You find yourself alone in the square once more.
Apr 20, 2019 3:36 am
After walking long enough in the direction of Yelnar's family estate to be well out of the city, a suitable campsite is found. Verrian helps as everyone works to get the site set up. When it's time to get the fire going, Verrian finds Viani. "Care to help me look for firewood?"
Apr 20, 2019 5:43 am
Yelnar says "I think we'll need to get moving before light tomorrow, lest we have a welcoming party waiting for us and expecting us to go to this place."

Yelnar is starting to get a bad feeling about the estates if there are people this close engaging in what appears to be organised looting.
Apr 20, 2019 6:08 am
Elora stows her rapier, looking concerned these Crows might be an issue. "I wonder what they're purpose is..we need more intel before deciding if they are a threat."
Apr 20, 2019 6:09 am
Viani helps set up camp as well. She doesn't have any experience building up tents but she can follow instructions. Once the campsite is ready when Verrian asks her to help, she says "Sure. Let's see if Yelnar has axes on his cart to chop wood."
She is a bit nervous. Verrian asked her to come away from the camp with her. Is she going to yell at her for messing up earlier?
Apr 20, 2019 7:37 am
Verrian walks through the woods with Viani, searching out fallen limbs and logs that are dry enough to burn. She finds a small-bore log that is two feet long and kneels down to chop it in half. "I'm sorry that I was harsh with you on the boat," she says. "I know you meant well, and I know you don't have experience or training in diplomacy. It's my job to teach you." She puts the two logs into a pile and finds another to chop.
Apr 20, 2019 7:48 am
Viani follows Verrian's lead, chopping firewood and carrying it in her backpack. She has had to chop firewood at home, too, so this is nothing new for her.
"I'm really sorry about everything, about my fight with Ember and then the thing with the eggs. I never think enough before speaking." She pauses and looks down for a moment. "To be honest, I don't know why I was even chosen for this mission. I'm just a second year student, not even a particularly good one. You and Yelnar and the others... you all know what you're doing and how to deal with all these new situations, and here I am, messing up more than I'm helping. I should have probably just stayed at the college."
Apr 20, 2019 8:06 am
Verrian smiles at her. "I don't know why you were chosen, either. But Ildinale Briem had a reason for putting forth your name, and it must have been a good one. There's too much at stake to risk sending the wrong people."

She resumes chopping. "When I was younger, I had a problem with my temper. Something would upset me and it was like throwing a match onto kerosene. In an instant, I was too angry to think and saying things that got me into trouble. Or worse, got someone hurt. You don't have the anger problem, but you are impulsive. As you said, you speak without thinking.

"Adaye taught me a trick that really helped me to stop reacting instantaneously. It was the first step toward learning how to control my anger. She told me, whenever I was about to say or share something, to stop and take a breath first and practice saying it in my head, to myself. It sounds a little silly, but the first time I did it, I heard my angry words and was shocked at how inappropriate my reaction was. I could tell how hurtful it would be to say what I was thinking. Taking that breath had given me time to rethink my reaction and choose another path."

She looks Viani in the eyes. "It will take some time to get used to the technique. You'll forget to do it sometimes, but I can help remind you, if you like. Does it sound like something you'd be willing to try?"
Apr 20, 2019 8:43 am
Viani looks at Verrian. "I can't imagine you having anger problems or saying the wrong things. You always know just the right things to say! She picks up a wide log and starts chopping it into smaller, more manageable pieces. "If it could help me to be less of a burden on this group, I can try it. But it's not too different from the rule I got taught at the college: 'Never start a sentence before you know how it is going to end' And I rarely manage to follow that either."
Last edited April 20, 2019 8:44 am
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