Apr 17, 2019 7:56 pm
I've just wrapped up running a Fantasy AGE game that was set up to explore some world building ideas for my own fiction writing, and now I'd like to run something more robust.
Here's my proposal - a high fantasy sandbox game. Basically, you'll have a map, some mysteries, and it will be up to the players to direct play. After that, I'll entirely disregard your choices to ram some lame story down your gullet. In order for that to work, I'll need players capable of playing more than murder hobos, as near and dear to my heart as that much maligned cohort is. A cooperative style of character creation with clearly stated goals will greatly assist the players identifying their plans.
Wait, I just leap-yeared right over Fantasy AGE. What is it? Well, it is the game system first used for Green Ronin's Dragon Age RPG, and then they filed off the IP and created Fantasy AGE. Wil Wheaton then used that system for his own campaign setting Titansgrave, of which play throughs are available, probably on Geek and Sundry.
The system is based on 3d6 rolls, and you add an Attribute bonus, and specialties. So a axe attack is 3d6 + your Strength modifier + 2 more if you have a specialty in axes. If any of the three d6s rolled result in doubles, you get Stunt Points to modify your attack - maybe you get an immediate second attack, or do more damage, or cause some side effect to the target. Stunt Points also apply to non-combat rolls. True to its DA origins, there are only three classes, Warrior, Rogue, Mage, but they are greatly customizable for a variety of approaches.
Two people have already expressed interest, so I'll need at least one more to proceed.
Here's my proposal - a high fantasy sandbox game. Basically, you'll have a map, some mysteries, and it will be up to the players to direct play. After that, I'll entirely disregard your choices to ram some lame story down your gullet. In order for that to work, I'll need players capable of playing more than murder hobos, as near and dear to my heart as that much maligned cohort is. A cooperative style of character creation with clearly stated goals will greatly assist the players identifying their plans.
Wait, I just leap-yeared right over Fantasy AGE. What is it? Well, it is the game system first used for Green Ronin's Dragon Age RPG, and then they filed off the IP and created Fantasy AGE. Wil Wheaton then used that system for his own campaign setting Titansgrave, of which play throughs are available, probably on Geek and Sundry.
The system is based on 3d6 rolls, and you add an Attribute bonus, and specialties. So a axe attack is 3d6 + your Strength modifier + 2 more if you have a specialty in axes. If any of the three d6s rolled result in doubles, you get Stunt Points to modify your attack - maybe you get an immediate second attack, or do more damage, or cause some side effect to the target. Stunt Points also apply to non-combat rolls. True to its DA origins, there are only three classes, Warrior, Rogue, Mage, but they are greatly customizable for a variety of approaches.
Two people have already expressed interest, so I'll need at least one more to proceed.
Last edited Apr 17, 2019 8:08 pm