Thinking of running a game -interest check

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Apr 18, 2019 3:53 am
Been going through my games and pulled out a few that I am thinking of running. First i will say i have not GMed these games before. The first couple are barebones fantasy and covert ops by DWD games. The third is using Advanced Fighting Fantasy.

I would be running through published adventures as my time is limited and the other game i am running takes most of my creative time. Still I usually add and mod most of my games especially in the roleplaying department to torture i mean make sure fun is had by all.

Not sure if I will run all three but figured to see how much interest there are for them.
Apr 18, 2019 4:20 am
Sounds like you're thinking of running some not so well known game systems. I am not familiar with any of them and I've been gaming for 41 years. I have a Fighter that I would like to play but my greatest knowledge is in D&D so that's where it was originally developed. I have him set up on a Custom page here so he could be adapted to pretty much any fantasy system but it needs to be one with which I am familiar.
Last edited Apr 18, 2019 4:21 am
Apr 18, 2019 12:58 pm
Long as youre willing to teach me Im down.
Apr 18, 2019 1:11 pm
I'd be up for a test dummy and ask all the dumb questions if you need another. I'm mostly up for anything that isn't D&D system.
Apr 18, 2019 6:08 pm
Lets do it, show me the books and we'll figure it out :D
Apr 18, 2019 11:46 pm
Well if you are game i think I will try to run Bare-bones fantasy. It is a d100 roll under system. I am heading out tonight so i will try to get something up tomorrow morning,

here is the link for the game at drivethru rpg, it is currently on sale for $4.99 from $9.99

Since I am not sure what adventure I am running please don't read the one that comes with the game. Also I am using any product from it so there will be a larger selection of races than just the mainbook as I have all their products for it.
Apr 19, 2019 4:18 pm
The game is up under Bare Bones Fantasy.
Apr 21, 2019 9:07 pm
Ok I have an opening for 1 possibly 2 people as I have an invite for one but waiting for him to accept. 5 players is my limit and have 3 confirmed so far.

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