Seeking Active Players

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Apr 18, 2019 6:06 pm
2 to 3 sounds nice. really just a pace faster than the norm. a group for people who spend more time on the site
Apr 18, 2019 6:22 pm
One of the first games I ever joined on GP was an Oriental themed one. Sadly short-lived. Would love to find a new adventure for Feng, the Aaracokra Monk, or roll up a completely new character, perhaps a Samurai!
Apr 18, 2019 6:28 pm
the oriental game is still a work in progress but if any others want to dm a game, pitch your ideas!
Apr 18, 2019 7:04 pm
sure hit it, im on more then i probably should be :D
Apr 19, 2019 12:49 am
I check in 5 or 6 times a day too, so I'd be up for a fast game. But time zone might be a problem depending on when the game will be most active.
Apr 19, 2019 1:45 am
To be honest I'm in a bit of a funny place where I tend to refresh all the time too, and then after I go an 8 hour period of either sleep, work, or just having a busy day... I come back and find the entire group has jumped a page and a half!! It's feast or famine, man.
Apr 19, 2019 3:40 am
I would be interested in an asian-inspired game as well.
Apr 19, 2019 4:22 am
I'm checking the forum 5-6 times a day, but don't always have time to write
Apr 19, 2019 4:33 am
I suppose it depends on the game. A light-hearted game demands less of you than a more serious one. 5-6 jokey posts isn't as taxing as 5-6 posts in a high-stakes political intrigue scenario. Combat encounters can vary greatly in complexity as well. Very tactical combat is more involved than your basic stabitty-stab, pew-pew fight.

I should add that it's important to all be on the same page about hat type of game it's going to be before the game begins.
Last edited Apr 19, 2019 4:34 am
Apr 19, 2019 4:36 am
sadrielle says:
To be honest I'm in a bit of a funny place where I tend to refresh all the time too, and then after I go an 8 hour period of either sleep, work, or just having a busy day... I come back and find the entire group has jumped a page and a half!! It's feast or famine, man.
Haha same here, pretty much!
Apr 19, 2019 12:08 pm
Always around.
Apr 19, 2019 9:54 pm
I'm like here all day ready to binge post and not a single game will move lol. (out of 7). Need. More. Games.
Apr 19, 2019 10:43 pm
Lol Im in 2


Apr 21, 2019 1:49 am
Fascinating! I'm not starving for posts usually, but I am pretty active here. I'm always on the lookout for more active players though! I find that games rarely run on the posting frequency set by the GM, but gradually settle into a posting frequency that matches that if the slowest player. Momentum is really hard to build back up again once it is lost.
Apr 21, 2019 7:04 am
@jabes.playes.rpg except you haven't responded to your character questions on Maelstrom yet! lol no pressure I"m just excited about the characters in that game
Apr 21, 2019 2:43 pm
What?! Oh gods, I'm sorry that fell under the radar! Thank you for reminding me!
Apr 21, 2019 5:13 pm
haha, I know how that goes - I'm guilty of the same thing
Apr 21, 2019 7:28 pm
Anyone want to dm a 5e sandbox game? I just started in one with Qralloq and i find myself enjoying it very much.


Apr 21, 2019 9:38 pm
Oh damn, that's my favorite kind of game to DM...

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