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Apr 18, 2019 6:44 pm
This is to see if there is an interest in a superhero game as I can't find any on here;
If you are familiar with the DC Universe tabletop or Mutants and Masterminds system, I am looking to create a superhero universe set in present day, with slight alterations. The game takes place in a fictional city known as Jump City (located on the coast of Northern California) The timeline is as follows;
2008: The first "Superhero" Vigilante takes the streets of Jump City, known simply as "Agent Big" a large man standing at 6"8" according to some reports taking on petty street criminals with just his fists.

2009: The First Super-villain "Absolute Zero" begins a series of crime sprees. He is eventually captured by police, but inspired new super villains.

2011: Things seem to be calming down, until a series of earth quakes begin to cause problems for Northern California apparently coming from unknown origins. It is revealed to be a cause of a once sleeping great monster, revealing the existence of Ancient Immortals who disguised themselves as Ancient Gods (Zues, Ares, Hera etc.) their demigod kids still live amongst us and cause their own problems.

2012: The year of Lost Civilizations, in this year the lost city of Atlantis found, and so is the Island of the Amazons. Atlanteans are incredibly strong, and durable do to living on the bottom of the ocean, and also capable of breathing air and water, also on the rare occasion they take traits of other aquatic creatures (i.e. the ability to sting like a jelly fish, or the shielding outer shell like a crab), they appear mostly human with slight alterations, often in just eyes and gills on the neck but some come in alternative skin color and may have other feature changes. The Amazons while taller than the average ancient Grecian, are about average for today's world. They however have the ability to cast magic and reveal that there are others with the potential to unlock magic in the outside world now they search for those with the potential. Though Amazons and Atlanteans walk amongst the people of today, there are still some prejudices against them in today's world, and occasionally have trouble adjusting to modern technology.

2013: The first global super villain threat emerges. "Absolute Zero" using other minor super villains (Scarlet Vulture, The Jackal, and Titan) breaks from Prison and attempts to hold the UN hostage. They are defeated by the first Superhero Team, The Defenders (I know marvel try to make your own name up then sometime) Composed of the six biggest named Superheroes. They become the first Superhero team to be sanctioned by the world government to counteract villains with police forces.

2015: The Big Bang, The city of Jump City has always had a healthy trade industry, especially with the Taft industry always making new machines and inventions, and many warehouses and factories. During an accident involving Agent Big and another group of Petty Criminals causes an explosion of chemicals, causing a chemical gas to leak from the Docks, it spread past the docs and effected nearby districts, before people were evacuated it was estimated a few hundred people were effected. In the morning some woke with new changes to them. most minor changes in appearance, unnatural hair color, or elongated fangs, etc. But also some gained the equivalence of new Super Powers, and has lead to a series of New Superheroes. Deemed Meta-humans by the outside world, these mutants are most populous in Jump City, but some are moving away to start a fresh.

2018 (Today): Today being a Superhero isn't unheard of, not while a job there are perhaps 1-2 Hundred superheroes world wide. Superheroes have different reactions based on where in the world they are, and the origins of their powers (i.e. a Demigod is often more quickly received warmly than an Atlantean). There have been series of all kinds of Super Villains as well, who have caused their own problems, though most are still independent. There are Three Sponsored Superhero Teams where those on the Team effectively work as Superheroes.

The Defenders - This is the big leagues, now total membership is 22, by and large the team members are treated as celebrities everywhere, inspiring even toys and merchandise, their sponsors are anonymous, and some believe they may be even given money from the UN.

The Mad Dogs - The team's total membership is believed to be around a baker's dozen, and are known to do morally ambiguous missions. They are often paid by missions, and are considered to be more of Mercenaries than actual heroes by most other heroes.

New Flight - The team is only 5 members currently but are growing, it is believed (or at least rumored) they are sponsored by Taft Industry, and are mostly young members (late teens to early twenties).
Apr 18, 2019 7:03 pm
so My hero academia. sure im interested :D
Apr 18, 2019 7:29 pm
I would love to participate. Sign me up!
Apr 18, 2019 7:32 pm
I've never actually seen My Hero Academia. But my understanding is that it takes place at a school, which currently there is none.
Apr 18, 2019 7:33 pm
But I am open to the world being adjusted by what players would be interested in playing.
Apr 18, 2019 9:47 pm
Mutants and Masterminds is one of the few games I've missed playing since I've been on this site. I used to play it all the time although some new developments may have gotten by me. I would be interested in resurrecting one of my old M&M characters.
Apr 18, 2019 10:21 pm
I love Mutants and Masterminds.
Apr 18, 2019 10:33 pm
Unfortunately, the Plane does not have an M&M character sheet and I don't seem to have an M&M pdf on this computer.
Last edited Apr 18, 2019 10:35 pm
Apr 18, 2019 10:41 pm
Sorry to hear that Aldrusian.
Apr 18, 2019 10:43 pm
I'm interested as well! :) I'd like to toss my hat in.
Apr 18, 2019 11:43 pm
I love super hero games! If there's room, sign me up.
Apr 20, 2019 2:59 am
I've been wanting to play in a Mutants & Masterminds game! I'd love to jump in.
Apr 20, 2019 3:08 am
The custom character sheet is blank, so you could fake it. As an aside, I have the original DC sourcebook.
Last edited Apr 20, 2019 3:09 am
Apr 20, 2019 11:22 pm
We're getting close to max capacity. I will add the two of you but anyone new im sorry but I will have reached the most I think I could handle.

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