Character creation

Oct 22, 2015 4:20 pm
Please roll up and discuss your characters in this thread. Roll 4d6 six times, taking the best 3 on each roll for your attributes, then assign each number to the stat of your choice. We're not using the alternative human rules, so humans get +1 to all attributes. We are not using feats, just class features. Let me know if there's a race or class in Unearthed Arcana that you'd like to play; otherwise, please use a race and class from the Player's Handbook.

When you are determining languages, consider that there are three human languages that might be useful in the region: Keolish (primary language in Hochoch and the rest of the kingdom), Marchian (primary language of the various March countries), and Imperial (the language of the ancient conquerors, still understood by most people). If there is a common language throughout the world, it's Imperial. But for the starting town of Hochoch, they'll speak Keolish as their primary language, Imperial and non-human race languages secondary, and will understand Marchian and speak it in heavy accents.

Edit: I like to use a Motivations mechanic for characters in my campaigns, but here it is optional. I encourage you to consider using it, but you do not have to do so.

In addition to the character's background, trait, ideal, bond, and flaw, your character has a relationship with an NPC that provides a motivation to be adventuring. Choose one or roll a d6 to determine your motivation from this list.

1 – Love
2 – Revenge
3 – Ambition
4 – Greed
5 – Fear
6 – Compulsion

Having determined motivation, it's up to you to name the NPC and provide further details about your relationship and how it provides that motivation for your character. For instance, here's two examples of Fear motivations:

Example A: Your family has a history of a rare and ultimately fatal congenital disease called Dianthronitis; one of your parents died of the disease, while the other parent was journeying to find a cure. That parent has never returned, and now you have started to exhibit signs of the disease. Your local cleric, Henrad Polivate, has conducted research for years, trying to find a cure. He's consulted ancient tomes and contacted various other experts in healing, and finally found lore that suggests a possible rare series of rituals, prayers, and ceremonies which will ultimately create a potion to cure the Dianthronitis. But the ingredients of the potion are exceedingly rare; you must quest to find the ingredients and/or earn the excessive amount of money to purchase them.

Example B: The local crime boss, Amberan Daruli, has identified you as a threat to his control of the community. To eliminate you, he has abducted your child and holds it hostage, forcing you to leave the town and never come back, while sending back regular payments of money to keep your child alive.

Edit 2 (2024):
Here's the current party composition, with active characters in green, characters who are staying in Hochoch in blue, and dead characters in red.
Name Level Race Class Background
Aanbo Earthshaker (CancerMan) L2 Dwarf Monk Hermit
Chase Brandstone (mathias0077) L1 Human Ranger Folk Hero
Myrtha (matmaisan) L1 Human Fighter Folk Hero
Theran Nailo (MaJunior) L2 Elf Druid Haunted One
Rosemary Flitwhistle (DireHalfling) L1 Halfling Barbarian Baker
Manthis, the Mask (WanderOne) L1 Human Fighter Circus Entertainer
Lady Anya Arkon (Nebula) L1 Human Cleric ?
Albertus (WhiteDwarf) L1 Human Paladin Soldier
Durren (CouchLord0510) L1 Human Fighter Outlander
Joseph Nimblefingers (JoshuaMabry) L2 Halfling Rogue Folk Hero
Karliel (GeneralET) L1 Half-elf Bard Entertainer
Klak (falryx) L1 Dwarven Paladin Acolyte
Kragga Moonweaver (Len) L1 Half-orc Wizard Acolyte
Morgran (Bircuitfiend) L1 Dwarven Cleric Pirate
Ogbar (Naatkinson) L1 Human Barbarian Outlander
Quest (foolsmask) L1 Human Mystic Sage
Reptile (GeneCortess) L1 Human Barbarian City Watch
Sara Stone (Candi) L1 Human Ranger Hermit
Thacogygax (Jabes.plays.RPG) L1 Dragonborn Sorcerer Far Traveler
Xana Beren (moofsalot) L2 Gnome Warlock Charlatan

Edit 3 (2024):
This thread is for both creating new characters (always level 1), and for leveling up existing characters (rolling HP, making class choices, etc).
Oct 22, 2015 4:31 pm

Dice Gods have mercy!!!

Edit: 13, 9, 12, 14, 7, 9

Edit: OUCH, i can never seem to roll well on here

Edit: Gonna be human, so stats will go to 14, 10, 13, 15, 8, 10
Last edited October 22, 2015 4:38 pm


Stats - (4d6)

(6125) = 14

Stats - (4d6)

(1225) = 10

Stats - (4d6)

(1516) = 13

Stats - (4d6)

(3156) = 15

Stats - (4d6)

(1133) = 8

Stats - (4d6)

(2251) = 10

Oct 22, 2015 4:42 pm
Going to be a Barbarian!
Oct 22, 2015 5:10 pm
Stat rolls...

Edit: After dropping lowest die: 10, 13, 13, 13, 15, 15.

I'm creating a Hill Dwarf Monk!
STR: 13
DEX: 15
CON: 15 (13 +2 Dwarf trait)
INT: 13
WIS: 16 (15 +1 Hill Dwarf trait)
CHA: 10

Did I read the PHB correctly on dwarf ability score increases?

More details to follow!
Last edited October 22, 2015 5:21 pm


Stat - (4d6)

(1433) = 11

Stat - (4d6)

(1445) = 14

Stat - (4d6)

(6521) = 14

Stat - (4d6)

(3553) = 16

Stat - (4d6)

(3166) = 16

Stat - (4d6)

(4516) = 16

Oct 22, 2015 5:14 pm
*tapping on wood, pulling my ear twice, blowing on dice while I shake 'em. Praying to all the gods of Faerun, Greyhawk, and Krynn. Oh, and Cthulhu!*

Results after dropping lowest: 11, 13, 9, 14, 17, 11
Last edited October 22, 2015 6:40 pm


Stat rolls - (4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6)

4d6 : (4134) = 12

4d6 : (2651) = 14

4d6 : (5221) = 10

4d6 : (5541) = 15

4d6 : (5663) = 20

4d6 : (2613) = 12

Starting wealth [Sorcerer = 3d4 x 10] - (3d4)

(441) = 9

Oct 22, 2015 5:18 pm
Wow, those are some good rolls for both of you!

Ugh! I swear I have the lowest stats in EVERY campaign I'm playing in!

Oh well, them's the dice gods for you lol
Oct 22, 2015 6:20 pm
Aanbo Earthshaker joined the Earthshaker Temple as an orphan (initiates receive the surname of the Order as part of their acceptance into the brotherhood). This monastic order was born out of the belief that by achieving greater attunement to earth, stone, and metal leads to a greater understanding of the world. Of course, over time the monastery developed a life on its own, and in the current day many of its disciples meditate on the tenets of earth and geology, and train in unarmed combat as a way of honing their minds and bodies.

Aanbo was studious to some degree, but he rather enjoyed spending time with his brother Foonbo, who was another orphan initiated at the same time. Foonbo was a rebellious sort, inclined for mischievous pranks and for asserting his own dominance. The two were fast friends, with Aanbo looking up to the older Foonbo as a true big brother.

Foonbo's temperament eventually got the two brothers into trouble, when during a test of combat, Foonbo killed another competitor in anger. As the other monks combined to capture Foonbo, Aanbo's own feelings of watching his brother being attacked overrode his discipline, and he leapt to his brother's defense. The two severely injured many others before they were both restrained and allowed to calm.

The monks ordered the two into exile. They had to each come to terms with their actions in the outside world, and once they had found inner peace and a renewed calling, they would be allowed to return. Until then, the temple was off-limits. Foonbo and Aanbo wandered the world for a while, but eventually they parted ways for reasons that Aanbo does not reveal.

Aanbo scraped a humble existence, using his monastic knowledge to help others whenever he could. He found a notice calling for membership in a group called Dungeon Busters, individuals willing to provide assistance to those in need. Aanbo sought out Cecily Raptor to inquire, and hoped that this would lead down a path towards personal enlightenment.
Oct 22, 2015 6:35 pm
CancerMan: you are correct with the Hill Dwarf attribute bonuses. Your great backstory involving Foonbo reminded me of a mechanic I use for my D&D5 campaigns, but which I was waffling about using here.

The solution is simple: make it optional, and tell you all about it!

Accordingly, I have edited my initial post to include information about the optional "Motivations" mechanic, which requires you to create and detail an NPC who provides motivation to your character for adventuring. This is optional, and would be in addition to the motivation you have as contractors for Dungeon Busters.
Oct 22, 2015 6:41 pm
Rolling personality/Background!

Drawn from Outlander tables


Background! - (1d8, 1d8, 1d6, 1d6, 1d6, 1d6)

1d8 : (7) = 7

1d8 : (1) = 1

1d6 : (5) = 5

1d6 : (1) = 1

1d6 : (6) = 6

1d6 : (1) = 1

Oct 22, 2015 7:09 pm
Ogbar is a barbarian from the Tribe of the Frozen Blood in the far north. His father, the great warrior Barragar Hordebreaker, raised him to be a powerful warrior, one of the most promising in the tribe. Shortly after his 20th birthday he fell in love with Olga, a handsome woman 2 years his junior. The chieftain, Grognak Bearthumper, has claimed Olga as his betrothed and the only way for Ogbar to challenge his right to take Olga as his bride is for him to challenge Grognak to single combat for leadership of the tribe.

Ogbar, knowing that he has no grounds to make that challenge - by blood or by deed - has left to make his name and to make himself worthy of the challenge. He has a few years, during which a betrothal period must be completed before the marriage, to earn the ability to make that challenge.
Oct 22, 2015 8:00 pm
This is the first game I've played without feats, should be interesting

Edit: Rolling for trinket

Edit: Trinket - A brass ring that never tarnishes
Last edited October 22, 2015 9:22 pm


trinket - (1d100)

(5) = 5

Oct 22, 2015 9:31 pm
Rolling for stats...
Not bad...15, 14, 13, 12, 12, 8.
I think I can work with that. Iwill consider my options.
Last edited October 22, 2015 9:41 pm


1 - (4d6)

(4235) = 14

2 - (4d6)

(4515) = 15

3 - (4d6)

(3551) = 14

4 - (4d6)

(1224) = 9

5 - (4d6)

(5624) = 17

6 - (4d6)

(2543) = 14

Oct 22, 2015 9:44 pm
Glad to see you back, foolsmask! It's been a while! :-)
Oct 22, 2015 10:13 pm
Aanbo's trinket might be a tome detailing the saga of Gord the Rogue, but it's missing the climactic chapter. It was a very popular folk story from a couple of centuries ago.
Ogbar's trophy might be the tusk of a walrus, carved into some scrimshaw, or perhaps a wolf paw he wears around his neck.
Oct 22, 2015 10:17 pm
Roll for stats... and drop lowest:

12, 12, 15, 12, 12, 15

Well isn't that.. interesting
Last edited October 22, 2015 10:19 pm


Stats 1 - (4d6)

(2633) = 14

Stats 2 - (4d6)

(2461) = 13

Stats 3 - (4d6)

(1636) = 16

Stats 4 - (4d6)

(3453) = 15

Stats 5 - (4d6)

(3425) = 14

Stats 6 - (4d6)

(6435) = 18

Oct 22, 2015 10:53 pm
Hi Jabes...yeah I couldn't stay away. I'm going to try this again.

Question for Spaceseeker19: Has anyone expressed interest in the Mystic from Unearthed Arcana? It intrigues me, but I'm not sold yet. I'd probably play half-elf I think.
Oct 22, 2015 11:32 pm
Roll for stats and drop the lowest!

My stats: 10, 6, 14, 13, 9, 13

I've been visited by Naatkinson it seems. ;)
Last edited October 22, 2015 11:34 pm



(4233) = 12


(2311) = 7


(6216) = 15


(5612) = 14


(3224) = 11


(1553) = 14

Oct 23, 2015 12:11 am
falryx says:
Roll for stats and drop the lowest!

My stats: 10, 6, 14, 13, 9, 13

I've been visited by Naatkinson it seems. ;)
Yay! I'm not alone!
Oct 23, 2015 1:21 am
Naatkinson says:
falryx says:
Roll for stats and drop the lowest!

My stats: 10, 6, 14, 13, 9, 13

I've been visited by Naatkinson it seems. ;)
Yay! I'm not alone!
*Shakes fist*
Oct 23, 2015 1:22 am
Hrm. I think with my stats a wisdom-based class isn't a great idea. Best I can do is get something to 15 with racial bonuses. So.. hum! I'll noodle around on class. Perhaps a well-meaning but not overly bright paladin...
load next

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