D Busters: Against the Cult of the Reptile God [ EDIT ]

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Famed heroine Cecily Raptor has an idea to solve a common problem in the world today: monstrous hordes, evil cults, and dark gods are cropping up everywhere, interrupting trade and threatening lives all across the known world. Cecily is calling on adventurers and explorers to help her with her idea. She was an adventurer herself, and she knows how they work. They're generally disorganized and unreliable. No sooner have they eradicated some dire threat, but they leave, and new threats rise up. Then communities are stuck looking for new heroes, who rarely seem to be around when you need them. So often has she returned to a village to find it destroyed or enslaved, and the survivors saying "If only you'd been here a month ago!" Cecily wonders: what if we could form a guild, with regional centers all over the world, to ensure that adventurers can always meet up with citizens in need of glorious feats of derring-do?

She's calling it Dungeon Busters (DB), and she's got you convinced. So you're on your way to the border region between Gran March and Keoland to find a good location to set up a branch center of Dungeon Busters.

A few years ago, Cecily and her party came through the area and blazed a trail through the wilds between the two nations, connecting the Keolish town of Hochoch to the west and the Gran March capital of Hookhill to the east. In the peace that followed in their wake came pioneers and settlers, who founded the village of Orlane. Orlane has since become famous for its marvelous produce and is considered the "bread basket" of the region. Recently, though, rumors have spread about trouble in Orlane. So Cecily figures there's likely to be need for a Dungeon Busters (DB) in the area, given that both a large swamp (the Rushmoors) and a haunted forest (the Dim Forest) border the road connecting Hochoch and Hookhill.

Note: this is an adaptation to D&D5 of the classic module N1: Against the Cult of the Reptile God. The new level 1 characters will start in Hochoch as location scouts/adventurers for the adventurer's guild called "Dungeon Busters." The Dungeon Busters handbook clearly indicates that the best way to plant a new branch is to solve some local problems, to demonstrate what an asset the DB franchise will be to the region. So your task is to find some adventure, and, in completing it, create some great word-of-mouth for the Guild.

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Any classes or races in the D&D5 Player's Handbook (2014) are allowed, but talk to me if you want to use anything from Wizard of the Coasts' Unearthed Arcana series. Characters will be generated in-forum using the GP die-roller, using the standard 4d6 rolls. In addition to the base backgrounds, you may use any one of the variant backgrounds (knights, gladiators, etc).

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