Or, uh, read it. You know.
General OoC discussion
Oct 22, 2015 5:24 pm
Out of sheer boredom I am going to roll stats here where it doesn't matter! Just to prove that GP dice hate me for rolling characters!
Edit: 16, 13, 9, 14, 14, 10
Edit: SEE? I told you so! Show Keleth, here is my proof that it hates me
Sorry, felt the need to vent :P
Edit: 16, 13, 9, 14, 14, 10
Edit: SEE? I told you so! Show Keleth, here is my proof that it hates me
Sorry, felt the need to vent :P
Last edited October 22, 2015 5:26 pm
Stats that don't matter - (4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6)
4d6 : (1466) = 17
4d6 : (6512) = 14
4d6 : (5122) = 10
4d6 : (3365) = 17
4d6 : (4456) = 19
4d6 : (4421) = 11
Oct 22, 2015 6:23 pm
Hey, this is a Dungeon Busters adventure in a classic module. Chances are fair that you'll get to roll more sets of average-to-horrible stats before the adventure is over. But that's why humans are so popular, right?
Oct 22, 2015 6:38 pm
So true, I will likely die more than once in this thing. And I have found that your stats really don't have as big an effect as you'd think once the game actually starts moving along, it just looks bad at first.
Oct 23, 2015 3:52 pm
I ran a small (probably too-small) party of newbie roleplayers through this module recently...maybe "through" this is too generous a term, as they didn't get to see much of it at all. The entire party succumbed to a trap in the first encounter, were captured, and then died in a long, exciting and fun escape attempt. I know AD&D tournament modules were brutal (Tomb of Horrors, etc), but I don't think any of were expecting that level of difficulty.
That said, it was mostly on them. The PCs acted very rashly and over-confidently in the game, seeking combat at every opportunity, even when grossly outnumbered. That, combined with unlucky enemy attack rolls (several crits) and the fact that they avoided all interaction with NPCs and went straight into the lion's den as their first action, pretty much meant that they were doomed.
That said, it was mostly on them. The PCs acted very rashly and over-confidently in the game, seeking combat at every opportunity, even when grossly outnumbered. That, combined with unlucky enemy attack rolls (several crits) and the fact that they avoided all interaction with NPCs and went straight into the lion's den as their first action, pretty much meant that they were doomed.
Oct 23, 2015 10:42 pm
I look forward to being mashed. Thanks for letting me in on this one - love the classic module feel
Oct 24, 2015 6:30 am
The PCs acted very rashly and over-confidently in the game, seeking combat at every opportunity, even when grossly outnumbered. That, combined with unlucky enemy attack rolls (several crits) and the fact that they avoided all interaction with NPCs and went straight into the lion's den as their first action, pretty much meant that they were doomed.Last edited October 24, 2015 2:56 pm
Oct 27, 2015 5:21 pm
So as you all are putting the finishing touches on your characters, you can start in the game thread with activities/interactions in Hochoch. Cecily has led you to expect that Hochoch will suffice as a base of resources until you can find/create a new source for supplies/class training elsewhere. But since not all of you (?) are familiar with Hochoch, you'll probably want to scout out those places here.
Oct 27, 2015 6:08 pm
Once I've got my background basically formed, I'll chime in -- but I don't want to presuppose (or not suppose) relationships without hammering a bit more. Otherwise, aye aye, cap'n!
Oct 27, 2015 11:47 pm
You said this could continue on to further modules, right? If so, what are you going to do for people playing UA classes that only go to level 5?
Oct 27, 2015 11:55 pm
Personally I plan on multiclassing into a martial class. Fighter or ranger most likely. Although I could go Wizard maybe
Oct 28, 2015 8:23 am
falryx says:
Once I've got my background basically formed, I'll chime in -- but I don't want to presuppose (or not suppose) relationships without hammering a bit more. Otherwise, aye aye, cap'n!Oct 28, 2015 8:26 am
Naatkinson says:
You said this could continue on to further modules, right? If so, what are you going to do for people playing UA classes that only go to level 5?Oct 28, 2015 8:27 am
With character relationships, I do sometimes find it fun to sort that out as you play. So, I think, I'm going to go on the working assumption that Sara knows three other characters, one of them well. As we play, banter, jousts and conversations will reveal those connections. I mention this, because this works best when other players know - and occasionally decide for themselves that 'they know Sara'.
EDIT: Posted, and my post is also an example of what I mean
EDIT: Posted, and my post is also an example of what I mean
Last edited October 28, 2015 8:34 am
Nov 1, 2015 12:17 am
Question about NPCs and portraits:
A cool feature on Gamer's Plane is the ability to upload character portraits, which allows one to post in character and the forum thread shows the picture of the character, so that people reading it have a visual clue as to which character(s) have been active.
What's really cool is that GMs can do this: make an NPC, upload a picture for the NPC, add the NPC to the game, and then post in character as the NPC.
That's a great tool for us DMs to use...except it may be a bit overwhelming in cases where there are a LOT of NPCs. As players, it may result in confusion in distinguishing PC posts and NPC ones (as the visual clue is a major mechanism for distinguishing PCs from NPCs). Since we are in Hochoch right now, and Hochoch is the home base and training location for all of the PCs, it is rife with NPCs: Devane, Tap, Soraya, Fantikaflar, Goom, as well as class trainers for each of you and a half dozen others. I could post separately as each of these characters when they appear, but I could also just post as me, and just include a picture of the character in the post when they are speaking.
Which would you prefer, if you even have a preference? From your perspective - the one I'm interested in - it's just a presentation difference.
A cool feature on Gamer's Plane is the ability to upload character portraits, which allows one to post in character and the forum thread shows the picture of the character, so that people reading it have a visual clue as to which character(s) have been active.
What's really cool is that GMs can do this: make an NPC, upload a picture for the NPC, add the NPC to the game, and then post in character as the NPC.
That's a great tool for us DMs to use...except it may be a bit overwhelming in cases where there are a LOT of NPCs. As players, it may result in confusion in distinguishing PC posts and NPC ones (as the visual clue is a major mechanism for distinguishing PCs from NPCs). Since we are in Hochoch right now, and Hochoch is the home base and training location for all of the PCs, it is rife with NPCs: Devane, Tap, Soraya, Fantikaflar, Goom, as well as class trainers for each of you and a half dozen others. I could post separately as each of these characters when they appear, but I could also just post as me, and just include a picture of the character in the post when they are speaking.
Which would you prefer, if you even have a preference? From your perspective - the one I'm interested in - it's just a presentation difference.
Nov 1, 2015 2:34 am
Sometimes it is easier to look back and visually associate an NPC's words with their avatar. Ideally the avatars are distinct enough that we won't confuse one for another, and if that's the case then I think I prefer it when NPCs are posting in-character.
Nov 1, 2015 6:19 am
Both work fine for me, though I certainly prefer the in-character NPC posts as I find it more immersive. :-)
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