5e DM's and Worldbuilders Wanted!

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Apr 22, 2019 11:16 pm
Hello all. I've been tossing about an idea in my head that I've finally decided to share with the world.

Long story short, I wish to start an Adventurer's Guild for D&D 5e. Taking inspiration from different shows like Fairy Tail or Goblin Slayer, and also slightly inspired by the Slayer's Take guild from Critical Role, I want to create a hub for adventurer's of every type to flock to to find work, friends, and good stories. I intend for this game to allow for a large number of players, meaning that I may need some help keeping it all straight. But, before I can start bringing in the players, I wanted to find a small group of people willing to help me bring my Guild (and the world surrounding it) to life.
Apr 22, 2019 11:30 pm
Being a worldbuilder sounds intriguing. I'd be interested.
Apr 23, 2019 12:01 am
It's fun to brainstorm together. I don't want to disrupt your thread, but you can have your players filling in a lot of the blanks for you. I'm doing this in a game that I'm DMing now. I had everyone make up two NPC connections for their character and had them make connections between their characters, too. The NPCs have places to belong and suddenly all the character's regular haunts were on the map. If you had them add a location to that list there's lots of catalyst for adventure there.
Apr 23, 2019 12:43 am
You are completely right on that. In fact, the majority of games I've been a part of on this site have done something similar. I intend for the characters to do something along these lines anyhow, but the majority of the work I am asking for from people in this thread is help with rules and whatnot that players must abide by.
For instance: I wanted to introduce a new way that levels work in this game (inspired by Goblin Slayer) where players have a rank instead of a level. It works in much the same way, but allows people forming a party to gather just how strong each other player is without breaking character. And to level up, characters will need to meet various requirements that may include being reviewed by some sort of panel.
Details like this I'd like to have worked out in advance.
And the majority of adventures will be selected by players from some sort of message board. People with problems will come to the guild with job descriptions and rewards and it will be up to the adventurers to pick which jobs are worthy of their time.
Apr 23, 2019 1:49 am
I would love to playtest this, as i have 0 skill as dm or worldbuilder. PM me when it gets rolling i can be the plytester for any new or modified systems you set up!
Apr 23, 2019 2:15 am
I'll try to help out.
Apr 23, 2019 4:35 pm
this piques my interest
Rather green dm and creating his own world for a podcast, not saying i have experience but this could help me also :D
Last edited Apr 23, 2019 4:35 pm
Apr 23, 2019 6:51 pm
This is how I created my world

Start small. Create the city and local area.
Start the adventure, and with your players discover your world.
Have some foundational ideas set, like the cities in my country must have a main income/function, an explanation on why are they there. It could be fishing, lumber, mining, universities, magic spring...
To save my self the trouble of creating a divine scene, I copied my friend's gods (we have played for 5+ years) and killed them all. My players were in a world with dead gods. The main plot was finding 4 sleeping goddesses that gathered all the prayer-mana, but did not use it.
Apr 23, 2019 7:08 pm
hahaha nice, i've gotten that far, created a divine scene mostly titan gods and some ancient beings :D
Apr 23, 2019 7:49 pm
To keep things simple, a pantheon doesn't need a multitude of deities as the classical Greeks and Romans had. Start with under a dozen major gods and goddesses with multiple responsibilities and convoluted relationships.

Here's another way to keep the numbers down: usually, different races worship different sets of gods. Perhaps this world has a shared pantheon, and the races worship the same gods, but in different ways. The races would have a history of "competing" for a god's favor; for example, both orcs and dwarves would want to prove their martial superiority to the war goddess.
Apr 24, 2019 1:04 pm
Thank you everyone for the advice and interest. I think, after hearing what some of you have had to say, I will attempt to start small with this world and see how it goes. Those who are still interested in this from a player stand point, let me know (there will still be opportunities for world building). I plan on getting a game set up today and sending out invites.
Apr 24, 2019 1:26 pm
If you're still looking for players, I'd love to join in. I've been looking for a 5e game and your guild idea is super interesting.
Apr 24, 2019 4:43 pm
I like the concept. I wouldn't mind either playing or world building in this if there is space.
Apr 24, 2019 5:06 pm
if ya need me im i can participate in either sense.
Apr 25, 2019 4:45 pm
oopsylon and Vyrewolf, I have accepted your invite requests. Thank you to everyone who showed interest in this. I'll let those interested know if anything opens up in the future.

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