Five By Five RPG

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Oct 24, 2015 1:36 am
I'm considering running a game using the Five By Five RPG. It is a generic system, rules-light, and able to support any genre, or mélange imaginable. I'd love to run a one-shot game with it, and possibly continue in an episodic fashion if the players are amenable.

I know any setup would need, by necessity, group discussion and consensus on the setting, genre(s), etc.. Perhaps the players and GM (me?) would hammer out the preliminaries before gameplay.

Is there any interest in such a game? It would be my first time running a game here on GP, my second time running PbP overall, and my third time participating in PbP.

Diesel-punk space-race? Space alien invasion of Pharaonic Egypt? Cthulhu incursion in Stone Age Beringia? All possible in this game, and open for discussion before we begin.

Interested? Please, post here and let me know. I'm new to GP, so have much to learn with this site - please be gentle. :-)

Edit: Fixed link
Last edited October 29, 2015 1:17 am
Oct 24, 2015 9:27 pm
Is this open to people who haven't played or heard of the system? If so I'm up for whatever since it would be a new system to learn.
Oct 25, 2015 3:19 am
BeefGriller says:
Space alien invasion of Pharaonic Egypt?
for some reason, this reminded me a lot of this which I would definitely like to play one of these days... :D
Oct 25, 2015 4:15 am
I'm intrigued - I love basic arithmetic! I also like collaborative story-telling and one-shots. What posting frequency do you envision?
Oct 28, 2015 12:32 am
OK, I've never played or run this system, so @Remnant, it would, by definition, be open to those who haven't played.

@kalajel, if the rest of the group is amenable to it, then Pharaonic Egyptian Space Alien Invasion is on the table.

@spaceseeker19, I'm thinking at least three times per week to once per day posts. Like I said, I'm still new to PbP, and am flexible - I have to find my footing yet.

I think three to five players would be best. With a generic system, it would take at least a little back-and-forth to settle upon genre(s), setting, etc.. Please let me know if there is anything else I should anticipate before embarking on this endeavor.
Oct 28, 2015 12:33 am
[*Note to self (and other interested folks): Subscribe to Thread link is at the upper right corner of the page*]
Oct 28, 2015 11:39 am
Well I'm game then, link us to the game once you're ready and you create one on the forum, we can go through character generation, how pc's know each other, and all that jazz.
Oct 28, 2015 3:31 pm
I am aware of 2 5x5 editions. A 16 pages one (B&W, few illustrations) which I believe was the original 1km1kt document, and another, more professionally-looking (color, lots of illustrations), 24 pages document released under Creative Commons... Which one should I use?
Oct 29, 2015 1:21 am
kalajel says:
I am aware of 2 5x5 editions. A 16 pages one (B&W, few illustrations) which I believe was the original 1km1kt document, and another, more professionally-looking (color, lots of illustrations), 24 pages document released under Creative Commons... Which one should I use?
I'd like to use version 3 for this game. It's more polished.

I fixed the link in my original post in the thread so that it links to the document as well. I have no idea how it linked to the wrong url before... must have been a PEBKAC issue. ;-)
Oct 30, 2015 12:53 am
OK, I'm up for running a 5x5 game. Being new to GP, I'm not sure how this should work. As a generic, rules-light system, there has to be an agreement amongst the players & GM regarding genre, background, PC abilities, and other expectations of the game. Should I create a new game here, THEN have these discussions in the forums? Or, should the back-and-forth on these items happen BEFORE game creation.

Or, as a GP-neophyte, should I join a few games as a player first to get a feel for the collective expectations? Truth be told, I'd love to play a few games either way - it's been a LONG dry spell for me. :-)
Last edited October 30, 2015 12:53 am
Oct 30, 2015 3:49 am
Go for both! Start a game and join up in some! The current trend, which by no means is what you HAVE to do, has been to use a thread to get players, maybe discuss general stuff, and then have discussions in a game forum.
Nov 24, 2015 5:26 pm
So... what's happening with this?

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