Old D&D in 5e: White Plume Mountain (S2)

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Oct 25, 2015 6:28 pm
Several weeks ago three highly-valued magical weapons with the cryptic names of Wave, Whelm, and Blackrazor disappeared from the vaults of their owners in the midst of the city of Greyhawk. Rewards were posted, servants were hanged, and even the sanctuary of the Thieves' Guild was violated in the frantic search for the priceless arms. Despite this, not even a single clue was turned up until the weapons' former owners, all wealthy collectors, each received a taunting note, signed with a symbol that research has found to be that of the wizard Keraptis, thought to be dead for over 1000 years....

Search ye far and search ye near
You'll find no trace of the three
Unless you follow instructions clear,
For the weapons abide with me.

North, past forest, farm, and furrow,
You must go to the feathered mound.
Then down away from the sun you'll burrow:
Forget life, forget light, forget sound.

To rescue Wave, you must do battle
With the Beast in the Boiling Bubble.
'Cross cavern vast, where chain-links rattle
Lies Whelm; past waterspouts double.

Blackrazor then remains to be won
Underneath inverted ziggurat.
That garnered, think not that you're done,
For now you'll find you are caught.

I care not, former owners brave,
What heroes you seek to hire.
Though mighty, I'll make each one my slave
Or send him into the fire.

-- We will begin the adventure as the party, assembled by the promises of riches from the coalition of the original owners of the three lost items, departing Greyhawk for White Plume Mountain. This will be an adventure for 4-6 brave (and probably foolish) adventurers, at level 3. Core PHB and Unearthed Arcana will be permitted sources of race/class/feats/spells, and for stats we're going to do it classic-style (roll 4d6, drop lowest). For a free bonus feat, you can roll your attributes in place (that is, your first roll is assigned as Str, second Dex, etc...). You don't have to pick race/class until after you roll (that would be beyond mean).

White Plume Mountain is a classic, and a well regarded one (and, while it is lethal and dangerous like Tomb of Horrors, it's not mean like Tomb of Horrors; that's why I've skipped Tomb and started at S2; for the curious).

If you're interested tip your hat here, and once I see enough interest I'll slug up the game and we can get characters generated. I maintain very fast moving games (for PbF) and like to see 1 post/day (except on weekends, when I expect nothing at all but am happy if anything happens).
Oct 25, 2015 6:35 pm
Where's the like button...
Oct 25, 2015 6:57 pm
I'd jump on this one as well.
Oct 25, 2015 7:29 pm
I got bored and made the game, join up folks. You three are in first, and there's tentative slots being held for those who noted interest in the other thread about updating classic adventures.

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