OOC: Chat Thread

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Sep 29, 2020 12:39 am
Its good to let it go then.
Thanks for GMing Em.
I enjoyed playing with you guys!
Sep 29, 2020 2:08 pm
Thank you guys for playing. Had some real high points in play for me, hope it was so for you guys too.

Lor-id's son did infact join the pirates, but as a part of his "on-boarding" has been (willingly, but didn't know in advance) cut off from all contact with his friends and family. "You've got a new family now!"-type thing.

And, when his friends couldn't get ahold of him, they just came out to try to see him (they knew where he went, but not exactly why), and while pressing to see him the pirates opportunistically abducted them (unbeknownst to him). Then his siblings came out cuz they didn't know where or why he went, AND his friends had disappeared - they were just opportunistically abducted too.

They were all just within the rooms of the pirate hq, imprisoned. Lor-id's son was one of the ppl the droid alerted.

For some closure on the campaign, when Raze, Palmer, and Besk succeeded at finding the son and rescuing everyone else, they would return to Lor-id to find that she could use some personnel connections at the space port to get your ship freed (it would have been locked up for not paying the daily port fees), and also that she had a spot coming up with an audience with Roola which she would give to you guys (cuz she had it in the first place to plead for help finding her son and wouldn't need it anymore). They could trade the Jedi's ship, and move on.

Annnd... not that you guys asked, but because it factors into why I think it's best to end things; Carnuss Gorgol (if you remember him) was actually "in" that tsil attached to the staff that you guys kept from the temple. He transferred his life into it all those 1000s of years ago when he was murdered by his followers (basically a Destiny flip/variant of the Heal/Harm Power darkside Mastery upgrade). So, if you guys continued using the holocron you might have eventually gotten clues to that. And meanwhile the tsil-staff would have been trying to get you guys to do a series of things so he could "free" himself into a ambulatory body and become a Big Bad, start a Force cult, whatever.

The campaign was largely conceived as a kind of esoteric study of fringe Force-theory and morality. The inquisitors would be on your tail (cuz Roola, bargaining with the Empire), but it was largely scoped to be a series of relic hunting, temple diving, and generally not much real big damn heroing.
Sep 29, 2020 2:58 pm
Thanks for that. The campaign arc sounds awesome! If you ever try this again, maybe just prompt everyone at character creation that their PCs should be invested in the Jedi or Force mysticism in some significant way. That would act as a motivation to go after relics and stop a Force spirit and all that. By having us be schlubs who happened to be Force-sensitive, you opened the door to more character types, but I think we gave you a much more difficult mishmash of motivations that didn't always align with Forcey stuff. In fact, I was actively playing Raze as being pretty much uninterested in Jedi stuff, if not hostile to it, which must have been frustrating for you as GM.

I'll note here that I'm planning a Star Wars Noir game, where the PCs will be hardboiled detectives on some sort of urban world. All of you are invited to join if you'd like. It should start up when my Rumble City campaign winds down, probably in a week or two. There should be more Star Wars on GP! :)
Sep 29, 2020 3:55 pm
Yeah, I should have drew attention to that theme directly in some form. At the time I was more concerned with not spoiling the Order 66 "surprise", and I also really try hard to not put boundaries on character concepts or builds so I didn't say anything there, and I just didn't have this issue when I'd run this arc for my IRL group. Didn't foresee it as a problem. But IRL play is also just different. Faster play, things happen closer together temporally and so it's maybe more cohesive and maybe therefore more interesting for something like this? I dunno...

But it wasn't just Raze, and Palmer and Besk came in late and so weren't tied to the Temple/Carnuss kick-off at all. But yeah, absolutely no one was interested in anything Force-y or lore-y in the temple when you guys were trapped in there 😅

As the group was breezing thru rooms, I'm sitting there on the other side of the screen, like;
"B-but... there's heiroglyphs to decipher, a-and magic items, and a Force Telescope!"

That aspect had fallen flat basically from the start. It just wasn't the game people were expecting.

Thanks for the invite to the game you're looking at running, Bob. I would jump at the chance if I could. But I'll probably be running something new here eventually, and I'll pick my Middle Earth game back up, and with that will be probably full up on my bandwidth again. Actually bowing out of a superheroes game I'm playing in, when the current arc ends soon cuz once I start GMing again I think I'd feel a little overloaded.

That said, I would have any of you guys as players anytime, as well. And I do hope we get a chance to game together again.

And I'll be up front about campaign themes next time, I promise!
Sep 29, 2020 4:39 pm
I don't remember if I had revealed this, but also if you were wondering, the Empire folks who arrived on planet shortly after you guys were not there looking for you. They were there notifying Roola that the Empire would be commandeering her planet, and that she had a few weeks to leave. But it was intended also to put pressure on you guys and maybe keep you guessing/catious when considering dealing with her.

If there was anything else that was gnawing at ya, just let me know.
Sep 30, 2020 3:40 pm
Thanks for the game everyone. There were ups and downs but I enjoyed the adventure we all had. Also, thank you Em for enlightening us on the plot lines. I was curious on how everything was going to fit together and tie back to where we started on the planet. Thanks again:)
Sep 30, 2020 4:27 pm
It does provide a sense of closure, doesn't it? :)

A big part of the disconnect is the fact that a completely different set of players began the game, and the three of us ended up with a very different focus in the course of picking up story threads.

Thanks for posting the story points, Em.
Sep 30, 2020 5:27 pm
We've been slogging through this for a year or more. It would be unconscionable to me to just ghost, or not tell you guys anything at all that you wanted to know about things 😅

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