Orc Cave

May 7, 2019 7:25 pm
The crack of ice shatters the silence as the party appears in cave far from Kuldahar. As residual frost crackles along the stone floor beneath the party’s feet, Alalla and Zenithral recognize this place, and find their thoughts caught up in the battle occurred here what seems like a lifetime ago.

The place is lit, surprisingly, by a campfire where once an orcish cookpot once rested. Indeed, judging by the smears on the stone floor, that incident with the cookpot was never fully cleaned up. Not even the local wildlife, which must have feasted on other remains from the battle, seem to have had any interest in touching that toxic stew.

But the matter of the campfire... It would appear that the cave is currently in use. But by whom? At the moment, the only people in this section of the cave are those carried here by Reòthadh’s magic: the dwarf himself, along with Alalla, Zenithral, Halla, the twins, Arannis, and Saki.

And the polymorphed canoloth. Currently it is in the form of toad, tucked away into the party’s bag of holding, though the shape-changing spell will not last forever.
May 7, 2019 8:07 pm
Alalla examines the cave, eyes sharp despite her unease. Caves are Luthic's domain, and the dark belongs to Shaargas. More than that, this is the place she was first called the Daughter of Gruumsh, and the first place one of his priests took control of her mind. She has changed a lot since then, but that doesn't make her more comfortable.

Lowering her glaive and broadening her stance, Al moves to the back of the cave, looking for the one the campfire belongs to.
Last edited May 7, 2019 8:07 pm
May 7, 2019 10:53 pm
In the back end of the cave Alalla finds a single bedroll fashioned from caribou hide, and a spear leaning against the rocky wall. There is no sign of the items’ owner, however.
May 7, 2019 11:35 pm
"So it comes full circle," Zenithral says quietly, looking around the cave and thinking of Easthaven. "Arannis, did Erevain say where he would be when we arrived?"
Last edited May 7, 2019 11:38 pm


Investigation (Searching for signs of trouble) - (1d20+7)

(12) + 7 = 19

May 8, 2019 12:24 am
Alalla returns to the group. "Empty. It looks like maybe a barbarian is sleeping here. Just the one, as far as I can tell."
May 8, 2019 1:47 am
Zenithral’s inspection of the cave confirms Alalla’s suspicion. By all accounts, it is one of the barbarian tribesmen who has made his home here. And it indeed, the gray beard hairs in the bedroom confirm that it is a ‘he’. Furnishings are sparse, and there are no signs that any struggle has taken place here.
May 8, 2019 1:49 am
Arannis shakes his head. "He seemed to think that he would find us. If he did serve with the Greycloaks of Evereska, he is likely capable of that very thing."

The elf’s eyes flick toward the cambions nearby and he stiffens, then hoists his bow. "Still, we need eyes outside. I will scout out the area." He moves toward the entrance, and if nobody argues, he departs.
May 8, 2019 2:12 am
"We can't spend too much thought on Erevain. He has the skill to find us, and if he doesn't, he is beyond our help anyway."

Alalla looks over the elf. "Indeed. If you meet any of my Cagebreakers, tell Keggruk that you hated Erestor, too, and he should know you're with me. If they are Morrugh's people, tell him that they may have their chance to prove their truth soon, and that should have the same effect."

She nearly thumps her glaive with relief as Arranis leaves, but stops herself as she catches sight of Zenithral and Saki.

Sighing, Al rubs her freshly-filed horn nubs beneath her hair. "All we can do now is prepare for the meeting, I suppose."
Last edited May 8, 2019 2:15 am
May 8, 2019 2:40 am
Arannis’ face hardens at the mention of orcs. He says nothing, but it is not difficult to imagine his thoughts. His entire city was destroyed because of a horde of orcs. Could any of these ‘allies’ be descendants of those who killed his friends and family? One last half-glance at the cambions, and then the elf is gone.
May 8, 2019 2:47 am
Halla attempts to entertain the twins, setting them to cook an evening meal. As they begin, she steps near to the rest of the group, though always keeps an eye on the two small winged forms.

"Arannis said ‘twas tribesmen who seized Easthaven. Who, then, lives here? A scout? A deserter? An outcast? Or simply someone assigned by Ilmadia to report back to her?" The druid shakes her head. "We need some answers, or Ilmadia may arrive tomorrow with an entire army." She looks at Alalla. "Your husband must find us soon, and give word of what he knows."
May 8, 2019 3:43 am
Alalla grinds her glaive into the dirt. "I've heard much about the wisdom of the elves, but I've yet to see it. If Erevain doesn't show, he could just be busy, or he could still be looking for us. Or he could be dead, or Belhifet could have called in his due." She looks at Halla with a face of stone. "He could be bait for a trap. We hope he shows up, but we plan for him not to. We have the canoloth. We don't need him for our meeting anymore."

She gestures to the fire. "As for the man, we'll learn who he is when he comes home."
Last edited May 8, 2019 3:46 am
May 8, 2019 6:20 am
After making the trip successfully enough, the next few minutes are spent by Reòthadh fussing over everyone to make sure they are ok. It takes only a moment of awkward interaction for the dwarf to realize nothing went wrong.

"Well, all safe we are."

Upon seeing the barbarian’s supplies, his tone changes.

"you don’t suppose we scared him away with our entrance do ye?"

With everyone else busy with this and that, the dwarf finds a quiet corner and begins to clean and polish his weapons.
May 8, 2019 12:05 pm
The party settles down to wait, discussing plans for the meeting with Ilmadia and speculating on the recent events. Why would the barbarians throw in with frost giants and fiends? The relationship between the tribes and the towners has always been rocky, and at some times in the past has even led to war. But the barbarians are a suspicious people, and generally view denizens of the Lower Planes with the darkest regard. It is unusual behavior for the proud race.

After an hour or so, there arrives someone at the cave who can shed light on these questions. Alalla, keeping watch st the entrance with her night vision, notices him coming long before he sees her. As she brings the old tribesman into the light of the cave, Alalla and Zenithral recognize his face. This is one of the barbarians they met here in these very hills as they searched for the missing caravan of Caer-Dineval. As before, there is great wisdom etched on his leathered face, but tonight there is also grief.

Reòthadh recognizes him as well. This is Hjollsted, the shaman who helped him battle Icasaracht long ago, and was slain by that traitorous drow Nym on the shore of Lac Dinneshere. He seems very much alive now, however, despite poison, death, and the passing of centuries.
May 8, 2019 12:06 pm
For his own part, the man grunts at the sight of the party. "I remember you. You are the adventurers who retrieved the Sash of Beatification for Chieftain’s Daughter. You picked a terrible night to startle an old..." He trails off as he notices the dwarf in the group. "Reòthadh! By what force or power are you here? Elisia said you perished in the lake!"
May 8, 2019 5:34 pm
"Aye the lake took hold of this dwerf, preserved by the magic o’ the North, this one did not perish. How this dwerf stands here today alive, I know not, only that once more the North calls for a dwerf’s aid an’ so this one answered the call."

Taking in the visage of his ancient companion, Reòthadh grins through his beard, brightening is usual dourly complexion.

"Alas, surely your story of why you walk with the living is more interesting than a fool dwerf frozen in the lake?"
May 8, 2019 10:10 pm
"I will accompany you," Zenithral offers to Arannis. He looks back at Halla, Mona, and Lance to see if they're okay with it. "Unless you'd rather me wait here, of course."
May 9, 2019 1:54 am
Mona and Lance both look uncomfortable at the idea, but Halla puts a hand on the shoulder of each and ushers them deeper into the cave. "Zenithral will return. ‘Tis his habit, after all..."

The narrow-eyed glance at him over her shoulder is message enough: You *will* come back. And you *will* be careful!
May 9, 2019 1:57 am
Arannis lengthens his stride as Zenithral catches up. The older elf keeps his eyes fixed on the surrounding hills. "Are you ready for what is to come, Zenithral?" His voice is terse, but Zenithral understands better now why that is simply his grandfather’s way. "There is no changing Ilmadia’s mind. Not after spawning those... creatures. She sold her soul, and her due is finally coming. With her back against a corner, she will still only blame others for her own mistakes."

They come to the top of a hill, and Arannis stops with a grunt and kneels, calloused fingers poking at the patch of muddy dirt showing through the frost. "And what do you make of these tracks?"
Some kind of a check to examine the mud patch would be appropriate here.
May 9, 2019 2:02 am
Hjollsted shakes his head in awe. "Of course! Your magic protected you. Had I known you were alive, I would have sought you out and freed you from your icy tomb." His brow furrows, then. "But then you would not have shown up in the nick of time, ready to lend your strength in this time of need. I believe the gods have kept us about to help with what is to come, old friend. Tempus himself returned me to life soon after the battle with Icasarscht. He told me that my fighting days were done, and that I was to remain with the tribes and guide them in wisdom. No longer a warrior, but a voice of counsel."

Hjollsted looks around at the gathered people. "And they have never needed guidance more than now! Doom is upon us all. The tribes have been united and are thirsty for blood.

A man came to each tribe and claimed to be a hero of legend, the great shaman Jerrod reincarnated to lead them to victory over the Ten Towns. He has swayed every one to violence - even the Tribe of the Elk. I believe they mean to slaughter or drive out every towner in the Dale."

Hjollsted clenches tanned fists. "This usurper cannot be real. Jerrod was never an advocate of such wanton violence. He saw a better way for his people... But this imposter has allied with giants and fiends, and is very powerful. The tribes are eager to follow such strength. And that tower of crystal..." True fear shows on the shaman’s face. "I had hoped never to see that tower again!

The old man looks to Alalla and Reòthadh. "Surely you do not wish to see the Ten Towns destroyed! What can be done to right this wrong before more lives are lost?"
May 9, 2019 2:07 am
Al curses. "I wouldn't give him his army of orcs and now he's turned to the Tribes. Or perhaps he planned for this all along. No matter. We will do whatever we can. Whatever we must. But that tower," Alalla leans on her glaive, searching the man's eyes. "You've seen it before? What is it?"
Last edited May 9, 2019 2:11 am
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