Orc Cave

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May 21, 2019 3:55 am
"No, it can keep its teeth and legs. I was really being sarcastic. I think. Trussed up, it shouldn't be a threat." Alalla claps Zenithral on the shoulder. "We'll figure out what we're doing before the end, I hope. Now, I'm going to catch a few winks before those barbarians wake up. We need all the rest we can get before it's time to meet your mother."
Last edited May 21, 2019 3:56 am
May 21, 2019 4:22 am
Hjollsted steps forward as the berserkers rise, cut bonds dropping to the floor. "Come, cousins. I think we have much to discuss." He leads them to the deeper section of the cave.
May 21, 2019 4:47 am
While not on watch, Zenithral spends the night near Halla, Mona, and Lance, checking on them whenever he wakes every hour using his prestidigitated metal chain.

In the morning, he's very fidgety, especially when Arannis hasn't returned. He still believed there was something in the older elf...something deep inside that could reach Ilmadia...and repair both of their pains.

He asks Fluphy to help him recall the positive memories about his mother, ending any that would turn sour early. The more he could remember about the good inside his mother, the better.

Well, it's almost time. He nods at Alalla, who is probably used to his stance as being ready to give some kind of speech. "Friends! As we prepare, for the next stretch of our journey, I thank you for your vigilance and your courage, even when I have not been such. We have laughed together...or...at least smiled together...and we have mourned together. Arannis always said to plan for the worst. That's probably what gave him his lively demeanor," he says with a wink to Saki. "In all seriousness, though, we've never been closer to finishing this conflict. Whether we sway Ilmadia or...take her out...I believe we're on the right course. Be ready for an ambush. Hope for a miracle."
Not sure how inspiring that actually was...but pretend it is! He says other things and encourages the party as they make their preparations. Everyone gains 15 temp HP! Including Halla, Mona, Lance, Saki, and Erevain. He'll spend the extra time in order to do this.
Last edited May 21, 2019 4:48 am
May 21, 2019 12:12 pm
Fluphy happily toots over to help Zenithral sort through his old memories, dusting off the age of years and returning them with crisp clarity.

There are dozens of such memories, snippets of Zenithral and Ilmadia sharing warm smiles, heartfelt laughs, tender hugs. The wonder that sparkles in both their eyes as they practice simple spells together. Quiet chuckles at Arannis’ expense. Happy reunions, bittersweet farewells.

Between these snippets, however, are areas that Fluphy purposefully leaves untouched. Still, they mix so completely with the happy memories that the end result is like a painting touched by fire, with many parts of the scene destroyed by angry, gaping holes.

There is good there. There is also much that is not.
May 21, 2019 12:13 pm
At one point in the morning the canoloth utters a growl, which is quickly cut short by a smack through the blanket covering it.

An hour later, from her outlook at the cave’s entrance Alalla notes the approach of a large black bird - one she has never seen grace Icewind Dale’s skies. The black swan descends, and just as it touches the ground it blurs and becomes Ilmadia.
May 21, 2019 3:12 pm
Dressed in pitch black armor and with a matching cloak of feathers, Zenithral’s mother also holds a slender shield in one hand. The other hovers between a tome tied to her belt and the fine sword hanging from her waist. Her expression is cool and unreadable.
May 21, 2019 3:12 pm
Alalla speaks before she does. "Hail, Mistress Liadon." Her voice is not raised, but she knows she will be heard inside the cave where the others are waiting for this signal. "I don't suppose we can convince you to leave your weapons?" Ilmadia's look of stone rivals Alalla's. "Thought not. Come this way, please."
Last edited May 21, 2019 3:14 pm
May 21, 2019 3:14 pm
Ilmadia's eyes sweep the cave as soon as she enters. She doesn't seem to register the faces of anyone she sees, not even her mother. Only when she finds the twins does react.

A wide smile crosses her face at the sight of them. "How you've grown!" There is a tinge of sadness in her declaration, but she says it like praise. She kneels and opens her arms, urging her children to come to her. "Zenithral told me how you've been taking care of each other." She smiles at her eldest son. "I'm so proud of you."
Last edited May 21, 2019 3:16 pm
May 21, 2019 3:27 pm
Halla’s face spasms as Ilmadia walks in, but then she takes her hands off of the twins. A trickle of blood trickles between her knuckles as she squeezes her fists tight. Movements rigid, she takes a step backward, leaving some space between her and the cambions. The woman tries to keep her gaze on the floor, but she keeps sneaking looks up at the proceedings.
May 21, 2019 3:28 pm
Mona and Lance, who cling to Zenithral’s trousers, blink at Ilmadia several times. Then they scamper forward, wings flapping to speed their way, and tackle her in an embrace. As is so often the case with these two young cambions, they make little vocalized sound. For all of their eagerness, words are still not their preferred means of communication. Still, they seem overjoyed to see their mother.
May 21, 2019 3:32 pm
Saki stands with her arms folded before her, face impassive but with reddened eyes. Zenithral can tell that his grandmother is disturbed by the sight of her daughter with these two monstrous children. It is still difficult for her to reconcile what has happened. Zenithral can almost hear her thoughts: You were not a good mother, Ilmadia. Do you really think you’re capable of raising even these sad creatures?
May 21, 2019 5:18 pm
Ilmadia clutched the twins tight, relief and happiness clear on her face. After a moment she looks up at the small crowd. Halla's shaking hands catch her attention, and Ilmadia's eyes widen at the ring adorning her finger.

"Well! I must admit I was regretting giving away my engagement ring, but it seems my son put it to good use. Congratulations, Zenithral." Her congratulations seem sincere, but it comes with effort through hurt and anger.

"I suppose Mother came for the wedding?" A much more bitter tone. She turns scathing eyes to Saki. "Fix your face, Mother. You have no grounds to judge my mothering of a child you helped keep away from me.

And where's Father? Off sulking and avoiding his past? I'm touched really, to have found myself placed in the same category as undead abominations. He really does care."
May 21, 2019 5:23 pm
Leading up to the meeting, Zenithral continually prays for guidance for what to say. How to help Ilmadia...feel. (Casts Guidance every so often until Ilmadia arrives)

"Hello, Ilmadia." Zenithral says, ignoring her comments regarding Halla, Saki, and Ilmadia. He looks at the twins. "They're quite wonderful, aren't they? You taught him some tricks and her some piety." He avoids using any names in order to avoid offending her. His face then turns sorrowful. "But do you plan to hide and lock them away again? Even if you are their mother...that tower was torturous for them. Before you leave...will you consider seeing their memories?" He gestures towards Fluphy.


Persuasion (Adv from Eagle's Splendor) - (1d20+7, 1d20+7)

1d20+7 : (16) + 7 = 23

1d20+7 : (13) + 7 = 20

Guidance - (1d4)

(3) = 3

May 21, 2019 7:12 pm
Ilmadia's eyebrows snap together when Zenithral says her name. "You think I don't know what kind of place I left my children in? One only has to endure my parents looks so many times to understand I'm strange for considering that place a refuge!"

She closes her eyes and breathes quickly from her nose. When she opens her eyes again she looks and sounds much calmer. "It was a refuge. The best I could find. I've only ever done my best to keep them as safe as possible. But yes, I'll do as you asked." She looks Zenithral over with an air of reassessment. "Especially since you worked so hard to be so charming." She gives the group before her a wary eye before submitting to the flumph.
Last edited May 21, 2019 7:14 pm
May 21, 2019 7:32 pm
Saki’s response is to wipe her expression clean and sit cross-legged on the floor of the cave. She closes her eyes and focuses on her own breathing. It is a position in which Zenithral often observed his grandmother in times of stress.
May 21, 2019 9:29 pm
At Zenithral’s direction Ilmadia settles into the floor with both of the twins in her lap. They more than fill it with their surprising growth, but seem content to perch there. Just as Fluphy descends to hover just over them, Zenithral murmurs a spell of encouragement over Mona and the Flumph, to dull the fearful memories that will soon pass between them.

Fluphy touches one tendril to Mona’s cheek, and then one to Ilmadia’s. The cambion girl immediately stills, eyes opening wide as dark thoughts are summoned to the surface of her mind.

Zenithral understands that the scenes playing out are from deeply frightening events: Being left alone in the Severed Hand. The ghosts and worse that wandered the place. Erestor, poised with murderous intent. The screams of terrified people. The yells of angry men. A world large and so, so awfully confusing...

Mona seems to weather the storm well enough as Zenithral’s enchantment lends her strength. Fluphy moans slightly, but maintains the connection. But Lance...

Lance cries out and topples from Ilmadia’s lap. Caught up in the vision of memories, she does not even notice as her son writhes on the ground. Halla cries out, and unable to contain herself, steps forward to comfort the young cambion... but when she touches him, he lashes out with an awful, powerful spell.

Fear. Everyone feels it, like a rabid wolf chewing at their gut. Shadows all about the cave turn solid, moving forward with unstoppable dread...
Everyone needs to make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw against fear! Save or not, go ahead and give some description to what form your fear takes (and then overcome it if you save).
May 21, 2019 9:33 pm
Alalla does her best to withstand the magic, but fails. As the fear grips her, she drops to her knees as Valraxxaxxath's coward heart spasms painfully. She gasps for air as she waits for it's beating to regulate, but it doesn't.

"I should have listened to Erestor." Alalla starts. Erevain is supposed to be hiding in the rope trick. "I should have, but instead I married, and sold my soul for my wife just like him. And for what? At least his wife gave him a son."

"Wh- What?" Al looks around for Erevain, hand clutching the plate above her heart.

"I did learn something from Erestor, though. One bitter elf can cause an awful lot of damage, and his orcs were not even loyal to him " Erevain steps out of the shadows, Morrugh and Keggruk flanking him. They are dressed in armour and war paint and blood.

"Where should we direct our might?" Keggruk rumbles.

"There are those in Kuldahar that fear us, and seek our destruction." Erevain smirks, looking Alalla in the eyes. "My wife thinks they do not fear us enough. Let us teach them a lesson."

"To war!" The shout of hundreds of orcs comes thundering in her ears. "For Alalla! For Belhifet!"

"No," Alalla gasps. "No, you cant! Stop!" Her words fade as she fights for breath, but her face remains gripped in terror.

Alalla loses 1 hit dice as a consequence for failing her save vs fear.
Last edited May 21, 2019 11:48 pm


Wis save - (1d20+1)

(5) + 1 = 6

May 21, 2019 9:42 pm
To Zenithral, a storm of darkness erupts from Lance. He topples backward as the eyes of everyone flash red in the darkness and scrambles for his bow.

What?! No!!

Arannis was right. These devil's children were dangerous. Horrifically dangerous.

Zenithral sees Alalla shamble out of the darkness towards him, flesh rotting, glaive in hand. Then a towering giant does the same. Reo. Then a wickedly huge spider. Halla.

Halla! No...Mona and Lance were not monsters. They were family!

"No!" Zenithral's eyes alight and the storm dissipates, his mind returning to reality. He looks around to see the effects of Lance's outburst. "Oh, no..."
Last edited May 21, 2019 10:54 pm


Wisdom Save - (1d20+3)

(7) + 3 = 10

Indomitable - (1d20+3)

(17) + 3 = 20

May 22, 2019 1:09 am


Oh boy here we go.... Wisdom Save - (1d20)

(4) = 4

May 22, 2019 2:07 am
Chaos born of powerful magic ripples through the cave, echoed by screams of fear and denial as the people within come face to face with their worst fears.

Halla’s eyes widen so far that her pupils are nearly drowned by white. "No... No! You hurt Kuldahar once. I will not let you do so again!" She plants her feet flat on the cave floor and brings her palms crashing together. The ground rumbles as half a dozen pillars of stone churn and rise, crashing against the ceiling and sending dust down on those below. One such rumble begins beneath Ilmadia...


Ilmadia wis save DC 20 (adv) - (1d20+7, 1d20+7)

1d20+7 : (18) + 7 = 25

1d20+7 : (11) + 7 = 18

Halla wis save DC 20 - (1d20+9)

(9) + 9 = 18

Ilmadia dex save DC 17 (adv) - (1d20+2, 1d20+2)

1d20+2 : (9) + 2 = 11

1d20+2 : (19) + 2 = 21

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