Chapter 3: Crow's Nest

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Jul 25, 2019 4:05 am
"That's okay Will, it's very noble of you to search for your pony during all of this." Elora almost reassuringly puts a hand on his shoulder, but doesn't want to startle him in his current state.

"Speaking of vision, Ephwrath can you perform a...a diagnosis to make sure everyone is alright in your current state? Is that uhm, possible?" Elora feels bad asking an at the moment blind man for his professional opinion, but she doesn't have much choice.
Jul 25, 2019 9:44 pm
"We could do that Wil, everyone needs to be able to see properly for when we go into the portal."
Jul 25, 2019 10:09 pm
Ember blinks heavily.

Well, let's find a pony, get our eyes back, bury Squeaky and that cultist, and come back. Honestly, not knowing how the pony's doing, and well, having to do a funeral, I for one would rather end the night in the oasis of beauty.
Jul 25, 2019 10:21 pm
Verrian realizes that she's having trouble following the conversation. Being unable to see is very disorienting. Suddenly aware that her heartbeat and breathing have both quickened, she makes an effort to slow them down. How long is this going to last? she wonders. That really doesn't help with trying to calm herself.

She risks opening her eyes a little to see if her vision is still painfully bright.
Jul 25, 2019 11:30 pm
With a start, Ember realizes something.

We're only missing one sense here.....

She mutters under her breath waving her fingertips. Taking Verrian's hand again so she's in range, she creates a small visor of a brown-ish mesh. It's just an illusion, but it might help.

Here, Verrian. This might shield the light. If it works, I can make one for Wil and Epwrath, too.
We are prestidigitation-ing a pair of sunglasses :)
Jul 26, 2019 7:15 pm
Ember's trick seems to help a little bit -- even though the light has faded back to normal, even that amount of light is painful for those afflicted with blindness. It would seem that the problem is less that everything glows, and more that Verrian, Willitan and Ephwrath's eyes are overtaxed, and extremely sensitive to any stimulus. Having a shade is therefore helpful.

Even before Ember's bit of prestidigitation, it does seem as though the blindness is starting to get a little better. There's reason to believe it will be temporary.
Also, anyone besides the blinded folks can make a Heal check to determine the severity of the problem. You can use the skill untrained (1d20+wis modifier) if you like.
Jul 26, 2019 7:50 pm
Elora is no doctor, but maybe she can help?


Doctor doctor gimme the news - (1D20)

(15) = 15

Jul 26, 2019 9:44 pm
Doctore Yelnar has a strange bedside manner that only those folks who are blind can see. He stares intensely at each of the afflicted, face to face about 6 inches apart for a period of time that feels uncomfortable, but Yelnar does not want to make a misdiagnosis.


Heal thine eyes! - (1d20+0)

(8) = 8

Jul 27, 2019 12:49 am
No one’s entirely sure how long the blindness will last, so it is decided that the party will inform Krav and Renaya that they intend to rest with the villagers until everyone feels ready once again. The afflicted are welcomed back with sympathies, and they’re escorted to a dark room to rest their eyes. Renaya mentions that when the blast of light came from the crystal room, the temple chamber lit up like noon on a sunny day, but nothing else unusual happened with the portal as far as she could tell. Krav chose to remain behind and meditate at the portal.

It is a couple of hours later when Verrian, Willitan and Ephwrath feel back to normal, and everyone seems physically ready to continue on.
Jul 29, 2019 4:17 pm

It is mid-afternoon by the time the blindness fades. Several tasks deemed important are left uncompleted, and by mutual decision the group decides to tackle these before returning to the mysterious portal.

A short trip into the hills outside of town is enough to find the pony Atticus. Thankfully, he seems utterly unaffected by the day's powerful storm. In fact, he seems completely nonplussed by the worry shown over his health and general well-being. He does seem pleased -- as pleased as a pony can be, at least -- by Willitan's presence, as the animal walks forward and gives the halfling a nudge with his head. It's enough to knock Wil a little off balance. Perhaps the pony is reminding him not to be gone so long next time...

By the time everyone returns to Viamard, it is dusk and the moon is beginning to rise. Now comes the more solemn matter of laying Squeaky to rest. Greybeard mentions a cemetary of sorts just on the edge of town. Some of the townsfolk, overhearing, seem less than enthused at the idea of one of the Crows sharing ground with their loved ones, but they do not raise any strenuous objections. Squeaky's unpleasant demise and his willingness to aid in recovering Renaya from the Crows seems enough to let them forgive, though not forget.

The spellcasters in the party are able to combine their efforts to dig a suitable grave for the unfortunate Crow, and the body -- wrapped in rough-spun fabric found in the mostly deserted town -- is lowered into the earth. The moon, now rising above the horizon, bears witness to the quiet ceremony by bathing the ground in her celestial light. It is as suitable a eulogy as anything spoken aloud.

The grave now filled in, the party returns to an evening meal and a good night's rest. With the Crows now gone, the townspeople are starting to move above ground again. Beds are made available to the party, and a simple meal provided, and the night passes uneventfully. There's a nagging feeling that these peaceful nights should likely be enjoyed while they last. There may not be many more ahead.
Jul 29, 2019 7:59 pm
Elora is glad Willitan's faithful companion is alive and unharmed, filling her with optimism for the land if such a creature can survive.

She says nothing throughout the burial process, unsure how to feel about the situation. In the end she can only feel sorry for Squeaky's fate. To suffer such a fate might be considered retribution, but Elora wouldn't play judge, it would be too cruel.

Afterwards she does the sensible thing and gets some sleep, the day's events catching up to her mentally and physically.
Jul 29, 2019 8:12 pm
After the funeral Wil takes the gear off Atticus and gives him a good brushing. Before he puts out food for him, he slips him some sugar and an apple he stole from dinner.
He decides to just make a bed in the stable. Wil is fine, but he thinks Atticus may have missed him. Yeah that's it.
Jul 29, 2019 8:25 pm
Ember takes meticulous mental notes of Epwrath's burial procedure, trying to get a feel for just what kind of goddess Ocassa really is. She keeps to herself for most of the night, lost in thought.

lavtodd sent a note to 78RPMLife
This looks bad. It's not XD


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Jul 29, 2019 9:32 pm
Ember's visor illusion helps ease Verrian's vision pain a bit, but it's not until the blinding brightness finally fades that Verrian's urge to panic dissipates. Until now, she'd never experienced forcible deprivation of a sense other than the telepathic presence of other Naucans, so she wasn't prepared for how overwhelming it would be. Now she has a new thing to fear. Because that's what she needs.

As the various members of her group go their separate ways for lodging for the night, Verrian accepts an offer from a young couple with three children. She is enjoys the chatter of the children and the interactions between them and their parents, drawing comfort from the noise and warmth of being among - if not a part of - the family.

Soon, she's sharing a bed with two girls, six and nine years old, and she drifts off happily as they snuggle against her.
Jul 30, 2019 4:35 pm
There's a different energy in and around the town and the tunnels this morning. With all of the immediately apparent threats departed or dealt with, there seems to be a new willingness to try and rebuild. As the party members filter back toward the entrance to the tunnels where the portal awaits further study, Greybeard waits. He speaks first with Ephwrath, when the dwarf arrives to continue the journey, though anyone arriving at a similar time will easily overhear the conversation.

"I should warn you and your companions. I have no idea what you will find beyond that portal, but should you return here and continue your travels to points beyond our town, the rumors are not good. We've heard strange stories over the last few months. Cities that used to be a couple of days' ride apart somehow take weeks to travel between. Landmarks -- even as big as mountains -- are not where they used to be. The farther you get from the Shining City, the worse it seems to be. At least, that's what the few travelers we've spoken with have said. Trust them, or not, as you will. But you -- all of you -- have done us a great service, and I would hate to let you leave unaware."
Jul 30, 2019 6:08 pm
Coming upon Greybeard and Ephwrath during this conversation, Verrian thanks him for his advice. "I would also caution you and the other villagers not to assume that the Crows are gone for good, or even completely gone. You might want to send some able-bodied people in to check and make sure no one remained behind."
Jul 30, 2019 10:11 pm
Yelnar, not burdened by blindness, seeks to help people out with their moving and such. Anything to take his mind off the portal that awaits. He even gets to use his limited skill in stonemasonry helping people rebuild, though more than anything they appreciate his ability to carry all manner of things.

By the end of the day, he is quite exhausted, and falls asleep surprisingly easily in his bedroll.

He awakes pre-dawn like a kid at Xmas however. He tries to get back to sleep, to no avail, fidgeting, tossing and turning. Eventually he gets up and starts getting ready for the day ahead.
Can easily delete things if skipping ahead too far.
Jul 30, 2019 10:28 pm
Elora awakens feeling recharged and keen to explore the much anticipated portal. Grabbing her gear she heads to find where her team is, being directed by the townsfolk to Greybeard and the others. She listens quietly to their conversation, pulling out her journal to jot down: Landscape physically changed? Wide-scale hallucinations brought about by magic? Requires further investigation.
Jul 31, 2019 3:40 am
Ephwrath listens intently to Greybeard’s advice, taking notes in one of his many journals while nodding his head in acknowledgment.

"Ah... I see... fascinating! ...certainly... ah yes... Thank you good sir." He says while listening. "If there is anything else I can do to help your people before we leave, it would be my pleasure."
Jul 31, 2019 5:08 pm
Yeah, me too.

Ember strolls in late, running her fingers through her messy hair to try to tame it. She's not sure what Epwrath just signed them up for. Maybe she'll wake up sooner next time. But, with a yawn, she does smile to herself that the previous night was a success.
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