I'm definitely interested, but I won't apply until you confirm that you'll take me. The reason is, I've GMd Lost Mines (we finished 3 months ago). It's a fantastic adventure, and I've wanted to play through it ever since we really got into it. I'm confident that my experience won't hurt the game (by which I mean, I can keep my knowledge in check, typically I do this by avoiding the 'party leader' role and by playing a more passive, 'follow others' type of character... The character I have in mind would be young, just barely an adult, adventuring because there is nothing else for him to do, but lacks confidence in his own skills and depends on the leadership of others- probably a Sorcerer, Warlock or Monk just coming to grips with his abilities as they manifest).
I can also understand if you'd prefer have a full group of players who have no experience with the adventure.