What will your next 5e game be? (interest check)

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May 28, 2019 9:40 am
Hey guys,

Most of the games I was a player in dropped recently, leaving me with two games as GM, a single game as player, and some time. And I intend to use that time.
I'll setup a new campaign and start it in a week or two, and was wondering the kind of D&D 5e game you'd be interested in.

Kind of campaign? Theme? Mood? Ambience?
May 28, 2019 10:14 am
I would love to join a game in the right setting. Eberron, spelljammer, planescape or Ravnica

I don't care for dungeon crawl, or combat heavy games here in PBP.
Last edited May 28, 2019 1:07 pm
May 28, 2019 5:29 pm
I never really got into the weird spin offs from D&D like spelljammer and planescape although I could probably function in an Eberron. I'm reading a story right now about a medieval island nation that is undergoing some political upheaval. The King and Queen were killed by a powerful wizard who has been the nation's protector for several hundred years. The King and Queen were truly evil as were a number of their councilors so, for the people of the kingdom, it was necessary for them to be taken out. The wizard has determined that a Lord Protector would be elected to lead the new nation. The most powerful lords are standing for election but they are little better than the former royalty. Who else will join the fray? WHow will the more powerful merchants and guild masters handle the new way of governing?

What I'm pointing toward is a campaign centered around some political upheaval in a kingdom. The above is only one possibility out of hundreds. We've seen any number of evil outside agents from wizards to gods causing problems so I was hoping that you, Ornux, in your infinite wisdom, could come up with something new and fresh.
May 28, 2019 8:47 pm
runekyndig says:
I would love to join a game in the right setting. Eberron, spelljammer, planescape or Ravnica

I don't care for dungeon crawl, or combat heavy games here in PBP.
Eberron would be cool. As would Planescape. I was never a big Spelljammer fan, except where it intersected with Greyhawk. It would be interesting to see someone take 5e rules and run a GammaWorld setting, though. :)
May 28, 2019 9:03 pm
I would like a game kind of set mostly in a single location(like a city).

I have a thief character I want to play, she is a burglar by trade (she would love to run or be part her own guild or team). So one set in a city where combat is a last resort (don't want to bring the city guard down on you) and maneuvering, deception and politics are at play even down on the street level.This would be a more rping game than dungeon crawl (though a few could be thrown in easy).

This would mean a more detail level on the city with occasional jaunts out of it for particular missions. Anyway that is a type of game I wouldn't mind being in.
Last edited May 28, 2019 9:07 pm
May 29, 2019 8:00 am
Of the less traditional D&D published settings, Planescape was most fun for me, compared to the others. Eberron felt a little too contrived, and Birthright worked only if you enjoyed its specific mechanics.

Of non-TSR based settings, I particularly remember Midnight (which FFG published the same time as Dawnforge under the OGL), essentially it's a campaign world where the bad guys won.
May 29, 2019 3:20 pm
On the setting thing, chances are that I'll set things up in my default setting, which is based on FR. If I get a bunch of very motivated players, I might even (finally) bother to change its pantheon and simplify its history to end up with my very own setting. But we'll see.

I like the idea of playing a very locale campaign set in a single medium or large city where several forces are clashing. And that is indeed well suited for a slow pace game in PbP. With that, a very political campaign would make sense. And you know what? I've never ran that before. Mostly because D&D rules are very combat oriented and that another system would be better suited. But I'm not that easy to stop nowadays.

Keep thowing ideas in here while I see how likely I am to make political D&D work. Who would be up for that?
Last edited May 29, 2019 4:17 pm
May 29, 2019 4:45 pm
You may want to think about how the politics works in a medieval setting in a large city. At the top you would likely have the royal family; next step down would be the lords of the realm who own most of the land surrounding the city as well as large estates within the city; next would come the larger merchants and guilds. The subject of guilds can be somewhat dicey depending on how in depth you want to get. A thieves' guild is almost required but you may also want to consider an assassins' guild. Is assassination acceptable by the leadership of the city if done by the guild? Is that guild just an arm of the royal family, someone else or completely independent? How much power does the various levels of the populace actually wield? Are the guilds really powerful in their own right or are they lackeys of the lords of the realm? And which, if any of them, hold true power?

Another aspect of this may involve some outside forces. Does the city/nation have any enemies? Any other nations with which they have disagreement? Are there spies in the city from one or more of those forces who are in positions to make a difference in the functioning of the city? There is no reason to spread the game into other regions but flavor would be enhanced if the rest of the world had some effect on the primary game site.

I think that's enough from me now. Obviously I'm quite interested in participating in such a game.
May 29, 2019 5:50 pm
@Ket_Onwall...not sure if you've seen this, but someone did a fan-made Gamma World 5e a few years ago. The one I know of is here at this link. (external deviant art page)
Jun 4, 2019 1:43 pm
Okay, I think I've got this. Won't be easy, though, as D&D doesn't provide many tools to support some important features of this kind of games.
But I'll figure this out.

I'll go ahead and create the game, then link it here.
Jun 4, 2019 4:08 pm
The game has been created: Vikaastea City: a game of thorns
It should be a 3 players game, as it would be rather strange to see more showing up to most important meetings. Unless you can convince be of having more players aboard.
Jun 4, 2019 4:10 pm
I would like to join, put an invite, wishing to play my thief that i developed for Dragon Heist that didn't go anywhere. I would have to level her and I am still new to 5th ed.
Last edited Jun 4, 2019 4:11 pm
Jun 4, 2019 4:58 pm
Not sure but I think Dragon Heist, or Curse of Strahd
Jun 4, 2019 4:58 pm
I would also like to join. I have a Redemption Paladin that I built for a political role that I didn't get to use for another game.

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