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Jun 21, 2019 3:33 pm
"That does bring a sense of closure to me, thanks for the news Al."
To himself Vincent mumbles "Another portal, it's always a portal."

Vincent tries to work through what he knows about portals and try to figure out how much time the party has to stop the portal, and what they need to do to stop it from opening.


Portal knowledge arcana check - (1d20+5)

(17) + 5 = 22

Jun 21, 2019 3:35 pm
Reòthadh tries his best to account for his new people in the chaos of the moment. Taking the few barbarians that survived with him in the recent fight, he inquires to find out who has become the new chief of the Bear tribe. Gathering his leadership together he brings them news of betrayal.

"Chief Skaudmol has fallen, the giants knew we were coming. Did the tower’s influence sway one to treachery or do the great tribes have a traitor among us?"

As he counsels with his leadership, he sends some men to spread word to all who can hear to gather together nearby so he can speak to his people.

Reòthadh tries to see if there is a traitor nearby with insight.
Last edited June 21, 2019 3:38 pm


Insight - (1d20-1, 1d4)

1d20-1 : (3) - 1 = 2

1d4 : (4) = 4

Advantage - (1d20-1)

(15) - 1 = 14

Jun 21, 2019 3:55 pm
Ras nods to Zen and makes his way to Halla. Looking into her face, he can sense the damage of her mind. He winces. For such a nice girl to be so... mangled...

Carefully placing his hands on either side of her head and focuses on his spell.

Ras casts Greater Restoration on Halla.

HP: 79/108
AC: 19
Jun 22, 2019 12:13 am
Halla, once more a woman, blinks as Ras casts his spell. Sudden clarity returns to her, and she gasps as she looks around for Zenithral. "I thought you were going to die. So many times..."

She turns back to Ras. "’Tis no small thing you have done, freeing me from the spell of that awful devil. Thank you, friend."
Jun 22, 2019 12:16 am
For all of Reòthadh’s inquiries, Tansia and Hjollsted can find no sign of a traitor amongst the tribesmen. Tansia throws up her hands. "We could question for hours and not know for certain. And I fear we do not have minutes..." Her gaze goes to the enemies arranged before the Temple.
Jun 22, 2019 12:19 am
Hjollsted draws close to Reòthadh. "From what your friend Alalla has said, I do not think Crenshinibon was destroyed. That must have been a replica shard to power Cryshal-Tirith. We must be wary, for if Belhifet still has the artifact with him any confrontation will be far deadlier than we might expect."
Jun 22, 2019 12:24 am
Vincent has been through a variety of portals in his life. From what he has heard of this one, it is a permanent rift torn open between the Abyss and the Prime Material Plane by an archmage long ago, and it was sealed shut by the blood of the barbarian shaman of Tempus, Jerrod. But there are few or none living who have seen Jerrod’s Stone, and so few know the means by which it can be opened.

Given the origins of the portal, it is likely that Belhifet would need an object associated with either the shaman or the archmage in order to open it once more.
The very first Lore post has some information on the event of its creation here.
Jun 22, 2019 12:28 am
Aerihykloarara still favors one wing in spite of Ras’ healing. The mighty dragon’s appearance is less majestic than it used to be, with a battered wing and shattered scales, but she looks as ferocious as ever. "You lot should know... As we made our way here we saw Keggruk and your orcs, Alalla. They were running flat out with two elves at their head." She chuckles, and several nearby barbarians look up in alarm. "I almost thought the orcs were hungry for elf-flesh, until I recognized your husband. They must not be far off, now."

When Alalla mentions Nym’s demise, Aerhykloarara’s draconic face becomes a scaly mask. "I’ll believe that drow is dead when I see it myself." She shifts her silver bulk. "I’m not saying I don’t believe you, Alalla. I just... need to see it."

The dragon looks to the skies in surprise as something approaches from the air... Oswald Fiddlebender’s airship, recovered from the ruins of the Hand by a group of Kuldaharans. When it lands, Ug and a dozen blood hunters march out to join the heroes’ army. And two smaller forms - Natalie and Jermsy, emerge from the cabin to look out on the proceedings with awe.

Aerihykloarara snorts, and ice forms around her nostrils. "This isn’t the place for children."
Jun 22, 2019 1:27 am
"Well, there ain't much to see. He's kind of... everywhere."

Alalla nods with relief at Aeri's news and the incoming ship. She is concerned about Natalie and Jermsy, but there isn't much to be done now. "Excellent. We'll need the reinforcements. I have no idea what those giant things are, and Hjollsted is right about the crystal.

Nym's plan was to steal Crenshinibon. He tricked Belhifet into giving up some kind of anti-magic artifact, and I managed to get away with it while Belhifet was ripping Nym in half. When I used the artifact on the crystal, the crystal didn't just stop working like Nym thought, it was destroyed. The pit fiend told me it was one of Crenshinibon's copies, but now I'm certain."

"Oh! And another thing: Belhifet can turn into anybody. I admit I suspected but now I can confirm." Al frowns, trying to shake off the image of Erevain turning into a monster and biting Nym's face off.
Last edited June 24, 2019 12:39 am
Jun 22, 2019 5:17 am
Zenithral embraces Halla and gives a short, but heartfelt kiss. "I likely would have died so many times if it weren't for you. I'm not sure a madman like myself deserves you."

He turns to Ras and beams. "Or a friend like you. Say, is Ug joining the doomsday party?"
Jun 23, 2019 4:33 am
"If zenni friend will have him back!?" booms a nearby voice.

Ug rejoins his friends, balancing a round of drinks in his arms, and with a hearty smile that only a mama could restore. As he rejoins the group, it is obvious that Ug seems bigger. Ug blushes as he informs them Nancy had made up for all the years her son must spent "wasting away". He even proudly states how he has gone up 3 sizes in loincloth now (the poor tailor insisted more fabric was still needed, but for the sake of time. . . And weather due to his greater size or perhaps something more, Ugs horns didn’t seem as noticeable now, and even his skin seemed to have regained some of his mountain color. His eyes though . . There was still any icy determination behind their genuine smile. Ug the barbarian was back, but something more than Goliath blood still pulsed through those veins.

And the rest of his massive, handsome, and masculine musclular form.

As if to confirm this, Ug blows an icy breath onto the drink tray and ice crystals build around mugs of mamas best. Ug treats Ras first before passes the remaining mugs around. He always liked that gnome : )
Last edited June 23, 2019 4:37 am
Jun 23, 2019 5:21 am
"Ah, there's my good goliath! It's certainly come full-circle hasn't it?" He looks in the direction of what's left of the inn, then winces as pain shoots up his neck. "Complete with...frost giants and boulders..."

"At any rate, we have to put a stop to this and we haven't much time..."

As Zenithral enjoys the refreshing drink, he explains his plan involving the portable hole and bag of holding to take out the massive guardians. If Alalla could locate the magic items, Halla or Ras, shapechanged, or Vincent, invisible, could retrieve and set them up while using the antimagic field to disable them until ready...unless the guardians had blindsight, that is, in which case they could put the portable hole in the bag and have Alalla, Ug, or Reo hurl it at them before closing the antimagic coffer.

"That might only solve half the problem, but if anyone has a better idea, however, I would love to hear it."
Last edited June 23, 2019 5:24 am
Jun 23, 2019 4:20 pm
"On the subject of those golems, they were the project I oversaw in Dorn's Deep." Ilmadia steps forward, hands clasped together in front of her. She continues as though talking about the weather. "They don't have blindsight, but they are immune to most weaknesses a body of flesh has, and can only be harmed by magical weapons. Fire heals them, they are resistant to magic, and they cannot be polymorphed or have their form changed in any other way. They have poison breath, lighting whips, and can spray acid.

Ilmadia hesitates, then continues. "There are rumors that creatures killed by these golems will have their spirits trapped in the River Styx, until eventually they emerge as lemures to fight in the Blood War. If this is true, every creature killed by these golems will feed the devils’ army against the demons."
Technical summary of what Ilmadia just said:
- Immune to fire, poison, and psychic damage, as well as damage from nonmagical weapons.
- Heal from fire damage.
- Resistant to magic.
- Immune to charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
- Immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.
- Equipped with poison breath, acid spray, and lightning whips.
Last edited June 23, 2019 10:44 pm
Jun 23, 2019 10:58 pm
Alalla smiles at Ug and waves away his offer of drink, as usual. She hasn't tried alcohol since losing her orc blood, but now is not a good time to see if she's still an angry drunk.

She nods along to Zen's planning, face a mask as she does her best to reason along with him. Her mask slips when Ilmadia delivers the final part of her report.

Al covers her face with gauntleted hands, not caring that they are cold as ice against her skin. "This can't be..."
Jun 24, 2019 5:30 am
Details incoming! Here’s what you guys have with you for allies, as far as I can remember...
They’ll do what ya’ll say. Also, you guys have an airship at your disposal.
Jun 24, 2019 5:37 am
The battlefield is comprised of several zones: Yellow, Green, Blue, and Red. It takes your movement to get from one zone to the next, and you will likely take some opportunity attacks if you leave a zone with baddies in it. It is possible to move 2 zones by taking the Dash action, though you might take opportunity attacks from both zones that you leave. Each zone spans roughly 30 feet, and the total distance from Yellow to Red is about 120 feet, so sniping across the battlefield to other zones is fair game.

Yellow is where the hero army begins. Intact buildings provide some cover here.

Green is the open ground coming up to the Blue. There is no cover, but movement is fairly easy. Anyone with a bonus to movement can move straight from the Yellow into the Blue, though they are likely to take some heat doing so. There are enemy barbarians and barbed devils here making life difficult. The barbarians are standing front rank, with the barbed devils standing behind them a ways in 2 groups.

Blue is the rubble around the Temple from fallen tower blocks smashing ground and buildings. This area is all difficult terrain – meaning you need twice as much movement to get through it as usual. The two hellfire golems are here, though spread out from each other. There are also two erinyes flying about with longbows.

Red is the Temple of Tempus itself and its very close proximity. There is quite a bit of cover here from what’s left of the Temple’s walls. This is where Joril and his five frost giants are taking cover and launching boulders from. They have cover, so unless you have a way around that their AC is 2 higher than usual against ranged attacks. Also, Meradoch the pit fiend has taken to the air here. After entering this zone, you can use your movement to get through the door and down below.

This is all just to sort of set the scene. Let me know what ideas you have to engage with the enemy and we can have a conversation. For example, if anyone wants to try to get around and attack from another direction, they’ll need to be fast or stealthy, or possibly both.


Jun 24, 2019 1:37 pm
An orc makes his way to where the party is finishing preparations. "Thur’Kafaz!" Morrugh is out of breath as he speaks in Orcish. "The Cagebreakers were on their way here to support you, but there is an army of undead coming from the North around the lake!" He takes in a lungful of chilly air. "I was sent to warn you. They are many times our number, and riddled with worms. I... do not think we can defeat them."
Jun 24, 2019 2:03 pm
Alalla straightens quickly when she hears her title. At Morrugh's news, her heart hardens into stone and her hand feels as though it might break she is gripping her glaive so hard. "Do not engage!" she shouts, the guttural Orcish ripping her throat in her panic. "Any man killed will add to their ranks! Keep them chasing if you can but do not engage! Go! Run!"

She takes a breath and turns to the group, a hair calmer. "Presio has brought a worm-riddled army. She sided with the demons before, but I don't care to find out which side she takes now. Aeri may be able to handle the undead from the sky, but not until the ranged attackers are dealt with." Al gestures towards the encamped giants. "We need to move fast."
Last edited June 24, 2019 2:11 pm
Jun 24, 2019 2:35 pm
Ras feels a familiar wave of sadness and terror sweep over him and he tightens his little fists against it. He will not go down that road again!

Taking deep, slow breaths, he focuses his mind on the fact that his friends are together again, and mostly whole. It surprises even him to feel the cold ache in his heart warming at the sound of Ug's laugh and Al's familiar stance. Not to mention seeing Halla again, so happy with Zen. And of course Aeri.

They can do this. He can do this. He must.
Jun 24, 2019 3:45 pm
Speaking to his tribesmen, the dwarf rallies them together in preparation for what is to come.

"Fight as one, we cannot afford wanton casualties. Those that oppose us may be kinsmen, but if they do not lay down their arms by choice, we will see to it that they do. Those that side with fiends do not wish for the North to survive and flourish."
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